ZeroNow, Funded By Surveillance Tech Sellers, Aims To End School Shootings

Published May 14, 2024 15:11 PM

Nonprofit ZeroNow says its goal is to end school shootings and school violence. But co-founded by Omnilert's former CEO, the group is mainly funded by security company members who get to present to school officials.

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Sales and marketing representatives who join the group are provided with access to an online "community" that includes school officials and are granted opportunities to spotlight their brands, including in in-person events.

The founders, in an interview with IPVM, passionately advocated for promoting school security and that the "collective impact model" they use helps address the "one big sales pitch" that predominates in the market and takes advantage of legislators who do not know enough about school security.

In this report, we examine ZeroNow, our interview with its founders, its origins and structure, and risks for conflict of interest.

******* ** ********* ** *** ******* Alliance *** ***** ******* (****), ****** both *** ** ******* ****** ********. See****'* ******* ** **** **** ******** interview.

Executive *******

***** *******'* ********** *********** *** ****** of * **** ******** ******, ****** officials, *** ***********, *** ****** *********, Zero *** ** ********* *** *** funded ** ********** *******.

** ******** ** ****, **-******* *** Bagdasarian **** ******** ******* *********** ** the ***** ** ******* ****** ******, not ** **** ********. *******, *** first **** ***** *****’* ***** ****, ******, ** *** ****, ********** it *** ****** ** ******** *** pace *** ***** ** ********** **********:

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*********, ********** *** ****, *** ******* questions ***** ***** ***** ********** ****** be **** *** **** ********** ** either ************** ** ********.

Overview ** ************

*** ***** ** ********* ** ****(*)(*) “******** ******,"*** **** ******* ********* *********** **** by ***** ******** ** ********, *** was **-******* ***** ***********, *** ******* *** ****** *** of***** ******** ******* ********. ***** ******* ******* *************** *********** ********,****,*****, **********. *** ***** ************ ******** *** ******** **************** ****.

***** ****** * ****** ** *** group ** *** **** *****. ****** that, *** ********* *** ****** *********** director,**** ******, *** ******* **** ** *** group’s ******** ******* *** *** ****** during ******. ****** ********** ****** ** a ****** ******** ********** ******** ****** in ******, ********, ** *** **** of * ****** ****** ******** ** 2021. ** ************* ****** ************ ** the ************* *** ****** *********** *** * failure ** ******* * ****** **************** *** ********, ******** *** *** Evolv ******** ***** ******.

*** *****’* ******* ** ***** $***,*** annually ***** ****** ******** **** ******** members, ********* ** ***********. *** ******** mainly ******* ** *****-******* *****, ****** relations, *** ***********, **** ** ***** members ** ********** ****** * ******, according ** *** **** ******** ********* 990 **** **** ****.

******** ******** ************* ************ ****** ** ****** ************** *** opportunities ** ***** ****** ****** ** part ** ***** **********.

*********, *** ******** *** ********** ** **** ** ****** **** amount ** *** *** ** *** year ******* ****** ***********, **********,*** ******.

** *** ****** ******* *****, ** do *** ********* ***** **** ********* of ********. *** ********, ****** ********* who **** ** *** ***** *** guidance *** *** ** ***** ** the *********** **** **** ********** ***** and ********* *************** **** ** ******** its **********. **** ***** ** ********* to ***** **** ** ***** ******* on ********** **** ** ******* *** weapons ********* ***** ** *** ********'* interests ****** **** *** ********* ** students *** *******.


****** ********* *** ********* **** **** fueled ****** *** ************ ********** ** the ************-****** ********* ******. *******, *** industry *** **** ***** ****** *** legal ******** **** ********* *********, *** effectiveness ** *** ********, *** *** potential ***** ** **** ************ ** students.

*****, ** **********, *** ******** ******** ******* ****** ***************** ************ ***** ************* ** ***** *** ********** ********* claims. *********, ****** ******** ****** *** arguing *** * ******* ********* ** surveillance **** ********* *** ******* ******* funding *** "****** ************" ** *******.

