Subscriber Discussion

Does Anyone Know Of A Specialized Training Course On Setting Up Port Forwarding, Using Static IP's?

Josh Penn
May 05, 2018
Automated Controls

Does anyone know of a specialized training course on setting up port forwarding, using static IP's?

We seem to hit a wall once our installations get to the point where remote access is involved and we spend way to much time trying to figure it out, seems there may be some specialized training we can sign up for, we use web based access control for alot of pools and IP camera systems and we struggle with firewalls and port forwarding. Appreciate any info.

Jay Hobdy
May 05, 2018
IPVMU Certified

I would suggest taking the networking course here.


And to be honest, you really need a good understanding of networks. It seems so easy, open ports on our router, open ports on clients modem/router. But sometimes you have to get clients IT dept involved, sometimes their router is password protected, etc.


I have gone over this multiple times with my techs and I still get calls when something is slightly different.


And then you have the whole security issue of port forwarding....

John Honovich
May 05, 2018

Josh, our most relevant training is our 2018 IP Networking Book and specifically Remote Network Access for Video Surveillance Guide.

However, we strongly recommend not to port forward because port forwarding exposes the device to anyone and everyone on the Internet. And as the last 2 years show, when vulnerabilities are discovered, port forwarding devices get hacked, e.g., Dahua Recorders Mass Hacked.

Alternatively, we recommend VPNs (see our VPNs for Video Surveillance Guide).

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