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Samsung 'Q' Low-Cost 1080p Dome Tested

Published Oct 10, 2016 13:21 PM

*** **** *********** **** ** *** market ** *** ***-**** *******.

****** ******* / ******* *** ******** its *** ***-**** * ****** ** go ***** **** *******.

** ****** *** ** ***** *** Wisenet * ****** *** ****** **** against *********** ***** **** **** (*****) *** ********* (****), ** **** as ******** ******* ****** (******* ******* ***), ** *** *** they ******* *** **** *****, *** light, *** *** ******, ** **** as *************, ************, *** ********* ***********.

** **** ****, ** ***** *** results ** *** ********-*****, *** ****** **** ***** ** the ****. ****** ****, ** **** release ******* ** *** *** ** the **** ***-***** (*** **** ********* zoom), ** **** ** *.*** *** smart ***** ***********.


*** ***** * ***-***** ** *********** in ***** *** ******** **** ***** low **** ****** **** ** ***** and *********, **** ********** ****** ***** quality ** *** ***** ****** ****** and *** ******. ************, **** ****** is ****** **** ******** ****** **** Samsung's ******** *** *** ****, ******* Lite (*** *** ****), *** ******** better ** **** *****, *** *****, and *** ******, **** ***** ******** in *** ****** *** ** ***** new ********** ***** *****, ****** *** Q **** **********.

**** ** * ******* / *********** alternative ** ********* / ***** *** low-cost *****.


*** ***-***** ***** *** ***** $*** USD ******. **** ** ******* ** other *** **** ***** ******, **** as ************ **-**********-**(~$*** ******) *** ************* **** ********' *** *****-*(~$*** ******, ** ********** **).

Physical ********

**** *******, *** ***-***** ** **** larger **** **** ******* ***** **** domes, **** ** *** **** *** series ** ********* ***** ******, ********** in ******. **** **** **** * domes **** * ******* ****, *** Hanwha.

** ****** ***** ******** ** *** 6010R, ******* ** ****** *****, ** this *****:

New ******* *** *********

*** * ****** ***** **** ******'* updated *** *********, ***** **** ******* includes ***** ******* ******* *** *** Wisenet *** ********* ***** ** *** web ********, ***** *** **** ******* Wisenet ********* ******** ******* *** **** live ******* *** *************. *****, *** web ********* ****** ********* ** ***** browser ** ****, **** *** *** interface ***** ** ******, *******, *** Safari, ***** ** ******** *** ***** style *********.

***** **** ***** *******, **** ** the *** ** ** **** *** in *** **** *****/**** ********* ** the *** *******. **** **** **** the ******* **** ** *****, *** Hanwha *** *******.

**** **** **** *** ********* ** also **********, *** ****** ** ****** phone ******** ** **** ** *** (MJPEG ********* ****).

Daytime **********

** ****** *** ***-***** ******* **** Samsung ****** (******* *** *** ****) as **** ** **** *** ********* competitive ****** ** *** *** ** performed, ** **** ******** ***** ** view:

*** * ********* **** ** ******* scenes, **** **** ******** *** ********, delivering ******* ******* **** *** ******* Lite *** *** ******, ** **** as *** **** *****. *** ********* 2522 ******** ********* ** **** ***.

********** *** *****, **** *** ** ~50, *** * ***** ***** ******** better **** **** ******* ******* *** similar ** *********.

** *** *****, ~* ***, *** Q ******** *** **** ******* ** the ******* *** **** ***** ** this *****, **** ****** ******** **** the ******* **** ***** *** ******** images **** *** ********* ****.

** * ***** ***, *** * again ******** ****, **** *** ********* 2522 ******* **** ******/*******, ********* *******.

WDR ***********

** ****** *** *********** ******* ** open ******** **** *** **** ******** area, ***** *****:

*** * *** *** ** *** top ********** ** **** *****, **** better ******** ** *** ******* **** against ****** ********* *** ** *** dark **** ** *** *****, ****** than **** ******** ******* ******. **** the ********* **** ******** ****** ****** of *** ******* *** ***** ** the **** **** ** *** *****.

VBR ** *** ***

*** * ****** **** *** ******* a **** *** ************** ***** ***** compression ** * ******** ************. ** compression ******* ** ******** ** *** web *********, ***** *****. **** ******* models ******** **-** ***** ** *********** ******. ******* **** ******, ********* *******/******* against ***** *.*** ******** ***** *** error ****** *** ******* *** ** reach * ******** ************ ** * specific *****, ********* *****.

Bandwidth **********

***** *** * **** *** ******* any ***** ** *** ***********, ** adjusted ************ ** ******** *** ******'* bitrate *** ** * ***** ***** until ** ******** ~** * ********* to *** ************ (****** ** ******* ***** ******* / Compression ******). ** **** *** ******, **** was ~*.* **/*, ******** ****** ** dark ******.

*** * ****** *** *** ****** nighttime ******* ** *** ****** ** our **** ** ***, **** **** the **** *****-* ***** ** **** lit ******. **** **** *** ******* Lite *** ******* *** ******* ** not ******* ***** ******, ***** ***** cameras **.

*** ***** ***** ***** **********'* ******* compared ** ****** ** *** **** scene (~*****), ******* ******** ********* **** no ***** *****, ******* *********** ****, and *** ******* *********** **** ******* GOP.

Future ***** *****/*.*** ****

****** ****, ** **** ******* * full ****** ** ******'* ********** ***** codec, ** **** ** *** ******* Q *** * *******' *.*** ***********. These ****** *** ********* ** ******* here, *** **** ** ********* ** more ****** ** **** ******.

Test **********

*** ********* ******** ******** **** ****:

  • ******* ***-****: *.*********
  • ******* ****:
  • ******* ***-******: *.*********
  • **** *****-*: *.**.*.*
  • ********* **-**********-**: **.*.* ***** ******

*********** *.*.*.****** *** **** *** *********.

Comments (10)
Brandon Knutson
Oct 10, 2016
IPVMU Certified

How did it perform in low light without the IR illuminators on? Reason I ask is because I have a QNV-7080R that doesn't do as well in darkness as a SNV-7084R when the IR's are all off.

Ethan Ace
Oct 10, 2016

I can believe that the QNV-7080R didn't do as well as the 7084R. We've seen poor low in pretty much all 4MP cameras tested without IR, compared to 2MP and 3MP options. See our test: 4MP Low Light Weakness Tested

Brandon Knutson
Oct 10, 2016
IPVMU Certified

I should add that I got excessive motion blur in full light when the QNV-7080R's WDR was turned on.

Ethan Ace
Oct 10, 2016

We definitely did not see notable motion blur with WDR turned on. I can try and dig up a clip.

We actually have a test of the 7080R coming soon. We tested both at once.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Oct 10, 2016

Make sure the minimum shutter speed is set to 1/30. The default is 1/5 and can cause bluring.

Brandon Knutson
Oct 10, 2016
IPVMU Certified

Shutter was at 1/30 and 1/60 second. My new 5MP SNV-8081R cameras also blur when WDR is on. The older 2MP SNV-6084 and 3MP SNV-7084 don't have this issue.

Undisclosed #2
Oct 12, 2016
IPVMU Certified

Is the web interface a no-plug-in html 5 one, like the new Axis one?

Michael Budalich
Oct 12, 2016

Disclosure: I am a Hanwha Employee

Yes, the web interface is plug-in free now.

Marco Sanchez
Oct 13, 2016

Full disclosure he may be a part of the organization but we really don't like him!


Michael Budalich
Oct 13, 2016

good one Farva! Haha
