Worst Manufacturer Tech Support 2024

Published Aug 19, 2024 11:44 AM

Six manufacturers stood out as providing the worst technical support to integrators in new IPVM statistics.

IPVM Image

120+ integrators answered:

In the past year, what manufacturer has provided you the worst technical support? Why?

In this note, we examine the problems integrators cited for these manufacturers, including detailed responses from integrators, and compare them to past results.

For reference, see:

For contrast, see Best Manufacturer Technical Support 2024.


********* ******** ** *** ***** ******, with **** ******** ********* *** ***** positives **** *** **** *******.

******** ***** ** **** * **** negative ** ******* ***** ********* **** LenelS2. (***** ********* **** ******** ************** ********* **** **** ************* **** ** **** ******** ** roll *** *** *** ********** ****** responses ** *** ******.)

*** *** ********* ******** ******* ******* net ******** *********. ********* ******* ** the ***** **** *** *** ***** time ***** ****, *** *** *** the ***** ****.

*******, ***** ****** *** ******* ********, they ******** *** ******-**** "*****" ********, nearly ** **** ** *********, ****** offset ** *** **** "****" *****.

Worst: *********

********* ******** *** **** ***** ********, as **** *** ** *** **** results. *********** **** **** **** ************ and ********* ** *****.

  • "*********. **** **** **** ** **** to **** ** *********. *** * 1001 ********* **** *** ********** ** the ***** **** ** ***** ***** to *******."
  • "*********, ***** **** ** ***** ** them ** ** ********* ** *** support ** * ****** ******."
  • "*********. ******* ** ******** *** *** supposed * **** ******** ** ******** more **** ** ****."
  • "*********. **** ***** **** ** *** phone ** ******* ** ***** *** when **** ** ***** ********* *** far *** *** ** *******."
  • "********* - ******* ********* ** *** worse *** ** ** ***** ********."
  • "*********, ** ****** ** ******* ***** more **** ** ****"
  • "*********: ** ******* ********** ** ******** in *******"
  • "********* **** ** ******* *** ** answers"
  • "********* ******** **** ******"

~** ****** ***, * ********* *** admitted **** ******** ** ** *** event:

************** ******* ******** ********** **** ********* high-level *******, ***** ** * **** center. *** ******* *** ********** *** ******* *** *** ******** infrastructure** *** **** *** *** **** been****** *** *** ************** ** *** FCC. **** ** ***** ******* **** negatively ******** ***** ** *** **. Compounding **** *******, ********* ***** ***-**** hardware ******* ********** ********* *******, ***** others **** ******* (*.*., *******) ** licenses **** *** **** ***** ******* (e.g.,*******).


******** ******** ******* ******** ********* *** no *********, ****** **** ***** ******* for *** ***** ****, ** ******** was ** *** ***** **** **** year. ******** *** ************ *** ** limited **** *******, **** ***** ****** seeking ********* *** ********* ****** ** support ********, ** ********* ** ***** comments. *******, ******** *** ********** ****"************ *******,"***** ******** **** ***** ******* ** US ********* (*********** **** ** *** ******* ******** With "************ *******")

  • "********. **'* ***-******** ***** **** *** community. ***'* **** *** *****, *** everything ***** **** * *****-***"
  • "********. ** ***** ** ******* **** in *** **** *** ******* ********* their ******. **** **** ** *** a ***** ** ****. **** ** emails ******** **** ***** **** **** quickly ****** **** ** * ***** phone ****."
  • "********, **** ** ******* *** * pain ** ******* *** *** **** once *** **** *** *** ** took * ***** ** *** *** camera **** *** *** *** ** the ***."
  • "********. **** **** **** ** **** and ** *** ** ******** *** support."
  • "********, ***** ******* ** ***********."
  • "********. ** ***** ******"
  • "******** ******* *** **** ****** ***** recently."


******* *** **** ***** ******** ** some ** *** ***** **** *******, with *********** ********** **** **** ***** and **** ** ********. *******'* *** positivity *** ******* ** ********, ****** they ******** **** ******** ********, ****** Ubiquiti.

  • "*****/*******. ** ***** ******* ** **** get ******* ** *** *****. ***** system **** **** ** ** *** and *** **** ** ***** **** the ********* *****. **** *** ** finally *** **** ** *** *****, the ***'* **** *** ****** *** say **** **** *** **** ** you *** ***'*."
  • "***** *** ** **** ** **** back ** ********** ****** ** ****. Elevator *********** ********* **** **** *** return ****. **** **** ***** *** no **** ***** *** **** ***"
  • "***** ** - ** **** *** speak ** *** ****** *** ****** has * ******* ******* **** - even **** ** ******** * ********** issue **** ******** *******."
  • "** **** ***** *** ****** **** Lenel *** *** ********* ***** ******** is **** ** **** ***-********. ******** calls *** ******"
  • "**, *** **********, **** **** ****** around, *** **** ** ******* ********"
  • "*******: **'* **** ** **** ******** out ** ****."

*******: ***** *** **** ** *** list ******* ****** ******* **************** ******* *****, **** ******* ****** a *** ******.

***** *********, *********** ******* ** **** ****, **** ******* ** **** ****, it ***** ******** **** ***** ******* issues **** ******* ***** *** *********.


