Scylla Gun Detection System Tested

Published May 15, 2024 13:37 PM

With the ambition to reach a $1 billion valuation by 2024-2025, Scylla aims to eliminate the human-in-the-loop approach in visual gun detection systems with its AI-based analytics, but how well does it work?

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Based on IPVM's months of testing Scylla's on-prem and cloud gun detection system, we detail:

  • How did Scylla perform in detecting firearms on the scene?
  • How was Scylla's performance with false alerts on innocuous objects?
  • What is the alert latency of on-prem and cloud solutions?
  • What PPF is required for consistent firearm detection in full light (~300 lux)?
  • How does the PPF requirement change for different scenes, such as low light (~50 lux), and WDR?
  • How easy or difficult is Scylla's setup?
  • What is Scylla's approach to visual gun detection?
  • The overview of the system's interface and its mobile app for notifications.
  • Differences between the on-prem and cloud solutions.

Scylla is the first in a series of visual firearm detection tests. We have tested one other provider and will test other solutions leading up to rankings. We also examine various manufacturer live demos and claims for baseline comparisons. If you would like to be included in IPVM's visual gun detection testing, email

IPVM ******* ***********

**** ******* ** ****** ******* ******, where ** ****** ***** ******** ** indoor *** ******* ******, *** ** night. **** ********* ******** ** ***** across *** *****, **** *** ******* various *******.

** ****** *** ****** *** ********* accuracy ***** ****/*** *******, ********* *** prop ******* (**** *** *****), *** prop ******, *** * **** ****. All *** ******* **** *** *****, and ***** **** **** **** ****** to ******* **** ******, *** ** taped *** *** ********. ******* **** detected/ignored **** **** ** ******* **** not ****** ** ******** *******. ***** is *** ***** ********** **** **** weapons:

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** ****** *** ****** *** ***** alerts ***** ******* ********* ******* *** body *****. *** ********* ******* ******** cell ******, ******, *******, *********** ******* canes, *******/*******, **** *******, *** ********. We ********* ******* **** ***** **** and ******* ***** *******, **** ****** guns, ** ******* ******* **** **** arms ******** ** ********* ***** ******.

Scylla *****

***** ****** **-******* ****** *** ****** RTSP ******* ** ****** ********** *** frame ****, *** ***** ******* ******** port-forwarding ****** **** *******, **** ****** telling ** *** ****-********** ** **** used *** **** *******, *** ******* VPNs *** *** ** *** **** cloud ***********.

*** ***** ***** ***** *** ****** setup:


****** ****** ******* ********* ** ********* as * ***** ************ *** **-**** deployment. *** ***** ************ ** $** per ****** *** *****, *** **-**** is $*** *** ******* *** ****, with ** ********** ****** **** *******.

*** *****-***** ***********, ** ***** * monthly ************ *****, ***** **-******** *********** are ********* ******* ** ****** ************. The **** *** **-******** ********** ** $250 *** ******* *** ****, *** for ***** ***********, ** ** $** per ****** *** *****. ** ******* exclusive ******* ******* *** ***** ********** Centers, **** ** ***** *****, ******* to ***-********** ********** (***), ***** *** significantly **** ****-********* **** *** ******** licensing ****. *** ******* *********** *** on-premises ********** ** **** ********, ******* cloud *********** **** ** ******* ******* requirement. ************, *** ******** ******* **** K12 ************, ** ***** ********* ********** pricing ***** *** **** ************ *******, reflecting *** ********** ** ********** *********** environments.

*** **-**** ******* ********* **** ****** come **** ***-**** ********, *** *** MSRP ****** ** $*,*** *** **** channels.

**** * ******** ********** *********, ** ******** ********, ********* ******** without *** ********** ** ****** **** for *** ***** *** *****. **** purchase **** *********** *** ***** ** updates *** *******. *** **** *** a *-******* ****** ** $*,***, ***-*********, granting **** ********* ** *** ****** to *** ********. *** ************ ******** with *** ************, ** ***** ************* discounted ******* ******* *** **** ************ program, ************* *** ********** ** ********** and ********** *********** ********** *********.

