Subscriber Discussion

What Anti-Tailgating Solutions Work For Gated Communities?

geert Huisman
Feb 13, 2018

Does anyone has experience with this?

are there alternatives beside axis, and is something like this available for gated communities without a security guard?


Sunny regards

Brian Rhodes
Feb 13, 2018
IPVMU Certified

There are a number of different 'anti-tailgating' or 'tailgate detector' methods out there.

The Axis product you linked in a video analytic rule, but there are other methods such as: New Anti-Tailgating Product from OptexNew Product: Free Flow Turnstile (dFlow), or Industry First IP Time of Flight Camera (3xLogic) that use a specific ToF sensor to detect more than one person per scan.

Other alternatives include turnstiles or revolving doors that physically limit one person to entering at a time.  In general, VA solutions (like Axis) are less expensive than specialty Time of Flight sensors, which in turn are less expensive than mantraps or turnstiles.

We cover the range of options in Practical Solutions To Piggybacking and Tailgating.

Chalon Dilber
Feb 13, 2018

Bias Alert: I consult for VCA Technology (represented by CBC in Europe) whose solutions I reference below.

Tailgating Filter (simple time based filter with vehicles)

Double Knock Filter with Logical Rules to create complex scenarios 

I have a few more short access control tailgating videos I'll be happy to share upon request.

Regarding your specific question for gated communities, it would probably be useful for your chosen technology solution to be able to differentiate between vehicles of different sizes and persons as well as have the flexibility to create logical rules for each individually or together.  Flexible event notification & integration options (I/O, http, tcp, email, etc.) for the VMS or remote monitoring service/guards should also be an important consideration for a successful deployment. 



geert Huisman
Feb 13, 2018


Jay Hobdy
Feb 13, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Are you talking about vehicles or pedestrians? As far as I know, that Axis solution is for pedestrians only. I do not think Axis has a solution for vehicle tailgating.

Undisclosed End User #1
Feb 13, 2018

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Michael Silva
Feb 13, 2018
Silva Consultants

I work with lots of gated communities and have not found a cost effective anti-tailgating solution for vehicles at gates that does not involve the use of a security guard.

You can use video analytics and other types of technology to detect tailgating at vehicle gates, but there is very little that will actually physically stop it. If you have the space available, you can install a dual set of gates that are electrically interlocked so that both gates cannot be open at the same time. A vehicle drives through the first gate, waits for the gate to close behind it, and then opens the second gate and drives through. This arrangement is sometimes called a "sallyport", and can help to prevent tailgating.

One problem with a sallyport is that it has a very low throughput - if you have lots of cars coming in, you will soon have long lines of cars waiting to get in. When you have cars both coming in and going out through the same gate, it gets even more complicated. Most residents will not tolerate the delays.

Also, a majority of the communities that I work with simply don't have the real estate to install two gates with a space in-between to hold a vehicle. There are also issues when vehicles too big to fit within the sallyport (garbage trucks, fire engines, etc.) need to enter.

This is one of those problems I have been pondering for many years and have yet to find a satisfactory technological solution for. We usually end up stationing a security guard at the gate to check resident vehicle passes, receive delivery vehicles, and sign-in visitors. Average cost for 24/7 guard coverage at a gate is about $175,000 per year, but most communities just bite the bullet and factor this into their operating budget.

Dori Ribak
Feb 14, 2018
RBtec Perimeter Security Systems

I have a solution but never though about it in gated communities application.

Do you think retractable bollards/gate with laser sensors to detect the moment the vehicle passed would work?

Michael Silva
Feb 14, 2018
Silva Consultants

You could use retractable bollards in a sallyport arrangement instead of one or both of the automatic gates, however I'm not sure what this would gain you in the typical residential application. Bollards also do nothing to prevent a person on foot from entering, and most gated communities want to keep both unauthorized people and unauthorized vehicles out.


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