VSaaS 26 Company Comparison 2010

Published Jul 22, 2011 00:00 AM

This report provides the most comprehensive analysis available of the growing video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) market, examining the benefits, challenges and impact of these offerings including 22 leading providers. This is the second version of the report (updated from 2009).

Why Should I Care about Video Surveillance as a Service?

Bringing Software as a Service (SaaS) to physical security, Hosted & managed video have the potential to make video surveillance cheaper and easier to deploy and use.

More specifically, in the short term we expect managed & hosted video to:

  • Re-shape the home and small business market segments for video surveillance
  • Force traditional video surveillance providers to enhance their product offerings

[2019 Update: We were right about home and SMB where Dropcam and others have made cloud video access commonplace but traditional professional suppliers have long delayed on this.]

Companies Covered

To provide you an in-depth understanding of the approaches being offered, we analyze the products, pricing and positioning of 27 diverse solutions.

This is a fast changing market segment with new entrants joining the market every month and dozens of startups around the world.

What are the Key Differentiators?

We were surprised to see the level of diversity among providers, with companies not only targeting different markets but fundamentally different architectures and widely varying pricing. In our report, we examine the 8 key differentiators we saw:

  • Camera Support
  • On-Site Setup Complexity
  • Channel Partner / Strategy
  • Video Management Sophistication
  • Market Segment Targeted
  • Local Storage Support
  • Hosting Scalability
  • Pricing

What's the Future of Video Surveillance as a Service?

Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) is dangerously close to becoming over-hyped. While we understand the hype machine abhors a vacuum, managed / hosted video is just not ready for the mass market. We think many analysts are in love with the concept and the broader use of SaaS but ignoring the competitiveness of the features, pricing and competitiveness of today's managed / hosted video surveillance offerings. Most offerings are toys and fairly expensive ones at that. For instance, review our test results comparing Axis' hosted offering to Axis's own (limited) VMS software and then compare that to Milestone, a more common 'enterprise' class system.

We think managed / hosted video surveillance has a great future but it's going to take a while to get there - both to develop mature products and get the pricing competitive for the mid-market. In the long run, we think managed / hosted video is going to have a significant impact on the market disrupting the manufacturer and integrator incumbents. However, let's be prudent here and careful about understanding the real offerings and competitive value.

Some products for some applications are ready for use but it's important to be critical about what to recommend and use, especially at this early state.

Who Will Benefit from this Report?

The primary audience for this report are integrators, dealers and service providers who are looking to select managed/hosted video offerings. Larger end users who want to know what is on the leading edge will also benefit.

Category ********

******* ******** ***** *** *** ********* in **** ******.

****** ** ************ ***** **** * public ****** *******

*** **** ********* ******* ** ******* / ****** ***** ********* ** **** users *** ***** **** ***** **** a ****** ****** ******* ****** ** the ******* / ****** ***** ********.

** ********, ** *********** ***** ************, the **** ***** **** ** ******* directly ** *** ****'* *** *********. Such ****** *********** ********* ******** ********** networking ******* ** *** ** ********** software ** *** ******* **.

****** **** * ****** ****** ******* solves * ****** ******** ** *********** video ************:

  • ** *******/****** ***** *** ** ******** through *** ********, **** ********** *** need *** ********** ********* ***** ************ viewing ********. **** *********** ******* ******* viewing ** *** ******* *** **** are ********* *** ********. *** *******/****** video ******* ******* ******* ******* *** browsers.
  • **** *******/****** *****, ***** *** **** outside *** *******'* ******** ** *******. This ***** ******* **** **** ** on *** **** ******. ** ********, the ************ ******** ** *********** ***** surveillance ******* *** *** ****** ******* the ******** ** *******.

****** ***** -- ***-**** *********

** **********, *** ****** **** ****** 'hosted *****' ******** ***-**** ********* ** surveillance *****. *** **** ******* ****** to *** ******* ********'* ******* ** the ***** ** ***** *** **********. Video ** ********* ** * ********'* site, *********** ****** *** ********'* **** area ******* (******** *** ** ***** modem) *** ****** ** *********** ******* by *** ****** ***** ********.

******* ***** -- **-**** *********

** **********, *** ****** **** ****** 'managed *****' ******** ****** ********** ** video ****** **-**** ******* ** *** user's ********. *** **** ******* ****** to *** ******* ********'* ******* ** manage ***** ****** ** ***** *********. When ***** ** *********, *** ******* video ******** ********* *********** * ********** between *** ********* *** *** ********* at *** ********'* **** ******* *** video.

****** *** ******* ***** *** *** mutually *********. **** ********* ***** * combination ** ****** *** ******* ***** with * ******* ** *** ***** stored ******* *** * ******* ****** remotely.

** ****, ** ****** **** *** most ****** ******** ** ******* **** be ** *** * *********** ** local *** ****** ****** ***** **** users *** **** ******* ******* *** physical ****** ** *** *****. ************, we ******* ***** **-**** ********* **** be ******** ** ******* *** ******. Indeed, ** *** ***** ****** ** providers ****** **-**** ********* ** ***** packages.

'**** * ****' *** * ******** benefit

'**** * ****' ***** ** *** of *** **** ********* ******** ** managed / ****** *****. *******, **** is *** * ********* ** ******** benefit *** ** **** ********* ** not ***** '**** * ****' ***** (see ******** *** *** ******** *****).

