Competing Against Bosch Integrators (Climatec/Paladin)

Published May 22, 2024 12:01 PM

With Bosch's acquisitions of Climatec in 2015 and Paladin in 2023 plus its own historical integration group, they have become one of the largest security integrators.

IPVM Image

Now, with Bosch currently selling off its security products business, Bosch will focus on the integration side (see IPVM interview).

But what do other integrators think of Bosch's integration arm? To find out, we asked 150+ integrators:

How often do you compete against (or work with) Bosch (the integrator, including Climatec and Paladin)?


What do you think, good or bad, about Bosch (the integrator, including Climatec and Paladin)?

Not **** *****/*** ***** ****

****** */* ** *********** ******** **** they ***** ******* **** ******* ** Climatec. **** **** **% **** **** at ***** ********* ******* **** *****'* integrators:

IPVM Image

No **********

**** *********** *** ** ********** **** Bosch's *********** **** *** *** ****** not **** **** ** ***** ******:

  • "** *** **** ** **** ***'* see **** ** *** ****** ***********. Our ****** ** *** ** ************ as **** ***** **** *** ***** type ** ******** *****."
  • "***'* **** ****** ***** ***** **** to *** ******** **** ** ***. I ***'* ***** **** **** **** a ******** ** ** ****"
  • "* **** ***** ********* ******** **** these ***********. ** *** * ***** partner, *******."
  • "***** ** * **** *******, * have ***** ****** **** ** ******** with ********"
  • "** ** *** **** **** ** compete **** **** ** ***'* ****** have ** *******"
  • "* ***'* **** ** ******* ** this ** * **** *** *** into **** ** * *** ******."
  • "*********** *********** ******* ** ** **** how ********* **** ***"
  • "** **** *** ***** ** *** area ** * **** ** ******* of ****."
  • "* **** ** ******* ** ****, as ** **** ***** ******* *****."
  • "***********. ***** ****** ******* **** **** I **** **."
  • "** *******, ***** *** ****** ******** that **** ***."
  • "* ** *** **** **** ***** them ** **** ** *******"
  • "** *******. * **** ***** **** them ** *** ******."
  • "** *******, ** *'** ***** "****** into" ****."
  • "** ******* ***** ** *****'* *** across ****."
  • "**** ** ******* **** *** ****** with ****"
  • "* *****'* ****** **** ** ******* them."
  • "***'* ****** **** **** ** *** market."
  • "***** **** *** **** ****** ** these."
  • "** ** *** ******* ******* *****."
  • "* ***'* **** ******** ***** ****."
  • "***'* **** ******** ***** ****."
  • "*/*. ***** ********** **** ****."
  • "***** **** ********** **** ****"
  • "** *** **** ** ******* ** them."
  • "*** ****** ******** **** *******."
  • "* **** ** ********** */ ****"
  • "***** ******** ******* ****."
  • "***** *** **** ** ***** ****"
  • "***** **** **** ** *** ****."
  • "* ** *** *** **** ** my ****"
  • "***** *** ** **** **** ****"
  • "**** *** **** ****** ****."
  • "*** ******** **** ***** ****"
  • "***** *** *** ***********."
  • "**** ******* ***** ****"
  • "** ********** **** ****"
  • "***** ****** **** ****"
  • "* **** ** **********"
  • "*** ***** ** ****."
  • "***'* *** ****."
  • "** **********"
  • "*** **** ***."
  • "** *******"
  • "** ****."
  • "****."
  • "*/*" [***]

Mixed ********: **** **********/*******, *** ******/************

** ***** *********** *** *** ****** with ** ******** *******, ******** **** fairly ******* ***** ******* ******** *** negative.

***** **** ******** ******** ********* ******* their ********** ** **** ** *** quality ** *******, *** ************.

  • "******* *** ** ** *** ******, but ** ***'* *** ****. ** see ******** ******. ******* ***** ** chase ******** ** ** ***-** ** the ******** ********** ****, ***** ** don't **, ** ** ***'* *** them ** * ******* *****. **'* my ************* **** **** **** * good **********, *** * **** * few ****** **-******* **** *** ***** now."
  • "******* ** * **** ******** ********. their ******** ** ****** ** *******."
  • "* ***'* **** ******** *** ** say. * **** *** **** *********** with ****."
  • "* **** ******* *** **** *** Paladin *** **** **** ****** ** say"
  • "**** **** ** ** **** **** when *'** **** ** ** ***** sites."
  • "******* *** * **** **********. ** opinion ***** ********."
  • "****** **** ********, **** *******"
  • "**** *******, ** ****** ************"
  • "**** *** *********"

