Turing Sues Removed CEO Founder's Startup

Published Aug 08, 2024 15:56 PM

Turing has been one of the most turbulent new entrants in the past decade, and now it has sued its own founder.

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Turing gained prominence when it hired 30+ Hikvision employees en masse and then Honeywell/ADI's ex-President, but he left and then Turing cut various employees.

This report examines Turing AI's complaint, the founder's response, and other case details.

Executive *******

***** *** ******* **** *** **********'* ****** *** **** ***** * *********, ** ******* ** was *********** *** **************** ************ *********** in ********** *** *** *******,**** ***.,***** **** ******** ** "***** ******."

********* ** ******, *** ******** **** Inc. ** ****** ****, **** **** a ***** ***** ***** ******* ** CEO *** ******** ** *** ***** and ********* ********. ****** ******* *** stole ***** ******* *** * ******* laptop **** ** **** *** * month ***** *** ********* ******* ******** requests **** ****** ** ****** **.

***** *** ******* ***** *********** ********* through *** ******, *** ********* ******** a ***** ** ************ *********** ********* Turing **** ****** ** ******, ********** beta ********, *** * ******** **** from ******'* ********** *******, ********* ** the *********.

*******, ** * ********, **** ***. alleged **** *** ********* **** ** an "*****-***" ** ***. ** **** claimed **** ****** *** *** ****** a ******* ********** ** **** ***** him **** *** ******* ** ***** in *** ********* *** ********* *** dispute ** ** ******* ** ******* arbitration. ******* ** *** ******* **** redacted **** ****** *******.

** ****'* ********* *** *****, *** suit *** **** ** *********.

Overview ** ******'* *********

********** ***** ******* ***** ****** ******** *****, ******'************* ******* ** *** ** ******** Court *** *** ******** ******** ** California ** **** **, ****.

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****** ******* **** **** ******** *** federal****** ***** ******* ***, **********'* ******* ***** ******* ***, and **********'* ****** *********** *** ** misappropriating *** ************ ***********. **** ***** the **** ** ******* ***** ******* it ******** * ******* ******* *** the **** ** ******** *** ******** in "********** ** ******* ********."

******** *** ***** ******* **** *** specified, ****** ***** **** **** "****** to ******* ** ********** *** ** be ** ***** ** **** $*,***,*** in ******* ** ****** ****-***, ***** would ** ******** **** ** ** had * ******* **** ******* *** launched ** *** ** *** ***** of *********."

****** ******* ******* **** "**** ***** not **** ***** *** ***** ** AI ************ ******* **** *** ******** Agi7 ******** ** **** ** * single **** *** **** *** ******** Turing's ***** *******, *********, ** **********, its ****."

*** ******* ***** *** ****** ** all ** *** ********* *** *********** containing ******'* ************ ***********; "****** *** compensatory *******, ******* ** ***** ** trial"; ** ********** ******* ********* ******* in *** *********; ***********; ********'* **** and *****; *** ***-******** *** ****-******** interest.

Alleged ****** ***********

****** ******* **** *** ***** *** used *** ********* ***** ** ************ information **** ************ *** *** *******.

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****** **** ******* **** ****'* ********* materials ******* *********** **** "********* *** extent ** *** ****** **** ** currently ******** **** ****** ** ******'* trade *******."

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Interface ********** ******

****** ******* **** *** ********** ** its ************ ********** ******** **** **** its ******** *** ****'* ******** *** "nearly *********." *** ******* ******** *** following ********** ******.

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*** ****** **** ******** **** ****'* product ************* ** *** ****, ********* to ******'* *********.

** *** ***** ***, "**** ******'* Product ***** ********* *** ****'* **** the ************ ****** ********* ** *** left-hand **** ** *** ***** *********; both ********** **** ************ ****** ********* in * ****-**** **** ******; **** interfaces ******** *** ************ ****** ******** displayed ** *** ***** ****-**** ****** of *** *****" *** "**** ******** use * ***** *** ** **** if * ****** ** ****** *** a *** ** **** ** ** is ***," ****** *******.

** *** ****** ***, "*** ****** of ****'* ******* ******* ********* ********** interface ** ********* ** *** ****** Product's ** *** ********, ****** *** color," ********* ** *** *********. ****** added **** ** *** "***** **** Images *-* **** *** *** ******** use *** **** ************. ******, ******** conference ********* **** ****** ********** *** employees **** *** ******** *** ****** identical."