*********** ** '**** * ****' **** causing ***** *********. ** ****** '**** n ****' ** * ****** (******, encoder ** ********) **** ************* ******** to * ******* ********** ****** ******* having ** (*) ***** ** *********, (2) ***** *** ***********, (*) ******* ports ** (*) ****** ******** **************.

** ****** **** *** ****** / managed ***** ********* **** ******* '**** and ****' *****. ** ******* ******* choosing * ******** **** **** *** offer **** *****.

'**** *** ****' ***** ******* * number ** ***** ********:

  • ********** *** **** ** **** * technician **** ** ******. ******* * 'plug * ****' *****, *** ********** will **** ** *********** *** ********'* networking ***** *** **** * ******* of *******. **** ******* *** **** depending ** *** **** ** ********* service *** **** ***, *** ****** of *******, ***. ** ********, *** tech ********** *** ****** *** *** by **********.
  • ****** *** **** *** **** **-**** to ***** ******. ******* ** ********** on-site ********** *******, **** *** **** hours ** **** *** ******** ***** by ********** *** ** ***********.
  • **** ******** ****** **** *** **** term: '**** * ****' ******* *** generally *** ******** ** ******* ** broadband *********, ********** ************** ** *********** of *******. ** ********, *** **** n **** ******* *** ** ***** off **** ** *** ** *** above *******.
  • *** ** ***** ******** *** ********** important ** ********** **** *** ****** counts (** ** *****). ** ***** facilities, *** ***** ** ********** *** troubleshooting *** ** * *********** ******.
  • *** *** ********* **********, *** ******** 'plug * ****' *********** ********* ***** operational ***** *** ****** **** ** either ****** ** **** * ****** term ******** ** **** ** *** monthly ******* ******.

On-Site ** ***-**** ******* *********

* *** ****** ** **** ****** segment ** *** ******** ** ************ video *******. ** ********* *****-*** ****** between ******* **-**** *** ***-****:

  • ***-**** ******* ********** *** **** *** any ******* ********** ** *** ********'* site. ** ******* ********** ** **** eliminates **** **-**** ******* ***** (**** result **** **** ***** ********). ***********, it ******* **** *** ***** ****** be ******** **** ** ****** ** any ********* (*.*., * ******* ******** the ***). ** *** ***** ****, because **%+ ** ****'* **** ******* upstream *********, ***-**** ******* ********* ******** significantly ***** ***** **** *** ********** compared ** **-**** *******. ************, ***** 4CIF (*** * ***) ********* ** 10-15 *** ** ******** ****** *** easy ** ** **** **-**** *********, off-site ********* ** **** ****** ** use *** (*** * ***) *** 5 *** *********.
  • **-**** ******* ********** *** **** *** dependence ** *** ********'* ******* **********. Even ** *** ******** *** ******* bandwidth ** ********** *********, ********* ** high ******* ****** *** ******** ** occur. *** ***** ******** **** ***** to ****** ***** **** * **** requests **.

***** ********* ***** **** ** **** the ******** ** ****, ***** *** tradeoffs ** ******* **** **** ********* will ****** *** ******** ** ***** video ****** ** **-**** *******.

  • ******* *** **-**** ******* **** ** cheaper **** ***-**** *******. **-**** ******* significantly ******* *** ******* *** ******** needs ** *** *** ********* *** storage ******. **** ******* *** ** passed ** *********.
  • ***-**** ******* **** ***** *** ******** to *** **** ***** ***** ******* than ** **** *** **-**** *******. As ***** ******* ** * ******** complaint ** *****, ** ***** **** this **** ** * *********** ******** for ***-**** *******.
  • ********* ******* **** **** ** ********* with *** *** ** **-**** *******. Upstream ********* ********* *** **** ***** would ****** ******* * ****** ********* camera ** * *** ***** ****. Given ********* ******'* ******* ** ******** quality *** ****** ****** *****, ** believe **** ******** *** ************** ** using **-**** *******.
  • ** ******** ** *** **************** *******, SD ***** *** *** ********** *** making **-**** ******* *********** *** **** to ***.

** ** ******* ***-**** ******* *** value. *******, *** **** *** ** likely ** **** ** * ********** to **-**** *******, ********* ********** *** security ******* **-**** ******* ** *****.

Managed/Hosted ** *********** ***/*** ***********

*******/****** ***** ************ ******** ******** ******* traditional ***/*** ***********. ***** **** **** the **** *********** ********* - ********* access ** **** *** ******** ***** - ** ***** **** ****** ***** to ****** ****.

** ******* *** ******** ** *******/****** video *** ****** *** *********** ******** to *********** ***** ************ ***********. ***** easier *** **** ********* ***** *** access *** ********, ***** *** *** technologically ********** ** *************.

******* ** ****, ** ******* **** broad ********** ** *******/****** ***** ******** these ********* ** **** * ***** Cost ** ********* ********** ** *********** systems.

** *********** ****, ** ******* *** market **** * **********: ***** * cameras *** **** *** **** * cameras *** ****. ** **** **** categorization ** *** ***** **** ** deploying *********** ***** ************ **** ** only * *** ******* *** ******** on ****.

***** * ****** *** ****

****** ***** *** ******* * ******* premium *** *********** ***** * *******. This ** ******* ** ***** *********** the **** ** ******* ** * system *** ********* * *** ** NVR *** ** * **** ********** of *** ******* **********. **** **** 2 ** * *******, * **** still ******** * ** ** **** and *** **** ********** ***** **** larger ****** ***** *******.

