Best Manufacturer Technical Support 2024

Published Aug 15, 2024 11:30 AM

Integrators selected a new top manufacturer as having the best tech support, with a long-time #1 dropping to second.

IPVM Image

120 integrators answered:

In the past year, what manufacturer has provided you with the best technical support? Why?

In this note, we examine the strengths of the top 5 manufacturers including detailed integrator commentary and comparison to past years' results. For reference, also see:

We plan to release the companion report, Worst Manufacturer Technical Support 2024, soon.

[REMINDER: No promotional use anywhere is allowed for any IPVM reporting, including these results. Please report any violations immediately to]

Executive *******

******* ***** **** *** *** **** this ****, ** **** ****** **** in ****, *** **** ********* ******* in ****, ********* *** ******* ****** of ******** ********* (**** **** **** and ******) *** **** *** *********. However, *** ******** ** *******'* ******* is **** ** ******** * ****** cost **** ***********, **** ** ********, which ******** ******* ** ** ********** cost **** ***** ** *** ********.

**** ******* ** *** ****** ****, along **** ********, ********* ** **** positive ***** ** *******, *** ****** by **** ******** ********. ******** ******** third, ******* ** ****** ******* ** positive ********* **** ** ****.

****** *** ********* **** ** *** third ****, **** *** **** *** results. *******, ****** ******** ****** ** the ****** ** ******** *********, ****** by **** ******* ** ******** *****, while ********* ******** ***** ******** ********* and **** * ****** ******** *******.

Verkada *******

***** ******* ******** *** "****" ******** in ***** *********, **** *** ********* impacted ** (*) *******'* *****, ***** is ************ ** **** ************ ******** integrators, *** (*) ******* ** *** reduced *** **** *** *********** **** its ******** ****** **** *******, ****** support ****** *** *** ***** *** less ****** ** ******* *********** (********** ****** ***** **/* *** ******** Live **** *******).

*** ****** ******** **** ******** ****** (ranked *** ****) **** ******* ** favor ** ****** ******* **** *** manufacturer, ** ******** ***** **** ****** ******** ******** ****** With *******.

** ******* ****** **** ******* (******** in *** *****/****** ******) **** ** increasingly ********* *** ********* ** **** move ** *****-***** *********.

#1 – *******

******* ***** **** *** #* **** in ****, ** ********** **** ** ****, *** ******** ********* ** ****. *********** **** **** ******* **** "above *** ******" *** ****** ** support ***** *** ** **** ** it ***** ** ***** ********.

  • "******* **** ******* **** ***** *** beyond **** * ******'* ****** *** unstable *** ********** ********. ***** ******* team ****** ** *** ***** **** the **** ***** ***** ** ***** a ****** ********** *** ********** ********** the **** ***** ** *** ***** (client ******* ********)."
  • "*******, ***** ****. **** **** ****** us **** *** *** *** **** system ** * ********* ** *** and **** **** **** ********** ** our ******* *** ******** ****** ******* when ******"
  • "***** *** ******* ******* ***** ***** the **** *******. *** **** ****** is **** **** *** *** ********, they **** ***** **** *** ****** try ** **** * ******** *** you. **** *** **** ** ***** out (*****, ****, *****). **** **** don't *** ** **** "*** ****** detail" **** **** ***** **** ** turn *** **** *** *** *** to **** **** **** *** *** this ***** *****."
  • "*******: ** ***** **** ****** *** when *** *** ******** ** *** phone **** **** **** **** *** as **** ** ** *****."
  • "*******, ****** ******* ** *** ********** program *** ********. ***** *** **** instananeous. ******** *** **** ******* ***."
  • "******* ********* ** ******* *********** ********* support. ***** ****** ******, *** *********** questions *** ******* ********** *******."
  • "*******, **** *** * ***** ******** jump ** *** ***** *** *** not **** ** **** ******* *****."
  • "*******, **** ***** **** ** *** the ******** ** ****** ** ***** a ******** ***** ** * ***** wall"
  • "******* ** **** **** **** ** deal **** *** ********* * ***** professionalism."
  • "******* - ***** ******* ** *** best - ****** **** ** *** to *** ****** ** *** *****"
  • "******* ** **** ********** **** **** you **** **** **** *** **** tried."
  • "*******. **** ****** ** *** ******** issues *** ********."

