Surveillance Recording Mode Statistics 2016

Published Jul 28, 2016 13:39 PM

Continuous? Motion? Boost?

What recording should be used? What is used?

This report compiles data from 90 integrators on storage modes most commonly used, and the reasons why integrators choose a specific recording method, contrasting results to our 2011 recording mode statistics.


****** ********* ** ***** ********, ***** on *** ******* ** *** ******** "**** ********* **** ** *** *** **** often? (*.*.: ********** *********, ****** *********, boost ** *********) ***?"

******* **** ****** ****** ******** ** *** **** ********* **** ********** ******. **** *** ** *** ** higher ********** ******* ***** **** ****** in ****, ********** **** **** *** offsetting *** ***** ***** ** *******.

Motion-Based *********

*********** **** ******-***** ********* *** **** for ******* *******, *** **** ** **** searching ***** ******.  **** *** ********* multiple ***** ** *********:

  • "****** ****** ** ****** ******* ************ and ** ****** ****** **** ********* for ******."
  • "****** *********. ***** ******* ***** *** quicker/easier *********."
  • "****** *********. **** ** **** **** drive ***** *** ** **** ** easier ** **** **********."
  • "******. ****** ** ******. ** *** wasting ***** *****."
  • "******; ** ******** ******** *** ******* my ****** ***********."
  • "****** *********, ** **** **** ********* eats **** ** *****, *** ** next ** ********** ** ******."
  • "******. **** ** ***** ***** *** more *********** ***** ********* ******* **** easier."
  • "****** *****. ***** ***** *** ******** faster ******** ******."
  • "** ****** *********** *** ****** ***** recording. *** ****** *** ****** ** to **** **** ***** *****. ** also **** ********* *** ** ***** easier ** ****** ******* **** ** not ******** ****** **** ***** **********."

***** ******** ** ***** ** ****** recording ********* ********** *** ************ ** recording **** **** ** ********:

  • "** *** ********-***** ****** ********* *** all ** *** *********. **** ** enabled ******* *** ******* *** *** has ****** ** ** **** **** accurate **** *** *** ********* ******-***** motion *********."
  • "********* ****** ********* *** **** ********* use ** ********* *****"
  • "****** *********. *** ****** ** ***** room/area??? ****** ****** **% ** *****/****** requirements."
  • "****** *** **% ******* ** ******** recordings ** **** *********. ** **** to ***** ******* **********, **** ****** some ** ****. "
  • "****** ********* ***** ** *** ***-**** request ** **** ****** ******** ******."
  • "****** *** ** ******* *** ****** due ** *** ***** ****** **** can ** ********."
  • "****** ********* */ *** *** **** event. **** ********* **** **'** ***** with ***** ****** *** ****** **** nothing ** *********. "

********** ********* ** **** **** ***** is * **** ** ******* ******** images, ** **** ******** ************ ************ request **.

  • "********** *********, **** ** ** *** client **********."
  • "*** ********** ********** ********* ** *** most ******, ****** ******* ****."
  • "**********, ** **** **** ********** ** recorded."
  • "****** ********** ********* ** *** **** anything ********** **** ********** ****** ***** with *** ******"
  • "**********. ******* ** ******** ************."
  • "** *** **** ********** *********, ******* you **** ***** **** ******** ** all *******. ** ********* **** ***** you *** ***** ***** ****** ** there ** ********* *********** ** ***. With ****** ********* *** **** *** all *** **** ******** *** ** the ****** ** *** ******, *** will **** ** ********."

*** ******** *** **** **** ********** recording *** **** ******** **** ***** CODECs *** ***** *** ******, *** another ***** **** ** ****** ** more ****** *** ******* **** *** not **** ** ** * *****: 

 "* ****** *** ********** ********* ** not *** ****** ********* ** ******** and ***** ** **** ******, ** distant ********, *** ** ****** ****** continuous ********* ** ****. ****** ** the ********* ** ******* ***** *** the ******* *** ** ***** ******, continuous ********* ** ********."

Boost-Up ********* 

*****-** *** ******** **** ******* **** continuous *********, *********** ***** *****-** ***** commented **** ** *** *** *** benefits ** ********** (** **** ** recording), **** *** ******* ******* ******** of ****** *********.

