Cloud Qumulex Adds Non-Subscription Offering

Published Sep 07, 2022 14:06 PM

The trend is clearly towards requiring subscriptions but Qumulex is bucking that declaring that they are redefining the way one buys cloud.

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In this note, we examine Qumule'x move, compare it to competitors' subscription models, and include detailed feedback from Qumulex co-founder Tom Buckley.

For background, see: Qumulex VSaaS Unified Video and Access Tested and Exacq Co-Founders Return, Start Qumulex.

Cloud "******* *** ************"

*******'**** ********* ***** * ***-**** ***-****** ******* ******** that ******** ******** ***** ******** ****** for ******* (*.*. ******, ****** ******* panel) *** * ***** ** ******* updates *** $*** *****, ******** ** many ***** ******* ******** $*** ***** year.

******* ***** **** ***** **** * there *** *** (******** ***********) ******* for ********* ******** *******:

***** *** ******* ** ******** ** SMA **** *, *** ************* *** cloud ******* *** *** ** *** of *** ******* *** *** ****** of ****, *** ***** ******** **** as ***** ********* (****** ****) ***** will ** **** ** ** ********* for *** ****** *** *** ****** of ****. *** ***** *** ********, and *** **** ***** ******* **** have ** **** ******* *** *** in **** *

** **** **** **** *********** *** responding ********** ** *** ******:

**** ********* ***** ** ***** ****-******** by ******** *********** *** **** * path ** *** ***** *** *** not ** ** * ******** ** this **** ** ** ******** ******* billing.

*******, **** *** ***** ******** * SaaS ******* ******:

** ** ***** **** * *********** monthly **** ******* ****** *** **** or ****** ***** ******** ***** ** based ** ***.

Selling ***** ************ **********

********* **** ****** **-******* ***** ******* to *****-***** ***** *********** ***** ******* need ** ******** *********:

  • **** **** ** **** ****** ********** and, ** **** *****, ********* ** the *****
  • **** **** ** ***** ****** ******* subscription ****, ** ***** ****** **** stop *******

******* ** ***** **********, **** ********* video ************ ******* **** ********* ** successfully ****** ***** **-**-****** *** ***** compensation ********** **** * **** ** VSaaS *********.

***********, *********** ************ ****** *** ********** to ***** ******* ******* ********* *** do *** **** ** *********** ***** a ****** **** **** **** ******* if **** ** ***/****** *** *** subscription ***.

******** ************* ** * ********* ***** allows ******* ** ***** ** *** technical ****/**** ** *****, ******* ****** to ******** ********* ** ***** ****** for ** *******.

Rebranded **-******* ********

******* **** ********* ***** **** (**-*******) as ********* ***, ***** ** * single-site, **-*******-**** ******* ** ***** ********, meaning ***** ** ** *****/****** **********, at * ***** **** *** ******.

*******, ********* *** ********/******** ** ********** with *** ******* ***** *** *** be *********** ** ********* *** **** a ******* *******.

******* **** **** ** ******** ** customers **** ** *** ********* **** to ** ** *** ***** ** do *** **** *** *********:

**** ** ********* ********* ** ** on-prem ********, *** ** * ***** way ** ***** *** * ******** that **** *** **** *** ****** or ********* ** ** ** *** cloud ***, *** *** ****** ** hardware *** ******** **** **** *** them ***** ***** ** **** ******


********* *** ** ******* ** $***.** MSRP *** ****** ** ****, ***** includes * ***** ** *** (******** maintenance), *.*. *** ******** ******* *******.

****, ******* ****** ***** ******* ************* that *** ** ********* *** ****** including * ****: $** **** *** camera *** *****; ** ****: $** MSRP *** ****** *** ******* ****: $20 **** *** ****** *** *****; Up ** ***: $*** **** *** camera *** *****

******* ***** **** **** ***** ******, Three-Year, ****-****, *** ***-**** ************* *** cloud *******, *** ****** ************ ******* such ** ***** *********.

