Australia Security Full Show Report

Published Jul 25, 2019 13:01 PM

IPVM went to Australia attending the 3 days of the Australia Security Exhibition:

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This was held at the ICC Sydney, as shown below:

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In this report, we give our impressions and insights from major exhibitors, including:

  • Low Advertising
  • Strange Dahua No Show
  • CSD Booth Largest
  • China Brands Still Prominent, Little Effect
  • Facial Recognition Slower
  • Low OEM Presence
  • Genetec distributor Hills Profile
  • Hanwha expanding into Australia
  • Anyvision 'Scared'
  • 2 Australian facial recognition providers profiled
  • Uniview and TVT presence

Uniview ***** **** *** *****'* *** *******

******* *** *** ** *** ****** booths ** *** **********.

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********* *** ***** ********* **** ******* is *** *****'* *** ******* ************ - ** **********, ** **** **'* *** '** of ****'.

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*** ****, ******* ** ********* $*** million *******, ***** ****** ********* *** position ******* * *** ******.

******* *** * *** ************ ** Australia - **** ******************- *** ** ******. *** ******* rep ** ***** ** *** ****** to ******* **** ********* ***** *** company *** *** ********* **********.

** ****** *****:**'* ********* *** ** ** *** but ** *** ***** ***** ****.

** ******** ********:** ***** ** ********* **** ******* products ** **** *** ***** ******.** ******:** **** ****** ******, *** ****.

TVT *********** *** '******* **** ***********'

**** ***** **************** ******** *********(***), *** ********* *********** ** *** cameras *** **** *** ******** ** Australia.

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* *** **** ** **** ******** largely ** *****:

**'** ******* **** *** *********** *** offering ******* *****

*** *** **** ** ****** *********** was ****** ******** **** ******* ******* the ***** ******* **** *******.

****** **** ** ******* ****** ****** in ** *** ***** ** ******* for ******* **** ** ********. *** customer ** *** ********* **** ** they **** ** ********* *******.

*** ******* ************ *** *** **** rec ********:

***'* ******** ** ********* ** ******** different **** ***** ******* ********* ********* like *** ** *** ****** ***** the ******* ******* *** *** ***** not ** ** ******** ********, ******** its *** ********* **** ******, *****, DW, ***. (*** *** ** ****** *******)

Vivotek ***** **********

******* ***** ******* *** ************ ** Australia,****************.

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*** ******* ******* ******* ************** ** ******* *** ***** *-**-* % ****** ***** ** ********* *** New *******:

**'** ******** ** *** *********** ******* and ***** ************* ** *** ********

** *** ** **** ** *** doing ** **** ***** ********* *** we're ******* ******* *************.

******* **** ***** ************ ****** **** a ****** ****** *** **** ************ pushing ******* **********, ****** * **,*** camera ******* *** ****** ****** *** a ******* ** ******** ******* ** New *******.

**'** **** * ******* *********** ** our ********** ********

*** **** ** *******, **** *** previous ********* **** ** ******** ****** in *** (******* ***** ***** ******, *****, ****, AI *** ******** ***********).

Panasonic - ****** *****'* '**** ********' **** ***

********* *** * ***** *****, ***** reps **** ** *** ** ******** from ******.

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********* ******** *** ********** ***** ************ business *** ****** *** **** ***********, making **** **** ******, ****** ******* *** **** *** ******** ********** of *********:

** **** *** **** ******** [**** rec] ********

*********** ****** ** ***** *************, **** stated:

** ***'* ******* ** ***** ******* we ***'*, **** * *** **** Japanese ******************* *** ******** ************ *** swap *** ***** * ** * years, **** *** [*******] ***** * to ** *****

** ***** ** ********* ****** *****, the **** ******'* ******* *** **** they *** **** ******* ***** ******, citing * *** **************** ***** **** ******* ** *** Brisbane ****. **** ******* ********* *** demoed *** ******* ****** *********** ****** at*** **** ******* **** ****.

Cognitech: ***** ****** ** *** ****

****** **** *** ******** ******************* * ********** ******* *****, **** limited *********** *** *** ****:

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**** ******** ** ******* ** *******, market *****, *** ******** *********, *******:

** *** * *** ****** ** Australia ** **** ** ********

********* **** ********** ****** **** **** one ** *** ****** **** *** companies ** * ******* *****; *** firm *** ******* ** ****.

