Pelco CEO Out, New CEO Found

Published Oct 15, 2019 13:30 PM

Just 2 months after Pelco was sold, Pelco's CEO is out, with Pelco bringing in an outside President and searching for a new CEO from the industry, Pelco's owner told IPVM.

Inside this note, we look at the changes, benefits of post-Schneider Pelco and who should be the new Pelco CEO.

Update October 2019: New CEO Hired.

CEO ***

****-**** *********** **** ***** *** *** **** under * ***** *** ****** ** Schneider ******** *** **** **** ** years ** *** ******. ****** ** industry ******** *** **** *********, ** was ********* ****** ** *****, ********* to ******* *******. *** ** ********* accomplished **** **** ****** ** *** objective **** ** **** **** ***** in ****, ** **** *** *** company***** ***** ** ********** ****** ** Schneider.

President **

*** *** ********* ** ***** ******* *******. ******* *** ******* ** ********* *******, *****'* *** *****. ***** *** acquisition, ******* *** *** *** ***, with ******** *********, ******* ******* *********.

**** ***********, ******* *** *** ********** of ******* ** ** *** ********** the *** ** **** *****, ******* Transom ********* *******.

Becoming *********** **** *********

******** *** **** ********* ******** * lot ** **** ** *** ** itself, ** ** *********** ***** *** to ***** *** ***** *** ******* and *********.

*** ******** **** ** **** ** frees ***** ** **** *** *** decisions, ***** *** **** * ***** problem *** **** ***** ** ********* dictated ** ********* ********** *** ******* Pelco. **** ** *** ****** ** Schneider, ** ******, ** **** ***** to ** *** ******** ** ******** conglomerates (*** ********* *** ***, ****** arguably *** ** *** ** *** impact ** ********* ** *****).

Seeking *** ***

******* ** *** ********* *** * new *** **** ****** *** ********, the ******* **** ****. ** *** this ** * ******* **** ** it ***** ******* ********** *** *********** of **** ******** *** *** ***** of ****** ******* *** ******* *********** and *** ************* ****** *** ********.

** ******, *** ****** *** ******** they **** ** ***** * ******** decision. ***** *** **** ******** *** unimpressive ********** ** **** ******** *** if **** **** *** ** ***** they ***** **** ** ****** **** picking * ***** ********.

** ** ***** ** **** ** an ********** *** ********* ********. ***** is ****** *** ********* ****** **** from *** ***** **** ** *** 2000s. *******, *** ****** ** **** for *****, **** *** **** ** the ****** ****** *** ** / China ***** ******** **********. *** ***** is ***** ****-***** ***** ******* ******** buyers *** *** * ******** ******** base. **** ******* ******* ** *** that **** *** *****, **** ***** well *** ** ********* ** **** a ****.

** *** ********, **** **** ********** for *** ****** ** ***** *** and ** *** **** ** ** Pelco ***, ** ********** **********...

Update ******* ****: *** *** *****

************** ********** *********** ***, ******** ********* ** ****** control ************ ****. ******* ********** ****** within *** ******** *** **** ****, as **** **** **********. ********* *** worked ** *** **** / *** previously ** **** ** ** ********* for ******* ******, *** **** / access ******* *******.

***** ********* *********'* ****** ** **** in ************** *****:

** ****, *** ********** ********** *********** the ******* **** ***** ** ****** control ******* ******** **** ** ****, innovative ******** ********** ******** ************ ** access *******, ***** ************, ******* **********, identity **********, ******** *** **** **********, and * ***** ********** ******* *** control ******** *****.

** *** ********* ** *******'* '********** leadership' ***** ****** ******* ** **** not **** **** ** '***********' ******** (e.g., ****** ******-**-***-**** ******* ** **** but **********). ** **** ** *** type ** ********** ******* ** ****** for ** *****, **** **** ** a *******.

*** ** **** ******** ******** ***** shows, **** *** **** **** **** over *** **** *** *****:

*** ****** ******** ** ***** **** 'new' ***** ** *****. ** ** definitely ***** **** *** ************ *********** improvements, ***** *** ********* ****** **** spin-out **** ***** ********* *** ****** that, ** ** *** ***** ** us **** *** ****** ******** ** vision *** ***** **. ** **** continue ** **** **** **** *** a ********* ****** ******.

