Mobile VMS App Usage Statistics Report

Published Jun 01, 2016 13:31 PM

Overall usage of mobile apps has risen significantly from our 2012 report, with the majority of heavy users falling into particular categories.

115 Integrators provided data for this report, which is the most detailed breakdown of mobile app usage in the security industry.

We analyze current app usage statistics and look at the customers that are driving the biggest surge in mobile app usage.


  • **** ********* ******* ****** ****, *** do *** ******** *** ****
  • ****** **** *** **** ******* *** smaller *********
  • *********** ****** ** **** ** * major ******
  • ***** ************* **** ** **** ** restrictions **** ***** *** *****
  • ********* ********* ****** ************, *** *** apps **** ******

Response ********

*** ****** ***** * ****** ******** to ***********: "**** ********** ** **** customers *** ****** **** (******, *******, etc.) ** ******* ***** *** ******? Why? **** ****** ****?"

********* **** **** ****** *** *** tends ** ** "*** ** *******", with *** ******** ** ********* ******* to *** ******* **** ** *** scale: 

** *** **** ****** *** ***** ********** ******, **** **% ** ********* ********* that ****** **** **** **** **** than **% ** *** ****.  ***, that ****** *** ***** ** **% of *********.

Convenience ** * ***** ******

***********/**** ** ****** *** ***** ***** as * ****** *** ********* ***** mobile ****.  

  • "***** ** ***% **'* **********, ***** phone ** ****** **** ****. **** customers **** ** **** *** ***** app **** ************ **** ********* ***** cameras ******* *** ********."
  • "**% ** *** ********* *** **** for *** **** **** *** **** for ****** ******* *** ****** ** it's *****, ********** *** **** ** use ************ **** *** *** ** more ******* *** **********. ******* ** going ** **** ******** ** ********* software's ***** ** ******** **** **** and *******; ****** *** *** ********* choice ** *** ********* ."
  • "**** **%. ****** ** *********** *** a ***** ** *******."
  • "**% * ******* ** ** *********** 50% ** *** **** *** *** rest ** ** **** * ***."
  • "** **** ***** *** ********* **** been ***** ** *** ************ *** it ** ******* ***** ********** *** we **** **** **** **** ******* they ****** *** ** *** ** and ****** ** ** **** ** them *** *** ** *** ****. Why? *********** *** ***** ** **** overall. **** ****** ****? **** ********* are ********; ******** *********** *** ***** what **** **** ** ** ** the ***** **** *** **********; ******** for ******* ******* ** **** *** call ******* ** **** **** ********/*****/*****. It **** **** ** *********** ** its **** ** ***** *** ****** of *** ******** ** ******* *** app *** ******* *** ******* ***** sitting ** *** ***** ** ** front ** *** **."
  • "**% ** ****** ******, ** ****** incident *******. *********** *** **** *************"
  • "**** **% ** *** ******* ******* remote ******* *** ****. **** ** usually * **** ******, ********** *** to ***** ** ***** ***** ***** away."
  • "***% ***********, ****** **** ****."
  • "***** **% ** **** *** **** why * ***** *** ***********."

Smaller ********* *** ****** *****

********* ********** ***** ***** ** ****** apps ****** ****** ********** ** ******* users ** ******* *******:

  • "*** ******* ******* **** ****** ****. All *********** ***** ********** **** ****. Most *** ** *** *** ***** few ***** *********. **** **** ***** off. **** **'* ** * ******** review ***** **** *****, ***** ** what **** *** ****** **** ***."
  • "**% **'* **** ****** *** ********* to ******* ***** ****** ** ****** phone. **** ** *** ******* *** in ***** ******** ** ******* ******."
  • "**% *******. **** ** ******** ******, home ******, ************** **** ** ** checking ** ** ***** ***** ** see **** ** ***** **."
  • "***% ** ** *** ******. *% of ** **** ******."
  • "********* ****** **%. **** *** *** size ** ***** ********** ***** *** level ********** *** ** **** ** monitor **** **** ** ***** *****, and **** *** *** *** ****** to **** ****** *** ***** ********** on *******."
  • "**% *** *** ****** *** **** of *** ********* *** *** *** to **** **** *** **** ** business ***** ****."
  • "***% *********** ****** *** ******** ******** their **** ** **********."
  • "**% - * *** ** **********/******** users ** *** *** **. ******* small ******** ** *********** ***** *** app ****** *** ***** ************* ** not."
  • "*** *** ** **** ********* ** our ******* ********* **** *** ****** to ** **** **** ****. ** gives **** *** ******* ** ** in *** ****** ** *** ****, ie. ******* *** ******** *** ********** it."