Three-Layer ********: ******* *********, ********, *** ************

****** **** **** **** *** * three-layer ******** *** ****** ******* *********. They ********* ****** ******** ***** ***** custom ****** ********* *********, ************* ******* the *******, *** **** ****** ***** their "****** *********," ** **-************ *****.

****** ************* ****** **** *** ********** use ** ****; *** ****** ** built ** * ****** *****-**** ************. The ********** ** *** ******-********* ****** detection ******* (****** ***), ******** ** * ***** ** statistical ******** ********* *** *****, *** just ****** ******. *** ***** ********* is *** ****** *********, ** **-***** decision-making ****** ******** *** *********** ** our **********.

Executive *******

** ***** ****** ********* ******** ** detecting ********** ******** ** *** ***** and *** ****** ********* ** ***** alerts, ********* ** ******** *********** **** one ***** ********** ****** *** *** others ******. *********** *** ******* ****** on-premise *** ***** ********, ********* ******* with ******** ** ******** ** ******** firearms. ****, ****** *** ******* **** various ********* ******* (**** ******, ******* canes, ***.) ** ****** *** ******* scenes, ****** ********* ********* ** ***** alerts, ***** *** **** * ****** limitation ** ****** ******* *********.

****** ************ ******** ********** ******** (*** holstered - ********) ** ****'* ******* scene ** **** ***** (~*** ***) when ~**+ *** *** ********* *** long **** *** ~**+ *** *** pistols. ** *** ***** ********** (~** lux) *** *** ******, ****** ******** higher *** *** ********** ********* (~** for **** ****, ~** *** *******). Scylla's **-**** ****** ******** ****** *************** (~1 ******), *** *** ***** ****** took ~* ******* ** ******** ******.

Strong ******* ********* ***********

****** ****** ******* ********* ****** *** a ****** *********** ** ****'* *******, consistently ********* *** ******** ** ******* and **** ****. ****** ******** ** walks ********* **** ******** **** ** various *********, ****** ************ ******** **** when ~**+ *** *** ********* *** long **** *** ~**+ *** *** pistols.

****** ******* ** ******* *** **** guns **** ********, ******* ** * sling, ** **********, **** *** ******** visible ** *** ******* *** ******** PPF.

**** ******* ***** **** ****** **** not ******* ****** ********* *** ********** firearm *********, ******** ** **** ********** behind *** *****.

Virtually ** ***** ******

****** ****** ** ******* ** ****** and ******* ******, ****** ********* ********* no ***** ******. **** ******* ******** hand ********, ****** ******, **** *******, cordless ******, *** *********** *****, ***** have ************ ********* ***** ****** ** visual *** ********* *******.

IPVM Image

****** **** **** **** **** ****** no ***** ****** ** **** ******* scenes *** *.* ***** ****** *** camera *** *** ** **** ******* scenes.

*********, *** ****** ********* *.* ***** alert *** ****** *** ***. ** environments **** *** *** *******, *** can ********** ********* ** ***** ******. However, ** **** ******* ********, *** expectation ******* ******** ** ** ******* of *.* ***** ****** *** ****** per ***.

Low ***** *******

****** ****'* *******, *** ****** ****** had *** ***** *******, **** *** on-prem ****** ********** ****** *************** (~* second) *** *** ***** ****** ** ~4 *******. ****** ********* ******** ****** for *** ******** ** *** ***** and, ******** *** "***** ******" ******* grouped ****** ****** * ******* ****** (i.e., ** *******) **** * ****** notification.

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** *** *** ****** ****** *** with *** **-**** ********, *** **-**** system ***** ** ** ******* **** the ***** ******. ***** *** ******* push ************* ** ***** ****** **** the **-**** *** ***** ******* *** connected. ***** ****** *** ** ******* latency ** ~** ******* *** ******** the ****** ****, ********* *****, *** a ***** ***** ****.

