Bosch Integrating Sony Video Security Sales And Marketing Team

Published Jul 03, 2019 13:18 PM

What is the future of Sony in video surveillance?

osch sony integrate sales marketing team~1

In 2016, Bosch and Sony announced an atypical 'partnership'. Now, Bosch tells IPVM that they are integrating Sony's sales and marketing teams.

Inside this note, we examine Bosch's statement, Sony's challenges and our skepticism about the future of Sony in video surveillance.


** ******** ** ***** ******* ** major ******* **** ****, ***** **** IPVM ****:

“*** **** ***** ******** ***** *** marketing **** ** ***** ********** **** the ****** ***** ***** ************. **** this ***********, **’** **** ********* *** full ***** ******* ******** *** ****** portfolio ** *** **** *********. ***** forward, ***** *** **** ********* **** have *** ***** ***** *** ********* team **** ** **** ** ***** the ***** ******** ** *** ******* portfolio ** ******** *** ******.”

****** ****, ***** *** **** ***** and ********* ********** - ** ***** were ******** **** **** ***** ********* (who ***** ******* *** ***** ***** not **** ***** ********) **** **** manufacturer *** *****. ***** **** ***** / **** ********* *** **** ************ rep ***** **** ******.

***** **** ********** ** **** **** they **** *** ******* **** *** ending **** ***** ******** *****, ***** is ********* * ***** ******* ** such * **********.

Upside - ****** **** *********

*** ***** ****** ** **** **** had ******** **** * **** ** sales *** ********* ********* ******** ** Bosch *** **** ***** ******** ***** players. ****** **** **** ***** ** significantly ****** **** '****' *********, *** organization ** ** *** *** ***** to *********** ******* **** **** ****** field *************.

***** **** ** ***** ******** ******** an *********** *** **** *********.

Downside - ******* **** ********

*** ******* ******** *** **** *** same *** ***** - *** '***********' and **** - ***** *** *** new **** *******? **** ***** ***** new ******** **** **** **** *** releases. ***** ******** ** ** **** few *** **** ******* *** ******* to *** ***** ** ***** *** names ****** *** ********.

*** **** *** **** **** **** the ********** ****** ** ******* ******** the *********** *** ********, **** ***** return *** ******* ******* ******* ******* in *** ******.

***** ********* **** **** ** *** control **** ** ******* ******** *** roadmap, *********** **** **** *** ***** the **** ** ****, **** ***** being *** ************ ****, *** *** development *** ****. ** ****, ** is *** ***** ** **** ** cameras *** **** ** * ******** to **** (****** **** ******* * top ******** ** ******* ** ***** and ******** **** ** ****** ***********).

Sony ** ****** ***** **********

** ******* **** ** ****** ***** have ** ** **********. ******* *** partnership ********** *** ****** *** ****** enough *** / ****** *******, ** is ************* **** ** *******.

Now - **** ****** ** ***** ***** ************

***** *** * ***** ***** ************ as ** *** ****** ******** ****** access, ********* *** ***** ************. **** can **** ***** **** **** ** part ** *** ****** ************* *** customers.

*******, **** **** ******* ** ******** can **** **** ** **** ** the ***** ***** ** ********* ***** has. *** ***** **** ******** ***** **** / ***** ********* ***** Axis ***** *****(*********** ** *****) *** ***** ***** surveillance ** ****** *********.

What ** **** ***** ************?

** *** ********* ** **** ******, Sony *** ****-******* ******* (**** *****, WDR, ***.) ** ********** ********** ****** (e.g.,*** *** **** ***** ****). ***, ** *** ***, **** has *****, **** ********* ***** ******, and ** ***** *********** ***********.

** ****, ** ** **** ** be ********** ****** **** ******* ** reinvigorate ** ****** *********** (***** ****** they **** *** ***** *** ********* to ** *** ******* ******* **** have *** ************** ** *******). **** comes ** *** **** **** ***** Sony's **** ****** ***** ,*********, *** **** *** ***** ***** surveillance *****, ****** **** **** *********. **** Sony **** ******* ** ** **** but, ** *** **** * ***** are *** ******** *** *** ******, it ** *** *******.

Vote / ****

Comments (14)
Undisclosed #1
Jul 03, 2019

The camera market is tough right now. There is minimal differentiation among the various brands, with cost and field presence (sales) being two of the primary determining factors in success. Sony has excelled on neither in recent years.

It is really hard to turn around a brand once your customers have migrated some place else.

I think what really happened here is Bosch said to Sony "we'll keep your cameras on our price list, but the sales people need to either go, or become Bosch sales people". It didn't make sense to keep a dedicated Sony team, plus I'm sure Bosch can use the previous Sony space in their ISC West booth for extra storage :)


Undisclosed #2
Jul 03, 2019

I for one do not see the Bosch sales people pushing Sony products and I even have a hard time believing the Sony sales people will push Sony products now that they will have access to Bosch. 

Undisclosed #5
Jul 03, 2019

Sounds like a bunch of BOSCHit.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #7
Jul 08, 2019

Prior to this change, The Bosch Sales people were not authorized to sell Sony and would refer you to the Sony only Sales people. In addition, even if they can now sell Sony products they are obviously going to push what they know. As they develop a feel for where the Sony products fit in the lineup, I'm sure you will see Sony products pushed for projects where they fit. This has always been the way Bosch sells. They sell a solution that is right for the customers needs. If Sony is what is right that's what they will push.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Jul 03, 2019

Very interesting timing on this; Bosch was in our office just last week and I asked them about the Sony partnership.  They didn't have a clue what the plan was.  That came from both the distribution folks that were here as well as a local and regional Bosch employee.

In our market (Texas and DFW specifically), Sony has totally disappeared.  The rep firm that used to have Sony now has Hanwha.  This was the first time in 5 years that Bosch has even showed up.

I have been personally predicting that Sony would drop the camera line in North American and just keep the imager business.

Very interesting.

Undisclosed #4
Jul 03, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Sony of a Bosch!

Brian Rhodes
Jul 03, 2019
IPVMU Certified

= 0.5/10

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Jul 04, 2019

The only Sony camera that is significant to me is the SNC-VB770
Nothing special or unique about the rest.

Jason Crist
Jul 08, 2019
IPVMU Certified

The VB770 a very important piece in our sales pipeline as well. The VM772R is too, we’ve had great success with those 4K models. There have been some frustrations being a Sony dealer over the past decade, an indoor lower cost IR illuminated cam being one, but video and hardware quality have kept us on board. Well those items and fantastic channel control... hoping for the best here and already using more Bosch. If. Is he could keep the multi-imager and the 2 4K models it would be almost perfect. We shall see

Sean Fitzgerald
Jul 08, 2019
IPVMU Certified

I will just say this: Over the past 6 years or so, it has been an immense challenge to do anything requiring the use of Sony's security camera website - finding replacements for obsolete cameras, finding firmware (current or legacy), or even finding information on the cameras themselves.

Since Bosch, the website has been improved, and I am able to find documentation and firmware easily.

Jason Crist
Jul 08, 2019
IPVMU Certified

The Bosch “merger” or whatever you call it has been great. Sony went from 1-2 repair contacts to 20 overnight. The Bosch service center is amazing and was a great improvement. Of course, we rarely had to use and Sony service with well over 1,000 in service in our area. 

Undisclosed Manufacturer #8
Jul 08, 2019

Does anyone know if Frank Ryan still has a job and is Sony still using manufacturer reps ?

Undisclosed Integrator #9
Jul 08, 2019

The article stated that all employees and rep firms will remain in place.

Jason Crist
Jul 08, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Frank is the best! 
