Interlogix Shutting Down

Published Sep 20, 2019 12:59 PM

Interlogix is shutting down, as UTC has confirmed to IPVM in a statement about their "plans to wind down" the once leading brand.

IPVM Image

Inside this note, we examine:

  • UTC's Statement
  • Why Interlogix was not sold
  • Interlogix's positioning in intrusion
  • Interlogix's OEMing of Hikvision
  • No impact on corporate sibling LenelS2
  • UTC's broader moves and challenges
  • Interlogix impact on UTC
  • Impact on the industry

UPDATE: Interlogix says outside of North America, Interlogix will 'continue indefinitely'.

UPDATE: IPVM has obtained an Interlogix document that declares manufacturing will be shut down end of 2019, raising significant questions about ongoing sales outside of North America.

UTC *********

*** ******** *** ********* ********* ** IPVM:

***** * ******** ********* ****** ** our ******** ********, ** **** ************ our ***** **wind **** *** ********** U.S. and Canada businesses. This decision will allow us to focus on the significant growth opportunities for our other fire and security businesses, including LenelS2.

*** ******** **** ** ************ *********fulfilled ******* ****, and will be available for purchase from our distributors and dealers during a well-coordinated transition period.

** **** ******** ** ******* ******** support ******* ** ******* ********* ********, timely *********** *** ************* *******warranty **** **** *** ******. Dealers can continue ** ********, install, register, and service Interlogix products with complete **********. [emphasis added]

**********, **********'* **** **** **** ******* is:

IPVM Image

********* **** **** ** *** **** yesterday (*** ****) ********* *** **** of ** ***** ******* *** ********.

North ******* ****

*** ********* ** ** **** **** move **** ******* ***** *******:

***, ********** ** ******** ** *** US *** ******. ********** ** ***** global *******, ********* ******/****** ****/******, *********/*** Zealand *** ***** ******* **** ******** indefinitely. ******* ***** *** ******* *** offered ** * ******** *****. *********’* announcement ******** ** ********** ** *** Canada ****.

**** ** ********. ***** ******* ** the *******'* **** *** ******* ****** plus ***** *********** *** ******* ********** is ***** ** ******** ** **** this *** ****** ******** ******** ********. While ***** ***** ******* *** '******** indefinitely', ** ***** ** ***** **** the **** ***** *** ***** ******* to ********** **** **** ** ****.

Not ****

*** ***** ** **** ********** *** there **** ** ******, ********* ** executives ** ***** ** ** *** industry.

**** ** ****** *** *** ****. Almost ***** ********** ******* / ******** gets **** ***, **** ** ** is ******* ** *** ****** (*.*. ********* / *****). ** ** *** ********** *** UTC ***** *** ** ** ****.

** ***** ***** ** ** ******** that **** ****** ** *** ******** are **** *** ***** (*.*., *** niche *** ************ ********, ***.).

Intrusion *** ********** ********

********* ** ******* **********'* ******* ******** where **** ******, **** *****, *** of *** **** ******** *********. *** there ** * **** **** ****** of ** / ********** ******** ******** over *** ***** *** ***** ** use.

Video ******** *** *********

** ********, **********'* ***** ******** *** not **** ****** *** **** ***** as ***** ******** *********** ****** ****** *********, ***** ****** ************ ********* **** Hikvision's ******* ***** ******* ** *** US, *** **** ** *** *** super ***-**** ********* *** *** *** US ***.

********** ******** **** **** *** **** much ****** ** ***** ************.

LenelS2 *** ********

** ******* ***'* ********* ***** ***** plan ** "***** ** *** *********** growth ************* *** *** ***** **** and ******** **********, ********* *******". **** Lenel *** ** **** ****** ********* in ****** ******* *** *** ***** profitable. *** ******'* ******** ***** ********, **** ********* **** * ****** opportunity **** ****** ********* *** **********'* antiquated ***** *****-***.

Worry ***** ***** *******

**** ***** ******* *** ***** *******, best ***** ** *** ******* ******** within*** ******** ******* ****** ****** *****, *.*.:

IPVM Image

****** *****, ** *** ********* ****, quite * ****** ** ******* ******* Interlogix ********* *** **** *********** ********** installed *****.

