Privacy (255)

Displaying 'Privacy' tags 226 - 250 of 255 in total

Warrantless Video Surveillance

"Court OKs warrantless use of hidden surveillance cameras" blares a leading technology publication. Many other sites pick this up, declaring [link...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Wearable Surveillance Disrupted? (Memoto)

A Swedish manufacturer has taken aim at revolutionizing wearable cameras that could disrupt personal surveillance. They are getting huge tech...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Bad News for Face Recognition (FTC)

Cold water is being thrown on renewed dreams of using facial recognition and demographic analysis. This time it is coming from an unlikely source...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

LPR Privacy Problems Reviewed

The Wall Street Journal has released a detailed investigative report that raises significant concerns about privacy threats from the growing use of...

By John Honovich - almost 12 years ago

Beating Facial Recognition in 5 Easy Steps

Few topics fan the flames of privacy activists like video surveillance. Depending on who you are, video cameras either dramatically improve...

By Brian Rhodes - about 12 years ago

Trend: Sharing Surveillance Video Via YouTube

An important, growing trend is police departments sharing surveillance video via YouTube, vastly increasing the reach and probability that the...

By John Honovich - about 12 years ago

Big Brother On Wheels: The CCTV Car

Just when you think surveillance in the UK couldn't get any crazier, the CCTV car [link no longer available] is here to ticket you for, among other...

By Ethan Ace - over 12 years ago

Private Surveillance of Public Spaces

While public surveillance systems get most of the attention, private surveillance cameras surely solve far more crimes than public ones. This is...

By Ethan Ace - over 12 years ago

What Duties Do Guards Have Watching CCTV?

A woman fell into a mall fountain while security guards sat and laughed. Not only did they fail to respond, they posted a video online showing the...

By John Honovich - over 13 years ago

SIA Security Privacy: Weak US Guidelines

The largest US security trade association, SIA, has issued very weak security guidelines. Their so-called 12 point "Privacy Framework" is not only...

By John Honovich - about 14 years ago

How Far Can Security Go to Stop Shoplifters?

Can stores post images of suspected shoplifters on their store walls and demand significant fines? Is this defamation and extortion or simply an...

By John Honovich - about 14 years ago

UK Debates the Value and Risks of CCTV

The UK seems simultaneously more passionate and worried about the use of CCTV / video surveillance than almost any other country worldwide. A good...

By John Honovich - over 14 years ago

US Video Surveillance Laws Examined

In the US, surveillance falling under the legal classification of a 'search' is illegal. Determining when video surveillance is deemed a search is...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Rise of Europe's Surveillance State Examined

Open Europe, a European think tank critical of surveillance, criticized the impact on security of the European Union's ratification of the Lisbon...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Public Opinion on Surveillance and Security

The following update catalogs and analyzes 3 surveys on public opinion toward surveillance and security. The responses vary based significantly on...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Displaying 'Privacy' tags 226 - 250 of 255 in total