France New AI Video Surveillance Rules Examined

Published Feb 08, 2023 12:50 PM

France's government is proposing AI video surveillance regulations for the first time in French history, as part of the Paris Olympics.

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In this report, IPVM examines the law itself in detail and what it does—and does not—permit.

Although experimental for now, the rules present a potential turning point for France, which has so far strictly regulated privacy, e.g. banning facial recognition in schools.

03/28 UPDATE: The French Parliament has adopted the law, France 24 reports.

Olympics *** **********

** ******* **, *** ****** ************ *** '******** ***',********* ******** *** ******* ***** ********,** * ****** ******** (***-**). ***, the *** ** ***** ********* ** France's ***** *******, *** ********** (********** to *** ** ***** ** ***************), before ***** ****** **** *** ** President ******.

Potential '******* *****' *** ******

******'* **** *********, *** ****,********* **** ****** ****** "** **** *** **********" *** use ** ** ** ****** ********* crimes. *******, *** *** ******** *** permits **** *** *** *******'* ******** *******, ***** ****** *** *********** "* turning ***** ***** **** ********** ** defining *** ******* ****" ** ** in ******.

Legalizes "*********** **********" ** ************ *****

******* ****** *** ******** ************ "*********** **********" ** ****** ******* that *** "****** ** **** ****" events ***** **** "**** ** *********" or ***** "******* *******." *** *** is ***** *** ***** ** ******** video ********* ********:

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*** ******* **** **** ** "** an ************ *****" ***** **** **** and ******* *** ******** ****** ** France, *** **** *** ******** ********** (which *** **** **** ** ** August **, ****.)

Regulated ** ****

*** *** ****** **** ** ***** surveillance ********** **** ** "********* **" the **** *** ******'****** ******* ******* ****. *** **** ** *** GDPR *** *** ** ******* ***** surveillance, ********'* **** *****.

No ****** ***********

*** *** **** "*** ****** *********** technique" *** *** ********* ******* ** people ** ***** ******** ****:

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*** **** ********** *** **** ******** when ** ***** ** ****** ***********,******* ** ** ********** ************ *** **** ** **** **** using ** ** ****. *********** ** ***********'* *********-***** ****** ***** *** **** by ********* ***, ******** *****, ***.

**** ** *** ** *** **** strictly ********** ********** **********, *********** ** a '******* ******** ** ****' *** thus ******* *** ****** *** * series ** ********** ************ *,**** ** ********* ******'* ******* *** "substantial ****** ********".

Mandatory ****** ********

****** ***** *** **** *****, *** AI ****** ********* **** ** *********** by ** ****** ******** ********** *** "expected *******" *** "*** *** ***** possibly ******":

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**** ** ** ****** *********** ** ** *** ********* ******** **** * "**** ********** impact **********" (****) ** *** **** of "********** ********** ** * ******** accessible **** ** * ***** *****".

Bias **********, ***** *********** ********

*** ******** *** **** ******** ******** to ****** *** ****** ** "****, objective" *** ******** "****** *** ******":

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*** ****** ** ****** ****** ** the ***** *** *** "******** ** act ** ***********" ** ***********, ******* human *********** ** ********:

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Vague ********** *********

*** *** ******** **** *** ****** "is ******** ** *** *********** *****" of ** ****** ***** - *******, there ** * ***** ****** ***** this ** *** ******** ** "************* prohibit **" ** ** **** "***** conflict **** *** ********** *******":

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*** **** *** ********* ******* ************** ******* ***** ******** "******** **** *** ********* from *** **** *******".

Data ********* *** "********* ** *** ****"

*********** **** **** *** **** "********* informed" ** *** ********** *** *** CNIL *** "********* ** *** **** "

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**** ** ** ** **** ** a ****** *****.

CNIL ********

*** ************** ************ *** ** ** ************ **** January ****, ****** ** ** "************", "limited ** **** *** *****", *** does *** *** ********* **********.

