Privacy (255)

Displaying 'Privacy' tags 251 - 255 of 255 in total

Can the UK Predict Crimes on Buses?

Though many are criticizing a UK research project, a deeper look shows that the project is technically feasible though faces privacy concerns. For...

By John Honovich - almost 15 years ago

Fears about Public Video Surveillance

A web video interviewing Pennsylvania citizens demonstrates the level of fears many have about surveillance. The video is produced by a group in...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Encrypting People in Video Surveillance Feeds

A magazine article this week covered a new feature from 3VR that encrypts people within video surveillance to protect the innocent. While it should...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

UK School Surveillance Examined

A video report on UK School surveillance: The debate centers around internal school surveillance - viewing and recording inside of classrooms...

By John Honovich - about 15 years ago

Does Video Surveillance Threaten Privacy?

The most pervasive criticism of video surveillance is the risk of destroying privacy -- that video surveillance will become Big Brother, enabling...

By John Honovich - over 15 years ago

Displaying 'Privacy' tags 251 - 255 of 255 in total