**** ******* ****** ********* ** *** industry, ******* **** ********* ** * positive ***** ** ********* ** ****** safety. ** ********, ***:

ZeroNow **-********

******** ** ****, ******* *** ****** itself *"*****-**** ******** ** ***** *****, **********, and ********** ** **** ******* ***** for ****"*** * "*********** ******** ********* ** make ******* ***** ******* ********** ******." Describing *** *******, *** ***** **** in ***** ***** *********** ** ***:

....founded ** ********** ******** **********, **** **************, ******* ********, ******** *** ***** ***********, along with campus safety nonprofit partners the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA), NASPA (the Association of Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education), Campus Safety Magazine, and *** ****** ******** *********n. [Emphasis Added.]

*********, ** *** *******, ******* ********** its ******** ** *********** (*** ** also ********* ** *** *****), *** platform ************* ********, *** *** ******, *** ********* of******** **** ******* ****** ******** ************* *** ****** ** * ****** of *** **** ******** **** ********.

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Board *** **********

********* ** *** *******, ******* *** * **-****** *****. Including *********** *** ********, **** *** affiliated **** *** ********. **** ** the ***** ** ******* **** ************** *****, ** ********* ******* ********* *** Genetec.***** ****, **** ****** ******** ** Business *********** - ******** *********** *******'* ***** ********.

***-******** ***** ******* ******* ** ********** director *** *******, *** ***** ** staff ** *********** *********** ** ***** *** *********** Executives, ******* ********** **********, ********* ********* ** ******** **********, *** * ******* **** ********** with *** **** **********.

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Founders' ******** ** ******* *** *******

** ** ********* **** ****, *********** said ** ***** *** ****** ** around **** — *** ***** ***** Samaha's ************* ****** ********* ****** ** *** ******** **** shooting. *********** *** ****** ***** ********** issues ********** ****** ****** *** ******** improvements.

*********** **** ** ******* *** ** Samaha ***** ******** ******* ***** ** stepped **** ** *** ** ******** in ****. *********** **** *** *** and *** * **** ** ***********, ******** **** ******* *** **** year,************* ** ******** ** ********* **********. (Omnilert ** ***** ** ********.) * group ***** ** *** **** ******* is ***** **** *********** ***********.

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******** ***** *** ****** *******, *********** told ****:

* **** ****** ******** ** * citizen's **** ** ******* ***** *********. I ****** ** ******** *** *** Town ** ********'* ******** *********** ********** for ****** * *****, ** **** as **** *** ****** ** ****** of ******* ********* ********* *************.I **** **** ********** ** ******* ********* ******* ** ******** ******* *** **** ******* *** **** *****, *** * ******* ******** **** ********** ** *** ** **** ***** ****** * *** *** *******t. My intention is to serve one 4-year term, and I could not be more pleased with the accomplishments that our Council have achieved over the past 3.5 years.

I ***** **** ****** ********* *** *** ****** ********, ***** *** ********* ** ******* - making schools safer nationwide, and *******,* ********* ** ********* ** *** Washington ** ****** **** ********* * music ******** **** ****** ***** *** children’s ********* ** *** ******. [******** Adde*.]

Launching *******

******** ** **** ****, ***********, ******, and ***** ******** ************ ******** *******. Here *** *** ******** ** *** origins ** *** *****:

* *** *** ****, ****** ** years ***, *** *** *** * became *******...**'** **** ******* ***** *** fact **** ****** ****** ** **********. You're ***** ** **** ********* ************* doing ********* ******, *** ***? *** the **** ***'* ** ****get ******** ******** ** *** ****** *** ***** and discuss ways that we could actually make school safer?

***** * ****** ** ** ****** this ************, ** **** * ***** a *** *** ******** *** * told ***, "***, ******,I'm ***** **** **** **** ***. ***'* ** ****. Let's let's take this vision of bringing everyone to the table, different stakeholders." And so we embarked upon ZeroNow. The ******* ****** ******* *********** ** ***** ****. But it wasn't until July of 2021 that we started the organization. [Emphasis Added.]

Bringing ******** ************

*********** **** **** **** *** **** was ** ******** ********* ** *** problem ** ****** ******** ** ******** together ***** "************," ********* *************** ** educational ************, **********, ********** *********, *** individual *********. *** ******* ********** *** of ***** ************** ** ****** * role ** *******.

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*********** **** ****:

** ******* ** *** ********** ********** to ***** ******** **********, ******* *******, in *** *********, ****** *****, *** technologyinnovators **** **** *** *** ******* ***** *** ******* coming right to the table.