Comments (68)
Undisclosed End User #1
Jul 30, 2019

Bring Scott Schafer back :-)

John Honovich
Jul 30, 2019


Arecont EVP Schafer Ousted and Scott Schafer Responsibility In The Fall Of Arecont

In fairness, he has a lot of time on his hands...

John Honovich
Oct 16, 2019

Funny side note, Schafer has been consulting for Pelco but he did not get the CEO job.

Undisclosed #2
Jul 30, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Pelco’s CEO is out...

The new President of Pelco is Brian McClain. McClain was brought in by Transom Capital...

...Most importantly, McClain has the confidence of Transom...

...The positive side is that it frees Pelco to make its own decisions...

but only after Transom installs it’s own management???

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...


John Honovich
Jul 30, 2019

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

That's silly. Transom may or may screw this up but to conflate it with Schneider is absurd.

Schneider had a very specific problem - Pelco was a tiny part of a conglomerate that fit poorly, making it extremely difficult to make good decisions. 

Transom is a boutique PE firm with just 15 employees listed on LinkedIn. So Transom may screw up Pelco but it won't be because Transom has a lack of focus or wants to cross-sell it with circuit breakers or motor starters or whatever Schneider's core business is.

The new boss is totally different than the old boss. Maybe the 'new' boss will screw it up (in new ways!) but it won't be the 'same as the old boss'.

Undisclosed #2
Jul 30, 2019
IPVMU Certified

you said

The positive side is that it frees Pelco to make its own decisions, which had been a major problem for many years as Schneider dictated or otherwise influenced and delayed Pelco.

but replacing the existing Pelco CEO with Transom exec who will (assumedly) be choosing the next CEO, indicates Transom is making the calls, not “Pelco”, and in this way, may be like Schneider.  let’s see who they pick.


luis rodriguez
Oct 16, 2019

So perfectly said !! 👍👏

Best comment so far !!

Casey Mitchell
Jul 30, 2019

John Roman has had various leadership positions within Pelco over the last decade. During my tenure, John was the most respected of Pelco's Exec on the team and served as a driving force behind the Back to Blue campaign as well as owning technical services and customer service. 

John's collaborative approach to team building, empowerment, industry partnerships, and professional integrity represents the best of Pelco's historic fanatical customer service battle cry. 

I would love to see John Roman serve as the next Captain of David McDonlad's ship. 

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Jul 31, 2019

Disagree. I worked with Roman for 3 years at Pelco. Great guy. Great mentor to me personally. Loved working with him.

But he's DEFINITELY not a company leader. It's just not in his DNA.

Jul 30, 2019

How old is your youngest Pelco install.  This feels like one of those minicomputer companies that stumbled way to long into the 1990's before it was shot in the head.  And is their modern stuff any good?  features, cyber, managability, interoperability, ...


Undisclosed Manufacturer #14
Oct 21, 2019

Like DEC/IBM/WANG/XEROX/many others ... ? Sometimes good brands get too old/sick for even life support.

I am sure with just the right leadership maybe even a company like Dedicated Micros could make a comeback and takeover the market? Could happen, right? ;-)

Or how about Polaroid ... they still have a recognizable name in "cameras". Just slap the brand on some OEM security cameras?

I guess my meandering point is, companies initially grow because they have some unique value-proposition including the forward thinkers who brought it to market. When you reach the point where all you have is the name left, you can try to fill the vacuum, but your likely just going to suck dirt.

Undisclosed #2
Oct 21, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Or how about Polaroid ... they still have a recognizable name in "cameras". Just slap the brand on some OEM security cameras?

related: Failed Manufacturer Polaroid Enters Surveillance

Undisclosed #2
Jul 31, 2019
IPVMU Certified

We see this as a bullish sign as it shows Transom recognizes the peculiarity of this industry and the value of having someone who already understands and has relationships within the industry.

Transom President: What a resume! When can you start?

John Honovich
Jul 31, 2019

You really want Schmode to come back :)

I don't know. He is the type of guy who would be relentless about growth / sales, that's one thing for sure...

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Jul 31, 2019

I think "infamous" is the word you're looking for, John :)

Undisclosed #3
Jul 31, 2019

I don't think he'll be taking that job. I would envision him getting involved in something more cutting edge than just revamping an old manufacturer, were he to get back in the game. Maybe taking some almost unheard of company to the next level, building another new brand.

