Video analytics (1,539)

Displaying 'Video Analytics' tags 1,151 - 1,175 of 1,539 in total

VideoIQ Rialto R Series

After years of pushing their own analytics enabled cameras, VideoIQ has opened their platform up to third party IP cameras with the Rialto R series...

By Ethan Ace - over 11 years ago

Stop The Lying and Crazy Claims

The last few weeks have been an embarrassment for surveillance, with a small number of companies turning this into a despicable marketing campaign...

By John Honovich - over 11 years ago

Police Top Surveillance Pain Point

We recently interviewed surveillance experts from the International Association of Chiefs of Police about various issues, uses, and best practices...

By Carlton Purvis - over 11 years ago

Automatic Location Based Camera Control

This is a very neat idea; One that we have not seen any IP camera / VMS provider offer before. Having a network / surveillance camera at home...

By John Honovich - over 11 years ago

ipConfigure Google Search for Surveillance UI

One of the most interesting ads at ISC West featured a search for 'computer stolen from d' with autocompletion choices of 'stolen from desk', 'data...

By John Honovich - over 11 years ago

BRS Labs Ambulance Chases Mass Stabbing

BRS Labs is wasting no time responding to today's Texas Tragedy. Their PR agency is imploring 'security industry journalists' to understand how BRS...

By John Honovich - over 11 years ago

Sued For Not Having Enough Surveillance

When someone is attacked on private property, how responsible is the venue? In past US cases, decisions have varied. Sometimes the courts find...

By Carlton Purvis - over 11 years ago

Videofied Major Video Improvements

Videofied has announced major improvements to its line, including live viewing, day/night sensors, and increased resolution, aiming to close the...

By Ethan Ace - over 11 years ago

NICE - Verint Merger Talks

Israeli and US newspapers are reporting on talks of a mega merger between NICE and Verint that would result in a multi-billion dollar defense...

By John Honovich - over 11 years ago

IP Camera Competitive Guide 2013

IP cameras remain the main growth and competitive driver within the surveillance industry. Indeed, IP camera advances clearly led 2012 major events...

By John Honovich - over 11 years ago

School Shootings and Security Systems

How do you stop your school from being the next tragedy? What improvements are needed for school security systems to deliver this? While national...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Verint Surveillance Revenue Steep Drop

Verint's painful decline in (or perhaps out of) the surveillance market continues. In their most recent quarterly report for Q3 2012, revenue for...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

How to Select Video Analytics

Selecting video analytics can be difficult because many factors impact the choice. In this report, we examine 8 important questions that should be...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

HP Autonomy Fraud Claims

Massive fraud is revealed in a superstar analytics company -- a lesson that all of us in surveillance should take to heart. This week, HP...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Marine Surveillance Systems

Ports and harbors are good candidates for video surveillance systems, but they have tough requirements.  The atmosphere is corrosive, there are...

By Roger Finger - almost 12 years ago

Surveillance Operational Handbook 2012

We are excited to release our Surveillance Operational Handbook, a 50 page guide featuring 40+ charts/tables capturing what is being sold, used and...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Bad News for Face Recognition (FTC)

Cold water is being thrown on renewed dreams of using facial recognition and demographic analysis. This time it is coming from an unlikely source...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

3VR Demographic Analytics (Gender / Age)

What if your recorder could automatically identify people as well as their gender and age? 3VR claims they can do this with their new demographics...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

DANGER: BRS Labs Goes Pre-Crime

Big Brother - A selling point, human rights violation or both? Controversial video analytic supplier BRS Labs is pushing forward with its most...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Lenel's New VMS: PRISM

A few years ago, Lenel OEM'ed OnSSI (who OEM's Milestone, etc). Now, Lenel is changing the way it does VMS by introducing a new product named...

By Brian Rhodes - almost 12 years ago

Displaying 'Video Analytics' tags 1,151 - 1,175 of 1,539 in total