*** ********, * * ****** ****** with * ******* ******* *** ** $20 *** ****** ***** **** * 3 **** **** ** $*,***. **** might ** ***** ** *** **** of ********** * ** *** *** setup ******** ** *********** *** ***** surveillance ******** *** ******** ****** ******.

**** * ******* *** ****

*********** ***** ************ ******* ******* **** economies ** ***** ** *** ******* 8 ** ** *******.

*** ********, ** * ****** ****** with * ******* ******* *** ** $20 *** ****** ***** **** * 3 **** **** ** $*,***. **** is * *** ******** **** **** an * ******* ***/*** *** **-**** setup. ********, **** * *******, ******** bandwidth *********** **** ***** *** ******* of ***** ******** ** ***-**** ******* providers.

******* ** *** ******** *********, ** believe $** *** ****** *** ***** is ** ********* ***** ***** ** motivate *** ******* ****** ** ***** hosted/managed *****. ** ******* **** *** be ******** ******* *** *** ** on-site *******.

****** ********* ******** ** **** ************

******* ***** * ****** ** ********* benefits **** ** ******* **** *** users **** *** **** ********* ** accept:

  • ******/**** *****: ******* ***** **** *********** on-site ********* ****** *********** **** ********** on ***** ***** *** **** ******* and ******* *********** ****/****. *******, ** small *****, *** *** ** *** is ******* **** *** ** * back ****** ** ********** * ****. Users ** ***** ***** ****** ******* and ******* *** **** *****.
  • **-**** ****** *********** *****: ******* ***** substantial ******* *** ** ******** **** reducing ***** ** *********** ****/****. ***** estimates *** ********* ***** ** ******** or *** ******* **** ******* ******* maintenance ** *******. ** ********, **** and **** ******* **** **** ******, requiring ****** ** ** ************ ** upkeep. ***** **** ****** ** ***** surveillance ********* ****, ********* ******** **** *** **** ***** to ** *******.
  • *********** ******* ** ******* *******: *******/******* vendors ***** **** *** ******* **** for ***** ******** ******* **** ********* flexibility **** *** *********** ******* **** of ****** ****. **** ******* ** limited ** *** ******** ******** **** that ***** ***** ****** ** *** service's *****-**** **** *** ************* ****** than *** **** ** * ***/***.

***** ***** ******** ****** **** ******** buyers, ** ******* ***** ****** ***** only ****** ******* ***** *********.

Differentiations ***** ****** / ******* ***** *********

*** ****** / ******* ***** ************ market ** ***** *****. ** ****, there ***** ** ** *********** ******** in *** ******** *** ******* ** various *********. **** ******* ******** *** key *********** *** *** ******* ******* approach *** ******.

****** *******

****** ******* ***** ** ** **** more ******* *** *******/****** ***** ********* than *** *********** ****/****. ***** *********** can ** ****** **** **** * groups:

  • ****** **. **: **** ********* **** support ** ******* ***** ****** **** support ******. ***** ****** **** ******* analog ******* *** **** ******* *** use ** ********** **** ********. *** instance, ********, *****, ********* *** ***** only ******* ***** *** ** ******* and ** ****** *******. ** ********, OzVision **** ******** ****** *******.
  • ******* ** ** ****** ************ *******: Some ********* ***** ******* *** **** different ** *******. *******, **** ******* may ******* **-**** ***** *** ************* (that **, ***** ******* *** *** supported ** * **** *** **** fashion). *********, ********* **** ******* **** n **** ** ****** ******* *** their *** ** ******* ******* **** support ******** ******* ********** ********. *** exceptions *** ********** (***** ******** **** n **** *** ******** ** ****** manufacturers) *** ******** (***** **** *** have **** * **** *** ** cameras *** **** ******* **** * play **** *** ********** **** ****** on ****).
  • ******* ** ** ****** **** *******: Providers ********** ** ******* **** ** support * ******* ****** ** **** factors. *** ********, ********** **** ******* is ****** *** *****, ******* *** MP ******* **** ** ** **** common. *** ***** ********* ** **** who ********* *** ********* ***** ***** of ******* ** *** ******* *******.

**-**** ***** **********

** ** ******** ** *** ********* of *** ******, **** ********* ******* 'plug * ****' ******* ** ***** for ***** *** ** ******* *** on-site **********. ***** **** ** *** universal (********, *** ******** *** * number ** ******* ******* ******* **-**** configuration), ** ******* **** **** ** approach **** ** ** * ***** disadvantage ** *** ******* ******** **** support '**** * ****.'

******* ******* / ********

*** ** *** ********* ******* ** this ****** **** ****** * ******* service *** **** ******* ******* ******** (dealers, ******* ********* ** ***********). **** had ********** **** ****** ** *** users (*** *******, *****.*** *** ********) but **** **** *** ******* ** pure ******* ************. ******* ******** ********* sell, ******* *** ******* *** ***** providers.

***** ** *** *********, **** ****, iControl *** ********** *** **** ** software ********* ** ******* ********* **********. Both ***** *** ********** ******** *** their ******* ******** ** **** *** brand. (****:********** ****** ***** *** ******* as ****, ****** **** **** ******* channel ********).

**** ** *** ******* ********* ***** their ******* ******** ** **-***** *** services ***** *** ******* *******'* *** name *** *****. ****, ** ******, includes **** ****, ******** *** **********, as **** ** *****.*** *** ******-*.

