Testing DMP XTLPlus / Virtual Keypad Vs Alarm.com & Honeywell

Published Dec 13, 2017 17:00 PM

*** *** * ****** ******** ** commercial ********* ******, *** *** ** residential. *******, *** *******'******** ******** ***** *************** ************ **** ** ******* *** ***, *** is ***'* *********** ** ***** **** platforms **** ********* ****, ****, *** Alarm.com ** ***** ******* *.*.

** ****** *** ****** ** ******* system *** ****** ******* ****** ********** app ** *** *** **** ** works. *** *** ****, ** ********* the *** ***** ***** **** ********** ***** ******, *** ******* *-**** ******* ******** to *** *** **** ** *****:

*** ****** ****** ********:

**** **** ** *** ******** *****.*** **** ******** ******* *.* **** ** *** ******* ********* *******. ******, ** ****** our ******** ** *** **** *** system ********, ***** ** ** ****, and *** ** ******** ** ***** connected *******.

Key **** ********

*** **** ******* **** ***'* ********* panel *** ******* ** * **** performer ** ******* *** *****, *********:

  • ** **** ************* ******: **** ** ***, ***** **** DMP ** * ****** ********* ******. After *** ****** ** ********* *********, users ** *** **** ** ********* or **-********* ******* ** ********* *******. Once *****, ******* **** ***** **** if *********** ********* ** *****, ****** other '********* ***' *******.
  • ***** ******** ****** *******: *** **** *** **** ******** sensors ** ******* **** *** ********** panels ***, *** ****** **** ******** systems, **** ** ***** *** ********* for * ******* ** ************ ********* recessed ******** *** ******* *** ****** models.
  • ***** *** *** ******* ********: ********** ** ******* ** *** app ** *** *** ******, ****** management ** *** ****** ******** *** same ******** *** ********** *****.  ****** some ********* ********* **** ******* **** features **** ** *** *** ** only ** *** *******, ***'* ******* Keypad ** *** **** *******-**** *** both. ***** ********** ******* ************, ********* controls *** **** ** ****, ******* are ** ******* *****, *** **** a *** ******* ** *********** ** needed ****** ***** *********** **** *** system.
  • ** ****** ***** *** ***** *************: *** **** ***** ** *** most ***** *****, **** *** ******* hardware *** ** ******** ** ************* reliable ******** *** ******** ***** ********. At ** ***** ** *** ******* did * ***** ***** **** ** notify ***** '*** *** *****' ** VK's *** ** *******.

*******, *** **** ****** ******** ********** that ***** ** *** ******** *** prospective *********:

  • *** ********** *****: *** ** *** ******* ********** of***'* ********* ***** ** **** *** resolution, ***** ***** ******* (****: ** ** ***** ** ********* in *** ****) *** ***** *********** video **** *******. ******** ** *****-***** video ************ **** **** ****** ***** management ********, ****** **** **************, *** higher ********** ******, ***'* ********* ***** is ****.
  • *********** *-**** '*******' ********** *******: ****** *-**** ******* ** *** platform/panel ***** ***** **** **** *** attempt.  ** ******* ****-**** **** / *** ********** *-****, ********** ** ********* ********, *** only *** ****** *** ************** *** devices ******* ** ******** ** ******** Z-Wave '*******' *********. ** *** ****, we ***** ***** ******* **** ********** getting *** ***** ** ********* ****, sometimes ****** ******* *****, ****** ***** smarthome ****.
  • ** ***** ********: *** **** ***** *** '****** app' ***** ******** ****** ********* **** *** ********* ** ***** *******, Alarm.com, *** ******.***** *** ******* *** ********* ** will ******* * ********, *** ************ **** ** *** ******** set *** *** ******* ******** **** not ******* *** ***** *******.

Solid *** *** ****** ****** ** *****.*** ** ***** *******

*** ** *** **** *********** ****** of ***'* ******** ** '**** ********' supervision *** ********** ** *** ******'* wireless *******. ** ***** ** *************,*** **** * *-*** ******** ******************* ** *********** ***** ******* **** leave **** ********** ** ******* ** described ** *** ** **** ** *** ***** System.

*******, ****** *********, *** ** ******** dealer ********* ********* ******* ** ********** markets *** *** ****** ** *** available ******* ************.  *** ** ** compatible **** *** *****, ***-*** ******, like *****.***.  ************, *** ***** *** consumer ***** *********** ** ******, ********** Honeywell. 

*** *********** ** ******* ****** ********, unfamiliar ***** ****, *** *** '***********' use ***** **** ******* *** *** VK ****** *** **** **** ******* uptake ** *** ****** *********** ****** market.  *** ********** **** *** *** repackaged *** ******* ****** *** *********** focused ******* ** ******. *** *** section ***** ** **** *** **** details.

