Top Project Management Software Used

Published Jan 30, 2018 15:33 PM

What do integrators use to manage their projects? Nothing? Spreadsheet? MS Project? Online software?

This continues IPVM's series on project management, adding to Integrator Managing Projects StatisticsSecurity Integrator Project Management Certifications, and Project Plans for Security Integrators.

100+ integrators told IPVM what they software they use.

Project Work Planning Statistics

The largest group of respondents cited using Microsoft products (most typically Project or Excel):


Several ******** ********* ******

*** ******** ** *******, **** **%, mentioned ***** ******** ************ ** ****** project *******. ** ***** '***-**-***' ******** is ****, *** ****** *** *********** of **** *********** ** ***** ***** or **** ************ *** *********** ********, scheduling, ******, *** ************* *****. 

**** *** '*************' *********, ******** **** for ******* ************ ** ******, **** using ******* *** ********, ********* ******* for ***** ******, *** ******* *** Scheduling:

  • "** ** *** *********** **********, ******* calendar, ********* *******, *** ******* ** achieve ****. ************ *'** **** * gantt ***** *** *'* *** **** how **'* ***** ********."
  • "****** (** **** ***) ******* **********. Keeps *** *********** ** ***, *********** location. ***** (** **** ***) ******** communication ****, ********** (** **** ***) ******** and ******, *** ******** (** **** for) ******** ********* *** ******* *******."
  • "** *** ******* ***** ** ********* more ** * ******* ****** ******. But ** **** ********** ** *** rudimentary ******* ****** *** **** **********. At *** ****** *** ******* **** of ******** **** *** ****** *** for ** *** * *** ******* at ****** ****** ******* (****?) **** would ****** * ****** *****. ** have ****** ** ***** ******** ********* (Microsoft's ******* ********** ******** **** *******), but **** *** ******* **** ********/********** time **** ** **** ** ******** to *** ******. *** **** *** out ** ** **** *** *** into **."
  • "** *** ***** ****** ** ********** large ********, *** ***** ************ ** administer ****** ********"
  • "********* *******, *****, ******. ** ******* those ***** * *** ****** **********, cost ******* *** **** **********."
  • "********** *** ***** *** ******** *** managing ***** *** ** **** **** excel ************ **** **** **** ***** over *** ***** **** *** ****** good ** ******* ***** ***** ** schedule."

Microsoft ******** ***

***** ** ****** ******** ******** ******* votes, *********'* ********* ** ******* ********** software ** ***********. ******* ** *********** with ***** ********* ********, **** **% of ********* ********* ** ***** ***  Microsoft *********** ** * ******* ***** of *** ******* ********** *******:

  • "********* *******, ********* ******, **********. ** real ****** ***** **** *********"
  • "*****, ** *******. **** **********."
  • "** *******. ****** ******** *** ** is **** ** *** **** **."
  • "*********- *******, *****, *****, ******. ********** and * *** ***** ************ **** as ****** *** **** ***********."
  • "**** *** ********* ********* *****."
  • "***** *** ******* ********** *** ** our ******** ********* **** ** ************** to/from ********** *** ******* ********, **** data ***********, *********, ***."
  • "** *** ***** *** **** ******** & **** **********, ***** *** ****** layouts, *** ********/******** ** **** *****/***** across *** ****** ******* ********. ****** and *** **** **** ** ***** $20/year *** ******** ***** *** ******* cost *** ********* ****** ********."
  • "********* *******. **** ********* *** ** the **** ** *** ******** **** runs ** *** ** ******* ********** with ******** *******."

********* ******* 

********* *********'* *********** ******* ** ******** presence, *** *******'* ******** ******** *** managing ***** ********* *******, ********* *******, has ******* ********.

***** *** ********** *****, ********** *********** resulting ** **** **** ********, *** common ********* ********* ********** ****** **** integrator *** ******* *** ********** **********.

******* ****** *********** *********** ** ********** data ** ******* ** ****** *** can ********* **** * ******* ** external **** ******* ** ******** *****, to * ****** ***** ** ******** do ***.

******* ****** *******$**/***** *** **** *** *** ***** Office *** *******, ** ~$*** *** a ****** **** ***** *******, ** to ~$*,*** *** * ****** ***** 'Professional' *****-**** *** ********** *******.