**** * *** ** ***** ********* sell ****** ** ********* **** *** Internet ********* **********, ***** *** *** - *** ** ***** *** **** focused ** *** **** ******.

**** ******** *** ******* ** *** small *** ****** ****** ****** ** key ****** ******** **** ** *** integration *** ********* ***** ********* *** utilizing * *** ********* **** ******** connects ** ****** ******* **** ** most *********.

***** ********** **************

****** / ******* ***** ********* **** to ***** ***** / ***** ***** video ********** ***************. ***** **** ******* live *** ******** *****, **** * few ******* ***** ********* ** ***** party ****** ***********. ********** ********** ** one **** ***** ******* / ****** video ********* **** ** ** ******. Because ***** ******* *** ******** ** manage ********* (** ****) ******* ****** hundreds (** ****) *********, ******* ******** multiple ******* ** ********* *** ** the *** *** ** ***** ****** (contrast ** *********** ******* ***** **** often ******** ** ********** ****** *** licensing *****).

**** * ********* ******** ***** ***** analytics ***** **: ********** *** *****.

**** * ******** ******** ****** *** integration: ********.

** ******** ******** ******** ****** ******* integration - ** ********* ********** *** larger *************.

***** ******* *******

*********, * ****** ** ******* ********* do *** ********* **-**** ******* **** their ******** ********* *****.***, ********, ********* and ***.

*******, ** ******* **** **-**** ******* will ****** *** ******** **** ** storage *** *******/****** ***** **** *** next * - * *****. ************, we *** * ****** ** ****** and ********* ******* ****:

  • ************* ** ***** **** ** ******* is ******** ***** ******. *******, **********, Viaas *** ********** ******* ******* **** SD ***** **-*****. *** *** **** or ***** ******** ****** ***** ******* / ****** ***** ** ***** ******** first, ** ******* *** *********** ** storage ** ** ***** (********* ** - ** **) **** *** ** a *******.
  • ************* '**** * ****' *** ******* or *** ********** ** ******** ******. Envysion *** **** ******* *** ********** from *** *****. ** *** **** year, **** **** *** ***** '**** n ****' ******* *** *** *******.

******* ***********

***** **** ******* ********* *** ***** today, ********** ******** ** ********* ** customers, ****** ** *** *** ** these ******** **** ******* ******* *********** - **** ** *** ****** ** video ****** *** *** ****** ** people ************** ********** ****** ** *****.

* **** *** ******** **** ***** in ******. *******, * *** ********* have ****** *** ********* **** ** optimizing *********** ** * *** *** overlooked ******* ** ***** *********.


******* ***** ** **** ******* **** and $** *** *****. ****** ******* is **** ************* ********** **** ***-****/****** storage. *** **** ********* *** ******* either ** ******* ** **** **-**** storage.

*** ********* ** * ******* ** ongoing ******* *** ********. [****: *** prices *** *** **** / **** or ********* ** *** **** *******. None ** ***** *** ****** ******. All ********* ****** *** *******/********* ********** (except *** * ********* ** ********).]

  • ********** ******* ** ****: $*.** *** month *** ******, *********** ***-**** *******, this ** ** *********** **** *** 2009 **** *** ***** *** $** per ***** *** ** ** * cameras, ** *********
  • *****.***: $**.** *** ***** ** ** 4 *******, **** *********, **** $*.** for *****.*** ****** ********** *********
  • **** ****: ********* ********, ******* ******** set *******
  • ********: $** *** ****** *** ***** with ****** ********* *** **** ********** with * **** *********
  • ********: $* - $** *** ****** per *****, ***** ****** **-****
  • ********: $** - $** *** ***** for * ** * *******, ***** stored ***-****
  • *****: ****, **** ******* *** ** cameras, ***** ******** **-**** *** ****
  • ********:$* *** ****** *** ***** ******** 1 ***** ** ******* ******
  • ******-*: $** *** ****** *** *****, live ******* ****, $** *** ****** per ***** ******** ** **** ** hosted *******
  • *********: ****, **** ******* *** ** cameras
  • *****: $*.** *** *****, ***** ****** on-board ******
  • **********: $** *** ***** ******** * week ** ****** ***** *******
  • ***: **** ***** ****, $** *** year ********* *****, *** *******

Supplier ***********

** **** *******, ** ******* ** analysis ** *** *******, *********** *** pricing ** ** *********.


**********, * **** *** ** ***** analytics ******** *******, ****** * **** products - *** *******, * * channel ***** ******* *** ****** ******* and *** ****, * ***** ** camera **** ***** ** *******. *** background, *** * ****** ** *******'* Quattro [**** ** ****** *********].

*** ******* ******** ******* ** * port ** * ******** *** ****** live ******* *** ****** *** ********* through ********** * *** *****. *** most ********* *******, ** ****** ** the ******'* **** **** ********. ** independent ****** ** *** ******* ***** that ** ***** *********** ****** *** vehicles *** *** '*** ** ****' with **** ***** ****** *** ******* outdoors ** * ********.

*** ******* *** ** **** ** $1695 **** ******** * *** ** the ***** ******* *** * ****** cameras.

** ******** ****, *******'* ********** ***** a ***** ** ****** ** ***** existing * ******* ***** ******* *** the **** ******. ****** ********** **** [link ** ****** *********], *** ****** embeds ******* *** ********* **** ** IP **** ****** ******* ** **********'* hosting *******. *** ****** ** ******/*******, has ********** **** ******* *** ******** intelligent ****** (*** ******* ********** ***** [link ** ****** *********]).