Undisclosed #2
Jul 31, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Maybe taking some almost unheard of company to the next level, building another new brand...

I think you’re right.  here’s his current gig:


Undisclosed #2
Oct 21, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Maybe taking some almost unheard of company to the next level, building another new brand.

This comment has been flagged for being suspiciously prescient ;)

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Jul 31, 2019

Shamus Hurley!  However he has made the impossible exit from the industry. 

John Harrington
Jul 31, 2019

It is a shame that Dave MacDonald passed away, he would have been a logical interim leader.


Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Jul 31, 2019

Pelco doesn't need new vision. Pelco doesn't need new tech. Pelco doesn't even need new personnel.

Pelco needs to go on the offensive as a Marketing company. Take a page out of Avigilon's book and dump a significant part of resources and revenue reinvestment into tools that make Pelco easy to do business with, and that market the crap out of the company in every conceivable nook and cranny. I'm talking about brute force effort marketing. That, coupled with a very good product portfolio today (VideoXpert, Optera, and a great camera portfolio), bake for 12-18 months, and restore Pelco as a top-tier manufacturer in the Video Surveillance space.

John Honovich
Jul 31, 2019

#5, you hired! Pelco CMO!

a great camera portfolio

You really think it is a great camera portfolio? They have a limited range, not refreshed anywhere near as frequently etc., no analytics, OEM fisheyes from Oncam, etc. 

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 01, 2019

Okay maybe "great" was an overstatement. But we'll say "competitive" camera portfolio.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #6
Aug 01, 2019

Disagree.  That's what Pelco did all those years before they were bought by Schneider.  Everyone wants to blame Schneider for Pelco's downfall, but the truth is that Pelco was set to be sold from day one and McDonald marketed the crap out of it with all kinds inventive campaigns, parties, charities and services, spending feverishly, to the point of almost no profitability, and they were extremely lucky to sell when they did once the perfect storm hit of IP convergence and market changes.  Don't forget, most of the customer tactics that made Pelco easy to do business with were all cancelled by Big Dave before he sold....

Undisclosed Manufacturer #7
Aug 01, 2019

As an end-user customer of Pelco's in the McDonald days, I was treated to not one, but two Pelco jet rides and often wondered how sustainable that practice could be considering we didn't really buy that much equipment, but I worked for a marquee company at the time... so "marketing" I guess

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 01, 2019

Meh. I was there. On the inside. For several years. You weren't.

Don't confuse the way McDonald propped Pelco's image with what I'm suggesting. At. All.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Aug 01, 2019

Maybe they could merge with CoStar/Arecont and ride Unicorns off into the sunset.  I can see the commercial now.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 01, 2019

That would put Shane Compton (former VP of Engineering at Pelco, and current President of Arecont) as effectively the CEO at Pelco. Hrmmmmmm....

Aug 01, 2019

But are their cameras/vms'/whatever any good now?  Is there product there which one might consider using, regardless of what warm body is in the CEO chair this week?  Pelco has spent a looooong time on the "run away, old stuff" list.    Is it secure? Does it have modern features?  Do they have a solution that can do FR on a moving vehicle?  Have they figured out TLS to the camera might be good?

Is there some reason we should be following this thread other than to watch old timers wax poetical about that time Pelco gave out jet fighter rides at an A&E event back in the day...

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 01, 2019

I'd stack VideoXpert against any other large Enterprise VMS out there today, and the same for their cameras against most Tier A camera manufacturers.

I believe TLS has been supported on their cameras for over a year now, but I could be wrong about that.

You should probably revisit their portfolio soon. They've come a long way over the last 5 years.

Undisclosed #2
Aug 01, 2019
IPVMU Certified

...the same for their cameras against most Tier A camera manufacturers.

have to ask, which “Tier A” manufacturer(s) would you not stack them up against?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 01, 2019

Nice try, counselor. I was specifically being non-specific, so as not to say "any Tier-A manufacturer."

Undisclosed #2
Aug 01, 2019
IPVMU Certified

ok, but I assume you’d stack them up against any “Tier B” manufacturer?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 01, 2019

If you have a point, I wish you'd make it.

