Exacq Favorability Statistics 2023

Published Feb 21, 2023 13:26 PM

Exacq has been owned by Tyco (now JCI) for a decade. When it acquired Exacq, it was once one of the favorite VMSes of integrators but how well is Exacq doing now?

IPVM Image

Inside this report, we examine statistics and commentary from 180+ security integrators on Exacq's positioning, pros, and cons.

Favorability *******

***** *** **** +*% *** ******** favorability, ***** ** * ***** ******* over *** **** ******.

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Continuing ******** ************ *****

*****'* *** ************ *** ******* ******** and ************* ******** **** **** ** 2023:

IPVM Image

*** **********, ******** ************ ******* ****,***** ************ ******* ****, ******** ************ ********** ****.

Less ******** ******** ******* **

*********** ******* *** ** ********* ******** less ********** **** ***** ** *** US:

IPVM Image

*******, **** **** * ******* ******* the ** ****'* **** ****** ** give ** *******, **** **** ****** those ****** *** **.

Key ******

***** **** *********** **** **** **** Exacq's ****-**-*** ********* *** ***********, **** were ******** ***** *****'* ******, **** support, *** ******** ************. **** *** the *** ****** ** *** ** the ********:

  • **** ***********
  • **** ********
  • **** *** *** *********
  • ********
  • ********** ***** ****
  • **** *******
  • ***** ***** ** *******
  • ********** **** ******* ********

Good ***********

**** *********** **** ***** ********** **** with ***** ******** **** *** *** also ********* * *** ********:

  • "**'** **** ***** *** **** *****. The ****** ***** **** ****, ********** in * *****-****** ********** **** ******* monitoring (*.*. ***** ****). *** ******** would ** ****** ******* ** *** camera **** ****** ***** *** **** problematic. ******* **** ********* ******** *** it's *********** ** ***** ** ** indication ****** *** **** ** ******* to **** *** **** ******** *******."
  • "***** *******, **** *********** **** *****. The **** **** ** *** **** of ******* * ******...****** *** **** to ****** ** ***. ***** ********** seems * *** *******."
  • "** *** ** **** ** *** time, ************ *** *********** **** ***/******* & ************. "
  • "* **** ** ****** **** *****. Their *********** **** **** ******* *** been *******."
  • "*********** **** ******* *** ******** ******** which ** ********* ***."
  • "**** ******** **** **** ****** *************."
  • "***** *******. ****** *******, ** **** platform."
  • "***** ********'* ***** **** *********** ***."
  • "******** *********** **** ******** *****."
  • "*** **** **** ** *** ***** servers."
  • "**** *** ****** *************."
  • "**** *************."
  • "**** ********."

General *********** ** ********

***** **** ******** **** ******* *********** on *** ********:

  • "**** *** **** * ***** ******* and *** *** **** ****** ** any ******** ********* **** *******. **** is *** ** *** **** ******** for *** ****** *********."
  • "*** ****** ***** ** ****, ** has ******** * *** ** *******."
  • "***** *******, **** *****, *** ** in *** ** **** *******."
  • "* **** ***** ******** *** ******** solutions."
  • "** **** **** *** **** *** Success."
  • "*** ****** ** ********."

Easy *** *** *********

*********** **** *****'* ********* *** **** to ***:

  • "***** ******** **** **** * *** antiquated *******, *** ******** ***** ** work ** ********. ** ** **** straightforward *** *** *********** **** ** has **** **** ***** * ***."
  • "* **** ***** ********* ***** ********, but **** *** ** ******* ** many ***** ** * ***-********** *** I **** ** **** ************* *** simple ** ***."
  • "***** ** *** **-** ******. **** are **** ** *******, ***** *** search."
  • "*** ******* ****** ******** *********** **** Exacq. *******, * ***** ******* *** but * ******** ******** ********."
  • "**** ***** **, **** ********* **** Enterprise ***** ********. ********* ********* *****."
  • "**'* **** * *** ***** *** I ****** ***** ***** ********* ****** than **** ******."
  • "**** ***** **, **** ********* **** Enterprise ***** ********."
  • "***** *** ** *** ** *** easiest ** ***** *** ***** **."
  • "******* ** ****** ********* *** **** user ********."
  • "**** *** **** *********."
  • "**** ** ***."