UTC ******* ******

***** ********** *** ********** *** ****** across *** ***** ***** ***********, **** is ****** **** ** ****** ******* at ***. ** ******** ****,*** ********* *** ********* ** ************* * ******** ********* ***** *** prompted ******** ******* ****** *** ************.

Interlogix ********** ********** ** ***

********** ****** *** ****** ******* ** the $*** ** $*** ******* *****, making ** ********** ********** ** ******** UTC. ********** **/******* ** ***** ******* *****, ***** ******* ****** $** ******* in ****** *******.

** ******** ********* ******, *******, ********** was **** ** * ******** **** anything.

Industry ******

***** *** ***** **** ** *** business **** ****** *** ** ********* about * ********* *** ***** ****, the ***** **** ** ********* **** concerned. **** *** ********** ** *** those ******* **** ** ***. *** while *** **** **** *** '******** to ********' **** '******** **********' ** would ****** **** *******.

UPDATE: *** ********

**** *** ********* *** **** ********** *** **** sharing **** ******** ***** *** '**** down'. *** ******** ******* ********** **** manufacturing **** ****:

IPVM Image

**** ****** *********** ********** ***** *** Interlogix **** ** **** ** ******** to **** ***** ******* ******* ***** America, ** **** **** *******.

******* **** ********** ** ********* *********** people ** ******* *** *******:

IPVM Image

****** **** ** ** ******* ******** accounts, ** ***** *** **** ******* move ** ** *** *** ***** products ******** ** ** ************.

*******, *** *** ******** **** *** Interlogix ******** **** **** ***** ************:

IPVM Image

Comments (90)
David Fogle, CSEIP
Sep 20, 2019

How dare they only make between $100-$300 Million!

John Honovich
Sep 20, 2019

That is our estimate of revenue.

In terms of profits, it is likely 0 or negative. However, still, many unprofitable companies/divisions are sold off.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Sep 20, 2019

It may be $100- $300 million with net margin in the negatives. Big difference between revenue and profit.

Kevin Mundy
Sep 20, 2019
Stanford University

UTC is a HUGE machine! It has four divisions that make it up, clearly Aerospace it the big one. Under the Carrier Division where security falls there are 20 brands including Interlogix, makes sense to maybe streamline a bit but shutter it w/o selling off some lines makes no sense. Gone are the old Legacy GE days that we are remember.....Where am I going to get my old Sentrol 1076D contacts now? Businesses At A Glance | United Technologies

Brian Rhodes
Sep 20, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Crazy! UTC essentially killed two big brands they acquired after spending ~$1.8 billion including Casi-Rusco and Interlogix. They spent a load of cash to toss aside established companies.

It's like a rich guy lighting his cigars with $100 bills!

If I was a DIY alarm company like Ring or Simplisafe, I'd consider buying Interlogix just to be a 'white knight' among a segment of the market that is especially bitter toward me (traditional dealers) and work on the long game of converting them to sell my products over the next decade.

John Honovich
Sep 20, 2019

spending ~$1.8 billion in Casi-Rusco and Interlogix. They spent a load of cash to toss aside established companies

What we don’t know is how much cash they generated from these businesses in the decade or so they had them. Maybe they still lost money overall but it’s possible that the milked a lot out before they killed them.

Undisclosed #7
Sep 21, 2019
IPVMU Certified

It's like a rich guy lighting his cigars with $100 bills!

riddle: which of these guys is definitely rich?

Brian Rhodes
Sep 21, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Are they both Undisclosed #7?

Undisclosed #7
Sep 21, 2019
IPVMU Certified

no, but they’re both Benjamin :)

Undisclosed #8
Sep 21, 2019

and they're both burning the same $100 bill.... serial numbers are the same.

Jon Dillabaugh
Jan 22, 2020
Pro Focus LLC

The left corner isn’t visible in the lower shot. The upper shot was likely filmed first.

Ari Erenthal
Sep 23, 2019
Chesapeake & Midlantic

Neither. Real money burns with a bright orange flame, as we all learned from that one episode of Breaking Bad. The flames in those pictures are clearly yellow.

Undisclosed #2
Sep 20, 2019

Are Hikvision recessed door contacts banned yet?

