Competing Against G4S/Allied Universal

Published Jun 03, 2024 13:47 PM

With Allied Universal, one of the largest security services companies in North America acquiring G4S, a large British security services company in 2020 how often do integrators compete against them now?

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We asked 150+ Integrators:

How often do you compete against (or work for) G4S / Allied Universal?


What do you think, good or bad, about G4S / Allied Universal?

Fourth Report of Series

This is our fourth report on competing with mega-integrators. Please also see Competing Against Bosch Integrators (Climatec/Paladin), Competing Against Convergint, and Competing Against Everon/ADT Commercial.

Not **** *****/*** ***** ****

****** ***-****** ** *********** *** ** experience **** *** ** *** ** opinion, **** **** ***** *% ****** they ********** *******.

IPVM Image

**** *** *** ****** ** *** in *** **** ****-*********** ** **** survey ******* ********.

No **********

****** ***-****** ** *********** *** ** experience **** *** ** *** ** opinion.

  • "*'** ***** ****** ****** ** *** past ***** *** *** * **** have *** ***** **** **********."
  • "** *******. * ******** **** ** bought ***** *** **** *** ********** security ***** *** * **** *** come ****** ****."
  • "* *** ***** ****** ****** **** rarely, *** ** ** *** ******* with ****, ** * **** ** opinion."
  • "***********. ***** ****** ******* **** **** I **** **."
  • "**** ***** *********** **** ** * competitor."
  • "* **** *** *** *** *********** working **** ****."
  • "***'* ****** **** **** ***** **** anymore."
  • "* **** ** ******* ** ****, as ** **** ***** ******* *****."
  • "*****'* ****** **** **** *** ******."
  • "* ***'* **** ******** ***** ****."
  • "*** ******** **** **** **********"
  • "***** ****** **** ****"
  • "** *** **** ** ******* ** them."
  • "* ***’* **** ** *******."
  • "***** *** *** ******** **** ****"
  • "** ****** ***********"
  • "* *****'* **** ****** ** ***."
  • "** *** **** **** ** ******* them"
  • "***'* **** ******** ***** ****." [**]
  • "* ***'* **** **** ****."
  • "***** ******** ******* ****."
  • "** *** **** ****** ****."
  • "***** ***** ** ****."
  • "*/*. ***** ********** **** ****."
  • "* **** ** ******* **** ** bad."
  • "***'* **** **** ***** ****."
  • "***** *** ** **** **** ****"
  • "***'* **** ***** ****"
  • "***** ****** **** ****."
  • "**** *** *** ****** ***"
  • "**** *** ***** ** ****"
  • "**** ******* ** ****"
  • "** **********" [**]
  • "** *******" [**]
  • "** *******." [**]
  • "*/*" [***]

Neutral: ****** ** ** ***********

**** *** ***** ** ***/****** *** were *******, ****** **** *** *** yet ********** ** ***** ********.

  • "*******. ***** **** *** ******* ** our ****** *** / ****** ********* has *** **** *** ******* ******** to ******** ** *** ** *** accounts. ** ** ******* ********, *** appears ** ** ********** **** *** market ***/** ******** ** ******** *** niche *** **."
  • "**** *** **** ** **** * presence ** ***** ***'* **** ******* guard ********. *** ********* *** ********** market ** *** ***."
  • "**** **** ****** ** *********** ******* and **** ******** **** ** ** our ********** **** ****. **** *** heard ******** *** ***** ***** ******** compared ** ***** ***** ***********."
  • "** **** *** ******* **** ******** times. *** ******* **** ** ******** around **%. * ***** **** **** a ***** *********** ** ** **** to *** **** *** ***** ****** base *** ******** ******** ******."
  • "******* **** **** ** ** *** (Charlotte **) *** ********* ******* *** dropped *************. *** **** ****** **** hold **** ***** ***** ***** ** Lenel/S2 ******* ****."
  • "**'** **** * ****** **** ** them ******* **** ***'* **** *** to ***** ****. *** ******** *** been ******* **** *** ******* *** twice ** **** ******* *** ***** up ****"
  • "**** **** ******* ****** ** *** market. *** **** *********** ***. **** did *** *** **** ** ** run * ***** ******* ******"
  • "*** ****** ****** ** *** ********** security ****** - ***"
  • "***********"
  • "*******"

**** **** **** ****** ******* ** G4S ** * ***** ********, *** electronic ********:

  • "******* **** ** * ******** ***** related ********, ***** ** ** *** do."
  • "***** ***** ** **** ** **** a ***** *******"

*******, *** *********** **** **** *** not ****** ******* **** **** *** to ****** ****** ********* ** ***** a ****** ********:

  • "** **** * * ** ***** former ********* *** ****** ********* ******* for *** *** ** ** ***** work **** **** ** ********. *** we **** ******** **** ***** **** them. *** ***** ****** ****** **** not ***** *** **** ***** ** products ** **** ** ** ****** see **** ** **** ***** ** compete *** **** *********. *** ** know ** ****** ********* ***** *** treated **** ** **** ***** ** ENE."
  • "*****'* **** **** ** *****. ** former ******** *** ********** ***** ** now ****** *********. **** ** *** like ** ******* ** *** ** I *** ****, *** **** ** selling **** *** ******** ***** ********."

