Wyze Raises $110 Million, Aims For World-Class AI Cameras

Published Aug 02, 2021 14:52 PM

Wyze has raised $110 million, more than 3 times its total previous VC funding, as the company, with fast top-line growth, has struggled with low gross margins.

IPVM Image

Inside this note, we examine this new round, the challenges the company faces, what it aims to do with this funding, and the opportunity it has in video surveillance.

Compare to other large recent rounds - AnyVision Raises $235 Million and Flock Safety Raises $150 Million, Lead By A16Z.

Transformative ****** ** *******

**** ******* ******* **** ** **** a ******-**** ******* *** *** ** so ******* ** ******* * ********** of ********. ***** ****** $*** ******* *******, **** *** ******** **** ~$** million ******** ** ******* *** *** company's ***** ~* *****.

Hodgepodge ** ********

***** **** ******* **** ************ *******, in *** **** * ***** *** company *** ******** * ******* ** products, **** ** ***** ********* **** of * **** ****** ***** **** an *** *********, *.*., ***** ******, masks, **********, ******** ****** ********, ***.

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*** **** **** *** **** ** that **** *********** * ******** ***** and **** ************ ****** ***** ****** Wyze **** *****, ***** ******, ****** cleaners, ***. ******.

Revenue ********* - $*** ******* *** ****

**** ********* $** ******* ** **** revenue *** ** ******** ~$*** ******* in **** *** ~$*** ******* **** year. *** ******* ******* ********* ** grow ***-**** ******* ** ** ***** of ******* ******** (*.*., ** ********~$** ******* ** ***** ****** ******* *** **** ****).

***** ********* *** ******** *** ************, Wyze *** **** *** ***** *******, e.g., **** *** **'* ***** ******* are ~*% *** ******* ***** ******* are ***** **% (********* ** ********** ** **** *****).

Valuation ********* - $*** ******* ** $* *******

** ******** ****'* ********* ** ********** low ******** ** ***** *******, ** the $*** ******* ** $* ******* range. **** ** ******* **** ****** of ****'* ******* ** ************ (** estimate **** **** *%) *** ******* of *** *** ***** ******, ************* nature ** ****** *** **** *****.

**** ** **** **** ********* ** value ***** ** ** * *********** of (*) * ***-****** ****** ******, (2) * ********** ** ******* ********, and (*) * ************ ********. *** subscription ******** *** *** **** ****** to ********* ********* *** ** ********* the ******** **** ** *** ****'* business.

Going *** ** ******** **** *********

** *** ******** ****, ****'* ******* risk ** ********** ***** *** ** business ** ********* *** ** **** funding, *.*., **** * **** *** when**** ********* ******* ******* ******** ********* *** ****:

***bad **** ** **** **’* **** ********* to run, and the costs are recurring. We greatly *****-********** *** ******* ***** ***** when we started working on this project last year (we’ve also since hired an actual finance guy…). The reality is we will not ** **** ** ****** ***** ***** *** **** ** ********. [emphasis added]

Investing **** **-****** ********

***, **** **** *** $*** ******* round, ************** ** ******** ****:

** *** ******** **** *** ********* heavily ** ***** *****-***** ********** ************ into *** ****** ********

**** ** ********** **** ****'* ********* **** *** **** **** ****** $15 *******, ****** *** **** ** **** round **** **** ** ************* **** within **, * **** ********* **** of *&*.

Million ******* *******

* **** ***********(***** ************ ** ******* ** $** to $** *** ****),**** *** ********** ******* ******* *** ***** **:

IPVM Image

****** ******* ************ ******* **** ** in $** ******* *****. *******, ******* Wyze's ****** **** *** ** ***, we ********** **** *** ***** ******* are ****** ****** (*** **%) ****** higher **** ****'* ********* ******* ***** margins.