**** ** ***** ***** ******* **** and ****** *********** **** ** *** GDPR, *** *** ****:

**'* *** *** *** ******** ******* to **** ***** ****. ** ***'* end ** ******* **** ****.**'* *** the ******** ** ****** ***.

***** **** ********** *** ** ******, they ***** ** *** ******** **** end-user *********. *******, * ****** *********** software ******* - **** ** ** doesn't ******* *** *****' ******** **** - ****** ***** *** ********** ** photos ** ******'* *****, ***** *** considered ******** **** ***** *** ****.)

Hills *******

**** ***** *** *********************, ***** ** *** * ***** Australian ******** ***********, ******* ****, *****, Vivotek, *** ***** *******, *** ** Genetec's ********* ***********, ****** ** * significant ********** ******. ***** **** *** a ***** ***-******** ********* (**, ****** solutions, ** ********).

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**** ***************** *****, **** ** *****, ** * number ** ******:

*** *** *********** ** ********** ************ **** ****?

**** ****** *** *** ******** ** had ** **** ** ******* **** the ****** ******* ** *********. *** Dahua ** * **** ***** ******* [of *** ****** *****.] **** ** our ******* ***** ** ***.

*** ***** **** *** ****** **** human ****** ******** *********** *****'* ***** activities?

** **** *** **** ****** ************** from ********* ****** ** ***'* ** using ***** * ** ***** * because ** ***** *******, ** ** give ************ **** **** ** *******.

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**'** ***** ****** **** *****' ******** division ** ********** *********** ******** ** the **** ** *** *******, ***** isn't***** ***********...

**'* ** ****** ****** **** **** the **** ****** ** *****, ***** has *** *******************, *** **'** ** ***** *** and **'** ********* **'** ** * good *****. ********* ****** ******* ****** than ****** *** *** *********** ** the ******* ** ************. **'** ****** to ********* [********] ********* **** ***** Healthcare, *** *******.

*** ********** **** ****** *********** *** retail ********* * ****** ****** *** Hills ** ** *** ***** ***** trends *** *********?

*'* *** *** *********** ** *********** and **'* ***** *** ** ******* that *********** ** * ****** **** does *** ****** *******. **** * retail ***********, *** ********* *****'* ***** demonstrations.

Hanwha *******

****** *** * ***** ******** ** the ********** - * ***** ****** CSD, * **** ** *** *** and * ***** ********** (****** ********) booth.

********* *********** *** ******** ******'** **** ********* ******-********* **** ******:

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**** ***** ***** ******'* ********* ******** with ********* ***, * ****** ******** engineer *** **** **** ***** *****. Hanwha ******* *** ********** ******* ** * *** *******- * ****** ** *** ***** told ** **** *** ****** ******* by********** ***** ********************* ******* ** ******** ***** * month *******.

**** ** ****** ** ** ** Australia?

*** ****** ***** ** *** ***** high. *** ** *** ****** ** expand *** ********** ******. **** ****** is **** ** **** ***, **** Axis ****** ***. ** ***** **'* quite ******** *** *** ******** ** well. **'** ****** ******* ** *** mid-to-high ******. ***** *** **** **** end *** **'* *********. **** ***** we *** ******* **** ** *********.

** *** **** ** ****** ****?

**. *** **'** ****** ** **** BDMs ** ******. *****'* *** *** a ***** **** ** **** ** office.

*** *** ****** ** ******** ******, as * ***** ****** *******, ** the ******* *************?

****'* * ***** * ****** ********* when * ******* *** ******* ** distributors ** ***** ********.

** ***** *** ********** ***** ** Australia ******* ****?

**'** ********* ******* ***** *** ********** ****** ********** ***. ** **** ***** ** ******, with****** *******[***** ****] ****** ******** *** **** maps.