** ******** ** *** **** *** Genetec *******, ******* **** ** *** of *** **** *********** ******** ** use, ****** ** *******'* ******** ***** on **** ******** ******* **** ****** usage. *** **** ******* ** ****** to ****** ********** ** *** *** SaaS *******, ********** ******** ****** **** ******.

#2 – ****

**** ******* **** *** *** ****, which ************** **** ***** ****, *** *********** ***** **** **** Axis *** ***** ** ******* *** knowledgeable.

  • "**** - ***** ***** ** *** best. ***** ** ********. ********* **** has *** ** *** **** ******* that * **** ***** *** ** there ** **** ** ***** **** required **** *** ** ********* ** their ********* *** ** ** *** a **** **** ****. **** **** sure ******** ************ ** ********."
  • "** ** **********, * ***** **** to **** **** ** ****. *** full **** ***** **** **** ********* supportive ** ** ** *********** *** our *********. ******** ** ***** *** efficient."
  • "****. **** **** ** *** ***** relatively *******, ***** ******* ** **** and **** **** ********* **** *** resolve *** ******."
  • "****, ***** ***** *** ******* **** have ****** ********* ** ***** **** of *** ***. ****** ***** ** assist *** **** ** *********."
  • "****. **'** **** ******* * *** of ******* ********* ********* **** *********, other **** ************, **** ********* *** Milestone. ***** *********** ******* ** *********."
  • "****. ***** **** ***** *** *** support ***** ******* ***** *** ** deal **** *** *********."
  • "**** - **** **** **** ********* on ***** ******** ******* *** ******* shooting ********."
  • "****. **** ** ******** ******* **** for ******* *** ***** ********."
  • "**** - ***** ***** ************** *** great **** *******."
  • "****, ********* *** ****** ********* *******."
  • "****, ***** **** ***** *** *** answers"

*******, *** ********** *** ***** ********, praising **** ******* *** ****** ****** with ***** ***********:

********* ** *** ******* **** **** multiple ***** ** ********. *** *******: Axis *** **** ******* **** ******** and **** ******* *** *** ** great ** ***** ***********.

#3 – ********

******** ******** ** *** *** * once *****, **** *********** ****** ***** were *************. **** **** ******** ******* was *****, ****** ****** **** ** could ** ********* ** **** *** to ****.

  • "******** / ********. ******* ******* **** been ******* ** * ****** ****** with ************* *****. ********** ****** **** appropriate. ******* *** ************ ******** ** on ** **** **** *** ******** a ******** **** ** (******* *** to ******* *** ** ***-**** ********/**********)."
  • "********, ** *** ** ******** ****** and **** **** *** *-*****. **** are ********* **** ** ****** *** call *** ****** **** *** ****** within * *** ** ***, **** on *** ********* ****."
  • "******** & *** - ** *** some ****** **** * ******* ******** integration, **** ****** ******** ** *** required ********** ** *** ** ******. The **** ** ************* ******** ****** where *** ******* ***** ** (***** vendor) - **** **** ****** ******** to **** **."
  • "*** **** ********* ******* *'** ******** this **** *** **** **** ********. They **** **** ******* ** ********** the ************ *** * ********."
  • "******** *** ********* *******, ********** **** you *** **** **** *. **** are ******* ** ***** **** ** issue *** **** **** ***** ******* as ****."
  • "******** - **** ******* ******* ** the ***** ******** **** ****** ** answers **** ********** *******!"
  • "********/********. ***** ******* *** ******** *** any ****** ******, ***, *************"
  • "********, **** **** * ***** *** robust ******* **** **** ****** *** their ********."
  • "********/******** ** ****** *******"
  • "********, ****** *********"

#4 – ****** (**** **** *********)

*********** **** ******* ******** ***** ******, though ******** **** **** ***** **** other *** *********, ******* **** ** #3 ** **** **** *** ***** responses. *********** ******* ***** ***** ******* turnaround *** **** **** **** **** them ***** ******** *** ******.