10 ******* ***** ******* ****

** ******** ** ******* ***** **** IP ******* **** **** **** ***** on ** ***** ******* **** **** ***** ******** * ******* ******* *** **** sold *** ********* ** ******* ***** throughout ****.

**** ***** **** ~**% ** **** cameras *** ***** *** **** ************ plan. ****'* ********** *** *** *** plan *** **** **** ******* *** a **** ** ****** **** **** certainly ********, ****** ******* **** ** ultimately **%, **%, **%, ***. ******* to ** ****.

Competition ****** ****

**** ***** ********* ****** ***********, *.*., Amazon's *** ***** ******* *** ********* promoted ** ****** ** ******* ***** point ** ****:

IPVM Image

****, ***** ************ ** ** ******* similar ************* ******* *** **** **** than ****:

IPVM Image

Resolving ******* ********

******* **** **** **** **** **** improve ** ******** ******* ***** **** **-******* ******** *********** ******* ******** ** *** **** year:

****, ** **** *** ******** ******* has *** **** ***** ** ***. It’s **** * **** *** ** swallow ******* ** *** *** **-****** and **** *** ********* **** ** to ******** ******** *****.*** **** ** business ** *** ******* **** ****** up *** ***** * *** ********** on *** ******** ******* **** ** things. ** **** **** *******, *** need ** ** * ****** *** of ******* *** ***** ****** ** place *** ******* **** *** *********** they **** ** ** **********.** ******, with *****, ** **** **** **** of **********, ********** **** ***** **** to **** ****** ******** ******* ******, which ** *** *** ******** ***** dropped ** ****. ** **** **** increasing ****** ** **** ** ** can, *** ********, ** *** **** few ****** *** ******* ******** **** is **** **** ***** ** *****. That ** * **** ****** *****, but **’* **** ** **** **** better.

Jay-Z ****** ** *****

******* ******* ******* ** **** *** round *** *** ******* ******* ********, ***** ** **-******* ** ****** Jay-Z. ***** ***** ** ** **** or ***** **** ***-* **** ******* or ******* ****, ** ** **** so, **** ***** ******* **** ****, as *** ******* ******* ********* ** word ** ***** *** **** ****** paid *********.

Outlook - ************ ******** ******

** ****** **** ** ***** ** growing *** ************ ******** *** ***** its ******* ***** ******* (**** ***** lights ** ***** ** **** ****** camera *****), ** ** **** ** be *******.

*** **** **** *** **** ** that **** **** *********** * ********** well-known ***** *** **** * ********** large (*** *******) ********* ****** ****. If **** *** ******** ** **** that ****, ******** *** ********** ** users *** *** ************* *** ******* more ************ ******** (*.*. **** **** facial *********** ** ****** ****), ** has *** ********* ** ***** * multi-hundred-million ****** ************ ******** ** *** next *** *****.

Comments (14)
Julian Garzez
Aug 02, 2021

********* *** ********** ***** ***** **** changes ** **********. **** *** ** Wyze **** ************. *** **** ******** I'm ********** ** ** *** *** cameras ********. *** *****, ***** *** other ***** *** **. *** **** about *** ** ******* ***** ** still **** *** ********* ***** ****** products. *** *******, ******** ***** ******* from **** ** *****, ****** ***** times, ****** ***** ****** *** ****** audio. * *** **** *** ** and **** **.

Shannon Davis
Aug 02, 2021
IPVMU Certified

** **** ***** **** **** * bigger ******** ***** ** ***** ******* they ***** ** * *** ******.

Undisclosed #1
Aug 03, 2021
IPVMU Certified

***** ***** ** ** **** ** claim **** ***-* **** ******* ** endorse ****…

***** ** **** ** * ***** of *** ******** ************ *****, *** in ***** ** *** ******-**-***, ***** be * **** ******* ‘******* *** up’ *** ** **********.

