IPVM's Reports

IPVM's independent reporting is divided into 3 categories: (1) Public, (2) Info+: news, profiles, tutorials, etc. and (3) Research: tests, shootouts, competitive and financial analysis.

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Displaying reports 7,601 - 7,625 of 9,629 in total

Milestone Moves Into Silicon Valley

Hey Mark Zuckerberg, you've got a new friend - Milestone Systems is coming to town! The über ambitious VMS developer is expanding yet again - with...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Bosch WDR 1080p Cameras Reviewed

The movement to megapixel wide dynamic range cameras continues with new 1080p WDR box [link no longer available] and dome offerings from Bosch. In...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Service Range for Security Integrators

"You go where the work is" - an old adage that certainly describes the competitive security integration business. But just how far are most...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Deploying Cameras in Super Hot Environments

High temperature locations are some of the most unforgiving for surveillance cameras. Dealing with excessive heat, as in deserts or industrial...

By Ethan Ace - about 12 years ago

Pay Real Money; Get Fake Interview

Interviews with manufacturers are typically boring, filled with platitudes and thinly veiled promotions. But are they actually bought and paid for?...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Cernium Shifts Strategy Again (CheckVideo)

Every 2 years, Cernium changes strategies in an increasingly desperate attempt to find a viable business model and product offering. This year,...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Earthcam GigapixelCam

Gigapixel surveillance continues to gain interest, due in no small part to its "wow" factor and extreme resolution. Webcam provider EarthCam is the...

By Ethan Ace - about 12 years ago

Stopping End Users from Shopping Quotes

Nothing is more frustrating to an integrator than spending dozens of hours preparing a design / sales proposal and then having the end user take it...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Lightning Protection for Surveillance Cameras

Lightning strikes can cause significant damage and major expenses for surveillance systems. An unprotected camera hit by lightning cannot only kill...

By Ethan Ace - about 12 years ago

Bosch Advantage Line Additions

Over the last year, Bosch has aggressively promoted its 'Advantage Line' on the Internet and in trade shows, including a massive tower at ISC West...

By Ethan Ace - about 12 years ago

Milestone vs Genetec - Who Will Win?

Recently, many investors has asked us about Milestone vs Genetec: Who is better? Who will be bigger? Who will win? In this note, we analyze these...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Beating Facial Recognition in 5 Easy Steps

Few topics fan the flames of privacy activists like video surveillance. Depending on who you are, video cameras either dramatically improve...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Recorders Integrating with Other Recorders

Try having one manufacturer's VMS integrate another manufacturer's VMS, DVR or NVR. The results are likely to be disappointing. While integrating...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Interlogix Bombs Again

When we last checked in with Interlogix, they were unveiling their big announcement for ISC West 2012: a cake. While some were excited to see the...

By Ethan Ace - about 12 years ago

What Ever Happened to VitaminD?

One of the few new entrants to the video analytics market in the past few years, VitaminD attracted a fair amount of interest for their low cost,...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Proximity Card Vulnerabilities

Even though it is the most common credential in access control today, proximity cards face notable security problems. The effort to move end users...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Watermarking for Surveillance Tutorial

Watermarking is one of the most confusing aspects of surveillance. This can become a serious problem when watermarking is demanded by users (or...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

OS for Windows VMS: Server vs. 7

How important is it to choose a 'server' version of an operating system? While every major VMS developer supports Windows 7, many new enterprise...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Axis P3384 Lightfinder/WDR Domes

Low-light and WDR capability are perhaps the two most sought-after features in surveillance, but usually cameras are made to handle only one or the...

By Ethan Ace - about 12 years ago

How End Users Purchase Maintenance - Stats

If end users had their druthers, security systems would never stop working. However, like any complex system, pieces break and things need periodic...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Tri-Ed Roadshow: Worth Going to?

Single day, touring 'roadshows' promise an easy way to learn about new security technology without having to travel far. In the US, one of the most...

By Ethan Ace - about 12 years ago

The Future of VMS

10 years ago, video management software was a novelty. 5 years ago, it was a hot up and comer. Today, it is mainstream. In just a decade, VMS has...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Direct to Storage Tutorial

Edge storage is hot. While attention centers on SD cards, that is not the only way to eliminate VMS servers. Another powerful tool in recording...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Displaying reports 7,601 - 7,625 of 9,629 in total