Michael Votaw
Sep 20, 2019

Lots of great people and Industry veterans going to be losing their jobs. It's a real shame considering what they could have done with that company if they had been able to invest in a long-term strategy not worrying about the shareholders every quarter and trying to maintain so many products globally that were obsolete or fighting for resources . It's a changing world and I'll pay more for a great product with good support, it appears that most will not. Will be interesting to see what happens as there are certainly lines that have value and they don't mention anything about the European or Australian markets where they also have a strong security presence. What they released appears to impact the US and Canada only.

John Honovich
Sep 20, 2019

Michael, thanks. I asked and added this update to the report:

North America Only

UTC clarified to us that this move only impacts North America:

Yes, Interlogix is impacted in the US and Canada. Interlogix in other global regions, including Europe/Middle East/Africa, Australia/New Zealand and Latin America will continue indefinitely. Product lines are managed and offered on a regional basis. Yesterday’s announcement pertains to Interlogix US and Canada only.

This is puzzling. North America is the company's home and largest market plus where engineering and product management is based so shutting it down this way likely cripples regional branches. While these other regions may 'continue indefinitely', we think it would make the most sense for these regions to eventually wind down as well.

Undisclosed #3
Sep 20, 2019

I would wager they plan to wind those regions down before end of Q2 next year, but they have a lot of inventory still to sell (for whatever reason). Thus, they are trying to make it seem like business as usual so they don't get stuck with an even bigger write-down.

Undisclosed Integrator #13
Sep 23, 2019

*moved comment to Hills response*

Matthew Nederlanden
Sep 20, 2019

If you were previously at Interlogix and are now looking for work, SCW is expanding our sales team.

John Honovich
Sep 20, 2019

I spoke to a veteran executive who share the following color:

This is going to be a “fucking nightmare“ for dealers with these systems installed in residential, as removing or replacing them is going to be quite difficult.

Also, this person emphasized that the company back in the 80s and 90s was disruptive and great, lamenting how GE Security and now UTC ran them into the ground.

My first impression that I recall of them was this: Interlogix Releases a Cake

Undisclosed #3
Sep 20, 2019

Also, this person emphasized that the company back in the 80s and 90s was disruptive and great, lamenting how GE Security and now UTC ran them into the ground.

Yes, back when it was Caddx, before the acquisitions, it was a pretty cool panel for the money.

Clint Hays
Sep 20, 2019

I loved the old caddax panels. GE added some good wireless but UTC scared me for this reason.

Jason Spielfogel
Sep 23, 2019

I was with GE Security right after the Acqusition (joined Sept 2002). Interlogix was still a fun place to work the first few years, until GE really stuck its fangs into it. And then the recession hit....

I remember vividly this inter divisional get-together we had with GE Power Systems. I was having a beer with this guy who'd come from an acquisition.

HIM: "How are you liking the acquisition?"
ME: "Seems okay so far, we still use the Interlogix brands, and we're getting a lot of good process education from GE Corporate."
HIM: "Yeah, I thought that the first couple years too. Then the poison set in...."

He was sooooo right.

Big companies are generally only good at one thing - mitigating risk, which is almost never how those small companies achieved greatness in the first place.

Undisclosed #7
Sep 21, 2019
IPVMU Certified

My first impression that I recall of them was this: Interlogix Releases a Cake

who could have predicted that Cake Boss would outlast Interlogix...

Daniel S-T
Sep 23, 2019

I'm a little bit removed from the intrustion game, but how is it going to be a fucking nightmare? The company I started with sold C&K systems for decades before Ademco bought them, and Ademco or Honeywell shut down the alarm panel side.

The applebeas closed to my house, still has a functional C&K Sierra system. They haven't needed updates, and the system keeps working.

Yeah, dealers will have to find a new panel to use going forward for new installs, but existing installations should just keep working. If dealers are smart they will start stashing away keypads and expansion modules (As my previous employer did for C&K until they finally said fuck it after 10+ years and threw it all out) to keep for service stock. Residential alarm system should just keep working, and likely aren't getting added onto frequently enough to need current parts.

