Axon's Fusus Expanding Into Schools

Published Aug 13, 2024 13:06 PM

Fusus, acquired by Axon earlier this year, started with and has focused on being a "Real-Time Crime Center platform in global law enforcement." Now, the company is aggressively expanding into schools, one of the most lucrative markets in video surveillance.

IPVM Image

In this note, we examine this move based on IPVM obtaining public records, examining Fusus' tactics, how they differ, three deal details, and how they will match up against Eagle Eye, Verkada, and various incumbents within the school market.

For other recent Fusus coverage, see:

Executive *******

***** *** * ****** ************** ******** to *** *******; **** ******** ***** existing ********* *** ********* **** *** enforcement ** ****** *********** ******* *** win ****** *****.

***** **** **** ******* ******* ***** was, ** ****, * ***** ************ system (***, *****, ***.), ***** ***** show **** ***** ** *********** ****** as * ******* ***** ************ ********** and *** *********** ** *** ***********.

***** ******* ******* ****** ******** ************* using **** ****** ********* *** *** local ****** *********** ** *******'* *********** to ******** *** *** ********'* *********.

** ******* *********, ***** ** ********* into ****** ********* *** *********** ********* any *********** *** / *** *******, stating (*) **** *** *** ***, (2) ** ***** ********* ***** *** Specified ****, *** (*) ********** ** design:

IPVM Image

***** ***** *** ***** ******** "******** for ********" ** **** ****** **************, the *****, "********** ** ******," ** the **** ******** ***. ** ***** over **** * ***** ********* **** FUSUS *** ******** *********/************ **** *** local *** *********** ** ** *** has ****** ******* ******** ** ** currently ** ***** ***** *********.

**** ******** *** **** ********* *** FUSUS ** ***** *** *********** ** essentially ********** *** ***** ** ********* Fusus **** ***** *******, *********** *** benefits ** **** ******* ** *** school *** ****** ********** ** **** of ***********.

Fusus ********** *** *********** / ****** ****** ********

******* **** ******* ** ********* **** schools, *****' **** ***** ***** **** law *********** *** ****** ****** ********, as ***** ** *** *** ******* describes ****** ***** ** ****** *******:

IPVM Image

******, *****' **** ********* ******* ** a ********, *** ** ****** *** less ******** ** **** ******** ** PDs / ****** ******. *** *******, Fusus' ******** ********** "****** ******" *** "Law ***********" ** *** ***** ****-**** list, *** ********* / ******* *** listed ** *** ****** ****-**** ***** "Security **********":

IPVM Image

*****'* *********** ** *** ****************** ***** ** ******** ***** *** security **** ******* **** *** ***********, including *** ***********.

IPVM Image

************, *** *** ******* ********* ***** promoting *** *********** ** ****** ******* into ***** ********* / *** ***** PDs:

PD's *****, **** *******

**** ***** ******* ********* ** ***** beginning **** *** ***** ** ** Sheriff's ******, ******** * "********* ****** ********" *** *********** *** ** / cities ****** ************** **** *****, **** later ********** *** ************ ****** *** PD ** ******** *** ***** ********* inside ******* *** *** **** **** their *** ****** ( **** ******* / ******* ******* **** ** ****).

Martin ******, *******

** *** ******** ******** ******, **, ***** ***** **** the *******'* ****** / "********* ****** registry,"******** ******* ******* ** ** ********** into ***** / **** ** *** Sheriff's ******:

IPVM Image

****, ***** ******** *** ****** ****** School ********,******** **** *** *** "**** ************" That "**** *** ******* ******** ***********"*** *********** *** **** ********** *** "minimal ***********" ******** **** *** **********:

IPVM Image

*********, **** ***** **** ********* ** this ******* ****** ***** **** ****** many ********* ********* **** *** **** few ***** (*** ******* ****).

