Weapons detectors (234)

Displaying 'Weapons Detectors' tags 176 - 200 of 234 in total

Smart Metal / "Weapon" Detectors Tutorial

Conventional metal detectors, while still widely used, suffer from significant problems, most notably high false alarm rates and slow processing....

By Nikita Ermolaev - about 2 years ago Info plus reports label

How X-Ray Weapon Scanners Work

X-rays have long been used to identify weapons both in objects and on people, though the technology's usage for people screening is declining...

By Nikita Ermolaev - about 2 years ago Info plus reports label

Door and Gun Control For School Shootings

How can school shootings be stopped? Some argue for gun control, others argue for what could be called "door control". While the latter has...

By John Honovich - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

Evolv's False Alarm Rate Ranges From 5 To 60%

While Evolv markets that it "eliminates friction" and provides "touchless screening" with its system, IPVM estimates that Evolv Express' false...

By Nikita Ermolaev - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

Evolv Lists 23 Competitors, CEIA #1

Evolv listed 23 competitors as part of Evolv's tactic to block access to information. Here is a list of the...

By Nikita Ermolaev - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

Evolv Hides Critical Details in NCS4 Results

Evolv is demanding NDAs to see the full NCS4 report, while NCS4 told IPVM Evolv required this claiming confidentiality. While NCS4 released a...

By Donald Maye - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

CEIA Beats Evolv For Illinois School District

While Evolv raised $500 million last year, far less well-known CEIA recently beat Evolv with the School District disclosing in great detail the...

By Nikita Ermolaev - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

Liberty Defense Weapons Detection Profile

Liberty Defense is a weapon screening company that uses millimeter-wave radars instead of magnetic fields that competitors such as Patriot One and...

By Nikita Ermolaev - over 2 years ago Info plus reports label

Displaying 'Weapons Detectors' tags 176 - 200 of 234 in total