  • ***** ****** ************ ** **** *** 12-15 ** *****. **** *** **** what ****'* ****** *** **-***** ***** fluidity ** **** *** ******. **** some ********** **** ****.
  • ********** *** ***** ** *****: **'** in ****** ************** ******, *** ********* want **/* ************ *** ** *********; motion ********* ** *******: ******** ***** changes ***** ***** ****** ********* ******.
  • ***** ** *********. ** ****** ****** a ******* ** **** **** ** matter **** (******* ** ** **** with *.*** ** *** ********* ***** allows) **** **** ****** ** ***** full ********** ** ******; *** **** a ***** **** ********** ** ***** or ***** ********** *****. **** *** there ** ** **** **** ** don't ****** ******** ** *** ****** misses ******, *** ** ***** *** to ******** *********.
  • ********** **** *****. ***** ** * constant ****** **** *** ****** *** recorder *** ******* * ********* ** motion ***'* ********* **** ****** ***** rate ** ** **** *** ******.
  • ******/** ********* */ *-* ****** (********* on *** *****) *********. **** ** both ******: ******* ******* ***** ***** being **** ** *****, *.*., ******* was *** ***** **** **** **** were.
  • * ********* ********** ** * ******* resolution, ****, **** ** ****** ** boost ** ** *-***** *** *** highest ********** ** *** ****** ** possible. * ** *** ********** ********* to ***** *** ********. ** ******* claims **** ******* *** **** (**** they ****'*), *** *** **** **** motion ***** ***** *** ***'* ***** they ****'*.
  • ***** ** *********. ** ********* ***** the *** *** ** ******. ** generally **** ********** *** ***** **** the ****.
  • ****** ********** *** ***** **** ****** frame ** ****** ** ** **** nothing ** ****** *** / ****. Relying ** ****** **** *** ****** against ** ** *** **** ********** when *** ****** ** ******** * large ****
  • ** ****** ****** ** *** *** (4 **) *** **** ** ** high *** ****** ****** ******. ** went **** *** ***** *** * while ********* ************ *** ****** ****. With ********** *********, ** ******** *** much *******, **** ****** **** ** were ******* ******. *******, ** ******* were ******* ***** ** * ******** and ****'* **** *** ** ***, the ****** ******'* ** *********. *** many ***** *********. ******* ***** **** come ****, *** *** ******* ******* to ****** ********* *********** *** ********, so ** ** * **-*******.
  • ** *** ***** *******'* **** ** 3FPS *** *** ****, ******** ** a ****** ***** **** ** ****** (typically *****, *** ********* ******).

Varied *********

* ***** ****** ** ********* ********* that ******** ***** **** ****, ********* using ******-***** ********* ******** ********, *** selectively ***** ********** ********* *** ******* covering **** ******** *****:

  • ******, **** ********** ** ******** *****. With **** *** ******* ** *** don't *** ****** *** **** ********** storage *****.
  • ****** ********* **** *-** ****** *** & ****. **** *.*** ***********. ** saves ** **** ***** *** ** the ****(*) ***** ******/******** *** *** critical. **** *******/********* * **** ******** area **'** ** ********** *********.
  • ****** ** ********* **** ****** ** defined ***** ***** ** *** *** customer **** ********** ********* ** ********.
Comments (8)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 28, 2016

We have had nothing but issues when using motion only in an outdoor environment. I'm curious as to the use of "motion only" use between indoor and outdoor applications. We use continuous for outdoor and motion for indoor.

John Honovich
Jul 28, 2016

We have had nothing but issues when using motion only in an outdoor environment. I'm curious as to the use of "motion only" use between indoor and outdoor applications.

1, you make a good point. Outdoor VMD issues are commonplace. However, some are improving. For example, Advanced VMD - Axis / Mobotix Tested shows some manufacturers getting better at filter basic noise that used to plague basic VMD.

Luis Carmona
Jul 28, 2016
Geutebruck USA • IPVMU Certified

"Integrators like motion-based recording not just for storage savings, but also to make searching video easier."

I don't think I've seen a system yet that required motion based recording to create a motion event. All the ones I've seen let create motion events even on continuous recording. Are there lower ends systems that don't do this, or am I reading too much in the statement?

Undisclosed #2
Jul 29, 2016
IPVMU Certified

Agree 100%.

From the cheapest systems I've used (Dahua), to the most expensive (Milestone), all can be configured to record motion (or other non-triggering alarms) meta-data.

For me, I like being able to see all the cameras, even ones without the motion, when something funny is going on. There can be all sorts of non-triggering small clues, even just a shadow when someone walks by a door, that can be helpful.

Marty Major
Jul 28, 2016
Teledyne FLIR

If you decide to use 'boost' recording, can someone explain the logic behind using more than 1fps to record the non-motion (i.e. When not 'boosting' to higher frame rate on motion)?

if you use 2fps or 4fps aren't you just recording twice or four times the amount of frames than is needed? A scene with no motion looks exactly the same at 1fps as it does at any other (higher) frame rate, no?

John Honovich
Jul 28, 2016

can someone explain the logic behind using more than 1fps to record the non-motion

In case, the motion detection misses a real event at least it is captured by more than 1fps. That would likely be the most common rationale.

Michael Miller
Jul 28, 2016

We have had nothing but issues when using motion only in an outdoor environment. I'm curious as to the use of "motion only" use between indoor and outdoor applications. We use continuous for outdoor and motion for indoor.

Are you missing events or getting to many events from trees and weather?

Robert Henriksen
Aug 01, 2016

I finally switched to a blended configuration after some failures to detect movement. In our case, it's not specifically indoor vs outdoor; it's outdoor+waterfront vs outdoor+[anything else]. When a boat is maneuvering a 300' barge around, the movement can be so slow the VMD failures to see it. We'd failed to log some collisions/incidents as a result. Switched to 24x7 recording for those waterfront cameras.

Have also recently begun using different log retention periods for cameras covering non-critical areas to free up disk space for other cameras/priorities.