Everyone ****** ***** *** ** *** ****. If there's someone who represents an industry partner, they ***** ***** ***** *** ** *** ****. We sit around and we sit around a Zoom meeting like this and discuss specific issues that are impacting school safety.

**'** ****** ** ********* **** **** is **** ** ******* *** **** is *** **** ********, *** **** became ******** ** **** ** *** clear ****school ************** **** ***'* **** * *** ******* ** **** ****** ****** ***** ****. [Emphasis Added.]

Denying ********** *******

****** *** *********, ***** ******** ******* advisory ******* *************** ************ *******, ************ ********** **** *** ***** did *** **** * ***** ** marketing *****. ******, **** **** **** that *** **** *** ** ******* school ********* *** ************ **** ****** information ***** ****** ************ *** ********** than **** *** ********* *********. ********** called *** **** ** *** ******'* interaction **** ******* "*** *** *** sales *****."

**** ******** ***********, ****** ********* *** "getting ***** ***** **** ***** **** and ********** *******" *********, *********** ****. Vendors *** **** ********** ***********, ******* for ********** *******, *** *** *********** "have ** **** ***** ****** ******," Bagdasarian ****. ** *********:

State *********** **** ** **** ***** ****** ******. They don't understand the holistic approach, about having a safety team and understanding your vulnerabilities, and then from those vulnerability gaps, funding technology tools that can fill those gaps. It's the other way around. It's *** *** *** ***** *****.

We **** ******* **** ********** ************** ** *** ***** ********. We're advocating for a holistic approach — giving school administrators and policymakers a big picture. [Emphasis Added.]

"Collective ****** *****"

*** ******* ******* ***** ******** ********** how ** ******* ** ***** ************ together *** *** **** ******* ** expected ** ***** ******* ******* "********** impact."

************ **** *******,*** ******* ******: "** ******* ***** * ********** Impact ***** **** *** ****** ****. We ***** ******** ************ **** * common ****** ** ******* *** ****** safety ******** **** *** *** ***."

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"Path ** ***** *******"

** ** ******* ** *** "******** approach," *********** ********** *** *****'*"**** ** ***** *******,"* ****** ** *********** *********. ** described "****"** * **** ********* *******:

****** ************** *** ***** **** *** daunting **** ** ********** ****** ********without * ***** ******* ** ***** ** * ***** — akin to assembling a puzzle without the top with a picture on the box. The **** ** ***** ****** ****** **** ******* *****, ****** * ***** ****** *** ****** with the tools and resources from the ZeroNow community and our Partners. We want to convey a clear message that safe schools are possible. [Emphasis Added.]

*** *-**** ****, ******** ** *** ZeroNow *******, ******** *** ********* ********.

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Surveillance ********** ***************

***** "******* ** ******* **** **********," the ***** ***** *** ********* ***************:

  • ******* ***** ****** *********, *********panic *******, ** *** *********, *** ******* that can automate communications with first responders, staff, and the safety team [Emphasis Added]
  • ****** ************** *** ********** **** ******** and *** ** ********* **** * threat ** ********
  • ********* * ***** ***** ** ******* with ******* **********, ******* *******

"********" ************ ****** ******* ********* ************ Systems [***], ******** *******, ******* ********* including ****** *** *********, ********* ******* detection, *** ******* *********, ************* ************** systems, *-*** ******, ******* *** *********** awareness *********, ***** *******, *** ********* window ****. ** ******** ********* *** mentioned.

***** "******* ****," *** ***** **** recommends ****** ****** ***********, ********** * behavioral ****** ********** ****, ******** * "culture ** ******," *** ****** * mechanism *** ****** *********.

"It *****'* ***** **** ****** **********"

*********** ******* **** ****:

It *****'* ***** **** ****** **********. It starts with leadership. Who owns your safety team? Do you have a safety director for your district? Who else is on this duty team? What *** **** **** *** *************** for your specific district? How do you know whether to buy cameras or [ballistic] film or access control systems or a PA system or two-way radios under you understand what your school district's [safety needs] look like? [Emphasis Added.]

** ******* *** *****'* ********** ** technology ** ****:

** ***** **** ** *** ********** that ****** * ****** ***** * major ********** ** ****** ******** **********,a ****** **** ****** ** ***********. A team led by an experienced individual familiar with a multi-layered safety strategy. Any technology investment should be targeted based on a thorough assessment of the school's security vulnerabilities.

