Recession: 80% of Integrators Are Concerned

Published Jul 13, 2022 12:50 PM

New IPVM statistics show 80% of integrators are concerned about a recession this year, though integrators are mixed over how much an impending recession would impact their business.

IPVM Image

In this note, based on 185 responses, IPVM analyzes the key themes, sharing dozens of responses.

We ran similar statistics during the pandemic, see Integrators Hard Hit By Coronavirus, Worsen: Integrators Hit Even Harder By Coronavirus, Bottom: Integrators Start To Stand Vs Coronavirus.

80% *********

**** * ** * *********** **** not **** ********* "***** * ********* or ******** ******** ********* **** ****":

IPVM Image


*** **** ****** ****:

  • *** *******, ****** **** * ******* said ****.
  • ******* *****, ***** * ****** **** this.
  • ********** *** **** *** ********, ***** an ***** ****** **** **** ** above.
  • ********, **** *** ***** **** *** are **********.
  • ********** ******** ******* *** **** ** recession ******.

Bad *******

**** * ******* ** *********** ********* that ********** **** *** *******:

  • "**** ***, ****** ******** ******** **** all ***** ******* *** **** ******* clients *******."
  • "********, ********* **** **** ******, ******** makers, ******* ** *** ***** **** are *** ********** ********* **** ****** C ****** ** ****** **** **** buy **, ****** **** ****** * choice *** ******** ** ** ** their ***."
  • "*'* ** ***** ***. **'* *** worst *'** **** ** ** ********, and * ******** **** ****** *** president. ********* ** ****** **** *** other **** ** ** ********. *** prices *** ****** **** *** ***** time ** ** ********. **** ***** are ****** **** *** ***** **** in ** ********. ********* *** ***** I've **** ** ** ************ ******."
  • "* *** * **% **** ** revenue, ** ** ***** *'* ************ this."
  • "**** *** ******. * ***'* *** it ********** ****** **** ***, ******."

Getting *****

**** *********** ********* ******* ***** *** economy ********* ***** **** ****:

  • "**** **** **** ****, ***** ******* I ** **** *********."
  • "* *** * ******* ******** ****** Q3-4."
  • "* ******* ** ** ***** ** get ***** ****** ** **** ******."
  • "******** *** ************* ***** ******* *** end ** *** ****."
  • "**** ***** **** *****. ****** *** going ** *** ********* *** ******* projects ** ****."
  • "* ***** **'** ** ***** ** August ** ******** **** ** **** start ****** *** ******** ** *** economy *** * ******* **'* ***** to ** ********* *** ** ****** are *** ******* ** ***** ******** things * *** * *** ** people ***** *** ** ********."
  • "** *** ******** ** *** ***** direction. ** *** ****** *** **** alright. ***, **** **** **** ** difficult."
  • "* ***** *** ******* ** ******* down ************* & *** ** **** he **** **** ***** ** ****** equipment, **** *** **** ** *** year **** *** ** ****."
  • "* ****** ****** ** ** **** a ***. **'** ******* ***** **** customers *** **** ***'* ** ********* their **********, ** ** *** **** to **** ****** ** **** ****."
  • "* ****** ** ** ***** ******* down ******* *** *** ** *** year. *** **** ****** ****** ** correcting *** * ******* **** ********** offices **** ** ********* ** **** leases ****** *** ********* ******* **** their ********* *** ** **** ** if *** **** ********** ******* **** home."
  • "* *** ****** ******* *****. ********* will ********, ** **** **** ******** to ****, *** ******** ******* *** going ** ** ****** ****. *** good."
  • "* ** ****** ********* ***** * bad **** ** *** *******... *** just * ****-****... *** **** ** a ********... **** **** **** ** stop * *** ** *** *** projects *** ** **** ** **** to ****** ******* *** "****** **" until **** *******."