Interest **** *** ********* ** *****

*******, ********* ******* ** ******* ****** apps *** **** **** **** ******** use ****.  ******* ********* ******** ****:

  • "**** ******* *** *** ** ********* but **** ***'* ***. * ***** say **** **-** ******* ******** *** them."
  • "***** *****. ** ***** ** ** a ******* *** ********** ** ***** but ****** *****."
  • "******** ***** *** ****** *** *** it. *'* ***** **** ** ***** actually *** ** ** ** ******* basis, ***** *** "***-****" ****** *** worn ***, *** * ***** ** that ****** ******** *** ** ***********."
  • "********* *** ** *** ********* ******* this ***, ****** **** * ************* standpoint ** **** *** *** ** as * *** ******** *******. ****** priced *** ********* **** ******** *****, I **** **** ** *** ** two **** *** ******** ***** **."
  • "***** **% *** ***** ****** *** to ****** ***. ***** **% *** for ****** *** ******* **** ********** a *** ******."
  • "*** ** ** ********* **** **, but **** ** *** *** ** using ** ***** *** ******* ***** off."

Corporate ********* ******** ** ** ********/************* ********

****** ************ *** ***** ********* **** ***** ****** apps *** ** ** ******** ********:

  • "* ***** ******** **% ** *** customers *** *** ***. *** ******** of *** ******* *** ****** ************ with ****** **** ************. *** *** security ** *** *******, ** ***** cases, *** *** ** *** **** a *************."
  • "***** *%. ******** ******** **** **, but ** **** *** **** *** network *** ****** ******* ** ****** the ***** ******."
  • "**** * *** ****** ******* **** mobile ****. *** **** **** ** often **** ******* **** ******* ******** policies."
  • "***** * ** ******* ***** ** a ****** *** ****, **** ** environments ** *** ********** ***** **** still *** ******* ** ******** ************ and ************ *** ******** ********."
  • "*% ******, ********, *******, ***, ***** Corp, ***... ** ****** **** *** allow **, ** ***** ** ********* to *********."
  • "typically ******* *** ***"
  • "**** * *** ****** ******* **** mobile ****. *** **** **** ** often **** ******* **** ******* ******** policies."
  • "* **** **** **** ** ****** corporate ************ ***** *** **** ****** to ** ******* ************/******** **** **** use ** ****** **** ********* ** impossible. **** ********* ** *****. **** restrict *********** ** **** **** ******* owned ******."

******** ********* ****** ******* *******, *** Apps *** ****** ******* 

*********** ********* **** ********* *** *** dedicated ********* ** * ******** ****/****** to ***** ******* *** **** ****** app ***** *******.

  • "*-*% ****** ***** ****** ** ******* VMS ******* ** ***. ****** **** are ******* **** ** *********** ***** *** **** for simplicity and ********."
  • "* ***** *** **** **** *%. We ********** ** **** *** ******** centres. **-*** ****** ************* ***** ******* are ************ *********."
  • "*** ** **** **** ** ***** profile, **** ******** *** ** ******/******** than ********* ** ***** *** ***** which ******** *** ******* **********."
  • "*** ****** ********* **** ******* ********* to ********** *** ******* *** **** he/she ** **** ** *** *** of *** *** **'* *** ******* at **** *** ****** ** * mobile ******. *** ******* ******* ***** have *** ***** *** ******** **** to *** ********** ** *** ***** on ***** ******."

********* **** ********* ***** *** **** frequently ****** **** **** ** * way *** *** ****** ** ******* cameras ***** ** *******.

  • "**** *** ****** ***** ********** ********* with ****** ******** ***** ****** ******** facilities."
  • "****** ********* **** ****** ****** **** used ****** ****."
  • "* ***** *** **% ** *** customers ****** ******* ** ****** *** the *** *** ****** ******* *********. Reason ** *** ****** ********* ** always **** ***** ** ***** ** the ****** ********* ** *** ****** needs ** ** **** ** *** the ****** **** ******** ** ******."
  • "******** **%. **** ****** ****'* ******* at * **** *** ********* *** their ***** *****."
Comments (2)
Michael Miller
Jun 01, 2016

IPVM should do some VMS mobile app tests. I don't think I have seen any reviews yet for the mobile experience.

Jon Dillabaugh
Jun 02, 2016
Pro Focus LLC

I'll second that. Some of them are horrendous. Some are pretty good. Some surprisingly so.