********** ******** ***** ********** *** ********** significantly.Incorporating ******** ********** ****** * ******* ****** ******** *** ***** ********** ****** ********* ************, thereby averting potential dangers. [Emphasis Added.]

*** ***** ******** ********* ******* ** ****** ****** *********, ********* ** ******* ** "*** first, *** **** ******* ******* ** establish * ******** ********, *************, ********, and ********** ********* *** ****** ****** Directors."

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Structure & ****** *****

*********** **** **** **** "** *** organization ** ****** *** **** *** than *** ******" ** *** ***** and ****** *** ***** "****-********" ******** ********* ***** ** *******.

** ** ***** ** ****, ** said:

ZeroNow *** * ***** ********** *********, which includes an Advisory Council and a Board of Directors. The Advisory Council makes recommendations that the Board of Directors reviews and decides on officially. Our ***** ** ****-********, **** ******* **** ****** **********, *********, ********, *** **** ********.

No *** ************ ** ****** *** **** *** **** *** ******. In fact, industry members are open to input and insights from the other sectors, especially the education sector and associations. Like ** *********, **** **** ** *****-*********** ** ***** *** ********* across multi-disciplinary education fields facilitates the development of school safety innovations and insights. [Emphasis Added.]

Industry-Partner ******

* ******* ** *******'* ******* **** suggests **** *** ** *** **** constituencies **** ***** *****. *******, *** group *** ******** ********** ****** **** provide *** "******** ********" **** *********** influence.

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*** *****'* ******* ***** ****** ******** from "******** ********." ********** ********* ****** the ********* **** **** **** ******** partners, ***** *** *********** ********* ** dollars **** **** ** ****, ************* fund *** ************.

** ****, **** *** ***** *** founded, ** *** ***** ******* ** $98,190, ***** **** **** "*************, *****, grants, *** ***** ******* ******* ********," according ** *******'***** ****** ******* ******** ** *** *.*. ******** Revenue *******.

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**** ****** *** ***** *** *** publicly ********* ***. *********** **** **** that *** ******* ******* ****** ***** $150,000 ******** *** ***** ****** ******** from ******** *******.

* ********** ****** ********** ********* ** the ******* ****** **** ******** ******* paid, ** ***, *** ******* **** for ******* *** ***** -- ******** at $*,*** *** ****. ********* ****** and ********* ******** **** ******* $*,*** per **** *** *********** **** ******* $100 *** ****. *** ***** *** taken **** ******** ** *** **** month ***** **** ********** ******** ***** it.

*********** ****: "*** *********** *** ******** and ** ** ****** *** *** matrix. ************* ********* ******** ******** **** *** *****." An*********** ****** ** *** ******* ***** *** ********* ****** ****, with ******** ******** ******** ** $*.*** and ********* *** ********* ******** ******* $0.IPVM Image

***** *********** ****** *** *****'* ***** "well-balanced," *** ********-****** ****** ***** *** industry. ***** **** **** ** *** board ***** **** *** ******** (***** to *** ****, ***** **** ** board ******* **** * **** *** industry), ** ******* ** *** *****'* 42-member ******** ******* ********* ******** ********** or ***** *******.

** *** *****'* * "******** *******," 4 *** ******** ********** *********, *** one ** * ***** ******** **** publishes *********** *** ********** *********. * sixth, **********, ** * ***-******** ****** developer***** ** **** ** *******.

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"Business ******" ***-*********

******* ** ********** ** * ********* under ******* ***(*)(*) ** *** ******** Revenue ****, *** *** **** ******-************** *********** ** ***(*)(*). *** ***(*)(*) ********* ** ***** for "******** *******, ******** ** ********, real ****** ******, ****** ** ***** and ************ ******** *******,"********* ** *** ***.

****** ***** *** ***(*)(*) ****** *** promote * "****** ******** ********," ***** 501(c)(3) ************* *** ******** ******** ** as "********** *************" *** **** *** be ******** *** ******* *********, ********* to *** ***. *********** ****:

** ******** * ***(*)(*) ***********, ******* is * **********-***** ************ ***can ****** ******* *** ******* ** ********* ****** ****** ******* *********** *************, advocacy, and the advancement of security technologies and practices. There is no one solution which is why all these leaders need to come together-from industry, from academia, from education, from law enforcement, to discuss ways to help keep children safe. [Emphasis Added.]