Custom ********** ************ ******

**** ********* ***** **** **** *********** use * ********** ********* ** ******** packages, ** **** ******* **** ***** softwares ** ******* ********** ** ***** tasks **** *******, ***** **********, ** tech **********:

  • "* *** ********** ** ** ** linked **** ** ********** *** ** really **** ******* *** ***** * am ******* ***."
  • "** *** ****** *** **** ********** lists ***** ***** ** ****** ********* or *** *****. **** *** *****, access **** ******** *******."
  • "********* ******* *** ********** *** ******** allocation *** ********. **** ***** *** cost ******** *** ********."
  • "********* ******* ** ********* ** *** accounting ******** ** ****** ******* ******** can ** **** ******, *** ******* projects **** **** ******** ***** ** work."
  • "** *** * **** ****** ******* in ******** ** *** ******** ********** systems"

******* *** **** ******* ** ******** named ** ***********, **** ** *** 'minor' ******** ******* * ***** ****** of ****** *****.  ***** ***** ********* multiple ********: 


*********** * *****-*****, ************* *********** ******** offering ***** ***** ********,********** ****** * ***** ** *****-***** ************ to ********* **** ****** ***, * Suite, *******, *** **********.

******* ****** *******$**/***** *** **** *** *** '**********' version, ** ** * **** ** $25/month *** ****, ***** ******** ***** features **** ****** ***** *** ***** *****. 

'None' ******, ****** ****** ***********

*******, *** *** *********** *** * typical ***** ** ******** *** ******* management. ******, **** **** **% ** answers ********* ** *** ** ** single ******* ** ***** ****, ***** accompanied ** ***** ******** ********** **** situation ** *** ***** *** ** slated ** ** *********:

  • "**** ************, ****** ** **** ******* with ** *******. - ******* ** custom ***, *** *********** ***. **** to ******* **."
  • "****. ** ****** ** ******** *** reports *** ************* ********* ** ***** progress. ** **** *** ***** * software ******* **** ***** *** ************."
  • "**** ** **** ****, *** ******* for * **** ********** ******** **** would ********* **** **** ** *** for ********** *** *******. *** ****** this ** ******** * *******."
  • "** * *******, ** ***'* *** any ******** ******* ********** ********."
  • "** ** ******** **** * ** aware **."
  • "****. *** *'* ****** ** **** management **** *-*****."
Comments (8)
Edward Knoch
Jan 30, 2018

If you really don't want to use real scheduling software, there are plenty of excellent spreadsheet based scheduling solutions on the market OR you can build your own.  For instance, you can get the following ( for free. It's a great tool to get started producing quality Gannt charts - it doesn't do PERT yet, but I'm certain some smarty out there can make that happen.  

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Nov 24, 2020

(I know, old thread.) With all due respects, I wouldn't call a Gantt chart a scheduling tool. I'd call it a project management tool, which is what it was designed for. I'd call a scheduling tool one for scheduling jobs like service and installs.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jan 30, 2018

Avoid Connectwise like the plague.  Slow, clunky and their support is poor.  ....from experience...

Michael Miller
Jan 31, 2018

Are you running a hosted Connectwise server or onsite version? 

Armando Perez
Jan 31, 2018
Hoosier Security and Security Owners Group • IPVMU Certified

curious for more details. We just switched to ConnectWise and aside from the steep learning curve were finding it much better than out previous solution.

Michael Gonzalez
Jan 31, 2018
Prohawk Technology Group

I prefer using MS Project Professional for complex projects with a lot of deliverables from a lot of different people or groups. I like to use System Surveyor to plot devices, it's very useful when used on an iPad.

Cody McCormick
Jan 31, 2018

As a company we use a couple of softwares...D-tools is a good software for the quoting process.  It is clean and very easy to use.  Our A/V dept started with it and it is slowly trickling to Security.  We also use Tigerpaw. It is a CRM software that completes the project from quoting, to service ordering, to purchasing.  Time tracking and scheduling is including in their software suite.  it is really geared towards the construction (Security Included) industry.

Rick Gallant
Jan 31, 2018

I use Asana for my team's project management.  It has a lot of integrations with other software and tools and is really user friendly. I recommend it based on my experience.