Subscriber Discussion

Best Practice For Remote Video

John Saunders
Feb 20, 2017
IPVMU Certified

I realize that everyone has a different opinion, and the real answer is risk based, but ... looking for some thoughts on what you would see as minimum requirements for security surveillance at remote infrastructure. Frames, resolution, throughput requirements, on a per camera basis? The question assumes you want to stream everything, not simply get alarms and then send a snapshot.

John Honovich
Feb 20, 2017

John, good topic!

I hate to say 'it depends' but this is broad enough that it really does. Some general rule of thumbs that obviously have exceptions:

  • You can generally get away with lower frame rates if you are just trying to see what is happening overall
  • You should really try to use cameras with smart codecs since that will give a 50-90% decrease in bandwidth with minimal to no lose.
  • Often one is stuck with whatever bandwidth they have and, at that point, it is a matter of either picking lower resolution streams or transcoded video to just get something

Related: VMS Remote Monitoring TestedTesting IP Video - Super Low Bandwidth

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