Activists **** *******

**** ********* ******, ******'* **** ******* ****** ************, La ********** ** *** ('******* *** the ***'), **** *** ***** ****** be "*******" ******* ** ***** ********* constitute "**** ************" ***** "********** *** poorest", "********* *** ******** ******* *** police *** *** ******* ******", *** have "******" *****.

*** ************ **** ****** *** ***'* ban ** ****** *********** *** "*****", arguing **** *********** ****** *** ***** analytics ****** ** ********** ********* ** the ****'* ******* *; ** ***, no ******** **** ********* **** **** could ******** *** ********* **** ********.

Impact ********

*** *** ** ****** ** **** French ********** ***** *** ******'* ****** support. ***** ** * **** ****** this **** ** **** ** * model *** ****** ******** *********** ** the ********** ** ********** * *******. This ***** ************* ******** ***** ********* adoption ** ****** ***********, *** **** draw **** ******** **** ****** ***** and ***********.

Comments (3)
Charles Rollet
Mar 08, 2023

******: ** ************* ******* *** ***** rights ********** ****** * ***************** *** ****** ******** ***'* ******* 7, ********** "**** *******":

*** ******** ***** *** *** *** the *** ** ******** *********-****** ***** surveillance ***** *** ******* ** ******** big ******. ***** **** ***, ****** would ****** *** ***** ** ****** state ** ********** ******** **** *********. We ******* **** *** ******** ************ measures ******* ************* ***** ****** *** as **** ********** *** ********** ** necessity *** ***************, *** **** ************ risks ** *********** ******, **** ** the ***** ** *******, *** ******* of ******** *** ***********, *** *** right ** ***-**************.

*** ********* **** *** ******* ***** "lead ** ********* **** ************" *** argues **** ******** *** ****** ** a ***** *********** ********* ****, **** if ***** **** ** ** ***'* initially ********:

*** ******** *** ******* ******* **** algorithmic ***** ************ ******* **** *** process ********* ****. *** ** ******* Data ********** ********** (****) ******* ********* data ** “******** **** ********* **** specific ********* ********** ******** ** *** physical, ************* ** *********** *************** ** a ******* ******, ***** ***** ** confirm *** ****** ************** ** **** natural ******” (******* *(**) ** *** GDPR). ** *** ******* ** *********-****** cameras ** ** ****** ******** ********** events ** ****** ******, **** **** necessarily ******* *** ******* ************* ******** and ********** ** *********** *******

*** ********* ****** **** *** ****** would *** ** "********" ******* *** other ******** *********:

** *******, **** *** **** **** set * ********* ********* *** ***** European ********* ***** **** - ** far ************** - ********* ** ******** a ***** ** ***** ********* ************ practices, ********* ******** *** ******. ****** would **** ****** ** ******** “******” in ************ ******** ****** *** ******** Union.

John Honovich
Mar 11, 2023

*** ********* ******* ** ******* ************* Agnes ****************** ** ******* ***** ** ** Jazeera:

** ***, *** **** ***** ** demonstrate *** **** **-******* ***** ************ will ** ********** **** ***** ****** standards. *** ****** ********** *** *** shown *** *** ******** **** *** principle ** *************** *** **** ********** will ** ** ***** ** ******* a ********* ************ **************, **** ** privacy ********** ********, ****** *********** *** limitations ** ******* *** **** ************.

Charles Rollet
Mar 28, 2023

******: *** ****** ********** *** ******* the ***,****** ** *******:

******’* ******** ******** ** *** ** adopt * *** ** ******* ***** of *** **** ******* ***** ** Paris. ******* * ** *** **** controversial ****** ** **** ***, ** it **** ***** ** ***** ************ to ** **** ** ****** ******** behaviour. ***** ****** ************* *** *** French **** **** ********* *** *******.

** ********** ** ***, ******'* **** prominent ******* ****** ************,****** * ***** ************** "*** ****** ********** *** ********* in ********* *** ** *** **** dangerous ************ ** **** ** ********".