Axis 4K vs. 5MP Camera Shootout (Q3518-LVE + Q3517-LVE)

Published Oct 04, 2018 14:45 PM

**** *** ******** *** ** *********** to ***** *** *****-*** (*** *** ****).

**** ****** ** **** ***** *******:

****** ***, **** *****(**)-*** ******** *** best ***** ******* ********.

*** ***** *** ** ***** ****?

** ****** *** ****** *** ** Q3518-LVE ** *** *** ** ******** to *** ***** ********** ***********, ******* in ******** **** ***** ******, *********:

  • on
  • *** ***** (*-* ***) ***** ******* in ***** ****
  • ******* **** ***** ******* ******
  • *** ***********
  • ********** ** ******** ********
  • ********** ** *****
  • ********* ***********
  • ******** ******** **********
  • ************ ******
  • ******** ********/******** ********
  • ******* **********

****: **** ** *** ***** ** a ****** ** ******* ** ****** tests, ******* ** * ******** ** the ****** ******. ** **** **** to **** *** ****** **** *****, Hikvision, *******, *** ******. *** ** know **** ** ****** **** ** our **********:**** ** ******* ****** ** ******* In * ********?

Summary: ** ********** ******/********* **** ********

******* *** ** *****-*** ********* **% greater ***** *******, ***** ******* *********** in *** ***** **** ****** *******.

*** ** ***** ******** ****** ** moderate ***** ** ******* ******** ** the *** *****, **** ******* ** close ***** ** IR ** *** ******* **** *** scenes, **** **** ****** ************* ** low ***** (*-* ***) ***** *******.

************, *** *********** *** ******* ******* cameras ** **** *****, ******** ****** with *******/******* ***** ** **** ** static ****** **** **** ******** ********.

*******, *** ** ******'* ********* *** significantly ****** **** *** *** ***** in *** ****** ******, **** ********* on (****) *** ******** ****** ** the *****, **** **** ************ *** megapixel. ******* ** ****, *******-********* ***** may **** *** *****'* ****** ********** do *** ******** *** ********* *********.

Pricing **********: ~$*** ******* **** *** *****

*** *****-*** ***** *** $*,*** *** online, ***** $*** **** **** *** 5MP *****-*** (~$*,*** ******).

***** ******* ** ******* ** **** 4K ***********, **** ** *** ********* **-*********-****(~$*,***), *** ******* ****** **********'* ***-*****(~$*** ******).

Physically **** *******

*** ***** ** ******** **** ******* to *** *****, ***** *** **** housing *** ******, **** *** **** PoE, *****, *****, *** */* *****, and ********* ** **** *****, ***** below.

******* ** ***** ************, ***** ******** with ***** *** ******* **** **** few *********** ** *** ******** ******** of *** *****. ** ****** **** details ** *** ***'* ************ ** the *** ** **** ******.

Both ******* ****/****** ** **** *****

** *** *****, **** *** ***** and ***** *** ***** ********* ***/~***' IR *****, **** ************ ******* ** this ********. *******, ************ *** ********** weak, **** **** ********* ********, *** details *********** *** ** *** *** (~10 *** ** ***** ****** ***, ~25 *** ** **** *********). ******* are ***** ** *********** *****.

Q3518 ****** ************ ** **** ****

*******, *** *****'* ************ *** ******* less **** **** *** ***** ** wide ****** ** ****, **** *** sides ** *** ***** ** **** significantly ****** **** *** ******.

** ******** ****** ** ****, ************ was **** ** **** *******, *** noticeably ******** ** *** **** ** the *****.

[effects output image]

Better *****/** ******* ** ***** ***** (~*.** ***)

** ***** ** * ~*.** *** scene, *** ** ***** ******** ******** better ****** ** *** ******* **** the *****, **** ****** ****** ****** and *-* ********** ******* ***** ** text.

q3518 slightly better ir details at close range

No ********* ********** ** ***/**** ***** (*****, ~*.** ***)

** ****** ******, *** ***** ******** slightly ****** ******* ** *** ******* and **** *****, *** **** *** deliver *** ********** ****** ******* ******** to *** *****.

similar performance at mid range

*******, ** *** *******' *** ** range, ~***'/***, ******* *** ***** *******, with *** ** ***** ******** ****** than *** *****.

similar performance at long range

4K ***** ****** ******* **** *** ** ***** ****, ~* ***

** ~* *** ** ***** ****, the ***** ******* **** ****** ****** of ******* ***** *** *********, ********* slightly **** ******* ** *** *******'* face **** *** *** *****. *******, 2 ********** **** ***** *** ******* in *** ***** ******** ** *** Q3517, ***** ******* ***********.

4k worse details in color mode 30

** ~**' *** ******, ******* *** practically ******* ** *** *** *******, with ** ****** ******* ** *** subject *** ** ******* ******* ****.

4k worse details in color mode 60

Slight ******** ** ******* *******

** ***** *****, ~**' ******** ** a **** ***** ** **** (~**°), the ** ***** ******** ******** ******* details ** **** ******* ******** **** as **** *** ****, ** **** as *** ********** **** *****.