Beaumont, *****

******* ******* **** ** ***** ** the ******* (** ****'* ********* / according ** ****** *******) *** **** found ** ********, **, ***** *** city ******** * ***** ******** ** December ** ****:

IPVM Image

**** **** ********** "*******" *******, *** ********, *** ******** ****** Chief **** ** ********* ********** *** FUSUS ****** *** ****** ******** ***** the ****** ***** ***** ** ******* a ******** ** **** $***,*** ******** to ******* ** *** **'* ***** system:

************, **** *** ***** **** ***** instances ** ****, ***** ** **** to ******* *** ****** ** ** the ****** *****.

****: **** *** ** ********** ****** in *** ****** ***** ********* **** and ******* ***** ******* / ***** with *****.

Sole ****** *******

** ******** ** ***** *** ***** PD / ******* ********, *** *** largely *******, ************* ******* ** ***** communities, ** ******** *** *** ********* of ***** ** *** ******* ** key ********-******, ***** ** ************** ********* ****** **** ** ***** ***** via **** ******, *********** ******* *** any *********** **** ** *********** ********* for ***** ********* / **. **** advocacy ***** * *********** **** ** the ******.

**** ******* ********* ****** ********-****** *** end-users **** *********, ********* **** ***** only ****** ** ***** *** ***** solutions ** **** **** **** ** replace ***** ******** ************** *****. ************, this ***** ** *********** ** *** decision-makers *** ******* ** ***** *** enforcement, *** ******** *** *** ********* of *****, ******* ** **** **** for *** ******* **** ****** ** no ***********.

Limitations *** *****

** ********* ********** ** **** ******** is **** ** ******* ** ***** winning *** ***** *** *********** ****** expanding **** *******. *** *******, ******* this ****, ************ ** ** **"**** **** *** ****** *** ********," which ** **** *** ***** ***** stage *** **** * ******** ** the **,***+ ****** *** ******** ** the **.

Expansion **** ****

*******, **** *** **** ***** ********* ** ** ****,*** *** *********** ********. **** *** already **** ********** ********** ***** **************, ** ** ** ****** ** the ****** *** ******** ***** ** in, **** **** ******** *** ***** of **** ****** ********* ********.

Eagle *** **********

**** ***** *** *** ***** *** heavily ********* *** *********** ** ***** selling ** *******, ***, *.*.,***** *** / ******** *** ****** Sharing ********, *** **** ****,***** *** ******** ******* ******* ****.

***** *** * ***** ********* ** this *****-** ** **** *** **** can ** ********* **** ***, ** is ******* * **** **** ** many ** ***** *** *********** ******** rather **** ** ***-** ******* * third ***** (** ***** *** **** through ********).

** *** ***** ****, ***** *** is ******* *** **** ******* ** building *******-******* ***** / ********* **** Fusus *** **** ** ****.

Verkada **********

******* ** ***** ** *** **** interesting ********** ** *** ** *******. Both ********* *** *****-**********, *** ******* has ********** ** ********** ** ***-**-*** offering, ********* *******, ****** *******, ******, etc., ***** ***** *** *** *** backing ** **** *** *** **** integration **** *** *********** ******** ******* of *** **** *******, ******, ***.

** ****** *** *** ********* ** both ******* *** ******* (*.*., ******* ****, * ***** / ******* integration*** *********), *** *** *********** **** accelerate ** **** ********* **** *** seek ** ******** *** *****.

Comments (4)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Aug 13, 2024

*** **** ****** **** *** ***** to ******* ***** ** *** **** VMS ** *** ** ** *** current ***?

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 14, 2024

** ****** ** ** **** ***** will *** ** *** ** *** VMS **** ** ** ********* *** cameras **** *** ** ********** ******.

Undisclosed #3
Aug 14, 2024

** * ****** **********, * ***** Axon ******* **** ***** **** ** "equaking ** ***** *****" **** ****

Undisclosed #4
Aug 14, 2024

***** *** **** ** **** **** do *** **** ** ******* **** the ***********, *** ** *** **** to ** * ****** ** *** is ******* ******* *** * ***...*.*. more ************* **** ***********.
