Eagle Eye Direct To Cloud Cameras Examined

Published Jan 24, 2023 15:08 PM

Eagle Eye announced its new Direct-To-Cloud camera offering at this year's IPVM VSaaS Online Show.

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In this report, IPVM examines the offering, comparison to VSaaS competitors, pricing, and shares Eagle Eye's presentation from the January 2023 show.

Related, see: VSaaS Shootout 2023 - Ava, Eagle Eye, Genetec, Meraki, Rhombus, Verkada, YourSix (Research), The Strategic Importance of Direct-to-Cloud Cameras (Research), and most recently Hanwha Wisenet Launches Direct-to-Cloud EDGE Cameras.

Eagle *** ******/*** **********

***** *** *** ************ ******** ** appliance **-**** (*.*. ***** *** ****** or ****) ** ******* ******* ** its ***** *** **** ******. *******, as *** **** *******, *** ********* for **********, **** ******* ***** ******* buffer. ***** ******* * **** ** the ***** ** **** ** ******* to ****** *** ****-**** **-******* *******.

***** *** ********** * ***** ** ********** ****** cameras, ***** ***** **** ******* ** the ***** **** * ****** ** CMVR, *** **** ** * *** party ****** ***** ** *********.

No ********** *** ******

***** *** **** ************ ** ********* by *** ********* ******* ***** *** Networks ******* **** *** *** ** lower, *** ***** *** *** *** physically *** ****** *** ************. *******, there **** ** ********* **** *** ordering ******* **** **** ******* ******** by *******.

**** ***** **** **** ****** **** require * ******** ******* *** **** some ***** ***** *** ******* *** not ** *********.

No ******** ** ****** *******

***** *** ******* ** *** **** with **-****** *******, ****** **** ** offer ** **** ******. *******, ***** Eye ** ********* ***** ** **** storage ** * ******, **** *** cloud ** *** ******* ******, ****** many ******-**-***** *********. **** ** ** additional **** *** ********** **** ** avoided ** **** ******-**-***** ****** *********.

**** **** ***** **** *** *** install *** ** ****, ***** ***** result ** ********. *******, ******* ***** Eye ** *********** ***-**** ****** ******* there ***** ** * *********** ******* as***-**** *** ************* ******* ** ***** to ******/***** *******.


***** *** **** *** ** **** prices *** *** ************ ****** (*** and *****) ***** **** $*** ** $259 ********* ** *** **** ******.

*******, ***** *** **** **** *** planning ** *** * ********-**-*-******* ******, which **** ******** ******* ***** ** effectively ******* ******* **** *** ***** Eye ************, ****** **** ********** *** camera ******** ** * ******* ********.

Hybrid ************ - ****** ** ***** ** ******

******* *** *** ******* ******** ** Eagle ***'* **** ******, *** *** be **** ** ******** **** *******/***** at *** **** ** ******** *********:

IPVM Image

***** *** **** **** *** ********* "CameraDirect" *** *****, ****** ***** **** 2-4 ******* *** ********, ***** ****** sites **** ****** ** ******** ** cameras **** ** **** ****** ** its ******** ******/**** ************.

Eagle *** ***** ****** **** ************

***** ***** ***'* ************* **** ****'* January **** ***** ****** ****, ********** its ******-**-***** *******:

Not ****-** / ******** *** *****

***** *** **** **** **** *** offer (*) ***** *****: ************ *** traditional ***** ***** *** ** ** supported ** *** ***** *******. **** also **** **** ************ ****** *** be ********* ** ***** ******** ******* a ******** *******.

**** ********** **** *** *** ******* hostage-as-a-service:

**** **** ******* **** * ************* ID *** ******** *** ***** *** so *** *** **** **** *** play, *** *** *** ******* ***** and *** *** ** ****.

*** *** * ******* *********, ******* they ** **** ** ** ******* reset ** *** **** ** ******* them ** [* *** ***** ***] via ***** ** ****.

**** ** ******* ** ********* ******** ******** (**** ****)*** ***.

Compared ** ******* ****

***** *** ************ ** * ******* extension ** *** ******* ************ **** the******* **** ******-**-*-**************. ******* **** *** ********* ****** models **** *-*** ** ******** *** storage *** **** *** ** * bridge *** *** *** ***** ***** cameras. ***** ******* **** ** *** strictly*******-**-*-*******, *** *** *********** ************ **** only ** ********* ** **** ** a ****** **** *** ******.

***** *** ******** * ************ *** cloud ************ *** *******, ***** ******* Cloud **** *** ***** ***** *******, but **** *** ******* * **** subscription *** ************.

Compared ** ***

***** *** *** ****** * ******* overall ****** ************ ** ***, **** direct-to-cloud ******* **** ****** ******* ********* with ** **-******* *********. *******, ***** Ava's ******* **** **** ******** ******* with ******** ***** ******, ***** ***'* CameraDirect ** ******** ** ****** *** record ****** ** *** *****, **** additional **** *** ************* ******** *** SD **** ******.

*******, *** ******** *** ** ********* at *** ****,** *** ******* *** ******* (**** Tested), ***** ***** ***'* *** ********* in *** *****, ********* ****** ******** bandwidth.

******** *** ******** ** ********, *** ** **** * ********** to ******** ********* *** ********, **** Motorola ****** ** *** *** ***** machine *** *** ****** ** ******** dealers.

Third-Party ******* **** ** ********* **** ****

*******, ***** *** **** **** ** the **** ****, **** **** ** support *** ***** ******* ******* ******, emphasizing ** ** ** **** ********. It ***** ******* ******* *** ******** connector ** *** *******, ******* ********* ********** (**** ******).