*** ******** ** *** **** *** the ***** ****. *********** **** **** were **** ** ***** ** ****** other ******* *** ******:

  • "***** *** ***, **** ****** ** ashamed ** *** **** ***** ******* and *** **** **** **** **** do *** ****. *** ** ******** by **** ********** ******** *** **** you *** *** *** *** ** support *** **** ******."
  • "*** ** ****** **** **** *****. You **** ** **** **** ******* each ****."
  • "*** - ****** **** ** *** in ***** *** **** ****** ******* and ***** ***** *******."


********* ********** ** *** ***** ****, with *** ********** ******* ** ***. Respondents **** **** **** **** ** reach *** ***** ***** *** *** problems.

  • "*********. **** **** **, **** *** a ***, **** **** ** **** it ***** **** ** **** ** more, ** * ***** *** ****** to **** **** **** ** **** instead ** ******* ** **** (**** promised ** **** ** ***** ** line). *** **** *****, * ******* they ******** ****'* ***** ** **** me ****, ** * **** ** call **** *****, **** *** ** hour ** ****, *** **** **** do * *** ********."
  • "** ***** **** ********* ** ****** changes ** ****** **** *********** *** adjust ** ******* ***********. *** ******* changes *** *********, *** *** ******* havoc ** *** ***** ** **** come *********** (***** ******** *** ******** requirement ******* ******) *** **** ** be ****** ***********."
  • "********* **** ** *****, ******* ***'* fix *** *******, ******** ****** **."
  • "*********/******* *** **** ****** ****."

Hanwha ******** *** **** ** ***** ********

***** ****** *** ******** *******, **** for *** ****** *******, **** **** ******** * **** number ** "*****" ********, ****** **** to *********. ******** *********** **** **** Hanwha ******* *** **** ** *****, with **** **** *****, *** ***** 1 *********** **** *********.

  • "****** ** **** **** *** *** everything **** *** **** ******* ***** to *** ** *** ***** *** need ***** ****."
  • "******. **** **** ***** *** **** 1 ** **** ******* **** * call ****** ********. ****** ***** *** hours ** **** ****."
  • "******. *** ****** ***********, *** *** wait ** **** *** **-** ******* only ** **** ********* ****** *** then **** ** ** ***."
  • "****** *** ***. **** **** **** a ********* ****** **** ***** ****. This ** ** ***** *** ******* calls, ***** *** ****** ***** *** within ** *** ** **."
  • "******, ****** *********."

Exacq ********** #*

*****, ********** *** #* ***** **** support ** *** **** ******, ******** only *** ******** ******** ** ****. While **** *** ** *** ** Exacq's ******* *********, **** ******** ** positive *********, ** **** ****** ** more ****** *** ** * ******** in *****'* ****** *****. ***** **** out ** *** *** **** ** our******** ***/*** ************* **********, *** *** ***** **** ***** we **** *** ***** *******, ******** in ****.

No ***** **********

***** **** *********** *** * ***** worst **********, ***** ** **** **** they *** ** ***** ********** ***** mentioning ** ***** *** ***** *** Hikvision. ** **** *****, **** *** because **** *** ******** **** ******* from *** ***** ******* ** **** all ********* ***** *******.

  • "**** ** ***** **, ** **** received ***** ******* **** *** *******."
  • "******** *** **** ***** *** ****. No *** ****** ********* *** **** no *** ****** ******* ****** *** rest."
  • "**** ******, *** **** ********* ** different ******, *** *** **** ******** the ******"
  • "***'* ****** **** *** ****** **** interactions ***** ******"
  • "** **** ****** **** ******"
  • "***'* ****** **** ***!"
  • "***'* ****** ***."

**** *********** **** **** *** ** worse ********** ******* **** *** ************ their ***** **** *** ** ***:

  • "** *** **** ****, ** **** consolidated *** ******* **** ** ******** and ****. **** ***** ********* ******* in *** **********."
  • "** **** **** **** ******, ** there *** ** *****-**** *********."
Comments (2)
John Honovich
Aug 19, 2024

*** ******* ********** ********** *** ***** is ********** *******, ******** ********** *****'* ******* ***. ** *** **, ********* ***** an *********** ******, *** ***** ****** literally ****** *****. *****'* **** ****** reason **** ***** ** *** ******, outside ** *** ***-***** **********' *********** that ********* **** **** ***** ** very **** ***, ********* ** *** very ********* ** ***** ***** *****. I ** **** *** *** ***** people ****** ** *** ****** **** want ** ** ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Sep 04, 2024

*'* ******* ********* ******* ** * nightmare *** **** ***** *********. **% are ***** ******* ***** **** **** issues. **% *** ********* ** *********** and ****** ** ****** *** *** to ******* ******* ** ******* ******** they ******. **** ** *****. *'* agree **** *** ******* *** ****. We *** *** ****** *** **** issues *** *** *** ******* *** everything ***** ***** ** ***** ************ is *** ***** ** ****. * have ** ***** *** *** ** play *******. * **** *** *** agreements ******* **** *****, ********* ***. But **** * **, * ****** quick, *** ***** *******. *** *** most ****, *** *** **** **** both ***** *** ********* ******** ***** hold ***** *** ******* ****** *** the ************* ******* ** * ****. Lenel, * ******* **** ***** ********** out ** *** ****** ****** *** long, ** ***** ******* ** *******, integration, *********** *** ******* *** *** on *** **** *** *****.