** ******** ******, **** ********** ******** ********* ******'* **** *********** ** *********. In ****,***, ***** ** *** ****** *******, has **** ************ ****** ******** ***** 1998. ** ********* *** *** *****.*** sponsored *** ******* *** ** *** conference, **** *** **** ** *** bar ******* ** ****** ******* *******; however *** ****** *** ** *****:

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****** **** *** * (****** ********) standalone ***** ** *** *** **** promoting *** ********* ******, ****** ****-*:

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*** **** ** *** *** *** supposed ** ******** *** ********* ***° mode, *******, *** ** ******* **** incorrectly ****** - ******* ** ***** right **** ** **** *****, **** were *** *****:

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** ***** ** *** **** & sales ************** ***, *** **** ** ********* ******'* distribution **** **** ***:

** **** ** **** **** ****** more ********** ** *** ******

*** ********* ******'* ********* ****** ***** at ***** *%. ** **** *** long *** **** *** *** ****** not ** ** ********** ** *********** to ******* ******, *** ** * first ******, ******** *************/***** ****** *** not ****** * ***** ****** ** Australia ***:

* ***** ****** *** ******** ** realize **** ***** ******* ***** ** using ******* ******, *********** ***** ** a *****.

** ****, ******* ****** **** ***** rising *** ** ***** **** [******] and * ***** ** **** *** right ******.

Avigilon ***** *******

******** *** *** ** *** ****** booths ** *** ****:

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*** **** *********** ** ******-******** *******,***** *** *** **** * ***** at *** ****. ******** **** ******** to ***** ** *** ****** **** IPVM ** *** **********, ********* ** to ********'* ** **** ** ******.**** our *************, ******** ** ***-**-**** ****** focused ** *********, *** *** *** - ** ** *** **** ********* - ** *** ** *** **** popular *********. ******** **** *** **** any *********-******** *********, ******* *** ***** promoted *** ******** **** ***** ******** and ******* ** ************:

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AnyVision *** '******' *** ********* ***** ***** **** *********

********* *** * ***** ***** ** the **********:

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*******, *********'* ******** **** ** ********* ******** ** **** **** "***'* **** anything **** ** *** ***** ******" and **** ** *** "******" ** talk ** **, ********** **** ****** a**** **************** *****, ********* ** *********.

AnyVision's ****** ************

****'* *** ***, ** **** ** committed ** ******** ****** *********** (*** our ******* **** ********* ** *** ******* ********** *** ******* ******* ** AnyVision). ********* ** * ****** ******,******** ********** **** ***** $* ******* ** revenue ** ****. ** ******* ****** as * '**** *** ****' ***** ***** ****** ** ********* and****** **** "***** **** ** ***********", although ** ****** ** *** ******* ************ ******* ************ ** *** **** Bank.

** **** ***** ** *** **** floor **** ********* ** ********* *** contracts ** ********* **** ** ****** like ******** (*** * *********) *** ********* (************************), ********* ********* ******************:

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Imagus: ********** **** *** ********

**** ******* *** ***** ********, * ********-***** **** *** ******** provider **** ****** ***** ******* ** Milestone's ***********.

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** ****** *** **** ** **** commercial ****** *********** ****'* * **** popular ******** ** *********, ******** ******** was ****** ***** *** ************ **************** *** ******* ** *****.

***********/***********:***** ** **** **'** ******* **. Mainly **'** ***** ********** **** ********* once *** *** **, ****** ** an ********* **. ** **** **** it **** **** ***** *** ********** face ******. ** ***'* *** ** sell ******* *********/**.

*****:** ****** **'** ***** *,*** *** (or $*,*** **) *** *******

*** ****:** *******, **'* ******** ******* ***** guards **** ***** ****** **** **** want ** **** ***, *** * suspect ****.

*** ********?***. ** ********* *** ******** **** the ****** *************.

Nirovision: ********** ****** **** *** *******

******* ********** ****** *********** **** ** the ********** *************,

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*** ******* **** ** ********** *** technology ** ****** ** ********* *** a ****-******** ********** ***, ** ** says ** *** *******:

** **********, ** ******* **** **********-***** AI ****** *** ** ******** *** three ****** ******** *** ****-************ *****.

*** **** ** *** ******** ******** to ******** *** ***, ***** **** can ****** **** & ***** ******'* - ***, *****, *********, ***:

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*****: ** **** ** *** ********** ***** $30 ** *** ****** *** *****.

