Favorite And Worst Facial Recognition Manufacturers 2023

Published Mar 27, 2023 11:31 AM

More and more manufacturers are offering facial recognition, but who are integrators' favorite, and who have they had the worst experience with?

IPVM Image

150+ respondents told us what they think. In this report, IPVM analyzes the favorite and worst, along with dozens of comments from respondents.

Related, for IPVM's test results, see Facial Recognition Shootout / Rankings 2023 - Avigilon, Briefcam, Hikvision, IronYun, Oosto, Rhombus, Turing, Verkada and for usage statistics, see Facial Recognition Usage Statistics 2023

Executive *******

****** *** ***** ******** *** ***** reports (*** *.*.,******** *******,***** *******,******** ***/****,***** ***/****),****** *********** ***** ** ** ******** *** **** *** ***** ******** of *********** **** ** ******** ** worst.

**** *****, *** *** ******** **** experience, *** *** * **** **** than * *** ***** ****:

  • ********
  • ********/*********
  • *******

**** ******** ************* **** *** ****** widely ****. **** *******, ** *** 3 *****, ******* ****** ****** *********** for **** / ********, ***** ****** out ****** **** ***** ********* *** charge * ******* *** *** ********

** *** ***** ****, ********* *** the **** ******* **** **** **** a *** ***** *****.*********'* ****** *********** ************* ***** *******, ** **** ** likely *** ******. *** ***** ******, certainly, ** **** ********* ** ****** used.

#1 — ** ***

**** *********** **** **** ** *** know ****** ** **** * ********/*****:

  • "** ** *** **** * ******** facial *********** ************ ** *******."
  • "** ***'* **** ****** ********** **** it ** ****** ****."
  • "** **** *** *** *** ********** with ****** ***********."
  • "* ***'* **** * ******** ** all **** ** ** **********."
  • "* ***'* **** *** *** * have *** ****** **** ** ******."
  • "** *********. ** ** *** *** facial ***********."
  • "** *****'* **** **** ** ** favorites."
  • "****** ** ****** - *** **** experience."
  • "****. **** ***** **** ****** ***********."
  • "** ****** *** ********* **** *******."
  • "****, ** ******** ** ** ** end-user."
  • "*/* - *****'* **** ** ** all. ***."
  • "***’* **** * ********."
  • "** ** **********."
  • "** **********."
  • "***'* **** ***."
  • "**** ** **** ****."
  • "**, *** ****."
  • "****, ***'* ***."
  • "** **********."
  • "** *** ***."
  • "*** ****."
  • "****."
  • "**."
  • "*/*." ***

#2 — ********

*** **** ******* ******** ***** *********** who *** ****** *********** ** ********. Some **** **** **** *** **** facial *********** *********** ** *** **** but ***** ****** ******** ***** ******* of ******** **** ***********:

  • "******** ** ****** **** ****** * would ******** ** **** ********. **** are * ******** ************ **** **** not **** ******* *** ** **** about ********* ****** ************ *** *** criteria."
  • "********. **'* **** ** ******, ***, and *******, *** *** ** **** flexible **** ****** ********* *** ***** get ********* *******. **** **** ***** LPR ******."
  • "********. ** ***** ****** **** ***** it ***** ******** *** * ****** track ****** *** **** ******** ** evolve ***** ********."
  • "*********** ****** *** ********* **** ** Genetec ** ********. ** ** *** use *****-***** ****** *********** *************."
  • "******** *** **** *** ******** ** this ***** ******* **** ***** ** based **** ** *** ************ **** the *******/********."
  • "******** ** *** **** *** **** we **** ******** ** ***. ** is *** **** *** **** ** approved *** ** ** ****."
  • "*'* ******* **** *** ********/******** ******** will ******** ** ******* ** **** is *** ******* ******** ********."
  • "** ** *** ******* ****** *********** but ** ** ***, ** ***** use ******** ***** ** *** ** Avigilon *******."
  • "* *** *** ** ******** **** that ****** ****, *** **** **** some ******* ** ******* ****."
  • "******** ********* *** ** **** **** some ********** ********* **** ** **** keep ******** *****."
  • "*** / ******** - ** **** works ***** ******* - *** *** price, ** ** ***** **** *** and ****."
  • "** *** ******** **** ****** ** it ** **** ** *** ***** facial *********** ** * ******."
  • "* *** ** *** ******** ** much ** ********. ***** ***, ***** Cameras, ****** *******."
  • "*****'* **** ** ** ***'* ******* but ** * *** *** ** I ***** ****** ********."
  • "******** ******* ** **** * **** large ********** ** ** *** *** it *****."
  • "********. *** **** ****** ** **** we're * *******."
  • "********, ***** ******** **** **** ** my **********."
  • "********, **** ********** **** **** ********."
  • "********, *** (**** ********* **** ******)."
  • "** **** **** **** ******** ** date."
  • "********, **** ***********."

