VMS Mobile App Usage Statistics 2021

Published Oct 01, 2021 12:51 PM

Mobile app usage continues to grow, but how quickly? And what is driving it?

IPVM Image

In this note, we examine statistics from ~200 integrator responses and examine the trends they reveal, compared to 2016 results and 2012 results.

Response ********

*********** ******** * ****** ****-***** ********:

**** ********** ** **** ********* *** mobile **** (******, *******, ***.) ** monitor ***** *** ******? ***? **** drives ****?

*** ******** ** *********** *** **** customers ***** *** ****** **** **** of *** ****, ** **% (*** right ****) **** **%+ ** ***** customers ***** ****** ****:

IPVM Image

***** ******* **** *********, *** ******, growth ***** **** *** ****, **** a ******** ******** ** ***** ********* that ****** **** **** **** **** than **% ** *** ****:

IPVM Image

Key ******

** ***** **** *** ****** ***** drove ******** *** (** **** ** use) ** ****** ****:

  • ***********/**** ** ******
  • ***** ********/**** *** ********
  • **** **** ** ****** ********
  • ******* ********, *** **** ******* ***
  • ** ****** ****** ***

Convenience/Ease ** ******

*********** *** **** ** ****** ******** to ***** * ****** ** ** workstation *** *** **** ******** ***** reason *** ********* ***** ****** ****.

  • "*** ******** **** *** *** **** majority ** *********** ******* *** * good ***** ** ********** ******* *** apps. **** **** *** *********** ** being **** ** **** ******* **** not ** **** ** **** ** vacation, **********, ***."
  • "** **** ******* ************** **** **** found ** ****** ** *** ****** devices ** ****** ***** *******. ** a ***** ****** ** ********* *** they *** ****. * ******* **** find ** * ********** *** ** dispatch ********* ******* ** ***** ****** based ** * *********** ** ****** on *** ****** *** ***** **** their ***."
  • "**% ** ** ********* *** ****** apps. ******* ****** ** *********** *** ability ** ****** ** **** ******** they ****** ** **. **** ********* want ****** ****** **** **** ***** access ** ******* ***** ***** ** while **** *** **** **** ***** system, ** ** ******** ** ********."
  • "*** ** ****. **** *** ****** apps **** ******* ********* *** ****. Mobile ****** **** ****** ** ********* and ****** *** ** **** *** day. *** **** ****** **** **** the *********** ** ***** ***** *****, over *** ************* ** * ***** display ** * *******."
  • "**% - ** ****'** ****** ** the ****** *** *** *** *** slightest *** ****** ***** *** ******'* you *** **** ***** ** **** cams?"
  • "***% **** *** ********* ******* ****** access ** ***** ******* ** **** point. ** **** **** *******, **** want ** ** **** ** ****** them ******** **** ***."
  • "******** ***** **% ****** *** *********** so **** *** ****** **** ** their ***** *** ***** *** ******* instead ** ***** **** ** *** server"
  • "***% ** ** *** *********** *** people ****** **** * ***** ** their ***** ** ** ** ****** for ****."
  • "**%. **’* ********** *** * *** of ****** *** **** ** ** alternative ** ********* *******."
  • "***% ******** ***** ** **** ***** cameras ** ***** ******."
  • "**% *********** ** **** ***** ****** when *** ** ** ******"
  • "**** ** * *********** ** ******* from ** ** ******"
  • "**% *** ** ***********"
  • "****** ***% *** ***********"

Small ********/**** *** ********

*********** ********* **** ***** ******** *** home *** **** ******* ****** *** users:

  • ">**% *** ****** ****. **** ** management ** ********* **** ********** ****** outside ******** ***** *** **** **** or **** **** *** ** ********."
  • "** *****-****** ******** ****** ***. *** convenience *** ******* ** ******* ***** in ** ***** ********."
  • "** *** *********** *** ***** ******** it ** ***%. * *** ** them ***** *** * ******* ** PC ** ***. **** *** **** comfortable ***** *** ********** ***** ***, rather **** *** ********* ****** *** interface ** ***."
  • "*** ** ****. ****** ***** ******** businesses."
  • "***% **** **** ** **** ****’* going ** ** ***** **********."
  • "***%, **** *** ***** ********** *** the ****** ****'* ****** ** ****."
  • "**% ******* *** ***** ** *** company ***** *** ******* ** **** in. ********, *** ******* **** ** if ***** ** * ****** ******** from *** ***** ******"
  • "***% ** **** *** **. * lot ** ******** *** ******. ** check ** ********* *** ******** ** property."
  • "**** ********** *** ***** ******** ******. The ****** *** ****** *** **** likely ** *** ****** **** ** access **, ****** ** ** **** for ******** *******."

