Video analytics (1,539)

Displaying 'Video Analytics' tags 1,426 - 1,450 of 1,539 in total

Archerfish on CNN

Cernium's impressive mass market campaign of their Archerfish residential video analytics systems continues with a spot on CNN's Headline news. The...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Small City Video Surveillance Cases Examined

It is becoming increasingly common for smaller cities to deploy video surveillance in public places. Even with their smaller sizes, a number of...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Emerging Video Surveillance Guide 2009

This directory examines the benefits and risks of emerging video surveillance technologies for security managers and integrators. Special emphasis...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Security Manager Statistics and Surveys 2009

The needs and constraints of security end users are key elements in determining the selection of security technologies such as video surveillance....

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Videofied Video Intrusion Overview

Videofied offers a video based intrusion detection solution that possesses distinct advantages and drawbacks compared to traditional video...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Can the UK Predict Crimes on Buses?

Though many are criticizing a UK research project, a deeper look shows that the project is technically feasible though faces privacy concerns. For...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

New Producs Directory ASIS 2009 Finalized

This report examines 37 new products announced for ASIS 2009. It includes links to the individual product's webpages as well as our product...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Launches Video Analytics Platform

Axis has launched a video analytics platform that according to Axis will be the "cornerstone of their video analytics strategy." Designed as an...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Adds Rules Based Alerting

For its 2.0 release, BRS Labs has added rules based alerting. This rectifies a limitation in the 1.0 version where common events where not alerted...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Should Video Analytics be Bundled with VMS?

Despite lip service manufacturers give to open systems, the clear preferred path is selling end to end packages. Last year, we debated this...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

ADT Promotes Cisco and Analytics

North America's largest system integrator has announced its key manufacturer promotions for ASIS, leading with Cisco's video surveillance offering...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Examining $990 USD Smart Camera

ioimage has announced [link no longer available] a new smart camera, the sc1dn [link no longer available] that has an MSRP of $990 USD (see...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Reviewing Archerfish Home/SMB Appliance

A review of Cernium's home/SMB appliance [link no longer available], called Archerfish, provides some key points of consideration in evaluating the...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Western European Video Surveillance Statistics

A UK non-profit specializing in the building and construction industry has released market statistics and projections for the European security and...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

More Over the Top Marketing Claims

BRS Labs continues to be more brazen in their over the top marketing claims. With yet another group providing them an award [link no longer...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Should You Go for Green Video Surveillance?

Aimetis joins the chorus of manufacuters praising the benefits of green, energy efficient video surveillance. In Aimetis new whitepaper, they make...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Patent Filed for Analyzing Retail Behavior

VideoMining, a specialist in analyzing retail customer behavior announced a patent filing for a process of identifying how consumers make decisions...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Displaying 'Video Analytics' tags 1,426 - 1,450 of 1,539 in total