IPVM Image

~30+ *** *** **** ****, ~**+ *** *** *******

** **** *******, *** ****** ****** required ~** *** *** ********** **** gun ********* *** ~** *** *** pistols. *******, *** *** ************ *** provided *** **** *** **** ******* of *** ******** ** *******. **** the ******** *** ******* ******** ** the ****** (***** *******), *** *** requirements ******** ********* ** *** ******'* down-tilt *****.

***** ******'* ******* *** *********** ** lower **** *** *******, ****** **** IPVM **** ** ****** **** ***** expectations *** ** ******-**-****** **********, *** they ********* ~** *** *** **** guns. ******'* ***** ******* *** *** requirements ** *******:IPVM Image

PPF ******** ********* ** *** ***** *** ***

*** *** ******** *** ********** ********* in *** ***** (~** ***) ********* by ~**% *** **** **** **** and *******. *******, **** * ****** PPF *** *********, ****** *** ****** detection ******** *** ***** ***** **********, similar ** *** ****-***** (~*** ***) performance.

** *** ****** (**** *** *****), Scylla ******** ****** *** *** ********** detection.

No ***** ** *** ****

**** ******* ******** **** *** ****** system **** *** *** * ***** operator ** ****** ****** ** ******* the ****** ** ** ***-****** *************.

Image ******* ******* ** ***********

*** ****** ****** ***** **** ******* cameras ** ********* *****/***** ******* ******, providing ********** *** *********. *******, *** optimal *** ** *** ****** ******, it's *********** ** *** *** ******* quality ******* ******** *** *** ******** scenes. **** ******* ********* **** ******* with ******** *** *** ***-***** ************ had **** *********** ********* ** *** requirements ****** ******* ******, ******* ********** of ***** ******* ** ********* ********** analytics *********.

Version ******

****** ******** *****: **.**.*

Comments (25)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
May 15, 2024

* ** ******* ** *** **** tested **** ******** ***** ******* * black ***** ** *** ** **** can ******* ***** *********

Mert Karakaya
May 15, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**#*, ****** *** *** *******. ** tested **** ******** **** ****** (**** in ***** *** ****), *** *** system *** *** ******** *** ***** positives.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
May 16, 2024

*** *** **** ** ** *** detect ** ******* ***** *** *** sideways?

**** *** ****** *** ******** ***?

*** **** *** ****** ********* ******* the ****** **** ** ** ********? Say *** **** * ******, *** a ******* ****** **** ****. *******: We **** * **** *** ** replace *** ******, *** *** ** have * *** ****** ********* ** the ******. *** ** *** **** to **** **** *** ****** ** working ******* ****** ** **** * gun *** ** * ****** ** make **** *** ****** ** *******?

Mert Karakaya
May 16, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**#*, ***** *** *** *** *******.

*** *** **** ** ** *** detect ** ******* ***** *** *** sideways?

** *** *******, ****** ************ ******** guns **** ********:

IPVM Image

**** *** ****** *** ******** ***?

** **** ****** *** ****** **** the **** ******** ***** ** *** report. *******, **** ****** *** ******** stock, *** ****** ******* ** ***** firearms **** *** ***** *** ****** when ******** *** *** *********.

IPVM Image

*** **** *** ****** ********* ******* the ****** **** ** ** ********? Say *** **** * ******, *** a ******* ****** **** ****. *******: We **** * **** *** ** replace *** ******, *** *** ** have * *** ****** ********* ** the ******. *** ** *** **** to **** **** *** ****** ** working ******* ****** ** **** * gun *** ** * ****** ** make **** *** ****** ** *******?

