BriefCam Usage by French Police Under Investigation

Published Nov 16, 2023 13:46 PM

French police are being investigated for allegedly violating GDPR-related rules by using BriefCam for facial recognition.

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This poses a substantial risk to BriefCam's France and even Europe presence, depending on the investigation's findings.

In this post, IPVM shares responses from the French government and Briefcam to IPVM, examining what happened, and the risks for BriefCam and other video surveillance providers.

For more on GDPR compliance, read IPVM's detailed GDPR For Video Surveillance guide.

Executive *******

******* ***** ******************** ****** ******** **** ********'* ****** recognition *** ***** ********* ****** *********** required ** ****** *********** *********, * '******** ****' *** *** enforcement.

******'* **** ***************** *********** ** ************* ****** ******, ******* IPVM **** ******** ***** **** ** probed ** ** "************ ** *** implementation."

******** **** **** ** ** *** currently ***** ************* *** **** ** does *** ******* ***-**** ****.

****** ********** *** ****/*** ******** ** banning **** ****** *********** *** ************ ************** *********.

French ***** ************* *********

** ******** **, ****** **** ********************** ****"*** ****** ******** ****** ** ********* using ** ******* ****** *********** ********," ****** ****** "******** ********" ******** in ****:

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**** **** ***** ******** ** ***** in ******, ***** **** ******* *****'* ***** ***** ****.

Facial *********** ********** ****

****** ****** "********" *** ********'* ****** recognition ******** ** *** *** ******** suspects ******* *** ********, ******** ********, based ** * ****-***** ******:

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********* ** * ****-******** ****** ****** the ******** ******,BriefCam’s ****** *********** ** ******** ****. ******* ******* ** ******** ***********. “Any policeman whose service is equipped can request to use Briefcam by transmitting a video or photo,” assures our interlocutor. [emphasis added]

**** ******* **** ***** ***** ** the*** *********** *********'* ******* ******** ********** *** "******* **** ***** strictly *********, ******* ** *********** **********" and **** **** ********** ** * country's ****. ** ******, ****** ****** recognition ** "**** ********** ** **** exceptions" *** ******** ******** ********, ****************.

No **** *********

****** ****** **** ***** ********* * Data ********** ****** ********** (****) *** its ******** *****, ******** ********:

*******, *** *********** ******* ** *** National ****** (****), ***** *** ****** authority ** *é**** ********,had ***** *** ********* **** ****** ******** ** *** ****. Nor did they notify the [data regulator] CNIL. Therefore, at the end of 2020, a police official suggested discretion: “Some services have the Briefcam tool, but since it is not declared to the CNIL, it seems ********** *** ** **** ***** **." [emphasis added]

**** ** **** * ***** ***** as****** *********** *********'* ******* ********** ***** "****** ** ****** ** a **** **** ** *** ****** and ******** ** ******* *******" ********** if ***** "*** ************". **** **** be *********** *** **********.

***** *********** ***** ************************* ******* **** ***** $**,*** *** $120,000, ************, *** ******* ** ****** DPIAs.

BriefCam ***** ***** ** "************ ** **************"

***** *********' ******, *** ************ *********** ** ************* ****** ******.

******** ***** **** ** ************ ** BriefCam "************ ** *** **************" ** the ******* ****** *********** *****, *** CNIL **** ****:

*********, *** ************** ****** ** *** possible ***** ** * ****** *********** system ** *** ******** ******, ** their ******** ** **** ***********.If ************** **** that this processing indeed occurred and that ******** ************ ** *** ************** ** **** ********** as a co-responsible party or as a data *********, [Briefcam's] ************** ***** **** ** *********.

* ** ****, *** ************** ******* sur ** ******** ******* à ** dispositif ** ************** ******* *** ** Police *********, ** **** ************** ** **********. ** *** ************** ********** ** réalité *’** *** ***** ** *** Briefcam *********** à ** **** ** œuvre *** *********** ** **** *** co-responsable ******-********, ** *************é ******** ***** ê*** engagée. [******** *****]

**** **** ******** *** ******** ******, ******* ******* *** ******* ****** distributors.

BriefCam "*************" **** ********

******** ** ****** ******* ** ***** (IPVM **** ** ********* ****** *******) *** ** ** ****** *** BriefCam ** ** ******** ** **** process. ** ****** ********** ********* **** this ****** ** "*************" ** *** "implementation" ** ****** ***********, **** ******** and ***** ******** ********* ***** **** well ** ** ****.

Broader ******** ****

*******, ******** ** **-******* *** **** not ***** ***** (******, *.*., ******* or ********'* ****). **** ****** ********'* risk, ** ***** ********* ****** ***-**** data ****** ***** *** ************** *** are **** ********* ** *** ****/*** as "**** **********". ***-***** ********* **** ******** *** more ****** ***** **** ** *** process *** **** ****.

BriefCam ********

******** ** ********** ****** **** *** French ****** *** *****,******* ********, "** **** **** ****** *********** on *** *** **** ** ****."