I don't recall Interlogix using branded cellular communicators, but I never dove that deep into Interlogix. Mostly Honeywell and DSC here. The odd Simon here and there. I think there was one big GE/Interlogix dealer around these parts and they ditched them a long time ago

Obviously it's not ideal to lose the system you chose to install, but I can't see how it would be a total nightmare for existing installs.

Steve Stowe
Sep 25, 2019

I see the main issue on systems with a lot of wireless sensors. Will require a much larger investment for an upgrade since not just keypads and controller needing to be changed but also wireless devices.

Granted, sometimes a translator can be used but they do not translate life safety devices so every smoke and CO detector needs to be replaced, etc...

Daniel S-T
Sep 25, 2019

That is true. Again, I kind of forget about Interlogix because no one in this area has really sold it in quite some time. But I did kind of forget wireless has really grown in the last few years. That does make a switch over much harder/more expensive.

Todd Onell
Sep 25, 2019

There are other panels that use the Interlogix (ITI) 319.5 wireless protocol. The Elk platform is one, it could be used as a replacement for large wireless installs.

Steve Stowe
Sep 25, 2019

We have looked at the Elk. Their cost is a good bit higher than a NX-8 for example, but it is a possible solution for some larger installs, especially commercial. We have several NX-8E systems in schools that it may be a good takeover candidate for, though they use little wireless. I wish they had an interface to Alarm.Com, but you cant have everything, I guess.

Qolsys IQ2 is a good takeover for Simon and residential jobs with a good bit of wireless. I do hate to use it if is a job with 20 hardwired zones and a bunch if wireless. While it can do it, I do not favor it as a good hybrid solution.

Undisclosed #4
Sep 20, 2019

I'm soooooo glad I just read this. I was trying to find two Interlogix NVRs to replace two dead ones. Now I have more evidence to support me wanting to replace all of that school's NVRs with a Milestone server. I just hope the ONVIF of the old cameras can be picked up by the Milestone server.

I will download the free XProtect Essential and put it on a virtual server and see if it can recognize the cameras. If that doesn't work, I can grab one of our incoming recording servers and set it up there and see if it finds them.

Just one more example why the yearly membership cost to IPVM is well worth it!


Clint Hays
Sep 20, 2019

I was able to bring in the cameras into a different VMS last year, can't remember if it was thru onvif or Hik/UTC driver, but the actual nvrs did not have onvif G available so I couldn't proceed with what I was trying to do then.

Jonathan Pine
Jan 22, 2020

We have the following interlogix devices on our repair menu, which indicates we have successfully repaired them. if we can ever be of service, just holler. I hate to see them get thrown out.

Interlogix DVR/NVR TruVision HD TVN-1108S-2T
Interlogix DVR/NVR TruVision 11 TVR-1116-4T
Interlogix DVR/NVR DVMRe-16CT-1000A 0110-D506-T04
Interlogix DVR/NVR TruVision 41 TVR-4116-2T
Interlogix DVR/NVR TruVision 41 TVR-4116-4T
Interlogix DVR/NVR TruVision 42 TVR-4216-2T
Interlogix DVR/NVR TruVision 42 TVR-4216-4T
Interlogix DVR/NVR TruVision 60 TVR-6016-2T
Interlogix DVR/NVR TruVision 60 TVR-6016-4T
Interlogix/GE Security DVR/NVR EZ Series DVMRE-10EZT-320
Interlogix/GE Security DVR/NVR DVMRe-16CT-320 0110-D406-T92-RFB
Undisclosed End User #17
Dec 13, 2020

What about TVN21, TVN22, TVN70 and TVN71?

Sean Nelson
Sep 20, 2019
Nelly's Security

wow, i would have purchased the company for atleast $100

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Sep 20, 2019

I would have paid $200.00 if they asked, but that first week of payroll tax would have been painful.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #6
Sep 20, 2019

It’s the $10M payroll bill next month that would sting a bit...

John Honovich
Sep 20, 2019

Letter emailed to Interlogix customers:

The funniest line is 'we anticipate increased demand at this time'. So going out of business is good for business?

Note: Sperios Venios was just moved into Interlogix 4 months ago, in May. He replaced long-time Interlogix exec Michael Chiavacci who left that position in May amidst the ongoing turmoil that lead to this week's move.