Undisclosed #2
Aug 02, 2019
IPVMU Certified

sorry, just getting warmed up.  

let’s go back to your 

I'd stack VideoXpert against any other large Enterprise VMS out there today

which notably omitted the non-specificity hedge used in the camera statement.

are there typically native drivers available with VideoXpert for non-Pelco cameras, or are the integrations often limited to ONVIF?

i saw this on 95% of cameras i tried at random:

regardless of native or ONVIF, some major manufacturers seem not well supported:

do you think this stacks up well against some indisputable  ‘Tier A’ Enterprise VMSes that come to mind, Milestone, Genetec, Exacq?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 02, 2019

Since I no longer work at Pelco, I'm not here to answer product questions for you.  But if you contact their Tech Support or Pre-Sales folks, I'm sure you'd get the info you seek.

Undisclosed #2
Aug 02, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Since I no longer work at Pelco, I'm not here to answer product questions for you.

apologies, i had no idea you didn’t.

Aug 01, 2019

Thank you for the input.   I agree with you they merit a fresh investigation.  (Which does imply I hope the current/next generation of management doesn't screw up the products.)


Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 01, 2019


Undisclosed Integrator #8
Aug 02, 2019

A page from the Marketing book from Avigilon, the end-to-end solution offer & Customer support ethic from the old Pelco, I say go for Dave Dalleske as Pelco 3.0 CEO -
Considering 2.0 was the Schneider Pelco.  

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 02, 2019

I worked closely with Dave, I have a lot of respect for him. Pelco could do far worse than put him at the helm.

John Honovich
Oct 16, 2019

Update October 2019: New CEO Hired

Pelco announced hiring Kurt Takahashi as CEO, formerly President of access control manufacturer AMAG. Transom definitely stayed within the industry for this hire, as they said originally. Takahashi has worked on the Tyco / ADT previously as well as an executive for Quantum Secure, the PIAM / access control company.

Pelco described Takahashi's tenure at AMAG in transformative terms:

At AMAG, his innovative leadership transformed the company from being an access control focused business into an open, innovative security management solution specializing in access control, video surveillance, visitor management, identity management, incident and case management, and a fully integrated command and control software suite.

We are skeptical of Transom's 'innovative leadership' claim simply because we have not seen AMAG be 'transformed' recently (e.g., OEMing middle-of-the-pack Salient is fine but not innovative). If that is the type of innovation Transom is aiming for at Pelco, this will be a concern.

And as this LinkedIn employee trend shows, AMAG has been more flat over the last few years:

The bigger question is where this 'new' Pelco is going. It is definitely clear they are prioritizing operational improvements, which are certainly needed post spin-out from giant Schneider but beyond that, it is not clear to us what the bigger strategy or vision for Pelco is. We will continue to look into this for a potential future report.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #9
Oct 16, 2019

Best of luck to Mr. Takahashi and Pelco but I don't think this is going to excite the troops or the customer base much.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Oct 16, 2019

Where’s Ken?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Oct 16, 2019

Does Pelco have a path to viability? John, what would you do if you were in Kurt Takahashi's shoes right now?

Undisclosed #3
Oct 16, 2019

John, what would you do if you were in Kurt Takahashi's shoes right now?

Start a blog?

John Honovich
Oct 16, 2019

It's a good question. For Kurt, so much of it depends on what Transom wants to do with Pelco. I don't think Kurt is there to provide a vision, I think he is there to execute Transom's plan. That's my opinion, to be clear, not something they have told me.

If I was in his shoes, I'd execute Transom's plan, sort of by definition. I assume if he does, they sell Pelco and both Transom and Kurt get a nice payout.

That leads to your broader question of Pelco's viability. It depends on what 'viability' means. If it means "Make Pelco Great Again', I am highly skeptical that Transom even cares about that. If it means make Pelco a financially healthy business but a shadow of it its 2000s self so they can sell it for a sizeable profit on their low investment, I think that is what Transom is aiming for. We shall see. Thoughts?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Oct 16, 2019

If it means make Pelco a financially healthy business but a shadow of it its 2000s self so they can sell it for a sizeable profit on their low investment, I think that is what Transom is aiming for.

Agreed. At this point, 'financially healthy' is probably a lot to ask of anybody. Making Pelco the class of the world is simply unlikely to happen.

The question is, what can be done to make Pelco financially healthy?