*** ****: ****** *********** *******'* ** ****** **** in * ******** ****. **'** ******* at ******* ******* *** *******. ** don't ** *********, *** *** ** least **'* **** *** ****.

***'* *** ********** *********** *** **** rec ** *********?**'* **** ****. *****'* ** ****** recognition ******** ****, **'* *** ****. At ***** *** ***, **'* **** [permissive].

*******:*****-******* *** - **** **** * million [******** ** ** **** ********]


***** ** * ******* **** ******* the ********:

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Initial ***********: *** ***********, **** *******

****** **********, ***** *** ******* ** *** from *** ***** *************, ***** *** very ****** *********** ** **** **********. Axis ** *** **** ******* *** was *** **** *** **** *** significant **********, ******* ******* **** ******* on ******* ******* *** ********** ****:

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*** ***** ***** ********** *** *****, which ******* ** ***** *** ******** and **** **** ** *** ******** - *** ***** ****** ****** ***** attendee **** **** * ***** ********.

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Dahua ** ***** ***********

******* ******** ******* ** ***********, ********** in ******** *****, *** *** ***** rival ********* ****** * ******* *****, Dahua *** *** **** * ***** at **** ****'* ****. **** ***** Dahua ******** *** ***** ********* (*** seemed ** ** ***** *********, *** to *** ********) *** **** *** the ****, *** ** **** ****** to ******* *** ***** ******.

Traffic/Major ******

******* *** ***** ** *** ****** below ****:

** ******* ***** ********, *** ******* ****** **** ********** distributor ***, ********* *** ****, ***** all ********* *** ******* *******:

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***** **** ***** *,*** ********* *** 170 ****************- ******* **** **,*** ********* *** 1,000 ********** ****** ****- ** ******, *** ** ** a **** ****** ****** **** *********, whose ********** ** ***** ****, *.*. Texas.

CSD ***** *******

***** ********** ************** (******* ******** ************)*** ** *** *** ******* *** most-visited ***** ** *** ****:

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*** *** ****** ** *********** ****, ***** **** ****** **** Innerange, ***** *** *********** ********* ****** its *****:

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*** ** *** *********** ** ******** camera ******, ********* ****, **********, ******, Bosch, ***:

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********* ** ***'* *** ******* ****** line, **** ***'* ** *** ******** and *********,**** *******. **** *** ********** ******* ** Australia's *** *******. *** *****'* *** right ****** **** *********.

China ******* *******

** *** **, ********* ******** ********* ************* ** *** **** *** *** the ******* *********************** ** *********** **** ********* **** human ****** ****** **********. ** ******, *** ********** ************ ******* *** ********** ********, *** Hikvision/Dahua****'* **** **** **** ******'* ******* ******** **********.

*******, ** *********, ***** *** **** little ******** ******* *** *************. ***** the ********** ******** *** ****** ********* cameras ** *** ***** ***** **** September***** ** ***************** ***** ****** ***, ************ *** integrators **** ***** ** **** **** ban *** *** *** **** ******* impact; *** ** **** **** ********* and ***** **** ****** *** *** two ****** ************* **** ** *********. CSD **** **** **** ** ********* cameras **** ***** ***** **** *** government ********:

**, *** [** ************] **** *** no ****** ** *****.

**'** *** *** *** ********** ****** applied ****. ******* ****** *****, [*********] is * **** **** *******.

******** *****, * ****** ********** ************ ********, **** **** ** *** ****** was ********:

********* *** * ****** ***** *********, lots ** ***** *********** *** ***** trade **** [**** *****]. ****** *** used ** ***** ******* ******** ****. Prior ** ********* *** ***** ** was *** ***** *** **** *** whatever ****, *** ** ****'* *********** any ** **, ** ****'* ******* import?

* *** *********, * ***** ***** ***********, *** say ******* ********** ***** **** *** equipment **** *** ****** - "*** illegal, *** ******* ****".********, ******* ***** ***********, **** ***** intercoms **** **** ******* ** ********** government ********* ***** ******** *** "****** died ****" ***** *** *** ******.

Complacency * ****

********* *****'* **** ** **** * strong ***** ** *** ***** *****, but **** *** *** ******. ** Hikvision/Dahua ** ****** **** ** ************** *** **, ***** ** * realistic ***********, *** *****' ****** ****** would ** ********* ********, *********** ********** the ****** ** ***** *** ********** cameras ** *********.