**** *********** ***** ***** ** ******** and ***** **********:

  • "***** **** ********* ** ******** *** new ******** *** ******* ******** ** a ********* ** *******. **** ****** Station *** ****** **** *** **** comparable."
  • "** **** **** ** ***** **** of *********** ******* ******** *** *** majority ** ** ******** *** ****** service ***** **** **** ***** *** to ********** ******** ******* **** **** to ** **** ** **** *** system *******, ******* ********** *** *** clients ***********. *** ****** *** ** not **** ****** *** *** ** search *** ******. **** **** *** live *******."
  • "**** ****** *** ** *****'* ********. Overpriced *** *** **** *******-****. ***** like **** **** **** ******* ** their **** ***** *** *** **** ten ***** *** **** *** **** up **** *** **** ** *** industry."
  • "* **** ** ** * *** fan ** *****. *** ** **** anymore ** ***** **** ********* ** still ** ******** *** *** *** easiest ** ********. *** *** **** is ** ******* **** ***** * few ******* ** ****** ***** ********."
  • "**** ***'* **** ** ********. ***** platform ***** ****** *** ********** ***** despite ***** ******. * *** ****** functionality *** ******* **** ********* *** about *** **** ****."
  • "******* *** *** ******** *** ** dire **** ** *&*. **** ****** their *********** ** ******** *** *******."
  • "*** ********* ***** ** ****** *** the *** ** *** ********* ****** to *******."
  • "**** *** **** ** ****** ******** network ******."
  • "******** *** ********. ***** *** * facelift *** **** ******** ********. *'** found *****-***** ******* ** ** **********."
  • "******** ******** ********** ** ***** ********, they *** **** ** ***."

Dislike ******* ** ****/***

**** *** ************ ** *****'* ********* since ** *** ******** ** ****:

  • "***'* **** *** ********* **** *** headed ** ***** *** *** ********. They **** ********* ****** *** *&* section ** *** ******* ****** ** the ****** ******** *** *** *********** of *** ******* *** **** ********, possibly ******* **** *** ********** *** on ********** ** *** *****."
  • "** **** ** ** *** **** and ** ****** **** * ****** product. ** ***** **** **** ** after **** **** ****** ** **** and **** ******* ****** ** *********."
  • "***** ** * ****/**** *********. *** product ** ****** *** ********* *** I **** ***** *** ********* ****** and * ***'* **** ********** ***, a **********."
  • "***** **** ** **** * ******** lineup ****** *** ***********. *** *** product **** ***** **** ******* *** harder ** ****."
  • "****** ******* ******* ******** (******** **** YIKES!) *** ********* ** **** **** in ** ****. **** ***** ** many ****** ******* **** ******* *** sales."
  • "** **** **** **** ******* **** drastically ******** ***** **** ********* ***** and ******* **** ***** ******."
  • "* **** *******. ******* ******** ** outstanding **** **** *******. ****** ********."
  • "***** **** **** **** ** *** been * *******. **** *** ** force *** ** *** *** **** brand."
  • "***** *** **** ** ****. **** they ***** ** ********** *** ** is * *** ******* ***."
  • "**** ****** ****. ** **** ** sell * *** ** ***** *** now ****** **** ***'* **** ***."
  • "******* ** ****** ***** ***** **** were ****** ***."
  • "**** ******, **** ***'* ** ******** with ****."

**** *** ********** ******* *** ********:

"**** ****** ******* **** ***** ***** in *** ******* ******. *** **** acquisition **** **** ***** ** *****."

Product *******

**** *********** ***** ***** *** **** support:

  • "**** *****. **** **** ******** *** last ****** ** *****. ** ***** have **** ****** ******* *** ***** but ** ******* *** ***** ****** every **** **** **** ** *****. Support ** **** ** ***-********. **** never ******* *** ********* ** *** things **** ***** ******. *** ****** app *** ******** *** ***** *** fixed."
  • "**** *** **** ****, *** *** last **** * *** **** * salesperson ** ** *** ***** ** a ***** ** *** ****** ***** and ********** ** *********** ******* ********* any ***** **** *** ********. **** not *** *** ******** ** ******** them *** ***** ****."
  • "**** ***** *** **** *****, **'* a ****** ********. **** ******* ****'* been ******* *** ****** ** ***** that ** **** ****** ****. **** don't **** ** ** ****** *** new ******** ** *** ******."
  • "**** ** ********* *******, ******* ***** AND ********* ******** ************ *** ******."
  • "**** **** **** ******** *** * lot ** ***-***** *** *** ************ due ** **** ******* *** *** past ******* *****."
  • "**’* * **** ****** *** * don’t ****** ** ******* ***** ******* support ** ** ******** ** *** firmware ******** ** ******* **** ***."
  • "******** **** *******. ******** ** **********. Would ***** *** **** *****. ****** get ****** ** *** *****, ****..........."
  • "***** ******* **** !!! ** ******* thinks **** *** **** *** **** treat ****** **** * *******."
  • "***** **** ************ ****** ** * platform. ******** ******** **** **** *****/******* support."
  • "**** ******* *** *** **** ****. It ***** ** **** * **** time ** *** ******* ** *** phone."
  • "********* ******* ** *** *****. **** issues *** **** *** *** ********."

*******, **** ***** **** ******** ***** about *****'* *******:

  • "**** **** ****** ******** ******* **** they *** ** ****... *** ******* we **** **** **** ***** **** been ***********."
  • "**** ************** *** ***** *** ** always ***** ** ******* ******* ** any *********."
  • "**** ******* *** ********* ********* *******."
  • "**** ******* **** ***** ******* *****."
  • "***** ******** *******."