Recession ** **** *** ********

*******, ******* ** ***** ****** ********** that ********** ******** ***** ***** ** good *** ********:

  • "**** ***** ** *** ******* ****** and **** *** **** ****** *** feeling * **** *** ***** *******."
  • "* ***'* *** ** ***** *****, but ***** **** ** ****-******* *** we ****'* ****** * ******** ** signed **********."
  • "**** **** ** ***** ** **, making ******* ****** ** ****, ** perceived **** *********."
  • "******* ***** *** ***; ******** *** become **** *********"
  • "************ * ******** ** *** ******* led ** ********* ******** *****."
  • "***** ** **. ****** *** ******** will ******** ** **** * *******."
  • "*** ** ****** ** *****, **** seen **** ****** ********** ** *******. Especially ** *** *********** ******."
  • "********* *** ***** ************* ***** **** an ****** ** *** ******** ********."
  • "* **** **** ***** **** * very **** ****. **** ***** *** good *** ******** ** *****. **** times *** *** *** ******** ** even ******."
  • "* ******* *** ******** ** ****** resistant ** ******** *********. **** *** economy ** ****, *** **** *** security **** **."
  • "** ******, *** *****. **** ****, likely, **** **** ******** *** **."
  • "** ** * ******** ***** ** affairs *** ********* ******** ** ****** up *** ****** **** **** **** consideration/first ** ***** ** ********* **** to ******* ***** ******."
  • "****, **** ***. *** ****’* **** because ***** (*** *** ********** **** crime ** ***** **) ***** ** increase ** ******** ********* ** ******** sales **** ** ** **."
  • "**** ** *** ******* *** *** security *** ******* *******. **** *** what **** **** ********** ** *** recession."

** ********* ***** **** ***** ***********, though **** ********* **** *** ****** a **** ** **** ** ** offsets ******** *** ** ********* ******** less ** *******.

Government ******** ******

**** ********** **** ******** ***** ** government ***** **** ****** ** ******** general ******** ****:

  • "* ***** *** ******* **** ****** year **** ******* *** *** ******** of *** **** ** **** ********** agencies *** **** ******* ********* ***** for *** ********."
  • "* *** *** ******* ****** * down **** *** ******* ********* ****** construction ******** *** ****** ** *** gov **** **** ** **********."
  • "*** ***** ******* *** ** ******** amount ** ********** ******** ** ******* over *** **** * *****. **** is **** ****** ** ********** ***** & ***** ********** **** ******* ***********. I ***** ** *** ********* **** any ******** **** *** ** * huge ****** **** *** ** ****."
  • "*** ** ****** *** ***** ** stay ***** *** **** *** *** next *** *****. ** ** ****** large ********** ******** (**** ** ******** in ***** ****** ** ****), *** money *** ******** **** **** *** next ** ******* ********* *** ******** to ** *********, ** ** *** short **** * **** ***** ****** will ****** ****."
  • "******** ********** *******, *******, ** ** 80% ** **** *** ********** ******** that **** ** * ******* ****** bad *****"

Adapted **** *****

*** * *** ********** *** **** have *********** ******* ** ***** ****** since *****:

  • "* ***** ** **** **** ** constant ***** ***** **** *** **** 3 *****, *** * ***** ****** have ******* ** *** ****** ** the ******* ****** **** ** ****. I ******* ***** **** ** *** and ***** *** **** ****** **** accepted **** ** *** *** **** and ***** ******** *****."
  • "***** *** **** ** *** **** two *****."
  • "** ***** *** *** **** ** down * ****** ***'* *** *** economy ******* ** ****. ******** *** life ****** ** ****** ****** *** our ******** ***** ** ****** ****."
  • "*** ******* ***** ** **** ****** with *** **** *** ********. ***** squeaking *** ** *** ********, * feel ******** ***** ** *** ** keep *** ******** *****."