Undisclosed #8
Sep 21, 2019

i think this is the funniest line:

"Our dealers will be able to purchase, install, register, and service our products with the complete confidence that we will stand behind you through 2020 and beyond."

at the end of Q3 2019, this statement should not give anyone complete confidence in anything they do going forward.

Daniel S-T
Sep 23, 2019

The funniest line is 'we anticipate increased demand at this time'. So going out of business is good for business?

I suspect they are anticipating long time, or big dealers to buy up a bunch of "service stock" so they don't have to do total replacements of clients systems when a keypad fails or something.

John Honovich
Sep 23, 2019

buy up a bunch of "service stock" so they don't have to do total replacements of clients systems

I agree with you about that. It also relates to whether it will be a 'fucking nightmare' as the executive I posted above and you responded. To the extent that they buy lots of service stock, they can prolong the problems. But it's minimally a bad situation to be in.

Undisclosed Integrator #9
Sep 21, 2019

We're getting subbed out on a job from an IT company, they are having us install an all Interlogix access control and IP camera solution, about 14 doors and 100+ cams. They're doing the same thing across the country for the same client at at least 5 sites. Not sure how they're going to go moving forward but it's a tough position to be in.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Sep 21, 2019

I would suggest a free month of IPVM emailed to them.

Jonathan Pine
Jan 22, 2020

We repair a fair amount of Interlogix on an ongoing basis for integrators. I am wondering if we should be buying up parts.

Abdelhamid Metwally
Sep 21, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Could it be that Interlogix is ceasing operations only in the US and Canada because of the Chinese-made Truvision cameras?

John Honovich
Sep 21, 2019

because of the Chinese-made Truvision cameras?

No, because Interlogix is mostly an intrusion provider, not a video surveillance one. If video was the problem, they could just shut down video, not the entire organization.

Also, for those interested in what they are shipping into the US:

While there was no import records specifically for Interlogix, there were 1,000+ for UTC Fire and Security (see our spreadsheet).

Here is an excerpt showing their top 10 suppliers:

Undisclosed #10
Sep 21, 2019

What happens to Ultrasync? Face to desk..

Michael Votaw
Sep 21, 2019

Unofficially hearing that they will support UltraSync and DDNS service for at least a few years.

Undisclosed #11
Sep 21, 2019

What a perfect way to reinforce the massive concerns that everyone has about what UTC is going to do with/to S2 with the LenelS2 merger.

It's basically impossible for me to trust anything that UTC touches, and until further notice, S2 is the one that is at the most risk in all of this --- current topic excluded, obviously.

John Honovich
Sep 21, 2019

S2 is the one that is at the most risk in all of this

Put John Moss in charge of Interlogix? Kidding... I think.

I do agree with your general point. They've mismanaged Lenel for years, now they shut down Interlogix, are things really going to get better?

Undisclosed #12
Sep 23, 2019

I would expect the announcement soon: 'LenelS2 acquired by Acme Company'

or maybe switch the m with r??

David Morgan
Sep 21, 2019
Security Dealer Marketing

Another thing to consider with this is who will benefit on the manufacturer side? 2gig and Qolsys immediately come to mind. But what about DSC or even Resideo? Also, it may not be a huge concern to the readership here but for the national and state associations, Interlogix is a big sponsor.

John Honovich
Sep 23, 2019

Large Australian distributor Hills sent an email emphasizing it was business as usual for Interlogix in Australia:

The team at Hills want to highlight that this decision is exclusive to the U.S and Canada markets and will not impact your current relationship with Interlogix. Furthermore this decision will not impact the availability of any products from the Interlogix brand in Australia and New Zealand including Lenel, Tecom, TruVision, UltraSync, ZeroWire and products under the brands Quell, Kidde and Onity.

They did qualify it at the end saying:

Hills are committed to informing and supporting you in regard to this matter and will notify you of any information as we receive it.

This will be one surreal situation, even for UTC, if Interlogix is shut down in North America but still going in Australia. One obvious question - will there be any new product development? It would seem odd if they did such development given their home / main market shutdown.

Undisclosed Integrator #13
Sep 23, 2019

This is somewhat amusing given the plethora of rumours flying around that they (Hills) will wind up their security division next year.