******** **** **** ** ** "*** under ************* ** **** ****" *** that ** "**** *** ******* ******** data ** ****** ** *** *** users," ****** "**** **** ** ***********" for ***** *** **** **********:

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** ** ** ** ***** ****BriefCam **** *** ******* ******** **** ** ****** ** *** *** *****. BriefCam is fully transparent with end users and channel partners that their use of its software might result in the processing of personal information. The company requires end users to use the technology responsibly, while upholding ethical values and complying with relevant local regulations, such as those related to data privacy. BriefCam emphasizes that while the software includes tools to help end users comply with data privacy regulations, including the GDPR, the processing of personal data is mandated by each user’s own preferences and settings, hence **** **** ** *********** for taking the appropriate measures to comply with applicable regulations. [emphasis added]

**** ***** ******** ** ** ***** facial *********** ** ******. *******, ** did *** ******** *******, ******* ******* generally, "** ***** ******** ** *** software *****, ************, ******* ** ***** exclude ********** **** ********* ************".

********'* ******-******** ************** **** ***********, ******** **** ********.

Impact *** ********

**** ***** ********'* ****** ***** *** also ***** ******** ***** ******** ********** to ******** *****, ******* *** ******* Europe ********.

** *** ******** ****, *** ********, GDPR/LED ******************** ********* *** *****, ** ***** ** a ****** ** ** ***** ******.

*****, **** ** ******** ** ***** investigated, **** ******** ***** ********* ******* its ***** ** ******, ***** ****** law *********** (*** ***** ********** ********) will ** **** **** ******** ***** buying *** **********.

UPDATE **/**: IPVM initially reported French police are alleged to have violated the GDPR, however, the GDPR exempts law enforcement in ******* *. *** ******** ********** ** ******** the*** *********** *********, * '******** ****' *** ****** enacted ** *** **** **** ** the **** *** **** **** ******* provisions.

Comments (4)
John Honovich
Nov 16, 2023

* **** ******* ** *** ******** that ****** *********** ***** *** ** is ***** ** *** ***** / riskier ** ***** ******** **** ** the ***** *** *** ********* **** more ****** **** *** ***********.

Undisclosed Distributor #1
Nov 20, 2023

******* * ** *** **** **** the *********:

*.**** ********** ******* ** *** ********** of ******** **** ****** ** ****** by ********* ***** *** ** *** processing ***** **** ** ********* ***** of ******** **** ***** **** **** of * ****** ****** ** *** intended ** **** **** ** * filing ******.

2.This ********** **** *** ***** ** *** ********** ** ******** ****:

2(d)by ********* *********** *** *** ******** ** *** **********, *************, ********* ** *********** ** ******** ******** ** *** ********* ** ******** *********, ********* *** ************ ******* *** *** ********** ** ******* ** ****** ********.

* ** ** *** ** ***** expert *** *** *** * ****** authority *** **** *** *** ********* an **** **** ** ** ****** in ******* ** ** *** ***** Regulation **** *** ***** ** ********* authorities?

**** ** ************* *** **** *** that **** ** ******** ** **** the ****** ****** **** *** ***** as ********* *********.

* *** ********* ***** **** ******* 2d ****** ***** ****** ****** ***** told ** **** **** *** **** limited ** *** **** **** ** comes ** *****************

Charles Rollet
Nov 21, 2023

**** *****! ***'** ***** **** *** GDPR,*** ******* *, ******* *** ***********. *******, **** countries **** ******* ********* ****** ****** *********** ********* (***), * '******** ****' **** **** similar ********** **** *** ******* ** the **** **** ** *** **** (May ****).

*** *** ******** *** ********** ** carry *** * **** *** ******* scenarios ** ********** **,********** **********"****** ** ****** ** * **** risk ** *** ****** *** ******** of ******* *******" **** ***** "*** technologies":

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*** *** **** ****** **********/**** *** are "******* **** ***** ******** *********, ******* to *********** **********" *** **** **** authorized ** * *******'* ****.

*'** ******* *** **** ** ******* this, ****** *** ******** ** ***.

Charles Rollet
Dec 01, 2023

******:* ***** ****** ******** ********** ****** **********'* ***** ** ********, as **** ** *** ****** *********** function ** *** ****** **:

*** *** ** ***** ************ ******** that ******** * ****** *********** ******** isnot ******* ** **** ******** ** *** *********** *** ****.

*’*********** *’** ******** ** ***é************* *** comporte *** ******** ** ************** ******* n’est *** ***é**** ** ***** ******** n’est *** *****é* *** *’***********. [******** added]

**** **** *** ***** ****** ****** using ******** ** *** ******** *****, which ** **** ******'* **** ********* is *************. **** ** ***** * positive **** *** ******** *** *** French ****** *****.

*** ****, ********* ******** *****, ******* **** ***, Cleared ** ***** ****** *****.