*******, ***** * ****** **** ******** about ***** ******** *** *** *******:

  • "** **** *** ***** *** ** two ***** ** *********** ******** ****** the ******** ***, *** ********* ** had *********** ******** ** ****** - particularly **** *********** ********. ****** ** a ******** ** *********** ***** ***** now, *** **** *** ****** ** equated ** ******** ********. ** ****, compared ** ****, **'** **** ** increase ** *** ******** ** *** cooperate/industrial ****."
  • "*** **** * ****** **** ** very ******* ******* ** ** ** or ****. ** ***, *** **** has **** **** - ***** *** lack ** ******** ********* ** *******. Sales **** **** ****** ** ***."
  • "*** *** ******** *** ***** *****. We've ******* ********** ***** *****
  • "**** ** ***. *’** *** ********* growth *** ** ***** ** ******* down, ****** *** ***** ***** *** just ******* *** ********* *** ** happen *** **** ****** ****. **** all ***** ** ****** ****** *** right *********."
  • "*** ******* ***** ** ** ******* OK, *'* *** **** *** **** longer ** ***, *** ** *** trying ** **** ********* ** ******** while ** *** *** **** ** up *** *********** *** ******* ********* in **** *** ******* **** **** down."
  • "** *** ** **** ** *** petty **** ****** *** *** **** of *** **** ********* *** *** supply ***** ****** ******** ***** ** more ********** ******* ******"
  • "*'* ****** * ****** ****, ***** two **** **** *****. **** ******* about ***** **'* *****."
  • "******** *** ******* ** *** **** covid"
  • "** **** ** ****** ** **** allocated ***** ** **. *** ** issue ** **** *****"
  • "******* **** - *********** ****** *** employers *** ******** ************ ** ***** take * ***** ****** ** ** considered * ********."

Biden's *****

* ****** ** ** *********** **** aim ** ********* *****:

  • "*** *****... ***'* ** *******!"
  • "*** ** **** ** *** ******* administration ** ** ****** *** *** House **** *** ***** ************."
  • "** ***** ***** ********* ***** *** country **** *** ****** ***** ** more **** *** ************."
  • "** ** ***** *********** ***** ***, but ** ******** ** **** *** elected ********** **** ** ** ************ from *******. ** *** ****'** **** made ****** *****."
  • "******* **** *** ****** ****** ***** there ** *** ********* ********** / new **********."

*******, *** ******** ********** *** **** optimistic **** ********** * ****** *******:

**** ********* **** **** ** **** swing, ******* **** *** ****

Product *********

*** ***** ****** ***** **** ******** was ******* *********, * ***** ** plan ** ***** ** *** *** upcoming ********** ******.

Comments (29)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jul 13, 2022

*** ************ ****** ** **** ********* is *** *** ***** *** ********* good *** *** ******** ********, *** I ***** **** ** *********:

  • ********** ** *** ** *****, *** been *** ** ***** *** * very **** ****, ***** ** ** out ** ***** *** *** *********** future, ****** *** * **** ***, and ***** *** ** **** ************ available **** ***** *************.
  • **** ** *** *** *** **** hands ** *****, **'* ******* ****** and ****** ** **** *** ****** to ******** ** *** ****.
  • **** ** *** **** ****** *** you **** *****, **'* ******* **** and **** ********* ** *** ****** on *** ****. ******* *** ***** eaten ** **** ***** *****.

* *** * ***** ** ******** that **** ******* ******* *** *** on **** ******* ****** *** *** to **** *** * ***'* **** product ******. **** ****** ** ** that ****** ****'* **** ******* ** me *******. **** * **** **** they ****'* ******* ***** ***** ***** the *** ** *** **** ** beyond, **** **** **** ** **** and ****** **.

*** ***'* *** ** ******* ** NOBODY *** ***** ** *** ** SELL. **'** **** ******* ********* *** the **** *** *****, ******* ******** with ** *** ** ******** ******** them *** ******* ********* ** *** back *** **.

*** * ***'* **** **** ** can ** ***** **.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jul 13, 2022

*** ***'* *** ** ******* ** NOBODY *** ***** ** *** ** SELL. **'** **** ******* ********* *** the **** *** *****, ******* ******** with ** *** ** ******** ******** them *** ******* ********* ** *** back *** **.

***** ** ** *** ** "****** do" **** ********* **** *** ****** for ****** * ******* *****. ** you ***** ********** *******, * *** of *** ***** *********** ******** ****** ** **** ********** until ******** (*** **** **** **** still ***'*). ** **** *** ** is *** ***** *** ** **** do **** ********** *** ****. ***** how ** **** *** **** ** cheap **********. ** * ****** ******? Is ** ******* **********? ***'* ***** it *** - *** **. ******* goes ** *****. ********* ** *** mother ** *********.

Eddie Perry
Jul 13, 2022

****** ***** ** * **** ***** now. ** **** *** ******* ** replace ** **** *** ** *** the **** * *******. *** ** mention **** ** *** ***** ** made ** *** ** ********...

