Weapons detectors (234)

Displaying 'Weapons Detectors' tags 201 - 225 of 234 in total

How Millimeter Wave Airport Body Scanners Work

Millimeter wave body scanners have become common in the US and some European countries, replacing conventional metal detectors and X-ray security...

By Nikita Ermolaev - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

Evolv Detects Certain Chromebooks As Weapons

Evolv detects certain Chromebooks as weapons, one of a series of weaknesses that the publicly traded company has advocated IPVM not to report...

By Nikita Ermolaev and Donald Maye - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

How Conventional Metal Detectors Work

For decades, walk-through metal detectors have been used, with mixed results, for security screening. Now, a new generation of devices aims to fix...

By Nikita Ermolaev - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

Evolv: "We're A Channel First Company"

Evolv is one of the newest physical security unicorns, raising nearly $500 million earlier this year, and now rapidly expanding its sales...

By Isabella Cheng and John Honovich - about 3 years ago Info plus reports label

Evolv Q2 2021 Financials Examined

Having gone public earlier this year, raising nearly a half billion, Evolv released its first public financials, with Q2 2021 revenue up 590% year...

By IPVM - about 3 years ago Info plus reports label

ZeroEyes Raises $21 Million

ZeroEyes has raised $21 million, with the company's CEO telling IPVM that they grew 50X in 2020, and are "hyper-focused" on weapon...

By IPVM Team - about 3 years ago Info plus reports label

ShotSpotter Accuracy Debate Examined

Is ShotSpotter, the widely used and widely criticized gunshot detection system, accurate or not? This has become a heated debate in Chicago with...

By Donald Maye - about 3 years ago Info plus reports label

Athena Security Mass Cuts

Athena Security has made mass cuts in employees and contractors, IPVM has confirmed from various sources with direct knowledge. Athena...

By John Honovich - over 3 years ago Info plus reports label

Scylla AI Video Analytics Company Profile

Scylla, an AI analytics startup, says they are targeting 1 Billion dollar valuation in 5 years and it "is not rocket science" to detect weapons and...

By Sean Patton - about 5 years ago Info plus reports label

ZeroEyes Gun Detection Startup

A gun detection video analytics startup, ZeroEyes, is being led by a group of 6 former Navy SEALs, aiming to "save lives" by using AI to assist...

By Sean Patton - about 5 years ago Info plus reports label

Sublethal Camera Gun Examined

Sublethal is a South African company that manufactures a remotely-controlled, camera-enabled gun called the Boomslang, which is Afrikaans for tree...

By John Honovich - almost 6 years ago Info plus reports label

Displaying 'Weapons Detectors' tags 201 - 225 of 234 in total