Benefits ******** ** ******** ********

******** ******* ** ******* ******** *************** ****** ** *** *****'* "*********," including ****** *********, *** "*** ******* to ********** ** ************* *************, ******, and ********** ******." ******** ******** *** eligible ** **** ** *** ***** (along **** ********* *** ********* ********, but *** ********** *******).

******** ******** *** **** "******** ** a*****/***** ******* *******-*** *********," ***** ************* ** *********** ** events *** ***** ** ********* ** webinars, *** ******** **** "***********" ** ZeroNow's *******.

*** ******* *********** *************** ** *** **** ********* **** the ************ ******* ******** ******* ** engage ** ***** **********, *** ** requires **** ** ******* ***** ********** "with *******, *********, *** ********."

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**** ***** ***** *** *******, *********** said:

This ********* ** ********* ** *** ********** ********* to establish a respectable code of conduct as a Partner and maintain integrity of practices:

“******** **** ******* ***** ********** **** honesty, *********, *** ********.Practices **** *******, ********, ** ******* ****** *** ******** **********. In the interest of maintaining a positive and cooperative working relationship, all Partners agree not to make disparaging, derogatory, or otherwise harmful comments about one another, either within the Partnership or in public forums, which could harm the reputation or professional standing of any Partner involved in this agreement. Partners shall not speak on behalf of ZeroNow in an official capacity other than the Board of Directors or Board-appointed staff.” [Emphasis Added.]

Undisclosed ********* & ******** ***********

*********** ***** ************** **** *** ********, commercial ************ ** ******* ***** ************ and ******** ******* ******* *** *** always ********* ** *** *****. *** instance, ******* ******** **** * ******* featuring **** ******, ** ******** ******* member *** ** **** *** ******** of ********* ****** *********** *** *****.

*** **** ********** ** ****** ********* Superintendent *** ****** ********* ******* *** highlighted ** ************** ****** ** *************** ********* ** *** ******* **** at *****.

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*********** *****: "**************** ******** *** **** ** ******** ******* **** *******. ** * *-**** title ********, ** *** *** **** to ******* * **** **********, ********* all *****." *******, ** ***** *** former ****, *** *** ******* ***.

****** **** *********** ********** *** *********** with ******* *** *** ******** ****, *** *** ***** ** *********** between *** "******* ** ****** ******" and ******* ***** ********. ** *** "about" ******* ** *** ****, *** wrote:

***** *******, ********, *************, *** ****** staff ****** ******** ** *****, *****, and **** ** * **** ***********. I ** ********* ** ***mission ** ****** ****** and to ensuring *** ******* **** ****** ** *** ******** ** ***** **********. [Emphasis Added.]

Advisory ******* *******

*** ***** ******** ******* ******* **** industry ***** **** *** *** ********* on *** ******* *******. ***** *************** *****, *** ** ********** ** ****** Board ******** ** *** ***** **** School ********. ***** **** **** ** an ********* **** ** ** **** CEO ** *** ************-************** ********** *****, * ********* ********** *********. *** information **** ******* ** *** ******** page.

** ** *** **** *** **** school *********,****** ***** ********* ** *** ***** Penn ****** ******** *** ******.

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******* ** ***** *. ******, ********** on *** ******* ******* ** *** retired ***** ********** *******/****** ********* *** Buffalo ****** *******.*** ************* ** ** **** ** ********* and ****** ****** **********/******* *** *********** LLC/Evolv **********.

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Explanation *** **** ** **********

********** ** *** **** ** ********** of ******** ***** ** **** *************, Bagdasarian **** **** **** ******** *** identified ** ***** **** *** ******** to *** ***** ** ***** ****** than ********* * **** ******. ** said:

** *********their ************ ********** **** **** ***** ******* *******r. So for example, like ***** *****, ** *** * ****** ****** safety ******** ** ******* [*******], ** Orange ****** ****** *******. **when **'* ******** ** * ******* *******, ** ** "***** *****, *** ****** ****** ****** ********" ****** ***** *****, *** **** ** ********* ** *******." [Emphasis Added.]