Less **** ** ****** ********

**********, ****** ********** **** **** ****** to *** ****** ****, ****** *** to ****** ** ****** ******* ***** organizations *** * ******** ***** ***** monitored *******.

  • "**% *****. ** ** *** ***** businesses ** ******** ***** **** ******* and **** **** **** *** ******** to ***** **'* ** ***** ******* so ****** **** *** ****** *** requested."
  • "***, ***** **%. ********** ******** **** data ******* ***** *********/******** ******** ******** generally ******** **."
  • "*% ? *** ***** ********** *********, they ********* **** **/* *** **********, and *** ************* ** *** ****** apps ** **** ** * *******/*********** than *** ******* *********/******* ***** ****-********** over ** *** *** ** **** practical."
  • "***** **% ** ****. ******* ** do ****** ***** ***** ********** **** 100's ** ******* *** ******** *****. Our ******* ********* *** ** *** the *********** ** ******** ********** ***** after ***** ******** ***."
  • "**% ******* **** ** ********* *** big ************ *** **** ***** **** a *** ****** ** ****** *** from ****** *******"
  • "****** ******* **** **** * ****** VMS ****** *** ** ******, *** I ***** *** **% *** *** mobile *** ** **** *****."

Quicker ********, *** **** ***** ***

*********** **** ************ ********* ** ******** in ******** **** ** ******* ******** use.

  • "**% ******** **** *** ‘***’* *** solutions **** ****** ******’?"
  • "**** ** *** *** ***** ****. They **** ***** *** ******** ****** to ******* ** ****** ** *********."
  • "**% *********** ** **** ***** ****** when *** ** ** ******"
  • "** %. *** ******* **** ******* access ********** ** ***** ********. ** gives **** ***** ** ****."
  • "**% - **** ** *** ***** reference *** **** ******"

*******, **** **** ********* **** ***** were ********* **** ***** ***** **** for ***** ***, **** * ** used **** **** ******** ********** **** required.

  • "**%, ****** ** **** ** ****** and ******* ******* ** *** ******* to **** ** **** *****. **** customers *** *** ** ***'* ** review *******."
  • "**%. **** ** ******. *** ******* check ** * *************/*****/******** *** ** more ******** *********** ** ******, **** can *** ** * ***********/******."
  • "***** * ***. ********* *** ******* awareness *** ********* *** ******** ** push *************."

IT ****** ****** ***

*********** ********* **** ******* ** ****** often ******* *** *** ** ****** apps, **** **** ********* ***** ********* networks **** ** ****** ******.

  • "**%. **** **** ** *** ******* to **** *** ******* *** ***** accidentally ** ******* ***** ***** ******** area, **-**** **** ********, ***. *** 10% *** ***'* *** ****** ***** the ******* *** ******* ******* (** need *** ***** ***** *******) ** they ***'* **** ** ***** ***** restrictive ** ********** *** *** ******* to **** ********."
  • "*% ** ** ******* ******** **** uses **, **% ** ***. * think *** ********** ** **** ************ is *** ******* ***** *** ********** level *********. ******** ******* ** *** required ************ ***** ** * **** deployment **** ******* ********* ******* *** IT *** ** *** **** ***** the ******** ** **** **** ** critical ****. * *** ** ********** folks *** ****** **'* ***."
  • "***** ** ***** *******, *** * small ****** *** ** ***********, **** of *** ********** ********* ****'* ***** to ***-** *** *********** *** ****** devices ** ******** ******* ********. *** ones *** *** ** **** *** again *** ******* *-** ****** ***** systems. ********* **** ***** ** *** up **** ********** ** ***** ******** rules ** ******* ******* ** **** who *** ***."
  • "**** ********** ***'* ***** ****** **** to ******* ** ***'* ***** ****** to ******* ** **** *** *** them."
  • "******* ** **** ******** **** ** financial, **** ****** ****** *** *** because ** ** ******* ******"
  • "**** **** *%. ** **** **** getting ******** ******* **** ** ********* phones ** ***** ** ********** ******'* allow **."
  • "**% ***** *** *** *****, ********* our ******* ******* * ****** ****** network."
  • "****** ****. ****** ** ** ********."


***** *** *** *** ******* ****** to ***** ********** ****** *** ******:

  • ***** ******:****** *********** ***** ***** **** **** slow ** ******* ****** ****, ***** providers **** **** **** ****** ** develop ***** ******** ****** *** *** apps, ****** ****** *** **** ****** to ******** ** ***** ******** *****.
  • ** ******:******-********** *** **** ******** ** ********* to ****** **** ******, ****** ****** push ************* **** ******, ***** **** analytics ********** **** ***** ******.

*******, ** ****** *********** *** ***** likely ** *****, ********** ** ***** drivers, *** ****** ************* **** **/* monitoring *** ***** ****** ** ****** mainly **/***-***** ***** *******.