If I wanted to buy a security equipment manufacturer, squeeze all the profitability from it, and then sell it up at a nice markup, there are things I could do. I could eliminate all waste and unnecessary spending, I could neglect upkeep and R&D spending and customer service, and downsize all departments not directly related to sales. I could eliminate all my rep firms and bring sales in-house, with sales targets creeping ever higher to reduce the amount of commission and bonuses I would have to pay.

Problem is, Pelco already did all that. Some of those things, they did a few times. They have no fat let to trim.

Assuming all that, and assuming Transom has no long term plans beyond "make Pelco an attractive acquisition target to we can recoup our investment and make a respectable profit", what, if anything, could a CEO do?

John Honovich
Oct 16, 2019

what, if anything, could a CEO do?

One thing he can do is bring in AMAG / ADT / Tyco people to rebuild Pelco's team. That will help Pelco go after more deals, try to win back some dealers, etc.

Schneider made things a lot harder for themselves by bringing sales execs and leaders from outside the industry. Kurt has a clear step up in that fundamental respect.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Oct 16, 2019

Sure, they need to rebuild the sales and executive teams. If they don't do that, they're dead no matter what else they do. They also need to restore trust in their customer service and post sales support mechanisms.

But it seems to me that another fundamental problem they have is lack of product that can compete with other manufacturers' products in the same price range. The best salespeople in the world will struggle to win projects if they keep trying to sell 2014 cameras in a 2020 world. And I don't know how much influence Takahashi has over that issue, or how quickly he could solve it. Yes/no?

John Honovich
Oct 16, 2019

another fundamental problem they have is lack of product that can compete with other manufacturers' products in the same price range.

Sure, but Takahashi comes from AMAG where he dealt with that same challenge everyday, no?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #10
Oct 16, 2019

Certainly, but the challenge was far less acute then. First, AMAG wasn't as far behind the competition as Pelco is, and second, the pace of technological innovation is far slower in the access control world than in the video surveillance world, which in turn leads to customer expectations that are far easier to meet for any access control manufacturer.

In other words, there are more end users who would be okay purchasing a three year old access control solution than there are who would be okay purchasing a three year old video solution. Having a great sales team matters a lot less when your product simply doesn't stack up against other, similarly priced solutions.

Undisclosed #2
Oct 16, 2019
IPVMU Certified

“Make Pelco Great Again!”

is a bit optimistic, maybe better would be

“Keep Pelco from Going Under!”

Kevin Mundy
Oct 16, 2019
Stanford University

Many congratulations to Kurt on his new role. For those of you that have not had the pleasure of working with or for him at some point you will get to see him turn things around get that ship sailing again. Kurt is the utmost stand-up person and they could not have selected a better new leader for Pelco. He knows the space better than anyone and vast experience in all side of the business very well. Look out for great things to come from Kurt and Pelco in the future.

Best of luck Kurt!

Kyle Baker
Oct 16, 2019
IPVMU Certified

I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the part about "innovation" while at AMAG.

All I can say, is that Pelco has been in a terrible place. These moves maybe slow their decline to where they could compete as a middle of the road manufacturer... Maybe. But other than being out from under Schneider, none of these changes instill any confidence that Pelco will be any different in the near future.

But, I'll be fair and give them some time to prove me wrong.

John Honovich
Oct 16, 2019

These moves maybe slow their decline to where they could compete as a middle of the road manufacturer... Maybe. But other than being out from under Schneider, none of these changes instill any confidence that Pelco will be any different in the near future.

Wait, Kyle, but wouldn't a 'middle of the road manufacturer' be an upgrade for the Pelco of the last few years?

I kind of mean this seriously. Transom cares far less what Pelco used to be than (a) what they paid for them (very very low price) and (b) what they can return. My guess is 'middle of the road' would give them a handsome return.

Undisclosed #13
Oct 19, 2019

Transom will get a handsome return only if someone will buy it in the future . chances for that are low in my opinion, even if they improve to middle of the road status, what is the incentive to buy them ? install base is big but outdated, IP portfolio is not extraordinary... I really don't see the exit strategy for transom.

John Honovich
Oct 19, 2019

I really don't see the exit strategy for transom.

What Transom did is the corporate equivalent of going to a garage sale. Transom has no interest nor expectation of restoring Pelco to what it was in 2005. The only question is how low can they buy it for (every insider agrees it was pennies on the dollar) and whether or not they can clean it up enough to sell it for more.

