Video analytics (1,539)

Displaying 'Video Analytics' tags 1,376 - 1,400 of 1,539 in total

False Alarms are Through the Roof

We repeatedly stress how false alarms are the most important weakness of the video analytics market (and security sensor systems in general). The...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Axis Enters Thermal Camera Market (Q1910-E)

Axis has entered the thermal camera market with potentially disruptive pricing and positioning. Axis's first thermal offering - the Q1910/-E...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

ObjectVideo Company Update and Analysis

This report shares information from a January 2009 interview with ObjectVideo executives. ObjectVideo is a leading intelligent video / video...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Is Bundling Video Analytics a Good Strategy?

While increasingly adopted, we believe bundling video analytics with cameras and recorders is a reflection of failing initial strategies rather...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

DVTel Acquires ioimage

IP Video Surveillance provider DVTel [link no longer available] has acquired video analytics specialtist ioimage [link no longer available] for an...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Large Scale Deployment in Pakistani City

In a further sign of the rapid expansion of a Pakistani public video surveillance, a new $150 Million USD plus project is being planned in...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Details on Archerfish Solo SmartCam Disclosed

In conjunction with the 2010 Consumer Electronics Show, Cernium is releasing more information on its Archerfish managed video / smart camera /...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Reports Significant 2009 Growth

Agent Vi is reporting 39% growth in 2009 sales [link no longer available], compared to 2008. They 'expect further dramatic growth in 2010', citing...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Can Video Analytics Stop Suicide?

A metropolitan subway station is evaluating the use video analytics to identify and stop suicide attempts. It is a fascinating concept that faces...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Samurai UK Video Analytics Project Examined

Samurai [link no longer available] is a UK based project to develop behavioral / advanced video analytics to detect suspicious or high risk...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Fragility of Facial Recognition

The December 2009 uproar over 'racist' facial recognition from HP demonstrates an important risk for real world video analytic deployments. For...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

Video Analytics to be $1 Billion in 2012

An extremely bullish but wildly misleading projection for the video analytics market has been made. V/B Research claims that video analytics will...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Video Analytic SaaS to target Sweethearting

ASIS's Security Management magazine has profiled a company, StopLift, providing a video analytic managed service that aims to reduce losses from...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Archerfish Criticized by Reviewer

Cernium's home video offering, Archerfish Quattro, has been criticized by an on-line reviewer/tester of the system. Unlike a previous reviewer who...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Long Term Video Analytics Outlook Examined

With the market perception of video analytics severely weakened (see our polls and discussions), many question the long term growth potential of...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Video is Key but is Video Surveillance?

Cisco executives continue to advocate the core role of video in driving the networking business and the growth of their company. However, much of...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

BRS Labs Layoffs and Skepticism Mount

Revelations of problems and concerns with video analytics up-start BRS Labs is mounting. An investigative report by the Houston Chronicle on BRS...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Motion Optimized Recording (MORe) Examined

In 2009, TimeSight introduced Motion Optimized Recording [link no longer available], a feature designed to simultaneously reduce storage costs...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Displaying 'Video Analytics' tags 1,376 - 1,400 of 1,539 in total