*******, ******, *** **** *** *** mobile **** ********** ***, **** *** next *** *****, ***** *** ***** VMS ****** **** **** ****** * distinct ********.

Comments (15)
Michael Cain
Oct 01, 2021
IPVMU Certified

* ******* ******* ***** ** * municipality. ** ***'* ***** ******* *** cost ** ******* * **/* ***, but ** **** *** ***** ****** 3-5 *****. *** ** *** ***** run **** ***********/****. ** **** *** of *** ******* ********* **********, *** from * ******* ****** *** **** up ***** ******. **** * **** perspective, ** ***** ** **** *******, a ***** ** * ****** ** required, *** * ******* ** *** into *** **** *******.

**** ****** **** ***** **** **** setup ***** **** ********* ***** *** cameras ** ****, *** **** **** to *** * ********** ***. *** interface ** **** ** *******, *** footage ******* ** ********* *** *** purpose, *** ** *** **** ***** features **** *** ******.

*********, *** *********** ******* *** *** systems *** ****, *** *** ******** is ***** ** ** *** ** is ** **** **** ********* ** access *** **** *******.

* *** ******** *** *********** *** to **** ** ***, *** ** performs ********* ******. *** *** ** installed ** * **** ******, ** was *** ** ** **

***** *** ********** ******** ******** **** putting ****** ***** ** ***** *******, but ******** ************ *** ********, *** the *** ********* *** ***** ** have ** **** **. * ***** go ** *** ** *** **** a ***** *** *** **** ** a *********** *** ****** *** ************* in ** ****.

* **** *** *** ****** ***** for ********** ***** ** *** ******** cameras. ** ***** ** **** * camera ** ***** ****** ****. ********** operations ***** * ****** ** ******** locations (** **** *** *** ********* and ********* ******** ** **** *** an ***** ** ********* ******* ***** hours). *** ** **** ****** ** possible ***** ********** **** ** **** today.

* *** ******** *** *********** *** to **** ** ***, *** ** performs ******. *** *** ** ********* on * **** ******, *** ** by **. *** *** ** **** buggy. ***** **** ****** ** ******** to ** ********* ** *** *** once, * ***** **** ** ****** a *** *** **** ********* ** in ***** ** *** *** *****. A ***** ****** ****** ** **** reliable *** ***** ****** ** * fraction ** *** **** (*** ** far **** ********** ** * ****). Where ** *** ***** ******? ** it ******** *** *********** ** **** their *** ** ********?

*** ****** **** ** **** *** legacy *** ********* *** ***** ** have ** ******* **** **** ******* going *******, ** **** **** **** for * ***** ***, *** ******* more *******. ******** ****** ** ***** to ***** ****** ** *** ******** industry, **** **** ** **** ********** else. ** * ***'* *** * camera **** **** * ****** ** my ****, * **** **** * service ******** **** **** *** ** there.

Ross Vander Klok
Oct 01, 2021
IPVMU Certified

**** *** **** ******* **** *** tried *** **** ********* ******* *** app? * **** ******* ***** ** and ** ***** ****** **** **** the ******* ** *** ** ******** sites *** *****'* ***** ******** ******* for ******** *****. **** ***** *** site. ****, ******* *** **** ** on ****.

** ** ****** *** ****** ** all *** ** ** **** *** for **** ** ** *********!

Kambiz Asrar-Haghighi
Nov 10, 2021
Motorola Solutions

** *******,

*'* ****** ******* ** ***** **** about **** *****, ** ***'** ** to **, * ***** ********** ** pick **** ***** ** * ***** call?

Shannon Davis
Oct 01, 2021
IPVMU Certified

***** ****** *****. **** ** *** biggest ********* * **** **** **** of *** ***** ************ *************, ********** the *****'* *** **** **** ****** for * **** ****. *** ** date **** **** *** ********** ** use *** ***'* **** ******.

*** *** **** **** ** *** with *** ***** *** ****** ***** mobile **** *** ***** *******. ***** is ******* ***** **** ****** * sale ******* *** *********** ******** *** a ***** ****** ******* *** **** to *** ********* **** ****** **** solution *** **** ****** *** ***** needs *** **** **** * *****.

**** ***** **** ********* **** ** get ** *** *** ********* *** the ***** *******.

**** **** ** ***** ** ***** of ****.

Steve Stowe
Oct 01, 2021

****** - ***** *** ****** *** and ***** ******** **** ****, **** and ****** ***** **** *** ******** manufacturers ** ***.

Undisclosed End User #4
Nov 17, 2021

**** ** *** ****** ***** *** what *** ** ***** **** *****: having ******** ***** ***** ********** ******.

*** ************* ****** ****** ***-***** ********* to *** ****** **** **** *** customer's *** ***, ** **** ***** video **** **** *** ** **** to *** ************.