**** ***** ** ** * *********** improvement ** ***** ***** ********** ******* (the ******* [**** ** ****** *********]). In******* **** *** *** *** **** launch, ******* ********* **** *** ***** of *** **** **** ** $*** USD.

********** *** *** ** ***** ****** from ********** **-****. *** **** *********** *** **** **** ******.

******* ************ *** ** ******** *** is $*.** *** ***** *** ****** [link ** ****** *********] (****** **** or *******).


**** ***,*** ******* ********* *** *** dealers,*****.***** ********** *** ******** ** *** security ********** ****** ** ****** **** video ************. *** ***** ******* *** launched ** ******** ****.

*** ******* ******** ** * ****** of ** ******* (*****, ****** ***** indoor, ******* *** *** **** *******) with ******* ******** ****** ** ************* connect *** ******* ** *****.***'* ********** center *** ******* ****** ********* *** client *******. *****.*** ***** ** ************* from ******* *********** **** *** ******** monitoring ******** (*** ***** ************, ***) and ***** ****** (***** ** ** leveraging ** ******** ********** ****** *** customer ****.

*****.***'* ******* ***** ** ** ****** inexpensive *** **** *********** ** ******* provided. ************, *** ******* ****** ***** on ******* *** ******** ** ******** video **** ***** ********** ** ** purchasing ***** ****.

*** ***** ****, ** ** * cameras *** ** ** ** ******* has * $**.** **** *** ***** (note: ****** **** *********, *****.*** **** not ***** *** ******). ** ** 8 ******* *** *** ** ** storage ** $**.** **** *** *****. When ******* **** ***** ********** (*** more ****** ********), *** **** ** $10 ****. ******* *** **** **********.

*****.*** **** ****** * ****** ** mobile *******/****** ******* ******* **** ** consistent **** *** ******* ***** ** many ****** *********.

*****.*** **** ***** ******* *******, ****** its ****** ******** ***** * ***** ago. ******* **** ****, *************, *** previous ******** *************** ***** ***** ** *****.*** *** $27.7M ***.

Axis ****

**** ****** **** [**** ** ****** available], * ******** ******** **** ******* hosted/managed *****. ******* ******** ******* **** from **** *** *** *** ** their *** ******* ********. **** **** not ***** **** ******** ** *** users *** ******* ******** *** **** to ***** *** ********. **** ** one ** *** ***** ******** ** hosted ***** ************ *** *** **** than * ***** ****** ******** (*** background *** ******* *** ******** ** *** **** software ********).

********** *** ***** ******* ****-**, **** supports ************* ** ******* *** * NAS ********* **** '**** * ****' firmware ******** ** **-**** ********** *************.

**** **** *** *** *** **** pricing. *** *** *********** ** ******-* for ******* ** ******* ******** *** pricing **** ** **** **** *******.


********** *** ** *** ***** ********* to ***** ******* *****/ ***** ************ as * *******. ***** *** **** level ** ******** ** **** ****, I ******** ***** **** **** ** learn **** ***** ***** ******** ******** / ********* ********.

******** *** ***** *** *** ********. The ******* * *********: ******, ***** cameras *** ******** ********* ** ***** software ******* ** ***** **** ****** and *******, ***** ** ********* **** ByRemote's ******** ** ****** ** * PC ***** ** *** *******. *** MSRP *** ****** ****** ** ***** $20 *** *****.

******** ***** **** ******* ******* (***** to *** ****, **** **** ******). ByRemote ** ******** * ******* ** dealers *** ***** *** ******* ** end *****. ******* *** *** ***** own ****** *** **** *** ******* (the ******* *** ** ******** ** the $** *** *****).

******** ****** ********** ********* ** * default **** ** * ***** *** second. **** *** **** ******** ******* 4-6 ******* *** **** **** ***** settings. ******** **** *** *** **** STS.

******* ** ** ******* **** ******** requires ******* ** **** *** **** forwarding ** ****** ******** ** ******* to ******* ********.

* ***** **** ********, ***** ******* and ********* **-**** *****, **** ** a ***** ****. * ***** *** best *********** ** ******* *** ****** video ************ ** ** **** ******, online **** *** ****** ** *** cameras *** *** **** ** *** subscription. ***** ***, ** $** *** camera **** *** **** ** *** camera *** *******, *** ********* *** not ********* ********** ******** ** *********** video ************ *********.


*************** * *********** ***** ***** ******** offering ********** ******* *** **** *** Panasonic ****** ******* *** ** **-**** storage *********. **** *** ******* ********** ** *** **** ****** ** end *****. **** ****** **,*** ******* customers.

  • *** ****, *** ******* **** ******* AVHS ********.
  • *** *********, **-* / **-*** ****** are *********. *** *** ******* ** these ********* ******* **** ** ******** to ****** ****** ******** *** ***** service.
  • ************* ******** ** **-**** ******* *********, called ******** ******* **** ** ***, **** ************ **** ***** *******. This ********* ** ********. *******, ** it ** ****, ******* ******* ** lower *** ********* *********** *** *******. The ******** **** ** * * channel / *** ** ********* ** approximately **** *****.
  • ** ******** ** *** *** *********, CameraManager ******** ** ****** *** [**** no ****** *********].