** *** ******** ***, ****** ***** deployments *** ** *** **** ******* of ******* *** ******, **** *** last ******** *****:

IPVM Image

** **** ********* *** ******** ** the ****** **** *** **** ****** you **** ***** ********.

John Honovich
May 16, 2024

*** **** ** ** *********** ******** for *** *****-***** *** *********. ** it's ****** *********, **'* **** ****** to *** * ****** ** ***** of *** ****** ** ******* ********* with ******* ***** ** *****, ***. But **** ****, *** *********** ** that **** ****** ** ***** **** yet **** ******** *****, *********** *** accurately ******* ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
May 16, 2024

** *** **** ***** ** **** safety ****. ** ** *** ***** about **** **** * **** ***** system, ** ***** ** ** ****** and ********* ***** ****. * ***** like ** ********** **** ************ ***** about ****.

John Honovich
May 16, 2024

**'* * **** *****. * ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
May 16, 2024

**** ** * ******** *****. * was ******* ***** * ******** ***** like *** *&* ***.

* ***** **** ** *** ** it *** ** ******** ****** ** when ** *****'* **** **** * rifle.

IPVM Image

Mert Karakaya
May 16, 2024
IPVMU Certified

****** *** *** *************. ** **** not ****** **** ******** ******. ** focused ** ****** ******** **** ***** be **** *** ******* **** ***** be ***** ** **** **** **********.

*******, ****** *** ********** ********* *********** with ******* **** ** ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
May 16, 2024

* **** ****** **** **** ******* other *********, *** ** **** *** detect **** ******. ***, *** ****** can *** ** ***** **** ******, but *** ***** ***** *** ******* with ** ******.

****, *** ** ***** ******* *** easily ******** ** ******* *** *** over *** ***.

Mert Karakaya
May 16, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**** ** ******'* ******** ** *** deployment ********:

** **** **** ****** ***** ** do ** * ****** ********* ** install * ******, **'* **** * hidden ******** *************. **** *** ** a ********** ** **** ******** ***** background ****** **** ****** *****, ** no, ** ***** ************. ************ ** the ********* *** * ***** ** red ***** ****, **** *** ***** on ** ** ***** ****** ** cameras *** *******

**** ** *** ********** ** *** Health ***** *** **** ****'* ******* dashboard:

IPVM Image

Shaun Purvis
May 16, 2024

** **** **** * ***** ** the ********** **** *** *******? * know **** ******* *** **** ****** up ** ** *** ******.

Mert Karakaya
May 16, 2024
IPVMU Certified

** *****,

** *** *******, ** **** ***, 5MP, *** *** ******* *** ******** that ****** ********* ******* ** ****** RTSP ********** *** ***** ****.

*******, ** **** *** ****** ******* with **** **** *** **********. *** example, ** ************ ******** * ****** ****** ******, *** ********* ****** ******* ***** 8MP ******* *** ****-**** ************.

** *** **** *** ***** ******* in **** **** *** ***** *** with * ****** ******* ********* ******?

Shaun Purvis
May 23, 2024

** **** **** **** ******* **** H4 **** *** ******* **** ********. We **** ******* ** *** ********** in *.***. * ****'* **** ** this ****** *** *** **** ***********.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
May 16, 2024

** ** ***** ** ****** ***** its *** *******?

Mert Karakaya
May 16, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**#*, **** ** ******'* *****:

*) *** ****** ****** ******** ******?

** ** ***** **** * ***** should ****** ** *******, ** ****** on ****. ******** - ***** **** matters. ****** ***** ***** **** **** features ** *** ******** *** *** that **** *******. ** *** **** set ** **** ******** ****** **** parts *** ******** ****.

IPVM Image

*) *** ****** ***** *** *** dataset?

*** ** **** **** *** **** customers, ********* ****, *** **** ** scrapped ********* **** ***. ******** ***** improvements *** **** ** * ********* with **** **** **** *********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
May 17, 2024

*** *** ******** *** ********** ********* in *** ***** (~** ***) ********* by ~**% *** **** **** **** and *******.

*** **** *** ****** ******* ** nighttime/IR *********** *****? ** *** ** moderately ******** **** * ***** ****** for **************, ****** ***** ** ********** is ***** ****.