DMP *** **** ***** ***** ********

** ***** ** ********, *** ******* uses * ***** (~*" * *" X *") ****** ***** **** ** wirelessly ********* ** * *********** *********** keypad *** ****** *******. *** ***** ***** shows *** ******.  *** ****** *** either ** ********* ** * **** or *** ** ****** ** ** desk ********* ** ***** **** *** powered *** ****-*** **** ***********:

*** ****** ****** ** ******* **** comparables **** ********* ** **** ***** panels. ****** **** *********, *** ********* the **** ******* ***** *** *** keypad **** ********* ******* **** *** wirelessly ******, *** *** ** **** mounted ** *** **** ********* ** existing ***** *******.

*** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** systems ** * **** **********:

Uses ********** *** *******

****** **** *********** ******* **** *** specific ********, ******* ******** *******, *** uses *** **** ********** ******** ******* that **'* ****-*** ** ****** ****.**** **** ** ****** ******** **********, ********* ******, ******** *** motion ******, *** ******** ******* ******. 

** ****** ******** ******* ***** *****, pet-immune ***, *** ******** ****** *** experienced ** ****** ** ************ ** operation:

Home ********** **********

***** **** *** ********* ******, *** touts *** ******* ** ** '********** hub' **** ********** *-**** *****, **** to ********* ** *** ******* ***-******** devices **** ***********, ******, ****** *********, and *****/ **** *******. ***** ******* are ********** ********* ******* *** *****'* interface **** **** *** ***** ******.

***** ********** ***** *-**** '*******' ******* sometimes ******** *** ** ***** ********, our ******* ****** *** *-**** *** to ** ******** *** ********** ** control ** ********* ******* **** ** extended **** ** ******* *********** ** end ******.

Virtual ****** ********

*** ******** **** ** ******* *** automation *** ****** ********** ****** ** the ****** ** ****** "******* ******". *** *** ** ********* *** ***, ***** **, *** *******. ***** *** *** requires * ******** ************ ****** *** monthly ******* ****, ******* ** $**-$** per *****, *** ****** ****** *** and ********** ** *** *** ***** system, *** *** ********** '*********' * Wave ******* *** ***'* ***** ***** *******.

*** ****** ** **** ********* ** web ******, ********* *** **** *********, features, *** ******* ****** ** *** app. *** *** *** ****** ** 'white *******' ********* *** *** ********* dealer, ** ******* ******** ****** ***** (Dealer **** ******** ****), **** ** the ******** *** ******:

Limited ****** *********

*** ******** ***** **** *********** ****************, ****, *** ********. *** ********* is ***** ** ********* *** *** camera ****** *** ******* ** **** resolution *** ***** ***** *******.  

****** ****** *** ******* ** ** IR ********, ** ******, ****** **** IR **** *** *** ******.***** ****** *** *** ********** **********, *** **** *** *** wide ***, ***** ******* ******* ** fixed ******** ******.

** ****** *** ** ****** **** model. ** ****** *** ****** ***** both **** *** ***** *********** ** * local ******, ********* **' - **' away **** * ***.**/*/* ****** ******* through ******** *****. *** ********* ****** exhibited **** ** ********** *********** ** either *************.

***** *** ****** **** ****** ******** IR ****, *********** ** **** *** generally ******* *' - *' **** the ****** *** **** ** *** FoV *****. *******, *** *********** ** low **********, ***** ******, *** ********** cube **** ****** ***** *** ****** must ** ***** ***** ** ******* in *********** ***** ********* *******.

*** ******* ***** ***** **** ***** video ** ********* ** * ***** thumbnail ** *** ******* ** ***, video ********** ** ******** ***** ** limited ** *** **** ** * time *** ***** *** ********* *************** in ******* *** *** *** ******** or ********** ** *****:

****** **********, ******* ** ** ****** clips, *** ** ********* *** ****** in *** '*******' *** *** *** not ********* ********* ***** ** **********.

*** ****** **** ***** *********** ******* resolution *** ***** ******* ** ***'* Securecom ****** ****:

Central ******* ********** ***** ********

*** ******* ****** ** ** ***-** ******* allowing ******* ** ** ******** ********** on *********** *** ***, *** **** not ******* ************ *** ******* ******* monitoring. The ******** ******** ****** ********** *** intrusion *** **** ********** ** ******* **** lightbulbs, ***********, *** **** *****.

*******, ***** ********** ** ******* ******** and ********* ****** ** * *** dealer ********* ******. *** ******* *** terms ** ********** *** *** *********** of *** ********** ******. ** ** *** a ******* ******* ********** ******. 

