Weapons Detection Integrator Recommendations Statistics

Published Aug 06, 2024 16:32 PM

The rise of shootings has made weapons detection a hot topic in the security industry, with many new entrants in the past few years, but what do integrators think of using or selling them?

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140+ integrators responded:

What, if any, weapons detection offerings (walk through screening, video-based, acoustic, etc.) would you recommend? Why?

In this report, IPVM examines the results and highlights common themes, including dozens of detailed quotes from integrators.

For related tests and reporting on weapons detection (200+ reports directory), including:


**** **% ** *********** **** **** did *** ********* *** ******* *********, with ** ******** **** ** ********* received **** **% ** *********. ***** detectors **** ********* **** **********, ******** by ***** (*******) *********, ***** *********, and ***** *********** ********* (*.*., ****, Evolv).

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No ******* ********* ***********

*** **** ****** ******** **** *********** was **** **** *** *** ********* weapons *********, **** **** ****** **** simply ****'* **** ****** ***** ** or ********* *** *** ********* **.

  • "**** ** **** ****. *'** **** some ********** **** **** **** ** work, *** ** ******* ** ** for ******** ********** *** *** **** to ****** ** *** **** ** deployment, *********** *** ********. **** ******** gets *****, **'* ********* *** ****** for **** *********."
  • "** ***'* ***** *** ******* ********* systems. ** ** **** ********** *** a **** **** ** **."
  • "* ***** **** *** ** ***** offerings ****** ************ ****. ** *** now, * ******'*."
  • "**** ** **** ****- *** ********** enough ** *** *** ***** ** know **** ***** ** ****."
  • "** ***'* ** *** **** ** that ****** *** ***'* **** ** have ****** ********* ** **** ***************."
  • "** **** *** **** ******** **** weapon *********(*). **** ** *********."
  • "* **** ***, * ***** *** I ** *** ******** **** *** details ** *** ******** ** *** market"
  • "* ***'* ********* ** ******** ***** weapons ********* ** *********."
  • "** *** ********* *** ***** ******** with ******* ********* *********."
  • "** ** *** ********* ***** ******* detection **********."
  • "** **** *** ****** **** ******* detection ** * ******* ***."
  • "* ***'* ********* *** ** * haven't ******** **** ******** ***."
  • "* ** *** ******* ******* ********* systems."
  • "****, ** *'* *** ******** **** that ******."
  • "* *****’* ******* *** ******* *********"
  • "* **** *** ********* *** ** these *** ******."
  • "**** ***.... *** ********** ** ***** in *** *******"
  • "** ** *** **** **** ******* detection ** ***."
  • "****. *** ********* **** *** ******* it."
  • "** ** ****** ** ** *** do ******* *********."
  • "** ***'* **** *** ******* ********* offerings."
  • "**** *** **** ******** **, ** ever ****** ****"
  • "* **** *** **** **** *************"
  • "** **** *** **** **** ***** yet."
  • "** ********* ** *** ***** ****."
  • "** ***** ** ** ******* *********."
  • "** ********** **** **** *******"
  • "**** ***** ****** **** ****"
  • "* ***'* ** **** ** **** arena."
  • "** ** *** * ***** ** have ********** **."
  • "*/* - ***'* *** ** **** them."
  • "**** ********** **** *****"
  • "**** ** **** ****."
  • "** ********"
  • "** **********"
  • "**** *** ****"
  • "**** ********."
  • "***** ****"
  • "****" [***]
  • "*/*" [**]

Non-US ***********

*********** ******* *** ** (***** **% of ***********) **** ********** **** ****** to *** **** *** *** ********* weapons ********* (**% **. **%). ***** in ******, *********, *** *******, *** United *******, *** ****** ******* *** that ***** *** **** ****** *** weapons ********* ** ***** ***** ** firearms **** **** ********** **** ** the **.

