Interlogix Bombs Again

Published Aug 23, 2012 00:00 AM
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When we last checked in with Interlogix, they were unveiling their big announcement for ISC West 2012: a cake. While some were excited to see the Cake Boss, most seemed to be baffled by the lack of real product release. Recently, we caught up with Interlogix at a Tri-Ed roadshow, and it seems little has changed.

Session Overview

At the roadshow, Interlogix presented a session titled "Maximizing your IP Video & Transmission Impact on a Minimum Budget". However, the session seemingly had little to do with the title, as it was mostly a commercial for the Interlogix line. The session provided an overview of the Interlogix line, from DVRs through IP cameras, as well as their Ethernet over coax transceiver offerings.

Based on the title of the session, attendees would expect more guidance on moving to IP video on a budget. The only practical advice given on this topic was the use of Ethernet over coax converters to reuse existing analog camera cabling. The rest of the presentation simply overviewed the Interlogix line, with no true stand-out features in this regard, and only a handful of OEM megapixel cameras.

At one point, instead of displaying live video on the provided projector, the presenters passed a laptop around the room to show their client software, the apparent major selling point of which was the ability to view video from multiple recorders at once, a feature which has been available in many (or most) clients for years. Many attendees were apparently unimpressed by this sales pitch, as the crowd in the room thinned by about a third or more as the session progressed.


Overall, much like their release of a cake at ISC, this presentation did little to build confidence in Interlogix's brand or megapixel offerings. Instead, this session further highlighted the decline of a brand once regarded as producing innovative digital recorders, and the failure of the large incumbent brands to make meaningful inroads to full IP surveillance solutions.