Rafael Nader
Sep 23, 2019

There’s no mention of the TruPortal access control piece. Will that be shutting down as well?

John Honovich
Sep 23, 2019


TruPortal is definitely part of Interlogix:

And they have not made any qualification of any product lines of Interlogix being kept.

That said, more broadly, I don't understand why they can't sell them off, even individually. I do suspect that, eventually, something like this will happen (at least partially).

Undisclosed End User #17
Dec 13, 2020

Well now that we are a year later, with all the NA sales staff gone already and the NA support staff losing their jobs in 2 weeks there is much less value in buying the NA business since there are no US personell to sell and support the product. Kinda pointless now unless the Access control/alarm side is better off than Truvision.

And still my institution must continue to run our existing TruNav plant for the foreseeable future because ... Covid.

Sign on my whiteboard reads.

Truvsion = COBOL of VMS

Michael Sahli
Sep 23, 2019

Would anyone know if the Truportal boards/readers are OEM Hikvision or another Mfg that may be compatible with each other? I just finished a 6 Door add on to a 4 door system and have phase 3 scheduled for next year. Now a dilemma of what to do, jump ship now and find another product altogether or buy enough product for next year's project. Ugh.

Brian Rhodes
Sep 23, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Unfortunately Truportal controllers are proprietary boards.

I called Interlogix tech support this morning, and they confirmed that those boards are not compatible with other systems.

I'll ask around to see if 'unofficial' takeover support/ compatibility exists.

Michael Votaw
Sep 23, 2019

Those panels are in in house product. They are available through Lenel but the product line was owned by interlogix. You used to be able to flash them and include them in a Lenel system but that support was dropped with the newer version. Not aware of any way to use now with the newest release at least her the most recent compatibility guide.

Brian Rhodes
Sep 23, 2019
IPVMU Certified

I did find a TruPortal to (UTC sister company) LenelS2 conversion offering to OnGuard, and I'll reach out to LenelS2 for more details.

Grant Westrum
Sep 23, 2019
Affinitech Inc.

This decision will allow us to focus on the significant growth opportunities for our other fire and security businesses, including LenelS2.

I have been in the Alarm industry for over 30 years, The only Interlogix I have ever sold and installed was their door contacts. I'm not seeing a real loss to the industry here.

Their reasoning for shutting down is in the first line of my response. Probably a good plan, As Lenel continues to spiral down and their customer base continues to shrink.

As an Integrator I love finding Lenel customers, they are always frustrated with the money they spent for the System that cost them more and more for every feature they'd like to add...Our local dealers all seem the technical expertise to support the platform after its installed.

I'm , hoping someone jumps in and provides a viable option to the S2 customer base. There are too dealers in our area to even consider picking the S2 product line, and all bidding for the S2 solution seems to be a race to the bottom......No Thank You...

Undisclosed Manufacturer #14
Sep 23, 2019

This is actually not that surprising considering that they’re getting hit by the Hikua side of things in their video biz as well as the DIY growth for their much larger intrusion biz.

I think if anything, they’ll end up acquiring another video company but they know at this point that the Interlogix brand is no longer viable in NA. Not sure intrusion is where they want to be anymore...DIY is just exploding and really hurting that side of the business.

David Morgan
Sep 23, 2019
Security Dealer Marketing

That's an interesting perspective that.

John H. / IPVM Team - Is there any data that shows if Resi/Small business hardware sales are slowing down nationally across all dealer channel manufacturers? If my memory serves me correct, there's data that shows a very small growth in revenue over the next 5 years for this market but my mind could be playing tricks with me LOL.

If this is the case, other manufacturers have a short term opportunity to pick up market share but long term must continue to innovate with services, etc.

John Honovich
Sep 23, 2019

Is there any data that shows if Resi/Small business hardware sales are slowing down nationally across all dealer channel manufacturers?

There likely is data on this but we don't track this closely enough to tell / know.

We have heard of a number of layoffs at Interlogix over the last few years, so it seems quite likely they are declining. Related, from what hear from intrusion people, Interlogix has lost ground to rivals like Qolsys and 2GIG.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #15
Sep 23, 2019

If the $100-$300 Million is a number with any credibility than UTC has really killed the business. I was part of the Interlogix management team and at the time we sold to GE we were doing over $750 Million. I am not privy to the sales numbers when sold to UTC as I had left the company a few years before that sale. That said; GE also added more business by acquisition after acquiring Interlogix so it is fair to assume that the sales volume when purchased by UTC should have been well over $700 Million.