******* ** ********** **** *** ********** - ******* **. ***** ********* (******* to ** **** ************* ******* ** off-site ******* ** ********. [****: ****** in *****. ******** **** ***** ** 1.3 ** ******* ** ** ******* (current ******** *****)]

  • *** ******* *********, *** ******* ******* charge ** ** ***** *** ** to * *******, ** ***** *** up ** * *******, ** ***** for ** ** * ******* *** 81 ***** *** ** ** ** cameras. **** ******** *** **** ** recorded *****.
  • *** *** **** ************ (***** *** LSU *** **-**** *********), ** ***** for ** ** * ******, ** Euros *** ** ** * *******, 25 ***** *** ** ** * cameras *** ** *** ** ** 16 *******. ***** ** ******** **-****. Pricing **** ******** ****** ********** *** software ******** *** *** *** *********.

*** **** *******, ** **** *** on-site ******** ** ** ********** **********. On *** ***** ****, ***** *** pricing, ** ******** *** ***** ** paying ** **** *** *****, **** similar ********** *** ** **** ** setting ** ****** ******. ****** *************/******** ** ******* *** ********* ** managed ***** *********.


******** ****** ** **-**** ********* [**** no ****** *********] **** ******* ************ of ***** ** ***** *********** ******* center. *** ********* ******* *** ********** the ***** ******* (**-****) *** **** transfers *** ***** **** **** (********** limited ********* *** ******** *** ******* is *** **********). *** ******** ********* supports ******** *** ** ******* [**** no ****** *********] *** *** ******** connected ****** *******.

******** ***** ********* ******, ********* **-**** sales *** ****** ****** *********.

**** ******* *** ******** ******** [**** no ****** *********] ** $** *** camera *** ***** (**** ****** *********). Appliances *** **** ********** ******* **** $999 ** $****. **** * * year ******** *** ****** ***-***, **** offer **** **********.


********* * ****** ******* ********* ****** video ********. *********** **** ** *************** * **** ******** (*** **** understanding ** *** ***** ***********).

******* *******

*******'* ******** ** ** *** **** IP ******* (********* **** **** - M11 ******), **** ****** ******** *** stream ***** ** ***** ***** ********** service. ******* ****** *** ****** *******, both **** ******, * ***** ******* (called '*******')*** * **** ******** ******* **** audio (****** '******* ****').


*** ******* ******* ** $*** *** the '*****' ******* *** $*** *** the ********/***** '****'. ******* ******* ******* *****. **** ********** **** ** ********* for **** (** ******* ******). *** 1 **** ** ********** ******** *********, the ******* ****** ** $*.**; *** 1 ***** ** **** *********, *** monthly ****** ** $**.**.

*** ******* ******

*** ********* *** *** ******** (** ommissions) ** *** ********:

  • ******* ********** ** **** (*** * 240) *** **** *** ******** *****
  • ** ***** ********* ** ********. *** archiving ** **** ** *** *****.
  • ** *** ***** ****** ******* / no ****** *******
  • *** *** ** ** ****** ****** camera ****** *** *** ** **** to *** ****** *** ******** ******* video (*** ****)
  • ********* ****** / ******* ** *****

******* ********

******* ***** ****** ** *** ******** under *** *** *****.

*********** ***********

******** ** ***** ****** ********, ******* has * **** *****, ******* ******* offering:

  • ******* ******* *******: **** * **** cameras **** *** ********** ********* (****** consistent **** **** ******). **** **** providers **** * *** **** ******* for **** ** *** ****** ********.
  • ******* **********: ** ****, *** ******* resolution ** **** **** ****** *** other ******** ** *** ******.
  • ******* ***********: **** ** **-**** ******* option, **** ***** ******* *** ****** of ******* ********* *** ***********.

*** *** **** *********** ******** ** find ***:

  1. **** **** **********: ** ***** **** will ** ********** ** ***** *** just **** **** ****** ******. *******, since *** ********** ** ********** *** and *** ****** ******** ****** ***** recording, *** ************** ** **** ** limited.
  2. ***** ****** ******** *****: ***** * number ** ********* **** **** ******* dealers ** *** ***** ******* **********, Dropcam ** ******* ** ******** * direct ** *** **** ***** **** might ** ****** *** ******* *** small ***********.

** *** ********* ***** *** ******* of *** ******* '******' ********. ***** it's *** *** ******** ** *** valley *********, *** ******* ** ***** sharing ***** ** ******* (****** **** remote ****** **** **** ***** ********* offer).

******* ** ********* ****** ****** ** ******* ****** ********. ***** ****** *********** *** *********, such ************ ******* **** ************* ** the ***** ****** ** ****** ***********. It **** ** *********** ** *** how ******* ******** *** **** ******* advantages ** *** *******.


*****'* ******* ****** ***** ********** [**** no ****** *********] *** *****'* ******* approach ** ******* ***** ** ********.

******* ********** ********

***** ** ***** ***** **** *** system *** ******* ********** *** (******** [link ** ****** *********]), ***** ******** processes *** ******** *** ******* ***********. DVTel *** *** ********* *** ******** nor *** ** ******* *** ****** focus ** *** ***********/*** ****** (***** is ****** ***** **** *********).

************, ***** ** ********** ********** ************** provided ** ******** ** ******* *** to *** ************ ** **********'* *****. DVTel *** *** ********* '**** * play' *******. ******* ******* ** ***** recording *** ********** ******** **** ***************** networks.

******* **********

******** *********** *****'* ******* ***** ******** as ** ********** ******* ** *** customers. *** ****** *************- * ********** ********** **** ******* secure **** **** ************** *** ******* businesses ****** **** ***** (*.*., * bank ****** **** ******** ** ******** throughout ******). *** ***** ***** ************ service ** ******* **** ********* ******* network ****** ** * '*****-*****' ********.