Sean Varney
Jul 13, 2022
IPVMU Certified

****, **** ****** ***** ** ** era ** ** * ******* ***** there *** **** ********** ******* **** electronic ****. **'* **** ** *** something **** ***'* ********** ** ******* chips.

* *** **** ** ********** ****** for *** **** **** *** ***** and **** *** * ***** *** of *** *** *** ****. * don't **** **** ******* *** ****** control ****** *** ******** *******. ****, I ***'* **** ** **********.

** ******** *** **** ************ **** week ***** * *** ***** **** coming ****** ** *** **** *** months. ** ******* ** ****** *** card ******* ***** **** ****'* ********* much ***** ***** ** **** ********** application ***** **'** *********** *** ****

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jul 13, 2022

* *** *****-***** ****** *** ******* and *********** **** ***'* **** ******* the *** ***'* **** **** * certificate ** ********* ******* ***** ***'* a **** ******** *** **** ** the ***** **** *******. ****'* *** a ******* ********* *** ***** ** being **** ********.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jul 14, 2022

*** ********* *** *** ******** **** bribes. *** ********* ***** ********* **** down.🤷

Undisclosed #4
Jul 14, 2022

* **** **** ******** ********, * really **, *** * ***** **'* important ** ****** ******** *** ** think ********** ** ***** **** *****. I **** ***, *******, **** **** of ** ******* *** ******* ** the ****** ****-*** ******** *******. *******, the **** ******** ** *** ******* equipment ****** ** ****** ********, *** even ** * *** *** ********* knowledge ** ****** ****, * ***** have ********** ******* *** ********** ********.

*** * ******* * **** ********* political ********? ** ****** ***** ** voting *** ****** *** **** **** PRACTICAL *********, ****** **** ***-**-***-*** "*********" that *** ** ******* *** **** people **** **** ****. **** ** happening ** ** *** *** *** come ***** ** ********. ** ** being ********* *** ************* *********** ******* us. ** ****** **** *** ****** who ** *** **** ** *********** view ** **.

** *** ******* ***** ********* ***** in *** ****** ** *********** ***** who ************ **** ** **** ********.

****** **** ****, * ***** **** your *****: "**** *** ***** **** tough, *** ***** *** *****."

Brian Karas
Jul 13, 2022
Pelican Zero

*** * ***'* **** **** ** can ** ***** **.

**** **** ***** ********.

* *** **** **** ** ****, and **** *******. *** *** ** your ***** **** ** ******* ******** products.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jul 13, 2022

* *** **** **** ** ****, and **** *******. *** *** ** your ***** **** ** ******* ******** products.

*****'* ** ****, **** ******* ***** in ***** *** ***** ******* *** Cloud. *** * **** *** ** resume?

Walter Anderson
Jul 14, 2022

* ***** ** ******* **** *** are *******. ** ****** **** ***** and ********* *** ** **** ** problem ******* **% ** *********. ***** is *** *** **** ***** ****** that ** ** *-* ****** **** time *** ****'* **** *******.

** *** ****** **** ********* ** a ****** ** ******** ******** *** ban **, **** ******** **** **** their ******** ********* (** **** **** the **) *** **** **** *****.

*** ** ***** ** * **** in *** ****** ***** **** ******** used ** **, ******* ******** *** to **** ** *** **** *** gap *** ******* ** ********** ***** time *** * ***** ****'* *** you *** ****** *********.

**** ** **** ** *** ******* about *** ** ******* *** *** biggest ************ ****** ********* ** *** world. ********* *** #* ** ** cameras *** ***** *** #*. ***** are #* ** ******** ******* *** Hikvision *** #*. *** **** *** for **** ** ******. *** ***'* take **** **** ****** *** ** the *********** *** ****** ** *** have **** ****** ** ************ ** equipment.

Jason Crist
Jul 14, 2022
IPVMU Certified

*** **** ******* ******* *** **** about *** ******* ** ********** ******* products ** **** ******* ******** **** part ** ********. ******* ******* ** how ********* *** **** ** "****" people ** *** ***** ***** ** banning ***** ********.

Walter Anderson
Jul 14, 2022

** *** *** *** ******* **** Abu ****** ** **********? **** * believe.

*** *** *** **'* ******, *** UK (*** ******) ********* ****** ****** off *** *******, **** **** **** their ***** *** ******** **** *** in **** ***** ******** ****. ***** on ******.