Ross Vander Klok
Oct 01, 2021
IPVMU Certified

* **** ******, ** ****, ****, Wyze, *******, *** **** ********* ** my ***** ** *** **** *** the ******* * **** ** *** work *** ********. ** ** * pain *** ******'* ** ** *** without *** ****.

* **** **** **** ****** *** ALL ***** ****** ******* *** *** business ******* *** ********* ********** *** reasoning. *******, *** ** ** ********* dual ************** *** *** ***** ** all ****** **** *** ******* ********. It **** ** **** ** ***** that ** *** ****** **** **** through *** ***** ***** *** ***** phones *** ***** *** ****** ****** for ******* *******. ** * ********** employees ****** *** ****** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 02, 2021

*'* *******, **** **** ** ******** are *** ** **** *** *** large ****** ** **** ** ** department *** ****-***-**** ********* ***** **** access ** ******* ** * ********?

Ross Vander Klok
Oct 05, 2021
IPVMU Certified

*** **** *** **** ********* **** the ****** ** ** ***********, **********, and **********. ** ***************, ** ***** too **** *** * ****** ** get **** **** *** *** ** clean ******. ** *** **** **** to *** ** *** ***** ** minutes ** *** **** **** * 90-minute *******. ** *** ******* *** as ***** **** **** ***** *****. Used ** ******* *********, *********, *********, etc.

****** ** ** ***** ******** ****** devices *** * ***********, *** * necessity.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 01, 2021

** *** *** ******** **'** **** (which ********** ***'* * ***** ***), 100% ** *** ************** *** ****** ***. **** ** our ******* ***'* **** **** * security ******* **-****, ***** **** ********* to *** ***. ***** *** ********* small ********** *** ***** ** ******-***** apartments, ****** ***** ******** ** ********* and ********* *** *** ********* **** is ********* ********** ** **** ** a ***** *****.

******* *** **** *** **** ** our ******* **** ** ** *** apartments ****/**** ***-****. ********* ******* ******* the ****** *** ******** ****** ***********. Secondly, ** ********* ******* *** *** in * **** **** ** ***** space **** ***'* ********** ********, ** even ** **** *** **-****, ******* there ******** ******* ***'* **********. *****, the *** **-***** *** (*********) ** not ************ **** *** ******* **** to *** **** *** *** ********* is ******* *** ***********, ** *** mobile *** ******** **** ****-****** **********.

Undisclosed End User #2
Oct 02, 2021

*** "** ***'* ****** **" ********* rings ****** ** **. * **** in ********** ** *** **** ** not *** *** ** *****. *** legacy *********** *** * ********** ****** app. ** **** *** ********* **** the ***. ***** *** *** ******** to *** **** ** *** ***** same ***** ** *** ******* ****** the ***** **** ************ *****. ** need *** ** ******* ** ******* from ** *** *** ****** ** using *** *** ** ** ***** gives ** *** **** ***** ** access.

** ***** *** ** *** **** app ******* ***** ** ** ***** log *** **** *** ***** ******. To **** *** ****** *** ***** the *** ***** (***** ** **** a ******* ** ******) *** *** access ** *** *********** *** ******* can ****** **** ***** ***** *** ITcould *** stop it.

*** *********** *** *** * ****** functional ****** *** **** **** ********* fully **** *** *** ***. ****** access ** ******** ** * ********* service ** *** *** *****'* ****** the ***** ********. *** *** ******** on **** *** ** ** *** VPN ******* ****** **** **** ** the ****** (*** *** *** ****** to *****) **** ** *** ** more ******* **** *** ******. ** COULD (*** ***** ****) *** ** to ****** ******* *** *********** *** profile *** **** ** *** ** could ********.

*** *** *** *** *** **** based ****** ******* ** *** *** admins (***** **) *** *** ******** will ***** ****** ****** ** *********** but **** **** ** ***** **** not ***' ****.

Undisclosed End User #3
Oct 05, 2021

"*** *********** *** *** * ****** functional ****** ***" - **** ** like *** **** ** *** **** ness *******. **** ***** ** **** seen **, *** * ***'* ******* it.

Tom Allen
Oct 05, 2021
IPVMU Certified

**** *** ** ******* ****** *** shoot ***!

Sean Patton
Nov 17, 2021

***** * ****** **** *******, **** is ** *** *****, **** *** a ******* ** ***** ****.

Corbin Hambrick
Oct 05, 2021

** ***** ******* ** ***** ***** dinosaurs???

*********** *** ********** ***** ***-*-****. ********* come ** **** * ******** *******/******** that ** ********** *** *****-**** (****** because **'* * ******** ********). *** customers **** *** **** ** *** and **** ** ********** **** **** use-cases *** **** ***** ***'* ****** so ******* *** **** **** ********** to **** ***** **** ** ********** fail.