'Booze ***' ****** **** ***** *******

****** **** ***** ********** *** ** Hikvision/Dahua ** *******, **** *** ******* being ******'* '***** ***', ************** ********** ****** ** **** ***** drivers. ****** **** ** ***** **** full ** ***** ******* *** ****:

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Hikvision ***** ********* **** **** ******* *******

*********'* ***** *** ***** *** ************, with ** **** ***** ***** ********** its **** ***** ** ********:

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*** *********** ****** ** *** ***** was **** ********* ***** ****** **** facial *********** *** * ******* ********* directly **** ** **, **** **** rec ***** ** **** *** *********. We ******* ** ***** *** **** notices:

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***** ** ******* ******* ** **** a ******:

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**** ******* *** ********* *****, ** a ********* ******* **** *********** ***, had **** * ******:

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**** *** ***** **** ********** ******* both***************** ****** *********** ***. *** ********* doesn't **** **** *** ***** ** no ********** *** ******* ********** ****** used **** *******, ** *** **** does.

*****, ** ** ******* ** *** manufacturers **** ******* ******** ** **** privacy, ******** *********'* ******* **** * number ** ************** ** ****, **** ** ******* ******* ** relevant ********* *** *** ******/******* ** processing.

* ********* ********* *** ***** ** IPVM *** ******** **** ** *** questions ** *** ************** **********. *** rep *** *** **** *** ** their ******* ***********.

Slower ****** *********** ********

******** ** *** ****, ***** ************** ****** *********** *********/********, *** ********** was *** ** **** ** * hot ***** ** ******, **** *** booths ****** *********** **. ** ***** the ********* ************:

*'** **** ****** ** **** **** rec ***** *** * ***** *** it ****'* **** **** (******** *****, local **********)

****** *********** *** * ****** ****** [in *********] ******** ** ***** *******, there's ***** * **** ****** - it's **** ********* (**** *******, *** product **)

*** ******* ***** *** ** ** that ******** ***** ******** *** ***** ideal **********. *** *********** **** *****, make ***** ********, *** **'* * really **** ***** *** ** ** overcome (****** **************)

Comments (25)
John Honovich
Jul 24, 2019

This is the most Dahua thing Dahua has ever done. Only Dahua would sponsor the bags and lanyards but not have a booth. It defies any type of logic...

Good job Charles and members let us know what you want us to cover in the next 2 days. Day 1 is typically our big-picture overview and then the next days are spent digging into details of specific companies and issues.

Undisclosed #1
Jul 24, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Only Dahua would sponsor the bags and lanyards but not have a booth.

because I know you enjoy a little good-natured ribbing, I submit: 

Who Wants An IPVM Lanyard?

John Nino
Jul 24, 2019

I would like to hear about Milesight and their new mini series. 

John Honovich
Jul 24, 2019

John, for this show, we are looking for more Australian specific things. We can separately check into Milesight. What about their mini series are you interested in?

John Nino
Jul 24, 2019

How well the cameras really hold up to the specs they show: 0.002 lux, 140db WDR, VOIP support. And also how the company plans to promote their brand outside of China.  

John Honovich
Jul 24, 2019

For how they hold up to specs, we would obviously have to do a test.

As for promotion, it's a good question. At least in the US, I do not see it at all. I am sure they are doing something but it's evidently not that significant or else we would see something. 

Undisclosed #2
Jul 25, 2019

If possible, please ask about Hanwha's business in Oceania. Is Oceania an important market for Hanwha? How much is the shipment? etc

John Honovich
Jul 25, 2019

#2, good question, Charles spoke with Hanwha today and added a section on the report. Net/net, they just recently entered and are small but looking to grow.

It's an interesting contrast to North America where Hanwha literally has legions of salespeople and, e.g., their million-dollar ISC West booth.

Damith Jayasinghe
Jul 25, 2019

Guys to help answer some questions.


1) Hanwha is also resold through EOS (ie at the main bar as well as CSD) So they are not new to the market. Samsung before Hanwha was a player in Australia since the 90's.

2) You haven't talk about Avigilon presence yet. Their booth is one of the best showing some of H5SL and ACC7.



