Siklu $400 Compact 60GHz Radio

Published Jul 24, 2019 15:37 PM

Siklu first entered the video surveillance market with a $6,000 per link solution, is now aiming down market with their newest 60GHz wireless radios, adding a lower cost, smaller radio to the MultiHaul product family.

IPVM Image

In this report, based on discussions with Siklu, we examine the new radio offering, including:

  • What Are The Limitations Of Lower Cost Radios
  • What Verticals Are They Targeting
  • What Are The Advantages/Challenges to 60GHz
  • How Is Their Hardware Managed
  • How Much Does A Full Link Cost
  • How Will Ubiquiti Offering 60GHz Systems Impact Siklu

Lower ****, ******* *****, ** *** ****** *****

IPVM Image*** ******* ********* ***** ***** *** $439, *** ** *.*"**.*", ***** **** it ** **% ******* **** * full-size ********* ****. **** *** **% smaller **** ********* ********'**" ******** ******* ****.

*** ******* ********* *********** ** *** new "*******" ******* ********* ****** *** range ** ~**% ******* (~*****/****) *** they **** **** * ****** ******** interface, ***** **** *** ******* *** power ******. ***** **** *** ****** fully ************ **** ******** ********* **** stations *** ****** **** **********, ********, and ********** *** *** ****.

Developed *** *******-**-**** *** **** ****

***** **** *** **** ** ********** a ******* ********* ***** *** ****** primarily ** *** *******-**-**** ****** *** Safe **** ********, ** **** ***** product **** ******* ******* ** *** side ** * ****, ** ** a ****** ********* *****/**** ***.

*** ********* *-****** ********* ***** ******* the ********* ********:

*** **** ** * ********* ******** interface *** *** ****** ******** ********** hardware *** ***** ************ *************, ***** could *** ********** ** *************.

Advantage - ***** **********

***** ******** *** ******* **** ********** and ***** ************ ******** ** *.*/**** Wi-Fi-based ******** *******.

**** ******** *******, ****** ********* (**-*****) systems *** ********* ******* ****** **** speeds ******* ** ****** ******* *****. Most *.*/**** ******** ******* **** *** out ** *******, ****** **** ******* offer ******* ******* ******* **** *** reach **** ***** ** ***** **********.

Disadvantage - ***** *****

*** ******** ** ***** **** **** speeds ** ************* ***** *****. ***** many *.*/**** ******** ******* *** *********** 100+ *****, ******* *** ****** ** rain/weather ** **** ********* *******, *** usable ***** ** * ***** ** typically ****** * *****. ******* ** the **-****** ******** **** ** ***** base-station ******, ***** **** **** ******* full-throughput ***** ** *** ******* ********* is ~*****/****, *** ******** ****** ****** can ** ******** ** ***** **********.

**** ***** **** ******* ****** ** Safe **** ************* ** ****-*** ******** links *** ******* *** ********* ************* shorter **** * ****.

Advantage - ****** *********/*** ************

*** ******* ****** ********* ** ***** wireless ***** ** *********** ****** ** interference **** *********** ***** *****, *** also ******* ******* *** ******* ** jamming ** ************ *** *******. ***** said ******* ** *** ****** ********* and *****-*****, ***** ******** *** **** to "*****" ******** **** *****, ***** simplifies ******** ******* ******** *** **********.

** ********** ******* ** *** **** frequencies ** ********** **** ** **** the******* ****** *********** **** **** ** *****, which ***** ** ****** ** ****** in ************ ******* ** *********, *****, or ***** ************.

Auto ********* *******

** ***** ** **** ***** ****** and **** ***** *** ******* **********, Siklu *** *********** * *****-***** ****** beam ******* ********** ***** *** *********** fine-tune *** ****** ** *** ******** autonomously. ********** *** *** ****** ******* aligned, *** **** *** ****-********* ***** final *********** ** ****** ******* ******.

Cloud ****** ******* **********

*****'******** ********** ******** ******* ** * ****** ** on-premise ****** *** ******** ****** ********** and ************* ** ***** ******. ****** radio ******** ******** *** ********* ***** provisioning ** **** *********. ***** ** a *** ***** ************ *** *** EMS.

*************, ********'* ******* ********** ******** ** not ******* ** * ***** ******* and *** ** ********* **-******* ** self-hosted ** *** *****.

Compared ** ********

******** ** ******** ****** *****-**-***** ******** **** ** ***** **** ***** Access *******, *** $*** *** ******, but ** ** *** ****** *********, and ** ********* **** ***. ***** there ** ********* **** ** ***** in ******** ******* ***** *******, ***** said ******** ******** * ********* ******* will ******** ***** ******** *** ************ and ******** *** **** *********/******** ** 60GHz.

60GHz ********

**** ** ******** * ***** ******** later ** ****.

Comments (6)
Thomas Carnevale
Jul 24, 2019

We very recently approached Siklu in a outdoor surveillance project for a municipal customer.  We originally specified firetide but a year has gone by and now that we are revisiting this project.  We've had issues with firetide interference on 5.8 & also the positioning on some projects was like threading a needle.   There in municipal projects they are always looking to use more with less and Siklu's ability to be used to support wi-fi infrastructure was attractive.  


Our key's to making the switch on this project was the interference issues we've had with firetide and the auto-alignment.  This application is not miles long and it's really a great fit potentially for some of the projects we're working on.  

John Honovich
Jul 24, 2019

Tom, very interesting! What's up with Firetide these days? I know they got acquired but are they developing new product or? This is the first I've heard about them in a few years.

Thomas Carnevale
Jul 24, 2019

Not much...  Horrible Pun but... 'Radio Silence' on the innovation front :)

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 25, 2019

I would use Mikrotik ptp radios and ptmp 


mark montano
Jul 27, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Great Read

Andrew Somerville
Aug 01, 2019

The usable range of 60GHz equipment is not generally limited by rain / weather. The 60GHz band has a particular characteristic that it is absorbed by oxygen moleclues, dramatically reducing the range in all weather conditions. This explains why E Band (70/80GHz) equipment has a  greater range than V Band (60GHz) despite operating at a higher frequency.

This characteristic of 60GHz is considered an advantage by regulators in that it also means that any installed  60GHz link is unlikely to cause interference to another such link - as a result the band is unlicensed in the vast majority of countries.

Also I would note that Fresnel zones for all frequencies are pretty small at these short distances - oo a 250m path, 60% first Fresnel clearance at the mid point of the link is 1 metre at 5GHz and 0.3m at 60GHz. 

Concerning 5GHz, 150Mbps was the typical maximum of the previous generation 802.11n radios. Current 802.11ac and custom SDR products can offer 500Mbps without resorting to bonding, although of course this will depend upon the level of local interference and is generally easier to achieve in a point to point rather than a point to multipoint architecture.