  • "****** ****** - ********** ****** *** rare, *** *** ***** ************** ***** quick ****** **** ********* ***** ** and **** ** **** *** ******* technical *** *********** ********* *******."
  • "** **** ******** **** ****** ** Korea, *** *** ************* ** ******. We **** ** **** **** ****** Vision ******** ** *****, *** *** communication ** ******, ******** ********* ** have ******* ******* *** ******* ****** to *** ****** ** ******."
  • "****** ******, **** ******** **** ******** for * ********** ******** ** ****** to ****. ***** **** * ****** of ****** ** ***** *** **** stepped ** ******* *** ******** ****** support"
  • "******. ******** *** ******** ************ *** if *** *** * **** ***** dealer *** *** * ********* ***** of *******"
  • "******, ******* ******* * **** **** always ****** *** ***** *** **** with ** ***** ** *** *** problem ******* *** ** ***. ** 3 *****."
  • "****** ****** - ********* ******* ** both *** *** *** **** ******* when ****** ** ******* ****** ** configuration *********."
  • "******, ******* **** ***** ***** **** but ******* ***** ******* ****** ****'** always ******* ** ****."
  • "******, ** ** ********** **** **** had ***** **** ***** *** ***** results"
  • "****** - ******** ***** ******* *** fast **** ****** ** ***'*."
  • "******. ******* *** ********* *** **** issues."

#4 – ********* (**** **** ******)

***** ******** *** ** *** *** 5 ** ****, ********* ***** **** up ** ****, **** ***** ******** opinions. *********** **** **** **** ********** and *************.

  • "********* **** **** ***** ***** ***** I've ***, *** ****** ** *** really, *** **** ** **** **** it's ***** ******* ** ** ******."
  • "** (****) ***** ********* ******* ****** and ****** *** *** **********, **** a **** ***** ** ********* ********* and **** ** *** ***** ***** its ********."
  • "********* **** ***** **** ** ***** the ******* ** *********"
  • "*********. ************* ******** ** ****** *********."
  • "********* - ***** ****** (*****) ******* is **** ***** ** ***** ********."
  • "*********, **** ***** ** **** *****"
Comments (6)
Boris Bronstein
Aug 15, 2024

*'* ******** ** *** ******** ********** to ******** *** ***** ** ********* for **** ** *** *********** ** manufacturer-provided ********* *******.

**** *** *** **** ******** *** selecting *** ************* *** **** *******?

**** *** *******, ********* ***, ***, Dahua, *** *******, *** *******. **** my (********* ***-**************) **********, ***** ****, along **** ****** *** ****, ********* about **% ** **********-**-************ ******* *****.

****, ** ** ********** ** ******* support ******** ** ********-**** ************* (*********, Genetec) **** **** ******** ** **** (almost *********** ********) *** ***** ******** end-to-end *********?

John Honovich
Aug 15, 2024

**** *** *** **** ******** *** selecting *** ************* *** **** *******?

** ****'* ******. *********** *********, ****** whomever **** ******. ** **** ********* the *******.

**** *** *******, ********* ***, ***, Dahua, *** *******, *** *******

******* ****** **** *** ***** *******, Hikvision ** ** ******** ********* *** best ***** ******** ******* *** ** ******** ******** criticized ***** *******:

*** ********* *** *** ********* *** mentioned ** **** **** **** ******** at *** ***** ******, ** **'* structurally **** *** **** ** ******* on ******* **** ********* **** ****** far ****. ** ** *****, **'* not **********, *.*., *** ******* **** made *** ***** **** ******* * lot ** *****.

***, ***** ** *** **** *** mentioned *** *** ** **** ************ better **** *** ******?

Ross Vander Klok
Aug 15, 2024
IPVMU Certified

*'* ********* ****** *** **** ****. They *** **** ****** **** ***** was *** **** **** (**+ ***** ago) ***** *** ***** "*****" *** bent **** ********* *** ***. **** to **** * ****** **** ** Genetec * *****!

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 15, 2024

* ***'* **** ** *'* "***", or "***-******". * ******* **** *** of *** ******* ******* *** ****** business ** **** ******* *** *******. The **** ******, *** **** *** soft ****** *** ****** ******* ********** an ********.

*'** *****, *** ****, ********* ***'* leadership **** ** ****'* ***** ****** resources ** *** ****-***** ******* ****. "It *****'* ******** *******!"

****, ** *** *** *** *** the ***** **, *** ***** *** 3rd, ***, ***...

Mike Fahey
Aug 16, 2024

*** **** ******* ****** ** *** top ** ******* ** **** *****'* ranked? ***** **** ** *** **** to ******* **** *** ******* ** verkda .

John Honovich
Aug 16, 2024

* ***** **** ******* **'* ** fairness ** *******. **** ** * report ***** ** **********'* ******** ** we ******* ** **** *** ******* does **** * ****** ******* ******** that ********** **** *** ** ********* in ******** **** ************ ******** ***********.

** *** ********* ******** ** ******* and ** ** *** ********** ********* to ***** **** ** ****** **** are ** ***** *****.