Continued ***** ** ***** **

***** *** **** **** **** *** continuing ** ***** ** *** *********** and *********** ** ************* *****-***** ******* ********* (**** ******). ************, ***** *** ******* **** basic ********* **** *** ** *** bridges *** ***** (*.*. ******, **** crossing, *** ****** *********, ***.) ** well ** ********* ** *****-***** *******, there *** ******* *** ******* *********.

*******, **** ********** **** *****-***** ***** analytics **** ******* *** **** **** direct-to-cloud ******* *** *******/*****:

*** * *** ** *** ***** search, ***** **** ** *** *****, which ***** ******* *** **** *** with *** ****** ***** ******* *** CMVR.

**** **** ******** **** *** **** to ***** ******* ********* **** *** existing ***** *** ******** *** *** them "****** ***** **** ***** **** to **" ** ********** *** ***** camera *********. *******, **** ******** **** they *** ***** ********* ** ********** 3rd ***** ******* ********* **** ****.


**** *** * **** ********* **** by ***** ***, ** **** ****** being ************ **** ***** **** ******** direct-to-cloud *******. *** ******** ** **** very ***-****, **** **** ********** *** additional ** **** ****** *******.

*******, ******** ** ******* **** *** designed ** ***** ** *** ****** (e.g. ***, *******, *******, ***.) **** come **** ******** *******, ***** ** a ******* ***** *** **** **** will ****.

** ***** *** ****** ***** *** to *** ** ******* ***** ***** to ******-**-***** ****** *****, ** **** have * ******* ************ ******* ** bridge-connected ***** ************. *******, ** **** and **** ************* *** ******* ******-**-*****, more ***** *** ********* ***** **** advocate *** ****** ** **** *** switch, ***** *** **** ************ ****** by *******.

Comments (15)
Christopher Uiterwyk
Jan 24, 2023

**** ** *** ******* **** *** direct ** ***** *********?

Brian Hampton
Jan 25, 2023
IPVMU Certified

*** ***** ********* ***** *** *** same ** ******* ********* ** * bridge/CMVR. ***** ** * *** **** setup ****** ****'* ******* *** ***** is * ********* ****** *** "*******" the ******. * ****'* ***** ********** them ******** *** ** ****** ***.

*'** **** **** ******* **** ******* since *** **** ******. **'* **** a *** ** * ***** **** to ***** *** ****** **** ******* smoothing ***. * **** * ********** use **** *** *** ** ** customers ***** ** ****** ** ****** 1-2 ******* *** **** *** *** customer ****'* *** *** *****. **** are ********** ******** ******** ** ** didn't **** ** ********** ******* ******* that ***** ****** *****/******** **** *******. They **** * ***** ******* ***** camera **** *** ***/**** *** ***** well *** **** ********** ***********.

Christopher Uiterwyk
Jan 25, 2023

******. ** **** ***** ********* **** (motion, ***.) ** ********** *********?

Brian Hampton
Jan 25, 2023
IPVMU Certified

****** ****** ** *********.

Christopher Uiterwyk
Jan 25, 2023

***, ****'* *****. **** *** ********* at *** **** *****?

Brian Hampton
Jan 25, 2023
IPVMU Certified

***. ***** ******* ** ***** ** resolution *** ********* ****. *** ******* you *** **** *** @ * days. ** *** ***** ** *** @ ** ****. *** *** ** to ****** ****** ** ***** ** always.

Christopher Uiterwyk
Jan 25, 2023

$* *** ***** *** *****-**** (* days) **-**** *******, ** $**/***** *** 30 **** ** ***** *****.***** *** ***** *** *** ****** Test ****

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jan 25, 2023

**** ** **** *******. ** ** 1080p ***** ******* ******* ******* (***/***). Is ********** ****** ** *****?

Brian Hampton
Jan 25, 2023
IPVMU Certified

***** *** * *** ******* *** bit **** ********* ** *** ********** and ***** *******. ** *****’* ****** pricing *** ** **** **** **** situations ***** ********* ** * *******.

**** **** ********* ********** ******* **** SD/Analog ** ** ****.

Christopher Uiterwyk
Jan 25, 2023

*****'*, ***********'* ******* ***direct ***** ********* is capped at 1Mbps *** a 1080p image at 15fps, with a GOV Length (how often an I-frame is provided) of 15 or (1) I-frame per second.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jan 25, 2023

***, **** ** ******** ***. *** they ******** *******, ** ***** ***** what *** *** ****** ***. ******* this ****, ****** ******** ***** ** , ***** *****'* ******* *** ****.

Brian Hampton
Jan 25, 2023
IPVMU Certified

** ***** (***) *** ******* *** Bit **** *** *****, ******, ** 3072kb. *** *** ******* ***** *** listed ** "*******" ** *** ******** are "*****-***, ***, ***, ****, *** Max-FPS" **** ***** ********* ** *'* not **** *******.

** *** (***) *** ******* *** Bit **** *** ******, ******, ** 6144kb.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jan 25, 2023

*** **** ** ****** *******, ************ let *** ***** **/* ***** ********* and ******* ** ***** (***) *****, 1536kb, ** ****** ?

Brian Hampton
Jan 25, 2023
IPVMU Certified

** *'** ******* ******, ** *****'*. Pricing ** ***** ************************. *** **** *****'* ****** *** pricing.

Brian Hampton
Jan 25, 2023
IPVMU Certified

* ***’* ***** *** ** **** storage ** ******* *** **** ****** Direct. **** **** ******* ******* ** be ****. ****** ******* ***** ********* be ***** ********* ** **** ****.