  • "****. ** *** ** ****** *** there *** **** *** **** ***** for ******* ********* *** *************** *** gun ****** ********* *********. * *** more ******** ******* ** *** **** during * ******* ** ****** **** I **** **** ** ** ****** life ** ******."
  • "** **** ** ** ******* ** the ******** ** * ******* **** India ** **** * *** ** restrictions ** ******** *******."
  • "** **** ** ****** *** ** far ******* ********* *** ***** **** up **** *** ** ** *******."
  • "** *** ***, ** ** *** in *** ******* **** ** *** an ***** ** ********* ** *** country. ******* ******* ** ***** **** way *** ** **** ** ********"
  • "** ** *** **** **** **** of ****** ** *** **** ** operation." [***********]
  • "** ***'* ***** ****, **'* *** a *** ***** ** ** ******."
  • "*** - ** ***’* **** **** on *** *******" [*********]
  • "**** - *** ******** ** *** market" [*** *******]
  • "**** ** * ******* ** *****, I'm **-*****"
  • "** ******, **** ** *** ****** portfolio"

*** ********** **** ******* ********* **** while ******** **** ********, **** **** becoming **** ******, *** **** **** interested ** ******* ********* ********* ** a ******:

** ***'* **** ********** ** **** area *** * *** ***** ***** weapon ********* ** *** **** ******** I'd **** ** *******. ******** *** outlawed **** *** *** ***** **** more **** **** ** *********/******* *** the ******* ** **** ** ******** warning ** **** * *** ******* will ** ********** ********** ** **** scenarios. [*******]

None, *** ****** *****

* ******* ******* **** **** *** not ********* ***** ******* ********* *** are ********** ** ** ** ******* into ********* *********.

  • "** ** *** ***** *** ** these ************ ***. ** ******* ** in ********** **** * ****** ** would ********** ****** ** ***** **** about *** ******** ********* *** *** best ** ***** ******."
  • "* **** ******* ** **** ******* detection ** ***** **** ** ***** behavior ********* ****** **** ******* *** a ******** ****** ****** **** * weapon. ********** ******** ** ** *******."
  • "**** *** *** ** ********* *** with *** *******. * ***** ******** go **** **** **** ** ********** :) ** * ****** ** **** one...."
  • "** *** ** *****'* **** *** weapons ********* *******; **** ******* ** eye ** ************ ** *** ********."
  • "**** ** ** ***, *** ** are ******* **** **** *** ***** like ** ***** * ************* *** quality ********."
  • "** *****'* **** *** ****** **********, though ******** *** * ******* **** a ********* ********."
  • "* **** **** ******* ******* ********** in ******* ********* ***-*** ******** *********. They *** ******* ******** *** ** hope ** ***** **** ***** ***** weapons *********. *** ******* **** ******* detection ** **** ** ** **** expensive *** **** ** ******* *** investment."
  • "****. **** ** *** ********* ** have ********, *** **** ** *** future."
  • "*** ****** ** **** ****** ******* at **** **** *** ******* ** sell ******."
  • "** *****'* **** *** *** *** are ******* *** *********."
  • "**** *** *** ***** **** ** learn **** ***** ***** *********."

Accuracy **. ************

**** **** **** *** *** ******** weapons ********* *** ** ******** ****** in ****-***** ************ **. ********* ****** (e.g.,***** ******* ******* *********** ** *******).

  • "***** ****** ********* ** ******, ** the ****** ***** ** ***** ** least **% ** ***** ******, *** the ***** ******** ** **** ** make *** ** ******** **** *********. Additonally, ***** *** **** ******* **** cause *****, **** **** ****** *** short ****, *** ********* *** **** guns."
  • "***** *** ********* **** *** ***** that * ** ***** **** ** if *** ************ ******* *********** *** advertises *********** *** **** ********* ************."
  • "*****'* ****** *********** ** **** ****** at *** **** ***. ***** **** seems ** ** *** **** ***********. We **** **** *****, *** ****** shy **** **** ******** "****"."
  • "**** ***, * ** ********** ** object ********* *** ****** ***. *** the ********** *** ******** **** *** appear ***** ***."
  • "***. * **** **** *** **** false ********* *** *** **** **** reads ***** * ****** *** **** it *******. * **** *** ********** has * **** ** **."
  • "** **** ***** **** ** ***** be ****** *** *** **** *** seen ***** **** **** ** ****** than *** *** ***** *********."
  • "***** ** *****. ***** ********* **** not ***** *********. ** *** ***** not ***** *** *** *********."
  • "**** *** ** ******* ** ***** are **** ****** **** ******** ** implementation."
  • "** **** *** *** ***** ******** weapons ********* *********."
  • "**** ** *** ******, ** **** has *** **** **** ********"
  • "**** **** ****** ************"

Liability ********

******* *********** ********* **** ******* ******* detection *** ** ********* ******** ** the ****** ****** * ****** **** in ** ********.