***** *** **** * ****** ****** director ** ****, *** ***** ***, and ***** *** ****** ** *******, Axis, *** *** *******.

** ***** *****: "** ***’* ******* full *********** *** *** ****** ** ZAC ** ***** ****** ** *** website. **** ******* ******** **** ******** hats *** **** ******* ***********."

***** ******* **** **** **** *** "culture" ** *** ********* ********* ********** "is ** ****** ********* *** **** a ****** ******** **** **'** ***** for *** *******." ** ******* **** IPVM:

* ****** ******* ** *******I'm **** *******-********. I have almost two decades of experience as a senior executive or executive director of national nonprofits...basically, my career has been dedicated to the nexus of school safety, community-oriented public safety, and policy practice. I've worked with numerous advisory firms.I've **** **** ******** ** ****. [Emphasis Added.]

** *********, ********** *** ******** ****:

*'* ********* *** ** * *******, another ******* **** ***** ********** **** that *****, *** ** ***'** ******, even **** * *** ** **** [The ****** *************** ***********, ********** *** **** **** ******** ****],I ***** ********* **** *'* * *** ** * *******. *** ******* ** ** ****** ********* and have a higher standard that we're there for the mission. And to make sure we do have guardrails, checks, and balances as we go forward because there are lots of opportunities for nonprofits to be abused and exploited. [Emphasis Added.]

Evolv ******* **********

**** **** ***** **** ******* ******** in ***** ****, ***** *** *** an ******** ******* ** *******. *********** said *** ******* *** ***** ************* but *** *** *** **** ********.

**** **** ******** *** ******* ***** in *** ****, ***** *** **** added ** *** **** ** "******** partners."

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*********** **** **** **** *** ***** carefully ********* ********* ******** ******** ** ensure **** **** *** ******* *********. He **** *** ********* ******** ******* was ******** ** *** ****, *** he ******** ** ******** **.

***** *** **** *** ******* ** considerable ****** ***********, ***** **** ** is ************* ************* ****************** ********* ********* ********* * ******* ************ ******** *******.

**** ***** ***** ***** ******* *** group, *********** ****: "***** ** **** spoke, ***** *** *** ** ******* new ******** ******** ********. ******* ** the *********** ********* *********** *** ********** and *********** **** *** ******** ** the *****."

Checks & ********

*********** **** **** **** *** ***** has ******** ** ******* ******. *** instance, ** ****:

** *** ***** ********** ****** "*************,"we ****** * ****** ****** ******* ********* ********* ** ********** ******** ******. Panelists currently associated with a vendor bring their rich background experiences to the table, having previously held roles such as school safety director, superintendent, or police chief. We also issue a “Call for Panelists” prior to programs to solicit the broader community with expertise in a specific topic. [Emphasis Added.]

***** *** ***** **** ****** *********** and ********' ****** ** ******, *********** said *** ******* ** "********** ***********." He ****:

*** *********** *********, ***** ******** ******** council *******, ******* ****** *** ******* programs, ********* ******.No *** ****** *** *** ********* ** ****** *** **** ** *****’* *****. It’s a collective effort with a formal, internally ***********-**-*** *******. [Emphasis Added.]

** ***** **** ******** *** ********* to ** ******** ** ********. **** asked **** ******** ** ****, ** said:

** ******. ******* ** ***,this *** *** **** ** ***** ***** ******** ** *** ***** ***** ******** ********. Speakers focus on sharing solutions that advance our mission and thus are more likely to highlight strengths than weaknesses or perhaps address a general deficiency while grounded in objectivity. [Emphasis Added.]

********* ************ ** *** ***** ** Lemond's ************* ** *** *******, ** said:

Jill *********** ** ***** ******** ****** **** *** ************ ********** ** ** ********* ************** ****** * ****** *** ** ****** ********, emphasizing the critical role of a safety team. The insights she shared werecompletely *********** ** *** ******* ******** ** *****. She did not mention Evolv since it was not connected to what she spoke about on the panel you may be referencing. You are invited to view *** ****** ***** ************* ************. [******** *****.]