* ***'* ******* ***** *** ****. People *** ****. *** ****** **** happily **** * ***** *** ** whatever **** ** ********* ***** ** suits **** *** **.

** *** ******* ****** **** **** stopping * ******** ***** *** **** stronger ****** ** **** **** ******* a ******* **** ******** ************ *********.

** *** *** ******* ** ********** Chinese ******** ** **** ********** **** tightly ********** *** ******* ***** *** the ******* ** *** *********. *******.

*** ****** ********* ******* ***'* **** the ******* ****** ***********.

Jason Crist
Jul 14, 2022
IPVMU Certified

*** ****** ***** ******* ***** ********** make **** ****** ***********. **** *** are ******* **** ** ***** **** and ******* *** ********** ** *********, despite **** ******** *******, ** ** you ***'* ****** ***** ******** *** can **** ***** ******* *** **** network. ************ *** *** ** ******* the **** **** ******* *** ******* citizens *** ** ****/*** ** *** with ****** *********.

****** **** ** *** **** ***** the ***** ****** ** ***** *** US *** ** **** ** *** with *** **** **** *** **** what *** ******* **, ***** *** excuses *** ******** **********. *** **** video ******* ******* ***'** ************.

Walter Anderson
Jul 14, 2022

*** ****** ****, *****, ** **** the *** (*** **** ***** *******) not ****** ***** ******** ****’* **** a **** ** ********** ** ******* policies ******* ******.

*** *** *** ** **** ** hypocritical ** *** ***** ******* **** it ***** ** ***** ******. ***’* President ***** ** ********* ** *** moment? *** ***’* ******* ******* ***.

** *** *** * *** *****, I ******** **** ***** ******. *** people. ** * *********, * ****** your ********* *** * **** **** for *** ** ** **** *********** of ******.

***** **** **** **** **** ******* to *******, *’* *** ** **** an *** ********* ****** **** ***** and ******* ***** ************ ****** *** free ******* ***** **** ** **** free *** ** * “*****”.

Jason Crist
Jul 14, 2022
IPVMU Certified

** **** ****** ** *******, ***** has **** **** ** ******* *** amount **** *** **** ****** ******* we ****, ** ***'* ** **** in *** ***** ********* ********.

***** *** "****" *****, *** *** a ****** *********** ******** ****** ** send ******* ***. *** ****** "****" for *** ************ ** ********** *** difference ******* ********* ***** *** *** United *******, *'** **** *** ********** to ** **** **** **** ** do ** ******* ** *** **** foreign ******* ** ***** ** **** people *** ****** *** ***** ** do ** ** ***** ***. **** day

Walter Anderson
Jul 14, 2022

**’* *********** **** *** ****** *****. We **** *** ***** *****, ********** except *** **, ***** ******* ***** OEM ********* ** ***** ******* ***** and ***** ******* ***** ************ ******** in **** *******. ** ***** ** worth **** ******** **** ***** *** not ****** *** ********* ** ******* designed ** ***** **** *** *** made ** ******* ****.

** ***** *’* **** **** ***** is ** *** ***** *****, **** business ******** ***’* **** ***** ** much ** *** **.

**** ***!

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jul 14, 2022

*** ** **** *** ****** **** had *********, **** ***** ** ********, but *** ****** ******* *** ********* and **** ****** *** *** ****** serious ******* ** ****. **** ** a ******** *****, *** *** **** in *** ****** ********. **** ** the ***** **** ****** ******* **'** talking ***** ****.

Walter Anderson
Jul 14, 2022

** *** ** * **** ** issue ******* **** ** *** ******** products * ****. ***** *'* ********* at *** ***** * ***** *** I ********* **** ** ***** ******* hold ** ******** ** *** ******.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Jul 13, 2022

*****, **** **** ***** *** *** still **** ******** ** **** **** happen - *******/********/***** ********. **, ** no ** **** ******, *** *** still **** *** **** ******* **? I *** **** ** **** **** and **** ******* :)

Brian Karas
Jul 13, 2022
Pelican Zero

**** ** *** ***** ********* * have ****** **** *** ********** * large **** ** ***** ******* **** takeover ****, ******* ******** ******* *** network ********* **** ** *** ****. You ***** **** * ***** ** for *** ****** ****** ******, *** those **** ** ** ********* ****** to *** **** * *********** *****.