John Honovich
Sep 23, 2019

If the $100-$300 Million is a number with any credibility than UTC has really killed the business

I could be wrong. I am basing it on USA import records for UTC F&S (see our spreadsheet) and our deeper knowledge on the video side. Interlogix video was a minor player so its hard to see them at anything more than a few tens of millions. And clearly they are much bigger on intrusion but even that seems to have declined significantly.

I do believe you are right about the ~$700 million annual figure around 2010 but they certainly fell throughout this decade so a fall of 50% in revenue over that time is fairly believable. Lots of companies that were stars 20 years ago have witnessed similar falls (e.g., Pelco peaked at $500+ million, now at $200 million or less).

Undisclosed #16
Sep 23, 2019

This announcement should surprise nobody!

If you look at the successful core Interlogix product lines of the past. SIMON, Concord, NX (Caddx) and wireless sensors. None of these products have had a substantial upgrade in 12+ years. In reality, all efforts to release updated product lines with features of today's security panels have failed.

Started with GE Security trying to obtain the cable giants security businesses, which went to iControl. Four years of product design, no revenue from investment. FAIL

Advisor security panel, five-plus years of development costs. Released for 2-3 months, then discontinued. FAIL

Hills acquisition cost plus the cost of four years of development. UltraSync panels have minimal market penetration. FAIL

In reality, Interlogix has nothing to sell. Old dying legacy panels, no new products that forecast to be successful.

Add up the above failures and how many million has it cost UTC.

Who is to blame. LEADERSHIP

John Honovich
Sep 24, 2019

UPDATE: FAQ Obtained

IPVM has obtained a FAQ that Interlogix has been sharing with partners about the 'wind down'. Key sections include confirming that manufacturing will stop:

This raises significant skepticism about how Interlogix will be able to continue to sell going forward outside North America, as they have claimed.

Despite that Interlogix is literally encouraging people to install new product:

Unless this is to service existing accounts, we think the more prudent move is to use any other products continue to be manufactured.

Finally, the FAQ confirms that all Interlogix products will stop being manufactured:

Undisclosed #16
Sep 25, 2019

The ATS (Alliance) intrusion panel is the majority of sales in Europe. Interlogix released the Alliance panel in North America a couple of times without success.

Ultra Sync panels were developed by Hills in Australia and then purchased by UTC. These panels were developed more for the European/Australian market than the US market.

The discontinuation of the North American panels should have little impact on the European market, with the exception of the European NX/CS products, which should transfer to the Ultra Sync platform.

Claudia Synnatzschke
Sep 25, 2019
IPVMU Certified

I have an Interlogix system that was installed 10 years ago, when it was still GE. Without notice or warning the badges for that system were discontinued by Interlogix. The system requires unique badges, that are not available from any other manufacturer. After three weeks of searching with help from the Interlogix rep we found badges from another Interlogix product that worked. But I won't be surprised if I can't get those either next time around. I am replacing my system and personally would not count on anything still being available from Interlogix going forward. They are just trying to get rid of stock when they say keep installing our systems.

John Grocke
Sep 25, 2019

Any word if this affects the manufacture of the "Sentrol" door contacts?

John Honovich
Sep 25, 2019

John, the FAQ that we obtained said the 'entire' lines would no longer be manufactured:

Given that, so long as this is considered part of Interlogix, it would evidently be impacted. It's still befuddling to me and I think there's a chance they sell off or do something with this.

Undisclosed #16
Sep 25, 2019

The Sentrol contacts were part of a global product line, I'm assuming they would still manufacture to support the European install base. I would contact your distributor to work with Interlogix. They may be able to purchase them from Interlogix Europe, or maybe they will be transferred to the Lenel or Edwards businesses for distribution sales.

Interlogix needs to inform people what the plan is for global products that will still be manufactured.

The products lines they have listed are mainly sold in North America. With the exception of UltraSync which the HW is different between North American and European panels.