******* *** **** * ***** ** contention ****-***********, *.*.****:***** ********* ********* *******, ********** ** Integrator **********.

Comments ** *****

**** *********** ***** ***** ** *** expensive:

  • "** **** ********* ** ******* ** Exacq. **** ***** **** ****** ** have *** **** ** *** *** new ******* ** ***** **** ****. The **** *** **** ******** ********** and ***** **** **** ** *********** changes ** **** ***** ** **** to **** **."
  • "*** *** ******** ** **********."
  • "***** *** *********."
  • "** **** *** *********."

**** ********** ***** ********* *****:

  • "********** **** *******. **** **** *** missing *******, **** ** *** **** royalties ******* ****** '*** ** ********.'"
  • "**** **** * ****** ***-***** ****** and ** *** **** **** *** morally * ***'* **** *********** *******."
  • "********* ********* *****."

**** ***** *********:

  • "*** *** ******** *** *** ***** get * *** ** **** *** your ****."
  • "**** **** ***** ********** ******. ** is ****-*********.
  • "**** ****** *** *** *****."
  • "********** ******.
  • "********** *******."

Comparison **** ******* *****

***** ******* *********** ********* ********* **** Exacq ** ***** *****, ********* ********, Milestone, *** *******, *** *** **** frequently ********* *** ** ********/****** ****/******* Optix:

  • "** **** ** *** ***** ****** exclusively *** ******-*** *************. ** ******** to ******* ******** ***** *****'* ******** service *** **** ******* ****** ** horrendous."
  • "**'** **** ************* **** **** ***** to ** ******** ******* ** **** Exacq ***'* ******* ** **********. ** prefer ** **** *** *** **** of ***, *** ** ***** *******."
  • "** **** ** ** * *** of ***********. **** ** *** ***, we ***** *** ********. *** **** we ********** ** ******** ***** *** no ***** ****. "
  • **’* ** ** ***. ***** *** much ****** ************ ** ** ******* such ** ** ******* / ****** Wave.
  • "**** *******, *** *** ** **** as ******* ********."

*** ****, ********** ***** ** ********, *****, *********, Genetec ********


** ** *** *** ***** ******* this ******* ******. ** *** ****** 10 ***** ********* ******** *****, ******** **** ********* ** *******, while ***** *****, ********** ******* ***** and ***** ******** ** ********/****** ****,**** ***** *********** ****** *****.

******* *********** ********** *** *********** ** catch ** **** ***** ***********, *****'* slow ******* ** ****** ** ********.

*******, *** / **** *** **** a *** *** / ***** ***********, if ** ******* *** ********** ********.

Comments (5)
John Honovich
Feb 21, 2023

****, *** *** / ****** ** a *** ***/*****. ************ ******** ** ****, *********** ***** *** (*** *** ****). * ***'* ***** ***** ** Cloudvue *** *** ***** ********* *** the ******.

*** *** ***** / ****** **** buy?

**** ***** ****** ******* *** **********, ******* *** *** ** *** ex-Exacq **** ****.

** **** ***** ***** ***** *** Hanwha *** ** *** *** ** buy******* *****(*** ******** ***** *********** ** **** *** favorability).


** *******? **** ******* ***** ** Cloudvue *******?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Feb 21, 2023

******** *** *** ***** ********* *** the ******.

*** ****** **** / ****** ******** lately? **** ***** ******** ******* *** also ******** *** ***** *******, ** seems **** ** *********** ******** ** paper. * **** ** ********** **** it ****** ** ****-***** *****.

Matthew Hoenig
Feb 21, 2023

**'** **** ***** ***** * *** as * ***, *** *** *** VMS ******* *** ***** *** ** Hanwha ****. *** ***** ***** **** installs ** **, * ***'* *** any ****** ** ** **** ** Exacq.

******* **** ***** ******** *** ** actual ******* ****** ***, *** *** Wave **** **** *****'* ******* **** forwarding. ******** *** ******* *** **** with **** *******. *** ********* ** simple *** **** ** ***** ****** on.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Feb 22, 2023

***** ***** *** * ***** ***********, Cloudvue *** ** ******* ** **** due ********* ****** *** ********. ** someone **** ********** * *** **** you **** ******** ** *** **** a ******* *****, *** *** ******** has **** ***** ** ** **** the **** ****** *** ******* *****. Yes, ** ***** **** ** *****. Just ***’* **** ** ** ** the *****.

Faisal Pandit
Mar 01, 2023
Johnson Controls

** *** **** ** ***********, ******** was ****** ** *** ******. ** had ******* *** ********'* ***** ***** (1999) *** **** **** ** ****** over * ******* ******* ** ************ (uploading ***** ** **** ** ******* worldwide *****). ** ** **********, ******* technology ***** **** **** ***************, ** requires *****/************, *****, ********* ** *****, and ******* *******. * ********* ****** to **** ******** ***** (** ***** a **** *****) *** **** ***** own ********.