*** **** **********, ***** ** ******** the ******* **** ***** ********* ********* local, **-**** ************** *** ******* *** the ******.

****** ** ********* ******** **** ** cameras ** ******* **** ***** ********** and ******* ******. ** **** ***, Telmex *** *** **.**% ******* ************ for *** ***** ***** ************ *** its ******* ******* *******. *** ****** is ******** *** ********** *** ****** back-up ** **** **** ***********. ** addition, ** * ****** ** ****** for *** ******, ** **** ** replaced ** ** ****** ****** * hours.

******* ** ***** ************ (***** *** high *** ** *** ******), *** monthly ******* ** **** **** $**-$** per ***** *** *** ****** *** an ********** $**-$** *** *** *******/*******.


******** [**** ** ****** *********] ****** a ******* ***** ******* ********** *** managed **** (****** ***** [**** ** longer *********]) **** *** ******** **-****. These **** ******* **** ******** ********* analog ******* *** ***** ***** ** cameras.

******** **** *** ***** *** *** IP ******* *** **** ** ******* IP ******* ******* *** *** ** its ******* ****.

** *** *** ******* / ****** video *********, ******** ** *** **** focused ** *** ****** ****** *** provides **** ** *** **** ************* video ********** ******* *********:

  • ********** ***** ** **** ********* *** searching
  • ********** ********* ***** ********* (***): *** integration ***** *** ********** ************ *** exception ***** ********* ** ******** ** identify ****** *** **** ** ******** illicit ******. ******** ********** ********* ***** Reporting ******** **** *** *******. ***** EBR ** * **** ******** **** of ****** ******** **********, ****** * dedicated *** ****** *** ** ***** expensive. *********** ** **** **** *** can ** ***** **** ********* *** suffer ***********. ******** ***** *** **** and *********** *** ***** *** ********* who ***** ****** ********* ****** **.
  • *** **********: ** ***** ********* *********** such ** ****** **** *********** ** account *******, ******* **** ** *** compliant. ******* **** *********** ** ***** can ******** *** ***** **** ***** crimes. ********* ***** ********* ******* ********* are *** ********* *** **** *** be ****** ** * ***. *******, most ***** *** ********* ** *** use **** ******* ** *** **** and ********** ********. ******** ****** *** compliance ***** ***** **** *** *** [link ** ****** *********], ****** ** both *** **** *** ****** ** use.
  • ****** ********** ******* **** ** ***-**: Since **** ***** *** ********* ******* multiple ****** ** ****** *********, *** ability ** ******** **********, ******* *** maintain ***** ******* ** ********. ******** offers ****** ********** *****-** **** ** server ***** ******** *** ** ********** cost.

******** ***** ******* ******* ********.

*** **** ***** *** ***** ******** are ************* $* - $** *** month *** ******. *** **-**** *** appliance ** **** ********** ** ************* $1200 - $****.

****** **** ***** *******/****** ***** *********, because ** *** *** ** ** on-site *********, ******** ** **** ***** competitive ** *-* ******* ************ *** more *********** *** ****** ******* ******.


******* ******** [**** ** ****** *********] contends **** ** ***** ** *** home ** *** ***** ****** *** security [**** ** ****** *********]. ** is ***** ******* ********* ** ***'* world. ** ******** **** ******** ******* citing **** *** **** *** *** most ********* ******* ** *** **** but ** *** ** *** ** it *****.

********'* ******* ** ******* ** ********* this *******, ******** ****** ** **** in ***** **** ***** **** **** they *** **** **** ****. ** do **, **** ******* ***** *** proprietary ***** *** ******** ** ******* that *** ******** ** ** **** and **** ** **** ** ******. Pricing ** ******** ** ***** $*** for *** ******* *** $**-$** *** month *** *** *******. *********** **** be **** ** ****** ***** **** their *** *** ****** **** **** home. ** ** ** ****** ***** clips *** ****** **** ** ******** to *** ***** (*** ***** ******* nor ******* ********* **** *** ** available). **** **** **** ** ********* their ******* **** ***** ******* ****** the *****. ** **** ** ******* of "**** ** **** ** **** I ** ******* ** ** ***** for ********."

***** ***** ****** ** ******* ********* was ********* ** ** ***** ******, the *** ***** ** ******** ********** their ********. *** ********, ********'* ******** of *** ******** *** ****** ************ for *** **** ****** ******** (*) getting * ****** ** ******* ** at ***'* ***** **** ** (*) if ***'* ******** ***** **** *** pool. *** **** *** **** ** these *********** ******** **, ************, ****** and ********, *********** ***** ********** ******** the *** ** ***** ********* **** this ******* ***** *** ********** ***** at *****'* ************* ******** *** ***** points.

******** *********** ****** *** ** ***** at *** **** ******, **** ** which ** ******* *** ******** ***** consumer ****** ** ******* *** ******* provided ** *********. ** **** ** interesting ** *** ** ******** *** win **** ***** ***.

*** ********

*** ******** [**** ** ****** *********] is * ** ***** ******** ** hosted *** ******* ***** ************. **** offer ************* ***** ****** **** *********** yet **** ********* ** ************* **********.