4K Slightly Better Daytime Details At Close Range

*** **** ** **** ** ****** distance, ~**', **** *** ******* *** text **** *********** ** *** *****, though **** ***** ******* *********.

4K Slightly Better Daytime Details At Long Range

Similar *** ***********

** ****** *** ** *** *********, first * *** **** *******/******* **** the ******* ******** ** ***** *** WDR ****** **** *** *** *** camera ******* ** ******* ** *****. In **** *****, **** ******* ********* very *********, **** ***** ********** ** the ******* **** *** ***** ******* of *** ******* ********** ** ** enters.


******, ** ******* *********** ** * static ********* ***** **** **** ******** door, **** ******** ******* **** ~**,*** lux ******* ** ~** ******, **** a **** **********.

wdr test field of view

** **** *****, *********** ** *** two ******* ** *******, *** ******** better ** *** *** *****, ***** produces ****** ****** ** *** ****** area ****** *** ****.

wdr comparison

Bitrate **********

*****-*** ** ******** **** *********** ****** than *** *****-*** *** **** *** and *****, **** ********* ********* **** double **** ** *** *****.

axis q35 bitrate comparison

*******, **** ********** ** ******* *** megapixel, ******* ******** *** **/* *** nearly *** **** ** **** ******. The ***** ***** ******* ***** ******** remains, *******.

bitrate per megapixel

Integrated *** ******** / ***** *******

*** ***** ******** ** ********** *** adapter ***** ** *** ****** ** the *******, **** **** ******** *** single *** ****** ****, ** **** as ******* *** *" ****** *****. This ********** ************, ** ****/**** *********** options ******* * ******** **** *** box ********, ** ********** **** *** easily ********* **** ********.

************, *** ********* ** *** ***** housing ******** *** ***** ** ****** slack *******. **** ***** ** ****** cable ***** ** *** ******* *** be **** ****** ******* **** *** backplate, ******* ** * **** ***** length ** ***** ******** *** ******* directly, ** ****** **** **** *** wall/ceiling ***** ** *** ******.


Snap-In ****** ******

*******, **** *** *****, *** ** camera **** * **** ** ****** module, ***** ****** ***** **** *** backbox *** *** ****** *****. ***** this, *** ******* *** ** **** easily ******* *** ***-****** ****** ************ without **** ** *** ****** ** dome, **** ********** **** ******* ** snap ** *** ****** *** ****** the **** **********.

Physical ********

** ****** *** ******* *****, ** well ** ***** ******** ******** ** this *****, ***** **** *** **** of *** *****:

Other ******** ********

**** *** *****, *** ***** **** includes * ****** ** ******** ******** due ** *** **-***** **** ******, also ***** ** ***** * ****** cameras, *********:

  • ***** *********:*** ***** ** ******* ** ********* impacts ** *** ******, ***** *****, with ********** ***********.** *****, *** ****** *** ******* a **** *******, **** ******, *** serial *******, ** ***** ********* ********* by ****' ****** ********.

  • ********** ***** *************:*** ***'* ***** ************* *** ********** to ******* ***** ******* **** ******* to ********** ** ******** *******/*******, ***** below.

  • ******** ******:** ******* *** ******** ****** ** the ****** *** ** *******, *** camera ****** * *******/******* ********** ** when *** ****** ** *****. **** level, *** **** ***** ******* *** remains ******, *** **** ****** ****** turn *****, ***** ** **** ****:

Shock *********

*** ***** ******** ***** ********* ** addition ** ***** ****** ********* *********, which ******* ******* ** *** ****** with ********** ***********. ** *****, *** camera *** ******* * **** *******, send ******, *** ****** *******, ** other ********* ********* ** ****' ****** settings. **** **** ***** ****** *** not ********** ** **** *****, *** are ********* ** ******* *** *********.

Electronic ***** *************

*** *****'* ***** ************* *** ********** to ******* ***** ******* **** ******* to ********** ** ******** *******/*******, ***** below.

Versions ****

*** ********* ******** ******** **** **** in **** ****:

  • **** *****-***: *.**.*
  • **** *****-***: *.**.*
Comments (8)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Oct 05, 2018

Great shootout once again.

There seems to be a duplicate image from Q3518 under "Uneven Illumination In Wide AOVs", I believe the other one should be from Q3517.

Ethan Ace
Oct 05, 2018

Ah, thanks for pointing that out! Somehow I got the same image in there twice.

Undisclosed End User #2
Nov 04, 2018

Do you have any plan to test the Hikvision DS-2CD5585G0-IZHS?

Ethan Ace
Nov 05, 2018

Yes, it's actually sitting on my desk right now. Not sure on test timing, since we are in the middle of moving, but it's on the list.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Dec 12, 2018

Any updates regarding test date of DS-2CD5585G0-IZHS?

Paresh Desai
Oct 05, 2018

Which one would work better to capture face at gated entrance? Day/night.  Some lighting. Camera would be installed on security booth.

Brian Anderson, CPP®
Oct 06, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Love these comparisons. Thanks IPVM.

Chris Chambers
Mar 23, 2019

In the 2 daytime details pictures, the light level is incorrectly listed as "~0.02 lux".  Perhaps a duplication from the low light night shots higher up.