False Verkada 'Unrivaled' Low Light Performance Claim Removed

Published Jun 12, 2019 16:38 PM

Verkada falsely claimed that it delivered 'UNRIVALED LOW LIGHT PERFORMANCE' until IPVM questioned. In fact, Verkada's low light performance is inferior, as IPVM testing proved.

False verkada low light claim

False Grounds

******* ***** *** ***** ***** ** its ****** *** *** *******:

*******, */*.*" *********** **** ******* *** entirely ********, ** *** *****, *** multi-megapixel ******* *****. ********, '**********-***** *** illuminators' *** **** ******** ** ** cameras.

Inferior *******

*** ****** ******* ** **** *******'* cameras *** ******** ** ***-*****, ** this ********** **** *** ******* *****:

Heavy Compression Artifacts Obscure Facial Detail

*******,***** *-**** *** ****** *****, *** ******** *********** ********** ** well ** ***-**** ************, ******* ** quantization ******, ********* ***** *******. **** is ********* ** **** ****** ** ******* ***** ******* ******** ********* ** *** ** *** *** *** ***** ******* / *********** ********.

******* *** **** ***** ** ** its **** **** (***** ** *** top ** **** ******), ** ******* brochures ** **** ** *********** ** the ******* ***** ************:

******* ******* ******* **** ** ***** IPVM ********, ********** ******** *** ***** *********.

Why *******?

******* *** *********** ******, **** ********** and **********, ** *** **** ********** video ************ *******, ******** ****. **** certainly ******* ******* ******* *** ******* *** of *** ******* ***** *************.

*** ******** ** ***** ********** ******** to *** ******** *** *** ********** - '*********, '*******', '***** ***', ***. **** *** ** **** employees ***, *** ******* *** ** one **** ***** ******** **********. 

*** ****** ** *** ***** *********** by '*** *****', *** ******** ** obliviousness ** ***** ******** *** *********** them ** ********* **** ******* ***** claims.

******* ** *********. **** ******* ***** ********* ***** ******** **********, ******* ******* ** ****** ** until ***** **** *********, *** **** at ***** *** ** ***********.

******* *********** ***** ****** ***, ** it ***** ** **** ** ****** over *** ****-****, **** ****** ** more ********* ***** ******* ******** ********* and ******** ******* ********.

Comments (11)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jun 12, 2019

Verkada has managed to combine the two things Honovich loves bashing almost as much as China, cloud products and ignorant marketing. Should be interesting to see this play out. I highly suggest following John's LinkedIn activity. He's making a solid case for "Most professional troll award". Popcorn worthy. 

John Honovich
Jun 12, 2019

In all seriousness, one of the positive elements of Verkada is that they have made remote cloud access an important and competitive feature. The technology has been around for a decade (or more) but no major player has stepped up with a credible offering (Axis and AVHS does not count because of their convoluted go-to-market approach) and super charged sales and marketing (e.g., Eagle Eye, OpenEye, etc have the tech but not the marketing).

I hope Verkada pushes more incumbents to offer remote cloud access and make it a must-have feature. Port forwarding is dangerous and VPNs are too complex / burdensome for most of the SMB.

Undisclosed #2
Jun 12, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Verkada stopped running this ad after IPVM inquired...

Verkada Exec: Ok, who pulled all the low-light ads and why? 

Verkada Emp: Me; IPVM called and I just took it down before they were off the phone. Problem solved, nipped in the bud. After all, you don’t want to see another of those “A New Article has been Created by John Honovich” alerts, now do ya?

Verkada Exec: When’s the last time you checked your email?

John Honovich
Jun 12, 2019

It is still better to remove it when we inquired rather than wait. Now, they can say "Hey we did not realize it, move fast and break things, what would Zuck do, etc." If they left it up, it would have shown clear deceit.

Undisclosed #2
Jun 13, 2019
IPVMU Certified

It is still better to remove it when we inquired rather than wait.

Maybe they should just ask first instead? :)

Jason Spielfogel
Jun 17, 2019

While I'm grateful that IPVM did the comparison work and posted the results, and that Verkada is responding, I can't help but laugh from my old analog days when every single manufacturer lied on their spec sheets when it came to low-light performance.

Those were the days of "0.000001 lux @30 IRE" days, when the lux specs were not only untestable, but the spec it called out was unusable. Manufacturers would simply throw more zeros before the 1 because they knew it was impossible to verify, or they'd done something like make the exposure rate be 2 seconds per frame, or some other trick that was completely unrealistic for regular use cases.

And then there were the A&Es that went off those specs like they meant something.

And then there were the early IP camera manufacturers who posted similar specs for their IP cameras, even though IRE is not a measurable thing for IP cameras.

We could then discuss wide dynamic range specs, or compression efficiency specs....the list goes on and on.

Ahhh yes, years of forgotten fake specs past. :)

John Honovich
Jun 17, 2019
Jason Spielfogel
Jun 18, 2019

Yep I remember that article well, and the discussions you and I had leading up to it.

Undisclosed #3
Jun 17, 2019

8 year old Huawei chips? Would anyone here buy a new cell phone with technology that old? Who is the Verkada Value Engineer on this one?

VVE: Team, we just a got a spinner of a winner at this Huawei fire sale, these chips are only 8 years old and scale perfectly with our spec sheet.

Verkada Headquarters: A thunderous employee applause bellows as tipped over starbuck cups go flying...everyone automatically starts door dash ordering dim-sum and organic free range egg noodles. Everyone is doing the Carlton dance and the Verkada Vegans start washing freshly harvested kale in a lemon-lime spray.

Cheers to the low resolution San Mateo mindset. circa 2019

Clint Hays
Jun 17, 2019

What's wrong with dim-sum?

Jason Spielfogel
Jun 18, 2019

Dim-Sum is yum yum. He's poking fun at the culture in Silicon Valley, not the food itself :)