App **. *******

**** *** *** *** ********** ********** are *******, ********* ********* ** ***** scheme. *********** ** * **** ** familiar **** *** *********, **** **** find ***** ******** *******, *********** ****** navigation. ****** ***** ** **** *** included *****, ***** *** ***** ***:

*** **** *** ******* ******. **** nomenclature *** ****** ******** ** *** app *** *** **** *** ****:

Z-Wave ********** & ****** ***********

** **** *** '*********' ************, ** installed** ******* *-**** **** *** ********* ** ** ** *******. The *********** *** ********** ** *** thermostat **** ** *** ********, *** sending * ******* **** *** **********, even ***** **** ******* ** **********:

*** ***** ***** ***** *** ********* of *** ********** ** *** *** portal:

** *******, ********** *********** ** *********** and *-**** ****** *** ******** *** equal ** ****** *** *** *** with ******* ********* ******* '******' **** the *****:

System *******

*********, ******* ** **** ******** ****** and ******* *********** **** ********** **** offerings *************, **** ******* ********* ******* **% - **% ****. *******, *** ** a ******-******* *****, *** ******* ******** are *** ****** ***** **** *** factory ******** ****** ** *** '****' market ** ******. ****** *** ******** using ** ********** ******, *** **** support ** ******* ***** ** **** channel. 

******* *** ******* ********* ** *** offer **************** '$** **** ** ********', ***'* ****** ** ****** ******* to ******-*** *********** *** ********** ********* rather **** *** ***-*** '**** *******' systems **** ** **** ******** ***** companies.

* **** ** ********** ******* *** prices ***:

Competitor ********* ********

**** * ********* **** ***********, *** VK ********* ******* (~$** - $** per *****) *** **** ********* **** competitors **** *****.*** ******** ******* *.*, **** * ******* ******* **** of $** - $** *** *****. For **** *****.*** *** *** **, those ******* *** ******* ********** ******* station ********** ***** ** ******, *** subtract ******* $** - $** *******.

******** ************ ** ** ******* *** common *******:

  • *****.******* * ************* ***** ** ****, ADC *** ******* **** * ****** of *** ***** ******, *** ******** higher ********** ******* *** ***** ******** support.  *******, *** ****** **** ******** sensor *****, ********* *******, **** ***** points,  *** **** *-*** *********** ** sensors **** *** ******* ********* ****.
  • ***** ******* *.*: *********'* *********** ********* **** *** is ************* **** **+ ********* ****** models ******* ** *** *********** ****** and ********** ************ ******* *** *** online, ********* **** ********* ** ********** installed *******. ***** *********'* *********** *********** in **** ********, ***** *********** ** higher *** ********* ******** **** ** lower **** ***.

XTLPlus **. ******

***** ******* ** ******* / ******** / ******** ** *********** ********* *** small ********, ***'* *********** ****** *********** has **** ******.  ** ********, *** has ************ ******* *** *** ** app **** * ******* ****** ****** *** *** ***********-**** ******* ****** *******.

*** ***** ** * ******** ** the ********** ***** ** ******* (**********) DMP *******, *** ***** ******* *********** market ********. *** ****** ******** ** ********** ******** *** *** *********** ******, *** Secura ******* *** ******* ******** **** selling ** ** ********** *********:

***** *** ******** ** *** '**** panel ** ********* **** ****** ******* and **** * ********* ******-****** ***', the ******* *** ***** ***********/********* *** essentially *** **** **** ******* ********** pricing.

******* ****** ******** * *********** ******* D2D *******, **** * ********* ***** app *** *** ****** ** * *********** Sales & ********* ****** *******, ******* geared ****** ***** ******** *** **** to **** *****, ******** ** *********** commercial *** *******.

Comments (4)
Mark Hillenburg
Dec 14, 2017

[Poster works for DMP]

John: Another very thorough review. You guys really do a nice job and put in lots of work into these.

I have two comments:

1. "users must work through the dealer for motion changes and lack the ability to mask or change motion sensitivity from their own interfaces." .
..this is actually not the case, the end user has control of the motion detection regions, sensitivity...etc.

2. "Central Station Monitoring Still Required"

DMP Virtual Keypad is an add-on service allowing systems to be remotely accessible on smartphones and web, but does not replace requirements for central station monitoring."
...Typically this is the case, but we actually pioneered the concept of "On Demand Monitoring" where the dealer can choose to offer a non-monitored account...or one that is monitored in an uber like fashion...just when the subscriber wants. More information located here: Digital Monitoring Products | DMP OnDemand Monitoring

Hope this clarifies those two points...


Brian Rhodes
Dec 14, 2017
IPVMU Certified

Thanks Mark:

1) I took that out, and confirmed those features are there. Here's an app screenshot and a short explanation of my confusion:

In order to access the features, it is a two-step process.

Users hit the button adjacent to camera name. (arrow #1)

Then an option to 'Edit' is shown. I wrongly assumed this was to edit the camera name, but after hitting it, a gear is shown. (arrow #2)

From there, options are available to change VMD or motion field settings.

2) Our post: Fighting Back Against DIY, DMP Opens OnDemand Monitoring and Company Store may help readers get bearings on the options a DMP may offer for monitoring.

In a general sense, what percentage of accounts use central station versus self-monitoring?

Mark Hillenburg
Dec 16, 2017

99% are monitored now. But we have options. :-) 

Christopher Freeman
Dec 14, 2017

camera looks like Hik 3 mpxl i installed months ago