**** *** ********** ********* * ******** experience **** ********:

********- ** ****** ********** **** ***** integrators **** ******** ***** *** *******.

#3 — ******** + *********

*** ****** *********** ******** **** ***** next ** ******** + *********:

  • "********* **** * ***** ****** (******** lite) ** ** *** **** *** I **** *** *****-**** ********** ****."
  • "** **** **** ********. ** **** the ******* *** *** **** ** use...that **'** **** ** *****."
  • "********, * **** *** ******* ******** to ****** ***********, ** *** ******** was **** ***** ** ***** *** providing ***********."
  • "********. ***** ******** *** ********* *********** mean *** ****** ********."
  • "******** - ***** ** **** ***** value *** ***** *** *****."
  • "** ****** ******** *** ** ***** well."
  • "********, * *********** ***********."
  • "******** - ** ***** ***."
  • "********."

#* *******

******* ******* **** ** *********** ****** them ** *** *****:

  • "********* *** **** ******** ** *** is ******* ***** **** ***** ****** profiles ** ******** ******."
  • "******** ********** **** ******* *** ******* good ******* ** ****-****-***** **********."
  • "******* *** **** ***** ****** ** use *** *** ***** *** **** is ****** * ******** ********."
  • "******* - ***** ** *** *** and **** *****."
  • "*******."


***** *********** ***** **** ** ***** favorite:

  • "****. *********** ******* ** ** *** with ****-*** ****. **** **** *******. Good *********** ** ********. **** ***/***."
  • "** **** **** ******* **** **** inside ******* **** *** ** ** Axis ******. *** ****** *** ****** setup **** ********* ***."
  • "**** ******* ** ********** *** *** requirements *** *** ***** *********** **** market ******* *** *********."


******* * ***** ******** ** ** theirs:

  • "** ** **** ** ******** **** which ** **** ** **** ** is ***** *** *** ******* ** to ***** ****** **** **** ******** faces *** ***** **** ** * database *** ******** ********."
  • "******* * ****** *** ******* ** have *** ****** * ********* ****. We **** ****** ** ******** ** and **** *** ******** ** ******* access ******* **** ************ ******."
  • "********."

#* —*******

*** *********** ******* ******* ** ***** favorite:

  • "** **** ****** ** ****** ** Ironyun ***** ************** ** *** ** our ********. ** **** *** ** deploy *** ****** *********** ******."
  • "*******, **** **** *** **** ************."


******* * ********* ****** ** ** theirs:

  • "********* ** *** ******* ****** ****** recognition **** **** ********* **** ****** set **."
  • "******* **, ****-*********, ******-**-***, ***** **** overall ***** ***** & + ***."

Negative ********

******** ******** *** ****** ****** ****** brands. **** ** ****** ******* ***** facial *********** ** *****-**(*** ********* ****) on ***** ******* *** **** ****** to ** **** ** ***********. **** generated **** ********** *** **** **** the ******* ********* **** **** **** fewer *****.

**** **************

*** ***** ***** *** **** ** not **** ***** ***** **** ****** does *** ***** ****** ***********, ****** we ******* **** ******** **** ********** confusion ***** *** *** ********* *** facial ***********.

**** ************** *** ****** ****:

  • "****. ** *** ********’* **********, ** installed *** ******** ***** ** **** hardware *** ******** *** ** ****** did *** **** ** ********. ** had ********** ************ *****, *** *** customer *** *** **** ‘*******’ ********, and **** *** ****** *** ** expected **** ** ** *** ****."

*** * ****** **** ** ***** favorite.

  • "** **** ** *** *** ****** because ** *** ******* ***** **** they *** ****. * ***** *** Axis *** *****."
  • "** **** ****** ****** **** **** and ***** ********, ********, *** *****."
  • "**** ** ** ** *** *** we **** ******** (& ** **** work)."


*** *****, ******** *** ******.

****** *** * ******** ********:

  • "** ***** ****** * ****** ** years *** *****'* *********. * **** heard **** **** ********, *** ****** has * ***** ****** ** ********* products **** ****'* ***** *** **** never ****** ****."
  • "****** *** **** *** ** ***** more ***** ***** ********* ** ****** longer ** **** *********** ** ******** cameras *** ****** **** ** *** actual ****** ** **** ******* ***."