  • "** ** *** ***** **** **********. Not * *** ** **** **** our ******* *** * ** ********* about *********."
  • "** ** *** ***** ******* ********* because **** *** *** ********, ** creates ********* ****** *** **** ********** liability ********* **** ***** **"
  • "** *** *** ******* ** ************ any ******** *** ****. *** *** fear *** ** ** ******* ** detect *** ** ***** ******. *** is **** ******?"
  • "****. *** ***** ** ******* ****** a ****** ******* *** ******** **** hurt."
  • "**** ** * ****** ******* ** broach *** * **** ********* **** to *********."

Metal ********* **** ******

*** **** ****** **** ** ******** mentioned ** *********** ************** ***** *********. *********** **** **** **** **** reliable *** ******* **** ***** ************.

  • "* **** ***** *** **** **** detection ** ***** ********* **** *** walk ******* ** **** *****. ***** not *********** **** *** ******** *** other ***** ***** ********* *** ******* detection."
  • "******** *********** ******** ****** ***% ********* to ***** **********, **** *** ***** the **** ********* ******** **** *** be **** ** **** **** ****** full ****** ** * ******* ***** member."
  • "******* **** ******* ******* **** ** the ***** ****** *** ** ***** value ***** ** ***** ********** ****.
  • "******** ******** & *********** ********** - not ********* ** **** ** *** newer (***** **********) ******* & *** scanners ** ******** *** ** ***** & ********* *** *** ****** ****"
  • "***** **** ****-**** ******** ******* ** airports, *'* ***** * ******** ** most **********-***** ****-******* ***** *********. ******** our ******* ****** ***** ********** **** as *****, ** *****'* *** ** in *** ****** ** ** ***."
  • "**** ******* **** ** ***** ** detect ********** **** *** *** ** in ****. * ***** **** **** old ***** ********* **** **** *** at **** ***** ***'* ********* ** for ****** ********* ** * **** method *** *********."
  • "* **** **** *** *** ** these ** *** **** * ***** at * **********. ** **** **** I ********* ****** *******."
  • "**** ** **** *****. **** *** a ***** ******** *** *** *** guards **** ** ***."
  • "******* **** ******* *********"

Audio/Gunshot *********

****, *********** **** **** ********* ***** detection/gunshot *********, ****** **** **** ******* out **** **** *** * ******** to * ****** ***** *****, *** detecting **** **********.

  • "** **** **** *** ***** ** requires **** ********* ** ***** *** mussle ***** ** ******** ** *****. We **** * ***** **** ** installation ** ******* ** *** ******* for ****** *******. *** ******* *** integrated **** **** ****** *** ***** system. *** ********* ** ***** **. The ****** ** **** ** **** and *******."
  • "** *** ******* ** ***** ********* for ******** ********* *** ********* *******. I ***** **** ** *** ******* or ******* ********* **** ** ******** and ********** ** ********* ** **** a ******* ******* ** **** * weapon *** ** ******* ****** ******** the ********."
  • "* ** *** ******* *** **** through ********* ** ******** ** ***** the ********** ** ***. *** *****-***** detections *** ******** **** ****** *** the ******** ** ****, *** *** a ********** ******."
  • "*** *** * ******* ********* **** we **** **, ** ***** **** of ***** ****** ***, ** ** a **** ***** ** **** ***. We **** ****** *** *********, *** they ****."
  • "* **** ****** ******* ********* (**** and ***), *** * *****'* ****** much **** ***** ** *********."
  • "** *** ****-********* / *****-********* ** provide ****** *** *** *********. **** gives **** ** ***** *** **** can ********* *** **** **** ** react."
  • "**** (******* ****) *******. **** **** the **** ******* *** *** *** easiest ** ******* *** ********."

