Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about IPVM.

Q. What is IPVM?

IPVM is the physical security industry's leading source of news, product testing, reviews, and discussions. Our team continuously researches, tests, and analyzes the market to help business people make better decisions.

More details are available on the IPVM subscription details page.

Q. How do I become an IPVM subscriber?

Go here to become an IPVM subscriber.

Q. How do I get updates on new IPVM releases?

Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, or join our newsletter.

Q. How do I join the IPVM newsletter?

All subscribers are automatically added. If you are not a subscriber, just download our free book and we will add you.

Q. What if I cannot find the information that I am looking for?

Subscribers can contact us; we will gladly help them find information, even if we have not already covered a topic.

Q. Do you have a discussion group / forum?

Yes, we have thousands of discussions available to our subscribers. Go to IPVM Discussions.

Q. Can I use IPVM to promote my product or service?

No, promotion is not allowed. Promotion will result in the termination of the subscription. It is important that we are not used / misused in vendor marketing.

Q. What are the terms and conditions of an IPVM subscription?

Here are our Terms and Conditions of subscription.

Q. What if a video does not play?

The most common problem is a firewall blocking video streams. Check if your company blocks streams. If not, contact us and let us know the specific video you are having problems playing.

Q. How do I reset my password?

Go here: Reset Your Password

Q. Can I share my subscription with others?

Personal subscribers cannot share their login with anyone else.

Q. How do I check when your next subscription renewal is?

Log in, go to the settings page and under the 'Account and Billings' section, your plan and renewal date is listed.

Q. How do I get an invoice for a future payment?

Go to our automated invoice generation form.

Q. How do I get a copy of my receipt?

You can download them online, by logging in, going to the settings page, 'Account and Billings' section, click 'Get Receipts'.

Q. How do I share access with my co-workers?

Account admins can create logins for their co-workers by going to the Group Management section.

Q. How do I update my billing information?

Log in and go to the update billing section.

Q. How do I reactivate my subscription?

Just log in, and you will receive a prompt to update your billing to reactive.

Q. How do I cancel my subscription?

Just log in and click on the 'cancel account' link, as shown below:

IPVM Image

When your subscription is canceled, it will then show the date your subscription will expire:

IPVM Image

Q. How do I get a refund?

Just contact us, and we will provide a refund anytime within seven days of the new Info+ subscription, no questions asked. Please note - IPVM Enterprise and Research subscriptions can not be refunded.

Q. How do I reach customer support?

Contact us by email or phone: (800) 952-IPVM