*** ** ******* * *********:

  • "******, ** ******* ****** ** * would ****** ***** **** **** *** simplicity's ****."
  • "****** ** *** ****** **** ******* it's *** **** *** ** **** tested."
  • "****** ******* *** ********* *** ******* built **** *** ******."
  • "****** **** ******* *** *** ********."

Oosto (********** *********)

********* *** * ***** *****:

  • "** *****'* ******* ********* ***** **** changed ***** ****. **** **** ** were ******* **** **, ** ****** to **** * **** ******* *** not * **** ***** ***. ** was ********* ** *** ** *** work ** **** *** *** *** GUI **** * *** ** ** desired."
  • "*********. *** ************ **** ***** **** high."
  • "********* *** *********."

*** * ******** ****:

  • "*********. ***** ************* *** **********. **** used * ****** **-****-*** ******* ** me, ******** *** *** **** **** I ** ***, ** **** ** out ** * **** **** ** people **** * *** ******."
  • "***** - *** ******* ** ****** and *'** ***** **** **** *** a **** ****."


***** *** * ***** *****:

  • "** *** ******* **** ********* *** Dahua *********, *** *** ******* ****** of *** ******** *** *************."
  • "******** ***** *** ** **** ** tech ******* **** ***********."
  • "*********/*****. *** **** ***** *********."
  • "***** *** ***."

*** ** ******* * ******** *****:

  • "*****. ***** **** *** ********* ********** for ***** ****** *** ************ *********, you ****** ********* *** **** **** for ******* ******** *****, *** *** genuine ********/***********-***** ******** *** ******** *** it ***** ****. *** ******** ** isn’t *****, *** ****’** ***** *** working ** **."
  • "*****. ***** **** ***."


********* *** *** **** ******** ********:

  • "*** ***** *** ********* ******* **** was * ******** ** ** ******* and ** ****'* **** **** * fair ***** ** *** ******** *** brought ** ** ** ******* *** entire ***** ******."
  • "*********. **** ***** ********** *****, *** it ****** ****. ** **** ******* to *********** ** ** *********** **** them *** ** *** * ********."
  • "********* ** ***** ** ** * customer's **** *** ****** ** ****** it ** ** *****’* ****."
  • "********* - *** ******** *** **** but **** ********** *** ******."
  • "*********, ******* **** **** * **** clunky **."
  • "*********. * *** ** ****** *****."
  • "********* *** *********."
  • "*********, ******** ****."
  • "***** *** ***."
  • "*********."

*****, * *********** ****** ********* ** their ********:

  • "*********, **** *** *** ***** ** the ****. ********* **** ** ******* catch **."
  • "********* ******* ** ******** *** *****."
  • "********* * *********."
  • "*********, *****."

******* *** ***** ******, ***** *** got ** ***** *** ******** ******* include******,*********,*****,********,*******,*********,*****,******,***********,********,*-***,***,***,***,**********,*******,********* **,********* ********,*********-***,******,******,*****,*********,*******,*********,******,****** **,***,******,*** ******. [****** ** ************ *****]

***** *** ******** ** ***** *** negative ******* ************* *****,********,*********,*****,*********,***,*-***,***,********,**********, *******.


** ****** *********** ** *** ********** more ********** **** ****** *********** ** the **** * ***** *** *** radically **, ***** *** ****** ******* legal *** ******* ******** *** ********.

Comments (2)
Undisclosed #1
Mar 27, 2023

** ***** ******* ***** **** ** 2020 **** ** *** ***** ****** AnyVision. ** *** * **** ********* project *** **. *********** **** *** access ******* ****** ***** ** ****, and ** ****** *********.

*** ********** *** **** ******** *** solution ** *** ***. ******* *** been ************. ** *** ********* ** the *******, ********* *** ****** ** provide **************, ****** *****-** ********, ******* diagrams, *** ****. ******* ********* *** not *****. *'* **** **** *** changed ** ***.

** ** **** *******, *** ****** is ***** *** *******. ***** ********* are ********** *************** ********** ******.

*** ****** *** ********** **** ************ but ** *** *** *** ****** experience *** **** **** *************.

Sam Kljajic
Apr 02, 2023
Norwegian Cruise Line

**** *** ******* ***** ** *** choices *** ** ** **** ****. Tried ********* **** **** ***. ** was **.