***** **** ******** ******** **** **** were ********* ****** ***/** *** ******* of **** *** ************.

  • "**** ****'* *********** *** **, **** they **** ** *** ****, *** often ** **** ** * *** build, ** **** **** ********* **** larger ******** ******. ** ** ****, the ********* ** ***** **** ***** inconsistent."
  • "** **** *** * *** ***** working **** *******/********. **** **** ****** like * *** ******* **** * lot ** ********** ******. ** *** one *** ***** ** **** *********** card ****** **** ********** *** ******* had * ****** **** ** (******* managers, *****, *****, ***)."
  • "** **** ****** ******* ** **** bids *** ****-*****. ** ** *** given *** ***********, ** *** ******* beat **** ** ***** *** ***** of *******. **** **** ** *** products **** ***** *** *******, ***** we ** *** **** ****** **."
  • "**** ****** ** **** ***** ******** because **** **** * ******* ** operating ** **** *****, *** **** simultaneously **** * ********** ** ***** a **** *** ** **** ** these ****** ********. **** ** ******* frustrating."
  • "** **** ******* **** **** ** larger ********. ***** ******** ****** ****** to ** **** *** ******* *** the ******. ******** ******** ****** ****** negative."
  • "* **** ***** ******* ** ****** some ****** ** ***** *********** **** and **** **** * ********** **** are ******"
  • "*** ****** ******* *********** ** ****** the **** ** ******** **** ** after."
  • "****, ****** ******* *** ***** ***** corporation ********"
  • "***** ** ******* * ****** **** competitor."
  • "***, ***** ***'* ********** *** *******"

***** *** **** ** ******* ** the ******:

* ***** *** *** **** **** are *** *** **** *** *** integrator ** ******* ** *** *********. Some ******** *** ****** *** ***** other **** ** ******* **** ******** and ***** *************.

*******, *** *********** **** **** ******* was **** ** ************ *** ****** stick ** ********.

  • "******* ***** * ******** ***** ******* first *** *** ** **** *** Bosch ******* ******* **** *** *** worked **** *** ***** ******** ***** companies ****** ** ***** ********** ******** - **** **** **** ******** ***** construction. *** ******** *** ** * good *** *** ***** ***** **** are ******* ***** ** * ************ company *** ** **** ** **** have *** ***** ****** ** ***** be * **** *****. ** ***'* compete **** ****** ** ****."
  • "**** ******** **** *******. * ***** they ****** ***** ** ***** **** business. ****** ** ** ********** ***** you're **** ** *******. * ******* the ***********-****** ****** ****** ** *** business. ********* ***** ** ***, ********** shouldn't *** ** ******."

*******'* ********, **** **********, *** ***** services ********** **** *** ******** ** Bosch's *********** ** ******* ************ *** remain ********. ******** ******** *******, ******* ***** ******** Integration *********** **** *******.

Not ****** ** ******

*********** ******* ** ***** ******* ****** stated **** *** ** ********** **** Paladin ** ******** ***** **** **** not ****** ** ***** ******:

  • "** ********** ** **** ** *** UK - **** *** ******* * product ********"
  • "**** ****'* ****** ** ****." [*********]
  • "*** ** *********" [*********]
  • "* ***'* ***** **** **** *** in *** *******" [******]
  • "*** ** *** ******" [******]
  • "***** ***** ******** *** ****, *** they *** *** ****** ** *********** in *** ******." [***********]
  • "***** *** ****** ** ******* ** integrator *** ****-********"
  • "**** ** *** *** ******** ** Belgium"
  • "**** *** *** ** *** *******- cannot *******." [*** *******]

Unaware ** ***** ***********

*******, ******* *********** ****** *** *** know ***** *** ** **********:

  • "* *** ** **** **** **** an **********. * ***’* ****** *** last **** * *** * ****** Bosch ****** *********. ** **** ********* non-Bosch ********?"
  • "** ***** *****'* ******** *** **** good. ***** ** *** *** **** them *******. ** *** *** ***** of ******** *** *******."
  • "***** ** ************ ** **** *******. But, * ****'* **** **** **** direct."
  • "* ***** **** ***** *** *********** work."

**** *********** ********* ***** ***** ******** products, *** *** ** ********** **** them ** ** **********:

  • "*'* *** ******** **** **** ** our ******. * **** **** **** Bosch ** *** ********* *****, *** these **** ***** ************* ** ******* to ******* *** ********."
  • "**** ***** *********** **** ** * competitor. ** **** **** ***** ******* and **** **** ****** *** ***** products."
  • "***** ***** *** ******** * **** product. ** *** * ******. *'* worried **** **** ****** **** **** are ****."
  • "********* ** *** ******* ****** **** subpar ******** *******."
  • ***** ** * **** ******* **** is ***** ****** *** *****."
  • "*** ***** ***** ******* ** *** main ** **."
  • "***** ********* ** *****"
  • "**** *******"