Video *********

* *** *********** **** **** *********** video-based ******* *********:

  • "**** ******* ** *** ****** *** the *********. **** ******* ***** *** need ****, *** ** ******* *****, many **** *** *********** ************ **** ZeroEyes *** ****** *****. ** ***** instances * ** ********* ******* ********* as ****** ******** ***** ***'* ****** be ******** *** ******* *** ** distractions **** ******, ****** ********, ********** parents *** * **** ** ***** interactions **** **** ** ** **** but ******** ******** *****. *** *********** of ******** *** ***** ************ **** these ********* ***** *** **** * life."
  • "***** *** ***** ***** ** **** as ***** *****, **** **** ****** both *********** **** .*** ********* ** real **** *********. ***** ** *********** based *** ***** **** * ***** of ***** *******. **** ******* *** other ********* ******* ******* ********."
  • "******* *********, ***** *** ****** ***** well, * ***** ***** *** ***** and **** ****** **** ***** ** weapon ********* *** *********. * ***'* believe *** ** *** ******** ** as ******** ** * ******."
  • "** *** ********* ** *** ******* of ********** ****** ** *** ******* detection ********."
  • "*****-*****. ** **** **** **** **** installs *** *******. *****-***** ****** ********* could ** **** ** ********* **** their ******** **** *******"

Other *********

******* *********** **** **** *** ********* multiple *******, ********* ** *** ***********, most ***** * *********** ** **** type ** ****-******* *********, ***** *********, and/or ***** *********.

  • "* ******* * ****** ** ********* systems *** *** **** *******, *** effectiveness ** *** ****** ** *********, for ****** **'* * ****-***** ********. What * ******* ********* ***: ******-***, Evolv (**** **** ************ ******** ** the ******), ****, ******** ,**** ****"
  • "*** ****-**** *********, ** *** ******* at **********. **** ******* ********** *** seems ** ** ***** **** ****** detection ******* **** *****. *** ***** Intl **** ** ** **** ** some ***** *** *********. *********** ********* in ***-***** ****** /*****. *** ** us ******.... *** *******, ** **** Eagl. ***** ** **** ***** ***** positives ** ***** *******. ** **** not ********* *** ***, *** ** have ********* ******* ** **."
  • "* ***** **** ******* ******** **** may *** *** ***** ******* ** different *******. ** ***** ********* ***** with *****-***** *** **** ****** *** distinct ********** ** **** ** ********."
  • "** ****** *** *** **** * focus ** *** **** *** ** we **** ** ********* ** ***** be ***** *** ******** *****. *** depending ** *** ******** *** **** of ******** **** **** ******* ********* may ** ***********. *** ** ******* is ********** **** **** **** **** a ********."

* *** **** **** ********* ****-******* scanning, ********** *** ****-******* *****.

  • "*'* * *** ** *** ****-******* weapons ********* *******, ********** *** ********* that **** ****** **** **** ******* such ** ****** ******. ** ****** them ** **** * *** ** people ******* ** *** **** **** while ********* ********* ******* ****. * think **** ******* **** ******* ********* analytics **** ** *** ********* *** move ** ** *** ***** ********* for ******** ******** ** ******** ***** such ** *******."
  • "****-******* ********* ** *** **** ********, acoustic ********* ** ****** *** ******** after * ****** *** **** *****. I ***'* ******* **** ***** ********* is * ******** **** *** **** of *** ******** ******* ** ******** a ****** ** ** ** *** right ***** **** *** ***** ***** of ****, ***** ** *** ********* in **** ****-***** ************ *** *** give * ****** * ***** ***** of **********."
  • "**** ******* *********"

*******, **** *** ********** **** **** they ********************* **** ********, ****** ***** ******* **** ********.

*** **** ****** ****-*********** ************* ****-******* solutions *** ******** *** *** ******** threats, ******* *** ********** ******* ********** wave *******. ******* **** ***** & Schwarz *** ******* ******* *** *** only *** **** * ***** *********. There *** * ****** ***** ******** into **-****** ********* **** *** ** able ******* *** ********* *********** *** all ******* *** ******* *** **** that **** ********* ***********. **********, *** screening ********** ********* ****** ** *** use **** *** ******.