John Honovich
Nov 04, 2019
Jonathan Pine
Jan 06, 2020

What is the current state of aftermarket support of interlogix devices. Are the warranties being honored? what about out-of-warranty. Does Interlogix still have a repair center?

Undisclosed End User #17
Jan 22, 2020

I can only speak to Truvision product line support since we have 120 TVN nvrs and 500÷ Truvision cameras. Warranties are being honored. There is still a US based (albeit trimmed down) tech support crew. Since equipment is still being made for the non-US market RMAs are still being done.

Out of warranty is fee based repair so they must have a repair center. Dealing with our first one of those now but not sure what we will end up doing about it.

TruVision navigator development and support continues. I work with the developers (India only now) as an alpha tester and as I surface issues they have provided engineering builds to fix issues that I report. What is not clear is when these fixes will be publicly released so be sure to report any issues that you experience in the field.

No actual information updates from carrier but all remaining interlogix email addresses are now addresses.

Jonathan Pine
Jan 22, 2020

As you may be aware, we repair Interlogix (out of warranty) for many integrators -- mainly Truvision. I would hate to see that product being ripped out and thrown away, when it is still viable.

Thanks for letting me now

John Honovich
Jan 30, 2020
Rennie Ramoutar
Dec 13, 2020


What product can i use to replace a Verex system that comprise of access and intruder? I will need something similar can take care of both access control and intruder under one platform.

Undisclosed Integrator #18
Dec 13, 2020


Rennie Ramoutar
Dec 13, 2020

Thank you.

Brian Rhodes
Dec 13, 2020
IPVMU Certified

Gallagher or ICT come to mind.

Mark McRae
Dec 13, 2020
Inaxsys Security Systems

ICT has engineered a direct replacement for Verex, allowing you to keep the existing Verex modules and wiring. The upgrade basically needs only a change of main panel, installation of the ICT Protege GX software and some configuration.

There is even an upgrade of Verex towards ICT's Protege WX web-based system for single-site installations.

There's some great information on the ICT website:

ICT | Moving from Verex to Protege GX

ICT | Webinar: Moving from Truportal and Verex to Protege

If you're in Canada and want information or help, let me know. We're at dozens of successful Verex-to-ICT upgrades.

If you were a Verex integrator, ICT can definitely help

Undisclosed End User #17
Dec 13, 2020

NOTICE. The remaining Truvision US support staff's last day is December 31. After that support calls will be routed overseas. Last chance to get support from the team that has been supporting Truvision cctv for the past 15÷ years.

Abdelhamid Metwally
Dec 16, 2020
IPVMU Certified

Just to clarify a few things out. In ME region the Intelogix Truvision Cameras are now being folded into the Aritech brand under the Carrier brand and will mainting the "Truvision" branding.

John Honovich
Dec 16, 2020

Abdelhamid, thanks! I missed that. Below is their recent video with the Aritech branding announcement:

Oddly, Aritech was rebranded as Interlogix in 2010, per Interlogix Australia, but is now being rebranded back to Aritech.

We will look to do a post about Carrier / Aritech.

Undisclosed Integrator #18
Dec 16, 2020

Who is taking the bets on when it will be back in N America under Aritech and a new division? And, who is already getting product through the S American channel to support all the product they sold and got hung on.

Abdelhamid Metwally
Dec 16, 2020
IPVMU Certified

From what I understand they basically are.

I believe that simplifying their portfolio is actually quite sensible, though for sure it could have been communicated better at the beginning.

At least the Truvision cameras at least sold under the Carrier/Aritech Truvision name have exactly the same model number as when they were Interlogix.

John Honovich
Dec 16, 2020

So UTC used to OEM Hikvision under Interlogix Truvision and now Carrier is OEMing Hikvision under Aritech Truvision, is that a fair description?

Abdelhamid Metwally
Dec 16, 2020
IPVMU Certified

Dunno, but I think this only for outside North America.

It is officialy though; Interlogix products are now under Aritech, including their UltraSync and Zerowire.

Press Release - Aritech - Fire Security Products

Undisclosed Integrator #18
Dec 16, 2020

I'd think so since nothing has really changed. There were movements to bring in product from other OEM vendors outside of China, but does not appear that ever happened.