Ubiquiti Now Selling Through ADI

Published Jun 03, 2024 14:00 PM

While Ubiquiti historically sold directly to end-users and resisted selling through large-scale security distribution, it is now selling products through mega-security distributor ADI. How does this change Ubiquiti's positioning?

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In this report, we examine the changes, how this is part of a broader trend of opening up / expanding, and some potential associated problems and challenges.

On the technology side, see Ubiquiti G5 Turret Camera Tested, Ubiquiti UniFi Access Intercom Tested, and its analytics results in our Camera Analytics Rankings 2024 - 20 Manufacturers, 39 Analytics.

Executive *******

******** ** ******** *** ******** ** win **** ******** ***********. ****, ***** with ******** ****** * ***** ***** **** **** ** * ********* location **** *** **** *********** ********* ******** ** "************ *******"*****.

************, ******** *** **** ********* ******* regional ********* *** ************ ***, ************, its *******. *** ********** ** **** Ubiquiti *** ************ ******** ****** *** levels ** ********* **** ******, **** powerful ************ **** ** *** ******.

** *** ******** ****, ***** ***'* very ***** ******** ****, **** ***** help ******** *** ******** ***** *************.

*******, *** ********* ********, ** ** least * *******, ******* ** ** seen: *** **** ***** *** ******* Ubiquiti ******** ** ********** *** *****. Generally, *** ***** *** ********* ** be ****** ** ******* ** ******* and ****** ******** (**** ** ************* in *** *****, ****** ******, ***.). If ******** ****** ***** ****, ** could ******* ****** *** ***.

ADI ***** / ************

***** ** *** ***** **** *** from *** ****** *********** ******** ******** (sent ** */**/****):

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ADI ********

*** **** ** **** *** *** finalized ***** ******** **** ********, *** the ********* ******* ** ***** ******* will ** ******* ** *** ****** weeks. ***** ** *** **** *** reviewing ********* ****** ******* ********, *** could ***** ** ********** ***—** ***-******-***** percent ******** *** ******* ******** ** what ******** ****** ********. *** ******** they **** **** *********** ****** *** Ubiquiti's ******** ** ***, **** ******* items ******* ******* ** ********* *** more **** ***** ***** ** ***** "in *****" ******. *******, **** *** not ******* ** *** **** **** they **** ** ***** / *****.

*** ******** ******* *** ********** ******* for ******** ** ******* *** / popular ******** ** ***** / ********* on *** *** **** *** ********* and *** **** *** **** ***** / **** / ******* ******** ********. For *******, *** ******* ************ *** demand, *** **** ***** ***** ****-******* are ********* ***** ** ***'* **** as ******** ** *** ** ***+ UI ******** *** ******* *** ** additional *** ***** ***** ** ******* ordered (***** *** **** ***** ** be ********* / ********, ***.).

Ubiquiti's ********

******** **** ****:

** ****** ***** ******** ******* ** our ********* ******** ** **-**-****** *****, but ** *** *** **** ** are ******* ** ********* *** ******* brand ********** **** **** *** ********* and ********.

Ubiquiti ***** ***** ************

***** ******** *** ******* ****** *** DIY, *********** / *** *******, *** virtually ****** *** *** ***** ******** directly, ******** **** *** **** * large ***** ************ ** ******* ***** / ******* *** ************ ********. ********* to ********, ******** *** **** *% of *** ********* ** ***** *****:

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*% ** ** ********** *** ********** for ***** *********, **** **** ************* having **% ** **** *** ****, such ** *******, *********** **% ** sales.

************, **** ***** *** ** *** total *** **** ****** ** ******** are ******* ** *****:

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Discounts ********* *** ********'* *** *******

*********, *** ******* ***** ** ***'* website ** ** ****** ** ** discount **** ****.

*** *******, ********'* ** ****** ***** $129 **** *******'* **** *** $***.** at *** *** ********'* ****:

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*******, ***** ******** **** ** *** rep, ** **** ***** **** ** this ********** *****, ** ***** **** ~ * *% ******** *** *** pricing ***** ** ********'* *** ****. However, *** ******* *** *** *** been ******* ** ******* ** ***'* site ** **** *** ***** ****** the ******** ****** ** / **** will ***** ****** **** **** ** special ****** ****, ***.