**** ********** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 04, 2021

*'* ** ***** **** ******* *** have * ******** ********** ** ***** ecosystem. * **** ** ***** *** of **** **** ** ****** **** offer ** * ********* ***** ********* video *********. *'** *** * *** problems **** ********* ***** *** *** to **** * ** & *** replaced ***** ******** ***** **** ********. Their ********* **** * *** ** work. **** ********** ******** *** ***** box & ********* *** ** ** neighbor's ***** **** ** * ****** when * *** ****** **. *'* guessing ****'** **** ** **** ******?

* **** * **********, * ****** of ***** ****, * ********* ***********, Wyze ****, * **** ** ** Headphones, **** ***** ** (***** ****'** discontinued ******* **) *** * **** Car. *** ** *** * ** pleased **** ***** ******** & *******, despite ****** ***** *********. * **** Cam **** ** ** ** ********** additional ******* ******** ** **** **** $1.25 *** ****** *** *****. **** have **** **** ********** ** ******** wants *** *** **** ****. * think **** ****** ***** ** ***** core ********** ******, *** **** ****** to ***** ******** **** *** *** their **** *** ** **** *****.

*'* **** ** *** **** ******** this *** *******, *** ********** ***** changes ** ***** ******* *** **** runs ******* ** ** ***** *** of ***** ******** ****** ******* **********. "Wyze **** *** ******* **** *** mission ** ****** **** *******, ****-**-***, affordable ***** **** ********** ********** ** everyone. ** ******* *** ****** **** in ***** ******** – ****’* *** we ******* ** **********, ****-**-*** ***** home ****** **** *** **** *** solve ****’* *********, *** *** *****. So *** *** ** **********. *** watch **********."

Shannon Davis
Sep 15, 2021
IPVMU Certified

**** ******** * ***** ***** ***** past **** *** * **** *****. It's * **** ***** ***.

Ross Vander Klok
Sep 15, 2021
IPVMU Certified

**** *****! * ** **** **** would **** * **** ***** ** ten ** **** ****** ******** ** focus ** *** *******. ***** *** the "***'* **** ******** *** ********** we *** ******** ***** **" ***** doesn't ******* *** **** ********** ** me. *****? *****? ******-********** ****? **** makes ** **** **** *** ***** is *** ** **** *** **** to ***** **** ***, *** *******.

******** * ***** ** ***** ** selling......

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Sep 15, 2021

*** ********* ****'* ***** * **** Car...

Shannon Davis
Sep 15, 2021
IPVMU Certified

* ****** ***. **'* ** *** not *****!

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Sep 15, 2021

******, *** *** ***********. * **** using ** ** ***** ** *** dogs **** *'* *** ****.

Shannon Davis
Sep 15, 2021
IPVMU Certified

** **** ** ***** **** * drive ** ****** ****. **** **** a ***** ***** * ****.

Ross Vander Klok
Sep 15, 2021
IPVMU Certified

**! **, * ****'*. * **** cameras, ***** *****, *** ***** ******* (that **** ***** ******). * ***** rather **** ***** ** ****** **** making ***** ******* **** * ********** for **** **** * ***** ** a ***. * ** ******** *** newer **** ** *** ** ******** ones ***** ******.

Shannon Davis
Sep 15, 2021
IPVMU Certified

****** *** ******** ******* **** *** are *******. *** *********** *** ******** battery ****. * *****'* ***** *** new **** ***.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Sep 15, 2021

* *****'* *** *** ******** **** the **** ***** ******* *.*, *** have **** ** **** ** *** kitchen ** *** ****** ** ******* doors (*** ** *** ****** *******, the ***** ***** * **** ** m&m's) *** *** ****** ******* *** backpack ** ***** **. ****** ***** great **** *** ***** **** ** the *****. * **** * ****** Wyze ***** *.* **** * ***** opened. *'** **** ** *** ***** out *** *** ** **** **** problems. *****'* ***** *** *** ***** yet ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Nov 09, 2021

****'* **** ******* **** ******* ******* offering ******* ** *****? *'* ** afraid ** *** **** ** ** network.