John Honovich
Jul 26, 2019


Thanks, we updated and expanded our coverage on Hanwha and EOS.

We also added a short section on Avigilon noting they had a large booth. Note: we've already tested ACC7 just this week.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Jul 25, 2019

It would be interesting to understand which VMS platforms the market thinks are most popular - whether Milestone/ Genetec are leaders or if the Australian region cost constraints see others more common / on the rise (and why is it that Geutebruck seems to be uniquely successful in Australia...)?

Undisclosed #4
Jul 25, 2019

Regarding Dahua's absence it may simply be that they have a network of white-label resellers who rebrand Dahua hardware and might take umbrage at their supplier trying to compete with them.

That said, I cannot but feel that many of the exhibitors are there solely because their competition are and not because there's any tangible marketing benefit to yet another stand at the tradeshow, shaking hands with their existing customers or waving at their competitors.

John Honovich
Jul 25, 2019

Regarding Dahua's absence it may simply be that they have a network of white-label resellers who rebrand Dahua hardware and might take umbrage at their supplier trying to compete with them

That's a reasonable theory. The only part that does not fit is that Dahua sponsored the bags and lanyards. If you really wanted to support your white-label resellers than you would avoid any reference of your brand, not plaster it all over the place.

Undisclosed Distributor #5
Jul 25, 2019

Talking about VMS... Is it true that there is a new VMS being released by Hanwha? How does it compare to all other brands?  When will it be released?

John Honovich
Jul 25, 2019

Hanwha has released a new VMS last year, though it may only be spreading outside North America later. See: Hanwha Launches Wave VMS and Hanwha Wave VMS Tested

Undisclosed Distributor #6
Jul 26, 2019

I believe you are referring to  "Wave VMS" mentioned in the above report.

According to what I have heard, it is a "Next generation VMS"

If they are presenting it at the show, I would suspect the official release can't be far off.


John Honovich
Jul 29, 2019

I would suspect the official release can't be far off.

Hanwha confirmed that what is being released is Wave in Australia, the same VMS they have been selling in North America for over a year.

Jonathan Lawry
Jul 25, 2019
Trecerdo, LLC

Interesting.  I was just in Sydney a few days ago.  I would have re-planned my trip had I known about this show beforehand.

That said, like a cobbler who is always looking at your shoes, I took note in Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns what equipment was being used for video and access.  From my unscientific surveying, it seemed 80% Hikvision for cameras, and nearly half of access control seemed to be Gallagher.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #8
Jul 28, 2019

For access control in Australia, the predominant brands, by far, are Inner Range, Gallagher and ICT. Non « unified » platforms (meaning only access control but no native intrusion support) such as those we see in North America are simply not used much in Australia and NZ.

Undisclosed Distributor #9
Jul 29, 2019

Tecom is also very popular as a brand, although alot of it may be legacy sites installed quite some time ago.

Undisclosed Distributor #6
Jul 26, 2019

You have made it sounds as if CSD are the only Hanwha distributor in Australia.

This is not true, EOS (who chose to sponsor the bar this year),  specialises in Hanwha CCTV  (previously Samsung Techwin).

EOS have been distributing the Hanwha/Samsung CCTV product range for over 20 years, which makes them without doubt the most experienced Hanwha distributor in the Australian market.

Undisclosed Distributor #5
Jul 26, 2019

Yes, as far as I know, EOS Australia Pty Ltd was the exclusive distributor of Samsung/Hanwha WISENET products until Hanwha assigned CSD as the 2nd distributor Oct last year.

John Honovich
Jul 26, 2019

#5 and #6, thanks. That was our error. We just added a new section to the report with an interview with EOS and more photos of Hanwha at the show.

John Honovich
Jul 28, 2019

Update: Charles' sections on TVT, Uniview, Vivotek, Panasonic and Cognitec are now added.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #7
Jul 28, 2019

Sean Borg had nothing to say... either that wasn't the real Sean Borg or Hell has frozen over...

He should take a fresh look at IPVM as the coverage of AnyVision has been fair and balanced (along with other brands)... then he wouldn't be "scared" to talk to IPVM. 

Great coverage of the Security Expo - thank you IPVM for taking the time to visit our event "Down Under". 
