Should IPVM Provide Manufacturer Specific Product Training?

John Honovich
Sep 09, 2018

IPVM provides general / fundamental training, e.g. 2018 Camera Book2018 Access Control Book2018 IP Networking Book. While we test lots of specific product models, we do not do 'training' per se on manufacturer lines.

What if IPVM did the 'Unauthorized Handbook / Training for Axis / Dahua / Hikvision, etc."? Would that be redundant since you get enough from the manufacturer themselves or could IPVM provide value in pointing out issues or solving problems when using specific lines?

I am just throwing out the idea to get feedback so feel free to critique or object.

Michael Miller
Sep 09, 2018

Would this be official "authorized" manufacture training or supplemental? 

John Honovich
Sep 09, 2018

Given our general independence stance, it would not be 'authorized' because (whether or not a manufacturer 'likes' us), we would not want to create the perception that we are being backed by a manufacturer.

At that same time, we would certainly share feedback and invite manufacturers to give us input as we do with testing and discussions here.

Michael Miller
Sep 09, 2018

Some manufactures contract out training I guess my question was geared more towards this model and would there be a business case for IPVM get in this space. 

  I have attended many manufactures training and nothing annoys me more than having a trainer that has no real-world experience and just follows the book.   Getting a bunch of experienced techs/engineers in a room and sharing ideas and experience is invaluable.  I like the idea of like level 2 advanced training. 

John Honovich
Sep 09, 2018

Thanks, yes, definitely not any contract with any manufacturer, as that would compromise our independence. It could be a good model for some other organization but us.

Related to the experienced techs, we have been considering a tech event where we would have lots of equipment on hand (cameras, VMSes, analytics) etc. and examine performance, discuss issues, etc.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Sep 09, 2018

I, for one, would trust a training or manual from IPVM a lot more than I would trust one by Axis, Bosch, Hikvision, Milestone, or whatever. 

You can't trust a manufacturer to tell you the stuff their product doesn't do well, after all, or how to work around it. 

Chalon Dilber
Sep 09, 2018

My preference would be for those resources to be spent on more testing of new or unusual products as well as those from second tier manufacturers, not to mention those making aggressive/ridiculous marketing/performance claims.

Regarding "could IPVM provide value in pointing out issues or solving problems when using specific lines?" - YES and the user questions/comments is a great resource for this as well as an opportunity (perhaps a test it button or survey question) to bubble up those of high interest to your subscribers and for IPVM to test/confirm.

Also, really like the idea of the tech event.

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