********* *** **** ** $** *** Camera ** **** ** *** *** QxOP ** ********.

Compared ** ***** ********** *************

********* ***'* ***-**** ***** ****** *******'* positioning **** **** **** ***** *********** to *********** ***** **** ****** ***** features (********,*****,******* ***** / ****** *********).

*******, *******'* ***-**** $*** ******* **** not ******* **-*** ***** *******, ***** is ** ********** $*** *** **** per ******, ***** ** ****** **** Verkada's (*** ******) *** **** ************, which ******** **-**** ** ***** ******* (which ** ******** ** *******, *** not ******** ****).

Impact *** ******* ******* ****

***** ************* *** ******* *******, ** not ******** ** ***, ******* ** not ** *********. *** ********** **** at ******* *** **** ************ *** profitability ******* *** ******* **** ********* licenses *** ~**-********* ***** ** **** have *** ***** ****** *** ********** to ******* ********* ****.

****, *** **** *** ***** *** dealers *** **** *** ********** *** long-term **** ******* ** * ***-**** license, ******* **** ** ** ** advantage ******** ** *********** **** ** Eagle *** *** *******.

*******, ******* ***** *** ***** **** to ***** ** **** *** ***** as ***** ******, *** ******* **** VCs **************** ******* ************ ******* **********. Indeed, ******* ********* ** ****** * much **** ************ ****, **** **** dozens ** ********* ******** ** *********** with ******** (***** ***) ** *********** thousands (*******).


Comments (5)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Sep 07, 2022

********* **** *** **** *** *********** the ******** *** *** *******. **** channel ************* *** ********* ** ** a ******* **************. ******* **** ** a ******** ** ** *******.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Sep 08, 2022

* **** *** * ***** ******* - *** ** ******** *** ****** in **** ********* - ******* ** read **** ** **** *** **** ...

* **** **** ** *** ****** at ******* *** *'* ***** ** their *******. * **** **** ******* about *** **** *** ***** ** come **** **** ****** *** ******** for ******* ***** ***. *******, * have *** ** *** ** ***********. Their ******* ** *********, *** **** is * ********* ******. ***** **** are *********** *** **** **** *** way ******* ** * *** **** no ***** ***** ******** ***. *******, maybe **** *** *** **** ** succeed *** **** ** * **** ditch ****** ** ****** ******** ** the ******* ******.

* ********** **** **** *********** ** not ****/**** ** **** *************. *'* sure ***** **** ** **** ******* in **** ********. *******, ***** **** integrators **** ****'* **** ** **** IP ******* ** ***** ****** *******. Just ******* *** ***'* **** ** do ********* *****'* **** **** ** won't ******.

* ***'* **** ** *** *****, but **'* ****** **** *** ***********. (at ***** **** **** ** **)

Jacob Hengel
Sep 08, 2022

**** ****** ** **** ******** ** some ********.

*** *** *** ** * ****** when ******** ** **** ***** ******* licenses ** **** **** (******* ***** low **** *** * ***** ** coverage ******). **** **** * **** prepaid ******** ** ** ****** *** this ***'* **** *********; ****** ** seems ** ********** *** ********** ** updates *** *** ***** *** ** a **** ********* **** ** ****. The ******** ***** *** **** ***** up *******, ********, ********, *** ******* of *** *** ******.

Josh Bowman
Sep 09, 2022

*****, ***** *** *** **** *******. We ***** **** *** ** *** importance ** **** ******** **** **** updates *** ******** *** ******** *** performance, *** ** **** ** ********* faster ******** **** *** ******* ***** discussed ****. * ******** **** ** clarify *** *** ******* ** **** article **** ***** ******** *** ******** to *** *******. *** ******* ******** this, *** **** *** ******** **** require ** *** ******** ** **** 6.

John Honovich
Oct 26, 2022

******* ******* *** **-************ ******* ********:

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