"The *****" ******** ** ********** ********

*********** **** ***** ******* ** **** about *** ***** ** ******** "*** fact **** ********** ********* *** ********* vast **** ** ******** ******* ** monopolize ***** ******* **** ***** ********" to ******* *** *** ******* ******* to ***** *******. ** ****:

*** ***** *** ******* ******* *** fact **** ********** ********* *** ********* vast **** ** ******** ******* ** monopolize ***** ******* **** ***** ********, aiming ** ******** ***** ***********, ****** superintendents, *** ****** ** ******* ***** offerings.ZeroNow **** ******** *** ********** ** ***** ******* ********* ****** ****** ************ **** ***** **** * ****** ********'* ******** ************. This alignment is best determined through a detailed assessment of existing school security gaps and the ability of any new system to interoperate seamlessly with existing security infrastructure. [Emphasis Added.]

We ******* **, *** *** ******** ****** **, ******* ********* *** ********* **** *********** **** ****** **********. Schools and communities deserve the right to choose what is best for their environments and a free market that ensures the best value. Any company in the school safety and security business that hinders competition via mandates to limit competition is protecting its bottom line ahead of protecting schools. [Emphasis Added.]

Comments (16)
John Honovich
May 14, 2024

*********** ******. **** *** *********, *** leadership ** ******* ****** *******. **** assuming **, ** ** **** **** so **** ** ***** *** ************ are ********* ** ********* ***** ********** rely ** ******* ********** **** ******* is *********** *********.

** ************** ***** ** ** **** are ******* ** *** ***** * thinly ****** ********* ******, **** **** explicitly ******** ******* ***** *** ******** with ******* ************ *** *** ******** of ******** ** ***** *******'* ******* jobs.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
May 14, 2024

******** ** ****** "***** ** *** industry", ********* ******** ** ******* ******* into ******** ******* *** ********* ********* specifications ** ****** *********. *********, ********* like ***** *** ******** *** ********** the ***** ** ******* ** ******* their *** *********. ****** *** ******** within *** ******** ********** **** **** companies *** **** **** ********** ********* in * ***** *******.

Christie Smythe
May 14, 2024

****: ** ** *** **** *** indication **** ******** ** ******** **** ZeroNow. ******** **** *** **** *** representation ** *** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
May 14, 2024

** ******* ***** **** *** ****, those *** *** *********** *******. ******** is ***** *** ******* ******* ** hire *********** ********* *** ** *****. Meanwhile, ******* ** * ***** ****** by ******** *** ****** ***** ******* promotes ***** *********. ** **'* **** of ******** ******** ******, ** ********* marketing.

*** ***** *** ****** ** ***** as ****:******** ****** ****** *** * ************* Gun-Detection ** ****** ***** *** *** to *** | *****

Undisclosed #2
May 17, 2024

******** ** ***** *** ******* ******* to **** *********** ********* *** ** firms.

*'* *** **** *** ******** ******* to ******* - *** *** *** right ***** **** ******** ** ***** in ******** ******... ******** ***** *** leaning ** ***** ************ ** **** them ******** ** ******* ** *** only ***** *** ***** *** ***** (that **** ****** *****).

******* **** ** ********** ************ ** spot **** ** ********* ***** *** state ***** | ** ****

*** *****-******** ****** **** — ************ the *********** **** * ******* **** its ******* ** ** ***** ** states — ** “******** *** **** egregious ***** **** * **** **** read” ** ***********, **** ***** ********, director ** ****** ****** *** ******** for ******* ****** ****** ******* ** Maryland.

Christie Smythe
Jun 06, 2024

******: ******** ** *** ** ******** partner ** *******, ********* ** * press******* ****** **** *, ****.

IPVM Image

Undisclosed #2
Jun 06, 2024

** *** ********** ** *** *** been ****** ***?

Undisclosed Integrator #1
May 14, 2024
Undisclosed #2
May 14, 2024

We **** ******* **** ********** ************** ** *** ***** ********. We're advocating for a holistic approach — giving school administrators and policymakers a big picture. [Emphasis Added.]

********** ******* (********* ** *********) **** failed ** ******** ****** ************** ***/** policymakers **** ***** ********** ******** ** the ****** ** ********** ****** *********... shocking ****** ******, **********, ***** ******* themselves.

** **** **** * ***** ******* with ******** ****** **** ***** **** companies *** **** ***** ******** **********. sounds ***** ** ***** *** *****'* been **** ** ****** **** ***** own ********** *********... **** *** ** a **** ** **** ********** **** and *** ********** ** *** *********. or *********. **** ***** ** **** leads ** ********* *****.