Higher ********* ** ***'* ********* ******* *** **** ********

************, ** *** *** ****** *** several ***** ***** **** *** ******** discount ** ***** ***** *** * ~20% ******** ** ***'* ******* ***** (but *** *** *******'* *** *******) on *** **** *** ********'* *** 2 ****** *** (***** *****), ******* ~$446 **** *** (**** ** $***):

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***** **** ****** **** * *********** deal, ******** ******* $*** *** **** reader, ***** ***** ** * ******* discount ** **** ** ********* ********:

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ADI **** ******** ***** ******* ** ** **** *********

** ***'* ****, **** *** **** stocking ** ******** *** ** *** 400+ ******** ******* ****** *** ******* an ********** ****** *** ******* ** special ****** ****:

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** *** *** **** ** **** are ********* **** ** ******** *****-**-***** / ************, ******* ***** **** **** "5 ****" ********* **** ****, *** they **** **** ********* ******** **** them.

Ubiquiti ********** ***** / ******* ************ ******

************, ******** *** *** ********** ** keeping ******** ********* / ******** ****** the ***** ******* ****** ** ***** products ***** ********. *** *******, *** newest ** ****** ***** ****** *** intercom (***** ***** *** *** ** stock) *** **** **** ***** **** were ******** (*.*.,*** ******** ********* **** ***** ****** ago):

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** ****, **** ** ***** ******** are **** ***** ** *** (** stock ** ******* *****), *** **** could ****** ** ** ***** *** those ******* ** ******** ***** ******* through ************ ** **** *** *** be ******* ** **** ********* ****** through ******** ******** ** ******* *** / ******.

Buying ****** ***** *********** ********* ** **'* ****

* **** ***** **** *** *********, on ********'* **** ********** * *********** (**** ** *******), ** *** *** ** *** page ** * **** *** ****** direct (*** *****-**** ******), ***** ** listed ****** *** ** *** ************ or ********* (******* ***** *****):

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ADI *** ****** ** *********** ** **'* ****

************, *** ** *** ****** ** a *********** ** ********'* **** ** of (*/**/**), * **** ***** **** was ********* (*** "***" ****** ********** ****** *** *************, ***.):

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Comments (5)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jun 04, 2024

** ** **** *** ***** ***** cameras *** ***'* ******** **** ***? I ******* **** ******** ** ********** and ** *** ***** *** ********. I ***'* **** ** ****** ** $129 *** ***** *** ** ****** seems **** * ****** **** **** if **'* ***** *** ******* (**. OEM **** ****** ** *****).

John Honovich
Jun 04, 2024

** **** *** ***** *** ***** that ** ** ** ***, **** is ***** ******** / ********** **** others.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jun 04, 2024

*** ******** **** ** ******** *** intrigued ** *** ***** * ***** now, *** ** * ***'* **** margin ** **, *** ***'* **** on ************, * **** ***'* "**** in" *** **** ***** ********. ** it ******, *** **** **** ** install ***** ******** ******** ** **** a ******** *** ****** ** ****** and **** ** ** ******* ** for ****. ** ************ ** *** or **** ******** ** ********** ****** installations ***** ***** ****** *** ********, but ****'* ***** *** **** **** I **** ***** ***** *******.

John Honovich
Jun 04, 2024

***, **** *********** ******** ***** *** margin ***** -******** ************ ********** ****

John Honovich
Jul 03, 2024

*** **** * ***** ***** *** Ubiquiti *********:

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***** *** ********* ***** *** *** sorts ** ******, **** ** ******* here ** **** ******** ** ****** for **, ***** ** ************ ******** for ********, *** **** *** ********* publicly ********** ******** ***** ** ***** and *********.