"The **** *** **** **** ***** **** ***** *** *******"

****** ******* **** ***** ******* ***** was *** "**** *** **** **** could **** ***** *** ******* ** such * ***** ********." *** ******* further *******:

It **** ****** ***** (*) ***** ** ******* **** **** **** * **** ** ***** (**) ******. AGI7 is a much smaller company that employs, on information and belief, less **** ****** ***********. But just eight months after it was founded, AG17 has already launched what appears to be a full featured demo. [Emphasis Added.]

Agi7's ****** ** ********

* **** ***** ******** *** **** to ******* *****, **** ***** * motion ** **** *** **** *** compel ***********. *** ****** *** ********* filed ***** **** *** ** *** made ****** **** **********. ********, ********* the ******* ********* **********, **** *** made ******.

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** *********** ******, **** ******* **** *** **** should ** **** ** *********** ***** Cao's ******* ********* **** ******. *** entity **** ******* **** *** ****:

...**an ******* ** ****** ** ****** ** ********** ******* whose intelligent video surveillance platform is different from and superior to Turing's technology. Turing's allegations against Agi7 are false: Agi7 *** *** **** ******'* ****** ****, much less develop Agi7's groundbreaking technology based on Turing's trade secrets. On the contrary, Agi7 ********* *** ********** **** *******, ***** *** ******* **** ******. [Emphasis Added.]

*** **** ******* ******* **** ** "will ******** **** ** ******'* ******. But *** ****** ***** *** **** is ***********, *** **** *****." **** alleged **** *** *** ****** ****** a ****** ******* ** ****** ********* a ***** ***** *** ********* ***** "released *** ** **** **** ******* conduct."

*** ******** ******* *******:

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Comment **** ****'* ********

* ****** *** ****, **** ******* of *****, *** **** & ****** LLP, **** ****:

******’* ******* ** ******** *** *****. AGI7 ***** ******* ** *********** ****** via *** ***** *******, ***** **** be ***** ** ********, *** ***** allegations. *** ******* *******, ****** ***** to ****’* ***** *******.

About *** *** ***** ******

** *********** *******, *** ********** ******* ** *** CEO ** ***** ****** *** * former "******** ********" ** ******. *** top ** *** *******, **** * profile *****, ** *****:

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*** ********** ** ***** ** *** page ** *****.

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********** **************** *** *, **** ***** **** Agi7 ***. ** *** ***** ** a ******** **** *** ***** ******. The ****** ****** ** "****** *********** not ******** ** ********."

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******* ******* **** **** ***. ** the "***** ****" *** "******* ********* owners."

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Former ****** *** *******

****** ***** *** ******* ********** ******* by * ****** ********* -***** ** (*** **** *******).

Turing *******

***** ****** *** ********** (****** ********* their ***** **** * ****** ** years ************* ****** ****** $** *******), *** ******* ********** *** * growing **** ** ***********, ********* *** by ****** **********, **** *** **** few ***** * ******** ******** ** proving ******* ****** *** ******* ***/** become * ***** **********.

Comments (3)
Undisclosed #1
Aug 11, 2024

"**** ******** *** * ***** *** to **** ** * ****** ** online *** * *** ** **** if ** ** ***," ****** *******.

**** ** ****** ** * ****-************ weak ******** ***** **** *** **** a **** ********* ** ******* ***** claim ** ** *****.

****'* *** **** *****?

"**** ******** ******* ******-******** ** **** on * ******* ** ****** *** application..."

"**** ******** *** ******* ** *** primary ******** ** ***** *********..."

John Honovich
Aug 11, 2024

***** *********, *** ***** ******* ***** to **** *** (** ******), * do ********* ****** ***** ***** ***** of ******. *** *******,****** ***'* $** ******* ***** *** Against ********** ****** ****.

**'* *** ***** ** ***** **** but * *** ** ******** *********** UI *************** *** ****** ****** *****, there's **** ** **** **** *** implement *********** *************** ** *** ***** domain.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Aug 12, 2024

** **, * *** *** ********* that ** ** ********, ** ******* to ** ***** *******... ***** *** the **** **.