*******, ** **, ***** ******** ** (maybe ***************) ***** *************.

*** ********* ** **** ***** *********** - *** **** ****** ******** ***** themselves - ******* ***'* **** ** comprehend *** '*** *******'... ******** ******* they *** ****** *** **** ****** calls - ** ***** **** **** aren't **** ***** ***/** *** **** incompetent.

**'* **** ** **** ******** **** vendors - **** ** ****** - seriously.

********: *** **** ****** ****** ************* are ********* ** **** *****?

***** ** ** **** *** ***** interested ** * '*** *******' ******** might ******* ** ***** **** ** these ******.

Undisclosed #2
May 15, 2024

*******, ******* * **** *** ******* of **** **** ** ***** *** don't *********** ***** *** ************ - remember **** * ****** ** **** ago **** ********* ***** ******* ** the **** **** ***** ***** ****** bread...and ******** *** ****.

******* ** ********** *** ************ *** analytics ***** ** **** ** **** (mostly) *** ** **** ***** ************ they ****** ****** ***********.

*** **** ******** ****?

copious ******** ***** ************, written (and paid for with ad $$) by these analytics providers, that used similar tropes inferring that integrators 'just didn't understand' how great the analytics could be for their customers.

**** ****'* ****. *********** (************* *** these ***** ** ****************** ***** *********) *********** ****** **** - *** ***** ********** ** **** - *** ****'* *** **.

**** ***** *** *** ********* ** PSIMs **** ** *** ***... **** advertorial ************* ******* ******** *** **** of ********.

*** ******* ** ***** ******** (*.*. immature) ************ - ********** ***** *** wrap ********** ** *** ***** ** altruism - ************** *******, ***.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
May 16, 2024

**** ** *** **** ******* ******* letters?

Undisclosed #2
May 16, 2024

** ******* **** ** *** *** with *******... ** **** ** ** posted ********* *********** (**** * ***** do).

** ** ****/*** **** ************ ** nature, **** ****, ** **** ** the ****** ********** **** *** ******* of ****** **** ******* ******* **** other... ** ** ********* * ****** to ** **** ** ******** **** of *** ** ***** ** ***** wasting *** *******.

** ***** '**** *********' ** *** UD ***** ** * ***** ******** him - *** * ***** ** begin ********* **** ***** **** ******* so ** ***** ******** **. ****, I ******* **** **** ***** ***** someone... ; )

*'** **** **** ***** ** ** an ******... #*****

Christie Smythe
May 15, 2024

******** *** ******** ************** ************** **** ****** *** ****** safety *********** *** ************* -- *** there ** ** *** ********** **** the ****** ****** ********** ************.

Robert Hampton
May 15, 2024

***** ***** "********** ******" ***** *** (7) ***** ***** **** *** ****** to ** *** ****** ******** ***** and ***********. ** **** **** ** have * ******** *** *********** ****** on ****** ********, ***** ***** ** be * ***** ** ******** *** are ** ******. **** ********** * crisis ******** ****, ******* **** ** also ********* *** **** **** *** security ******; ****** ********* **** *** certified *** ******* ** *********** ******* with *** ********** - **************, ************ and ****, *************, ***** *******, ***. Mike ******** ** ** ****** *** others **** **** ********* ***** **** from *** ******** ***.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
May 16, 2024

* ******* ***** *** *** ****** membership **** *** *******, ******* ** the ****** ** *** ******* *********** form ***** *** ** ********* ** from *** ********** ***** ****:

******** ******* (** ** $*** ** annual *******) - $*,***

******** ******* ($***-$**** ** ****** *******) $5,000

******** ******* ($****-$**** ** ****** *******) - $**,***

******** ******* ($**** + ** ****** revenue) - $**,***

********** ******** ******* (******* **********)

********* ******* - $*

********* *********** ******* - $*

*****, *** *******, ***** ********* ** in *** $*,*** ** ****** **** tier.

Christie Smythe
May 16, 2024

*** *** *******. ** **** ****** the ****. *** ******* *** **** updated ******** ***** ***** ** **** in *** ****** ** ******* ** the *****, *** * ***** ***** figures *** * ****** ********. ***** are ** ******** ******** ** *** page *****, *******, ** * ***'* compare.