***** ** **** *** ****** ** sell ****** ********** ***-** ********.

*********, **'* * "**** **** *** have" ********, *** ** *** *** a ************ *** **** *** **** much ** * ***** ********, ** is ***** ** ** **** *********. Then ***** ** *** *** * manufacturer ******* * ***** ******** ** this *****, ****** *** ******** **** going ** **** ***** *********.

Undisclosed #4
Jul 14, 2022

** *** **** **** ******** ******** you'd ** ******* ** *****? *'** take *** *** ****** * *** get.

Brian Karas
Jul 14, 2022
Pelican Zero

******** ******** ** ****?

Undisclosed #4
Jul 15, 2022

*****-**** ******** **** ******* ******** ********. You ********* ***** ***** ****** ******* a ***** ** ** * ******. I *** ********* ** ***'* ** willing ** ***** *** ******** ****?

Brian Karas
Jul 15, 2022
Pelican Zero

* *** ********** ******* ******* *** network *********, ******* **** *** ****** hardware, ****.

***** *** * ****** ** *******, such **:

Eagle *** - they supply the bridge, the software is proprietary, like any VMS, but the bridge hardware is just a small COTS PC. Last I heard they have no problems shipping their most popular bridge's, so you should be able to do Eagle Eye takeovers without too much headaches.

***********- **** ****** ********, ** ******** you *** **** ********. **** ******** and ******* *** ***** ************ ** cloud *********. * **** * ****** of ***** ***** ****** ******* * cameras ** * **** ***** *** you'd ***** ***** **** * $** SBC ***** ** *** ******** ** the ******. ***-** (****, ***** ******, SD ****, ***.) ***** $***-$*** **** you * ****** **** ****-** ****** for ***** ****** *******/********. *** ** course *** ****** ******* *** *** use ******* **** ***.

**-****- **** ** ****** *** *****/*** health **********. **** ********* ******** ** you **** ***** ****** ****** ** a ******* *******, *** ***** *** a ****** ** **** ** *** started. **** ***** ** ** ****** to ******** *** ******** ** ***** now, **** *** ******* **** ** is ****** ***** (~$*/*******/*****) ** ** is * **** *** ** **** some ********* **** * ***** *******.

**** ***'* ***** ** ** ***-*********, their *** **** ** ******* ** you **** ******, ***** *** **** some ******** ** ****** *'** **** actively ******* **** ********.

Undisclosed #4
Jul 15, 2022

****'* ***** ***********! ***** *** **** much *** ****** *** **** ** help ** **** ****. *'** ***** into *****. *'* ******* *** * safe *** ****** ******* *****.

Shannon Davis
Jul 14, 2022
IPVMU Certified

* ** **** *********. ****** ** products *** ********** ***** ****** ** getting ***** ******** **** ***** ********* is ** ******. "*** ** *** raising ****** *% *** ***** ******* month ***** ** ****** *** ****.

****** ********* **** **** **** *****. Can't *** ******** *** **** ** you ** **** *** **** ****** to ******* ***** ********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Jul 15, 2022

** *** ***’* **** **********, *** don’t **** **********.

***** *** ***** ******, *** ***** the ********* *** ******** ********** ** had ** **** ** **** ** are ******** ** **** *** ******* of ***** ***** **** ****** ********* that **** ****.

Undisclosed #4
Jul 15, 2022

********** *****'* **** ** **** ***** and *****. ***** *** ************ ******; created ** *** ********* *** ******** leadership *** ********* ***** **** ******.

*** * ********* * *********** ****? "The ******** **** ****** ******" ** G. ****** *******.

Undisclosed #6
Jul 30, 2022

** ** ******, * **** ** concern ** *** ******* ** **** products *** *** ******* ** ****** and ******* ******. ***** ****'* ***** up, ********* **. ******** **** **** but * **** **** ***'* ** installed. ** ****** ****'* ***** ******** in, **** **** **** ********* **** will ** ***** **** ** ** it **********.

** ****** ****** ****, "******** ********* you **** ***’* ** ***** **** from ***. **** ***’* ******** ** inflated **** **** ***. *** **** investment ** *** ** ******** **** develops ********, *** **’* *** ***** at ***.”
