Motorola Partner Quadruples Alleged Damages To $166 Million In Facial Recognition Suit

Published Aug 22, 2024 13:31 PM

Motorola's Vigilant has been fighting a breach of contract lawsuit filed by a data compiler that helped build the LPR company's facial recognition system. Now the partner has more than quadrupled the damages it's seeking from Motorola to $166+ million.

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In this note, we examine the data compiler's amended complaint, its justification for higher damages, Motorola's answer, and what the documents reveal about the company's facial recognition business.

For more background on the suit, see Motorola / Vigilant Sued By Partner Over Facial Recognition Agreement; for more on Motorola's acquisition of Vigilant, Motorola Acquires VaaS / Vigilant LPR

Executive *******

***** ********'* ******** ** **** ***** for ***, *** ******* **** **************** **********, ***** ** **** *** "******* 350 ******* ** * *******'* ****** image" ** "******** ********* *****." *** plaintiff ** *** *******, ******** ****, claims ******** ***** *** ****** ***** its ******* **** *** ******** ****** to *** **** ****** *** ******** base ******* ****** *** ************ **** required ***** *** ********.

** *** ******** ************ *********, ******** **** ***** **** ****** to *** ******, ********* * ********* 2020 ************ **** * ****** ******** executive ********** ****** *********** *** **** allowed ******** ** ****** *** ********* 33%-60% **** *** *********. ***** ** that ***********, ******** **** ****** *** damages **'* ******* **** $** ******* to **** **** $*** *******, ** about **% **********'* $*** ******* ******** ***** *** Vigilant** ****.

********'* ******** ********* ** ********** ******** **** **************** *** *********. It ******** ** "**** ******* ******** from ********* ********* ** ********** *** enforcement ***** ***** *** *********" *** "made ** ******* ** **** **** fact." *** ******* ******* ** ********** the ********* ** *** **** *** failure "** ******* *** ******* ****** of *** *******" ********* ** *** contract.

******** *** ******** ******** ** ******** Data ** ** ******* ******** *** arguments, *** ******** ** ***** ****** 2014. ***** ** ** ********** ** whether *** **** ***** ******** ** effect *** ***** ******** ** *** agreement.

Likeness **** *** ***********

******** **** *** ***** ********* **************** ******** ******** ** **** **** in ******, ***** ******* *****. *** 11-page ******** ******** **** ****** **** the *******'**-**** ******** ************** ** *** ****.

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*** *** ******* *******:

Affiliation **** ******-***** ********

*** *** ********* ******** ******* ******* that**** *******, ** ******-***** ************ *** ********, is ********** **** ******** ****.

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**********, **** ********** ** ********* ****** records **** *** ******* *** **-******* by **** ****** *****, * ******* database ******* *** * ********* ***** who ************ ** * ***** ** ****** for **** *****. *** ******** ********* ******** * contract **** *****'* ********* *** *** not ******** *** *******'* ******* ***** or *******.

*** *** ********* ****** ** ******* as ***** "**** ********" ** ********** his ************** **** ******** ******** **********, but *** ************ ** *** ******* defined. ** *******:

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*** *** ********* ***** **** ******** Data **** ** ******* ** ******** "via **** ****," ***** ** ****** on *******'* ******** ******* ** * "venture ********" **** ** *******.

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**** **** ** ****** ** **** Nine ******** ***. ** *******'* ******** profile.

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Alleged **** ****** *******

********* ** *** ******* *********, ********** contributed ************* ** ********'* *******. *** document ***** * ************ ******* ******* and ****** ******** ***/******* *********** ************** ***** ************ ********* ********* "*** value *** ******** **** ******* *** Vigilant."

************ ********* **** ******* **** ******** rates *** ********** ******** ****** **** $5,000 ** $*,*** (** **%) **** facial *********** *** *****, *** ******-**** contracts ****** **** $**,*** ** $***,*** with *** ******** (** **%).

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******** **** ******* *******:

** ***, ******** *** ******** ************ the ******** **** **** ***** *** data *** ********, *****they ************ ******** ** ****** *** ******* ******** ****** ******* *** ****** *** *****, without disclosure to Likeness, agreement by Likeness, or repricing of the Licensing Agreement. Vigilant ******** ****** ** *** **** ** $*** ******* ** ********* *** ********* ****, ******** ** *** ***** ** *** ********* *********, to be acquired by Motorola. [Emphasis Added.]

Vigilant *** ******** **** ********* "********* *****" **** *** ****

****** *********** *** ********* ** ****, Motorola *** ******** **** ********* "********* happy" **** *** **** ******** ** Likeness ****, ********* ** *** ******* complaint. *** **** ******* ********** ******** ********* ***** ************ ******* "******** **** *** ***** used *** ****** *********** *** **** 1,500 *******, *****, ******, *** ********* agencies."

*******, ********* ** *** ******* *********: "Shockley ********* **** *** ******** **** had ******** ********’* ******** ********* ** Science *** ********** (“****”) ****** *********** scores."

** ******** ** *** ******:

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Higher ******* ******

*** ******* ********* **** ****** *** minimum ******* ****** **** $**,***,*** ** more **** $*** *******, * ****-**** increase.

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Motorola ******** ********

** *** ******, ******** ******** ******** that ** *** *** ******** **** Likeness **** *** ****** **** ******** Data "********** ********** *** *****" ** the *********. ******** ******** **** ****** breaching *** ********* *** ***** *** proprietary **** ******* *************.

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*** ******* ******* ************ **** ******* exchanged ******** ****** **** ******** *** that ** ********** *** ********* **** Likeness **** "***** ** *** ******* failure ** ********* ** ******* *** minimum ****** ** *** ******* ********* in ******* *(*) ** *** *********" for ***** *********** ******.

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*** ******* **** ** "****** **** Vigilant ***** *** ** ****** *** April *, **** ******* ** ******** from **** **** ******* ** ***** received *** **** *** ******** *** no ********* **** **** **** *** did *** **** ** **** ***** Star **** *** ******** ** ******* Vigilant."

*** ******* ******* ********:

********** ***** **** ******** **** ******* received **** ********* ********* ** ********** law *********** ***** ***** *** *********, and ****Defendants **** ** ******* ** **** **** ****. [Emphasis Added.]

Sublicense *********

**** ** ***** *** ******** *********, Likeness **** ******** * **** ** the******** ************* ******* ****** *** ***** ** the ********** *********. *******, *** ******** is **** ****** **** *** ***** is ** ********** ** *** **** of ******* *** ******** ******** ** effect ******* ****.

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** ** ******** ******** ******** *** required ******* **********, ** **** *** sublicense ***** **** ******* *****, ******** Motorola *** *** ****** **** ********.

What ***** ****

**** ******* **** ****** ****** ** discovery, ******* ***********, *** ******* ******** of *** ******** *** ******* *********. A ***** **** *** **** *** for **** **, ****.

***** ******** *** ************ **** ** is ** ********** ******** **** *********** resources, ** *** *** ******* * capitulation **** ******** ****. ******, *** large ********** ******* *** **** ****** to ***** **** ******** *** ** ongoing ******** **** *** ***** ******* data ******** *** ******* *****.

**** ******** **** *** ******** **** risks **** ********* **********, *** ******** may ** **** ******** ** ****** more ******** ** *****. ********* **** provide **** *********** ***** *** ******* of ********'* ********** *** *** *********** it ************ ******** ****'* *******. ***** factors *** ***** ** ***** ** a **********.