Schneider ran Pelco so dysfunctionality that if Transom just makes it like March Networks (and I am not trying to knock March Networks - at this stage in its life it is a solid but not exciting company), Transom will find someone to buy it a significant premium to the pennies they paid.

Kyle Baker
Oct 22, 2019
IPVMU Certified

You're probably right. They can make some money doing that. The question is whether or not they will hang onto them for the long haul or just get them to where their PnL's are more attractive and resell them? Only time will tell.

John Honovich
Oct 22, 2019

hang onto them for the long haul

Kyle, it depends on what one thinks is 'long haul'. I don't think they will hold them for longer than 5 years, some industry insiders think it will be as quick as a year or two.

Transom (Pelco's current owner) is not like Berkshire Hathaway / Buffett in the sense of holding on to companies for decades. I think at some point whether it is 1 to 5 (or so) years, Transom will get Pelco to a point where they find it optimal to make a deal to sell them to someone else.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Oct 17, 2019

All kidding aside I would actually say there isn’t a better time for this to happen. If he makes the right hires in sales and drives product management and service levels up the world likes an underdog.

They won’t recover JCI now that they are TYCO, but they could get ADT Commercial back as well as Convergint.

When BOSCH bought Philips it was old OEM technology and they stumbled several times. Look at them now.

Maybe he rescues Vicon while he’s at it!

Undisclosed Manufacturer #11
Oct 17, 2019

Kurt Takahasi helped turn AMAG into a joke of a company, and was quite arrogant during the process based on my observations and comments from those who had an even closer look.

I guess we now get to see if he tries the same approach with Pelco.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #12
Oct 19, 2019

Here is a name from their past who could make a huge difference in their future. Bill Arbuckle

I have worked with Pelco since the early 1980’s, I knew ownership through all the transitions they made. Schneider Electric was not able to manage a company and industry they didn’t understand.

John Honovich
Oct 30, 2019

Update: Adam Tabakian is out as Pelco VP Sales for North America and Latin America, Pelco confirmed to IPVM.

Incoming CEO Takahashi starts this Friday, November 1st.

Tabakian had no industry experience coming in to Pelco but he had worked with recently exited Pelco CEO Theolier at Sensata.

I don't know the internals of the situation but, generally speaking, with a new incoming CEO who has lots of industry sales connections, it would make sense for Takahashi to pick his own VP of sales. It will be interesting to see who is the choice.

John Honovich
Nov 04, 2019

Justin Wilmas

Update: Justin Wilmas is in as Pelco VP of Sales, North America.

As anticipated, Wilmas came over from AMAG. Wilmas also worked with Takahashi at Quantum Secure.

John Honovich
Nov 19, 2019

Pelco CEO short video talking about an 'end to end solution' and the 'new Pelco':

Undisclosed #3
Nov 20, 2019

This is the basic script that any new leader would utter. Of course he is "excited", not like he is going to say "holy shit, now that I'm here I realize what a mess I got into".

There is no point for leaders to release things like this. Nobody cares. DO something, make a declarative statement, tell us what specifically is different or changing.

John Honovich
Nov 23, 2019

Pelco has another new video, this one is 2 minutes longer than the brief first one. It's pretty generic in vision, mission, etc.:

It is not necessarily a bad thing, indeed, at some level, if they simply act like a normal company (Hi Schneider!), they could improve significantly.

There is also a new interview at SIW with Pelco's new CEO which is one hell of a puff piece, including quotes like:

In his close to 25 years in the security industry, Kurt Takahashi has gained the reputation of being a man of vision

When Takahashi stepped in as president of AMAG in 2015, he undertook a transformative realignment of not only its technology offerings but its go-to-market strategy

You have made stops at AMAG and at Quantum Secure, and at each place, you have certainly left a mark.

From what people close to AMAG have told me, things were not that great at AMAG over the last few years. He could certainly turn Pelco around regardless but I don't see AMAG bringing that much credibility, never mind the issues at Quantum Secure.

Takahashi also observes:

And sure, it is going to come down to technology and I don't think that we have a really poor position there.

I think that's a fair statement but it's quite a low metric - Pelco, our technology is in a poor position but not really poor?

Again, I still think they can substantially improve things simply by not being Schneider.