* ***** ********* ** * **** critical *********** ****** ******** ** ********** schools, ********** ****** *** *** **** they *** **** *********. *******, ***** are ********* ************ ***** **** ***** be * ******* (***** ********, ********, bars, ****** ****** ************).

Mert Karakaya
May 17, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**#*, ****** *** *** *******.

****** ************* ******** ******** ******* *** ~50 ***, ********* ** **** ******* our ******* ** ***** *************.

** ****** ******** *******, ** ******** ******* ******* *** casino ****** ** *** ~** *** range *** ******* *** ******* ** those ********* *** ****** ******* *********. Some ****** **** ***** *** ******** include **** (~** ***) *** ************* (~7-10 ***).

IPVM Image

*******, ***** *** ********* ************ ***** this ***** ** * ******* (***** theaters, ********, ****, ****** ****** ************).

** ***** *********, ** ***** **** consistent ******* *********, ********* ************ ********* to ******** *********** **** ** **********, increasing ************ ** ***** ~** ***.

Undisclosed #4
May 18, 2024

No ***** ** *** ****

**** ******* ******** **** *** ****** system **** *** *** * ***** operator ** ****** ******

technology **** ******** **** ** ********. HiTL is not a strength - it is an overt weakness.

** ** *** ********** ** ** that ****** - *** *******-********** *** detection ******** *'** **** **** ***** in ** **** ***** - ** the ***** ** ***** ** ********************* **** *** ****, *** *******, stating **** ***** ***** *****.** **'* ***. **** ** ***** ************ ********.

** ******* ** **** ******* ****, there *** ****** ** **** **** space ******* **** ** **** **** of ******** ***** - ************ **** it ** * ***** ********* **** their **** ***'* ***** *** ***** time *** **** ***** ************** ***** *********** ************.

******* ** ****** ******* ********* ******** HiTL. ***** ** ******* ** *** Lambs ** *** *** ********** *******... but ***** **** ****, **** ***** be ******* ** ** *** **** of ******** *****. ******* ** **** aint.

** ***'* ******* ** ****** ********* analytics **** *** ********* **** ****** humans ** ******** ***** * ********* zone. *** ***** ********* ******** ** imagining **** **** ** ******** ** make **** ****?** ****** ***- ******* ***** ********* **** ******* by ***.they **** ******* ****** ****** ** ****** **** **** *** *******.

******? **** - ***** ********* *** sometimes *****.

*** ** *** **** ***** ********* occur, **'* ******** - ******* ** ruins *** *** ***** ** ****** these ********* ** *** ***** *****.

**** **** *** **** ***** ********* using * ***-**** ******** **** ****** would ** ******** ** ** ********* similarly.

*** ***, * ***'* *********** (** *******) ********* ******** *** ever **** **** ** ******** *********** any **** ** **** ********* ***** at ***...

Undisclosed Integrator #2
May 19, 2024

**** ** *** ***** ******* *** detection **** ** ****, **?

Mert Karakaya
May 19, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**#*, **** ** *******. **** ** the ***** ******* *** ********* ****. We **** ********** ****** ***** ** these ******* *** ******* ********* ******* (***** ******* / ****** ********* ******** Tested).

Undisclosed Integrator #2
May 19, 2024

*** *** **** **** ***** ********* your ******* ****?

John Honovich
May 19, 2024

** ****** ****** ********* ******* *** detection ***********, ***** ****** **** ** released ***** **** *****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Aug 27, 2024

>*** ***** ************ ** $** *** camera *** *****, *** **-**** ** $250 *** ******* > *** ****, with ** ********** ****** **** *******.

** ** *** **** ***** *** a ******* ****** ***** ** ****? Is ** ****** $*** *** ******* per **** *** * ****** **, say, ** *******?

Mert Karakaya
Aug 27, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**#*, ***** **** *** ***** ***** by ******. *** *********/*******, * ********* reaching *** ********.