Video analytics (1,539)

Displaying 'Video Analytics' tags 1,176 - 1,200 of 1,539 in total

Axis Declares Megapixel Race Over!

It's Over! The race for more megapixels and higher resolution is no more, according to IP camera gorilla Axis - whose top resolution for most...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Bosch Security 2012 Financials

The following post summarizes financial details disclosed by Bosch Security System's President at Essen 2012. This includes all security products,...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Winners and Losers Fall 2012

Recently, surveillance innovation has been underwhelming. Indeed, this Spring, it hit a low point, with incremental advances in video quality and a...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Multifunction Maglock (Securitron M680)

A new maglock claims to be 'smarter' and more 'stylish' than the rest. Is it useful, or is it a complex gimmick? In this note, we examine this...

By Brian Rhodes - almost 12 years ago

A Successful PTZ Auto Tracking Case

Auto Tracking functions in PTZs are oversold, but in certain cases can have real value. In this note, we examine a successful case study using Auto...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Best and Worst of ASIS 2012

Definitely the most eventful and colorful ASIS show in a long long time; While it certainly was not particularly successful in a conventional sense...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Cernium Shifts Strategy Again (CheckVideo)

Every 2 years, Cernium changes strategies in an increasingly desperate attempt to find a viable business model and product offering. This year,...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Beating Facial Recognition in 5 Easy Steps

Few topics fan the flames of privacy activists like video surveillance. Depending on who you are, video cameras either dramatically improve...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

What Ever Happened to VitaminD?

One of the few new entrants to the video analytics market in the past few years, VitaminD attracted a fair amount of interest for their low cost,...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

The Next Big Thing 2012

In the past 5 years, megapixel IP cameras have sweeped the surveillance industry, changing the landscape and expectations of security users. While...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

End User Video Analytic Adoption

While analytics have a bad reputation, are security operators using them? In a new end user survey, we asked "Do You Use any Intelligent Video...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

7 New Retail Security / Surveillance Products

A number of promising new retail security and surveillance products are available. In this note, we summarize those products and provide references...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Most Fooled by Resolution Myth

A common and important mistake confirmed: After years of manufacturer marketing that resolution equals quality, recent IPVM poll results of nearly...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Samsung Beats ObjectVideo

After a year of international litigation, ObjectVideo has withdrawn its complaint against Samsung - great news not only for Samsung but for the...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Trend: Sharing Surveillance Video Via YouTube

An important, growing trend is police departments sharing surveillance video via YouTube, vastly increasing the reach and probability that the...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Retail Webinar Recorded

Over 60 Members joined us live for a webinar on "What's New in Retail" where we discussed sweethering, ORC, public view monitors, new EAS tags,...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Inexpensive Sweethearting Solution (ScanCam)

Sweethearting is one of the most difficult types of theft to detect on video. Sometimes due to cashier error, other times due to deliberate...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Pelco Sarix TI Thermal Cameras Review

The UK's favorite camera this year [link no longer available] is from an American subsidiary of a French conglomerate. So what makes Pelco's...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Pixel Velocity Overview

High end video analytic systems that are still in business are few and far between. One company that we hear about from time to time is Pixel...

By Ethan Ace - over 12 years ago

Sued! Avigilon, Hikvision, Vivotek, UTC, More

Another major patent lawsuit has hit the video surveillance industry - now targeting manufacturers across the world including Avigilon, Hikvision,...

By John Honovich - over 12 years ago

Displaying 'Video Analytics' tags 1,176 - 1,200 of 1,539 in total