Not ** ****/******

**** ********* **** **** *** *** heard ** ***/****** ***** ****** ** their ****.

  • "***'* **** ****** ***** ***** **** to *** ******** **** ** ***. I ***'* ***** **** **** **** a ******** ** ** ****"
  • "******** **** *** ***** ** **** in *** ****."
  • "**** ** *** ******* ** *** market."
  • "*** **** **** ******* ** *** area?"
  • "***** *** **** ** ***** ****"
  • "* ** *** *** **** ** my ****"
  • "*****'* ******* *** ****."

**** *** ******* **** ****** ***** international ***********.

  • "** *****, ***** ** ** *********** with *** / ****** *********. ** the ********, ** **** ***** ***** of *** / ****** *********."
  • "**** *** *** ** *** *******- cannot *******." [*** *******]
  • "*** ********* ** *** ******" [*******]
  • "* ***'* ***** **** **** *** in *** *******" [******]
  • "**'** ***** ** ******, ******. **** do *** **** ******** ****."
  • "***** **** ****** **** **** ** APAC."
  • "*** ** *********"

Negatives: **** *******, ******* ********

**** *********** *** * ******** ******* of ***, ********** **** **** *** struggling **** ***** ********, ****** ** do **********, *** ********* **** **** unhappy **** ***** *******.

  • "** ***** **** *** ** *** region, ******** ******* ** *** **** heavily ******** **** ******* *** **** signed ** **** * ****** ** ours *** ******** *** ******** ****. I **** **** *** ******** ***** them."
  • "******* ******* **** ** ****** ** do ********** **********. * ***'* ***** it ***** *****, *** ** * think **** ** **** **** ** a *** ** **."
  • "**’* **** ** *** ***** ********* because **** ***’* *** ********* ** them *** **** **** ** ** looking *** *******, ** ***’* *****."
  • "**** **** * **** **** *** heard, * ***** ** ** ********** they *** ****** ****** *****"
  • "**** ** ** *** ***** ************* out ** *** ******** *********** ** deal ****."
  • "** ***** ** ** *** *** Allied ********* *** ******* **** ** go **** ******* ***********."
  • "** **** *** *** ** ***** customer ***** *** ** *** **** responsive *******."
  • "** **** **** ** ****** ********* jobsite. ******** *** **** ******* **** their **** ******** ** ******* ********"
  • "*******. **** ********, ****** ******* **** and ******** *******. ** ***** ** the ******."
  • "****'** ****** ** ****** ******** **** electronic ******** *************"
  • "**** **** ** ***** ** ****** guards. **** ****** ** ** ********** under *** ********"
  • "*** **** **** ** ******* *******. Their ******** *** ** *****."
  • "**** *** **** * **** ***** record"
  • "********** **** ******. ******** **** ********."
  • "*** **** *** ***** *** * project"
  • "*** *******, ** *** ********"
  • "*** ****** **** ***********"
  • "***** ******** ****** ******* **** ****."
  • "**** **** *** **** ****** ** Convergint"

Mixed ********

****** *** **** ***** ******** ** G4S, **** **** ******* **** * good **********, *** ****** ****** ** service, *** ****** ****** ** ******** on ********, ******* ** ******** ** other ******** *********** (*.*.,******************).

  • "**** **** *** * ********** **********. Due ** ******** ** ***** ***** offices, ***** ******* & ******* *** fallen *** **** *** **** *** years *** *** **** *** **** able ** ****** *** ******** ****. Our **** *****, ******** & ******** 90% ** *** ******** **** **** due. ** **** **** ********** * "stability *****" *** ** *** ******** changes ** ***** ******** **** *** last *+ ***** (**** ******** & company ****)."
  • "** **** *** **** **** *****. They **** ** ** ****** **** most ** ******* ** ********* *** jobs, **** ***** **** **** ** go *** ** ***. **** ** particularly **** ** *** ******* *****."
  • "**** ***** ******** ******* **** *** camera ****, *** ********* ********* **** their ******** ******. **** **** ****** professional ** * *******, *** ********** guards *** * ***** ***."
  • "***** ********, ** ** **** *** them. **** **** **. ** ** opinion ***** **** ***** *** ******* management. ********* * ****** ** *** removed **** *** ****** *****."
  • "* ***** *** *** **** **** are *** *** **** *** *** integrator ** ******* ** *** *********. Some ******** *** ****** *** ***** other **** ** ******* **** ******** and ***** *************."
  • "**** ****** **** ****** ********* ** the **** **** ***** *******, *** have *** ****** **** *** ** of ***."
  • "*** ** *** * **** ********** in *** ** *** ** ***** 'projects ** * **********' *** *** redeemed **** ********** ********"
  • "** **** *** ******** *** ****** has **** ******* ** *******. ***** setup *** *** * **** **********. They *** *** ******** *** ******** accounts ******* *** ******** ***** **** big ********."
  • "*** *** ***** ***** ******* *** now ********** ******* ******** ******** *** integration."

Positives: **** **********/***** *******

* ******* ******* *** * ******** opinion ** ***, ****** **** *** a **** ********** ** **** **** in **** ******.

  • "*** **, ****** *** ** *** past. ** **** **** **** *** mostly ******* ** ********-**** *******. *** our ******. *** *** * **** rep *******."
  • "** **** * ************ **** *** and *** **** ** ** **** are **** **** *** ***********"
  • "**** **** **** ***** ***** ********. Seems ** ** * ***** *******."
  • "*** **** ******* - ********* *********"
  • "***** * **** *******"
  • "**** ****** *** ***"
  • "****"