*** ******** *** * **** *********:

  • ****** *****: **** ******* * ****** of **** ******* ** **** ** their *** ***** *******/********. ***** ******* stream ***-**** ** *** ********' **********. For * **** ***-**** *********, *** MSRP ** $** *** *** ******.
  • ******* *****: *** ******** ****** * series ** **** **** *** ** deployed *******. ***** *.*** *** **** that *** ******* * *** ***** cameras ***** $**** ***. *** **** for ******** *** *** ** $** per ***** *** ** **** ******* as *** ** ****** ** *** NVR.

*** ******** ******* **** **** **** only ******* ******* *** ********* **** over *** ***** *******. *** ******** customizes *** ******** ****** *** ********** for ***** *******.

*** ******** ******** **-**** ***** ** devices - ************ ******* ** **** forwarding *** ****.

*** **** ********** ******* ** *** solution ** *** *** *******. *** per ****** ******* *** ****** ***** is **% **** **** ***** ********* (such ** ******-* *** ********). *** fee *** ******* **** ** ************ less ******* *** ******* * **** fee *** *** ******* ******-* ****** a *** *** ******.

** *** ***** ****, *** ** a ***** ******* *** *** ************* complexity ***** ** ****** *** *********** for ***********/******* ******* ****** ** *****.


*********** ******* ***** *** **** *** DVRs *** ***** *******. ***** **** * ***** ***** service ******,********** ***** ** **** ** ******** access ********* ** ******* **** ******* or ** *******.

*** *** ** *******, **** **** video ** **********. *** *** ****, both **** *** ******** ***** ** accessible.

*** ******* ** ********* ** ** charge ******* **** *** **** ** the ********.

***** ***** ***** **************** **** *** ******** **** *** own ******* *** ************.

Napco **** *****

***** ********** ********* ****** ******** **************** ****** ******* ** ************* $** Million *** *** * ******* ****** capitalization ** $** ******* ***. **** specialize ** ****** ******* *** ***** monitoring (****** ***** **** ****** ****** [link ** ****** *********]). ** *** past * *****, **** **** ******** to ***** ****** ***** *********.

***** ****** * **** ******* *******:

  • * *** ** ****** *** ******* [link ** ****** *********] **** **** powerline **********. ***** ****** ** **** as *** *** ** ******** **** Powerline. * * ****** *** ***** $325 **-**** [**** ** ****** *********] (this ***** ******** *** ******* *** the ******* ** **** *** ****** feed ****** ********** *****). *** ***** includes * **** ** ************ ******* to ******** ****** *****.
  • * *** ** ****** ******* *** 4 ******* ******* [**** ** ****** available], ******** ** ** ***** ** their *******. * *** **** * analog ****** *******, *** * ******* encoder *** * **** ** ************ service ***** $***.** **-**** [**** ** longer *********].
  • * ******* *** [**** ** ****** available] **** ****** *** ***** ***** storage *** ** ** * ** Napco's *** ** *******. **-**** ************ allows ****** ******.

***** ****** * **** ************* ** their **** *********, ***** ******** ** a **** ***** **** [**** ** longer *********] *** ******** [**** ** longer *********] **** (** ******, ****** visual **** ** ***** ********* ** events.


****** ****** * ****** ***** ************ solution ******** ** ***************** *********. *** background, *** *** ***** ***** ** ******'* ********. **** ****** ******** *** ******** of *** ****** ********.

****** ******** '**** * ****' ******* from **** **** ******** ** **** as ******* ******* ***** *********** ********. Additional ******* *** ** **** **** NeoVSP's ******. *******, **** ******* **-**** networking *****.

****** ******* ****** * '**** * play' *** ** *********** *** ** is *** ********. ****** **** **** support **-***** ******* *** * ******* number ** ******* *******.

********* ***************** *********, ****** ****** ** ongoing ******* ******* *** ** * one-time *** + ****** ******* ******** (similar ** *** ***** **** *** selling *** ********).

****** ****** **** **** ******* **.***%************** ** ******** *******. **** **** provide *********** **** *** ***** ******* and ********** ******* *** ***************** *********.

** *** *******, ****** ****** ***** partners *** ******* *** **** ******* of $* *** ***** *** ** days ** *******. *******, ****** *** no ******** ******** **** *****.

*********, **** ****** *,*** ****** ********* in ******, * ******** ******** ** Israel *** * ******** ******* ***** home ******.


************** * ****** ***** ******* ****** the ******** ****** ******* [**** ** longer *********] (***) **** **** ** replace ****. **** ******* ************ **** centralized ***** ********* *** ****** ***** verification [**** ** ****** *********]. ** do **, ******** ****** * ********** - *** ** *** *** ****** (both ** ***** ************* ******* ** OzVision's ******* ******* ********** ** ******** configuration *******). *** *** ******, ******** in ** **** ******** *.*** ******** and **-**** ******* (******* ** ** card ** ******** *** **** *****). Each ********* ******* ** ** * maximum ** * ****** *******. ********** can ** ******* **** * ****** account, ******** ********** ********* ** *********. In ****, ******** ***** ** *** support *** ** ******* ** **** as * *** ** ******* ****** encoder *****.

******** ********* *** ***** ** ****** video ************. ******** ***** ******* *** 19 ********* ******* ********** ******** ******** including ****, ***, ****, ********, ***. This ****** ******* ******** ** ********** receive *****-********* ***** **** ***** ***** OzVision ****** *** ******* *******'* **** monitoring *********.

********'* ******* ** ********** ** ******* against ****. ***** ** **** *** set *** **** ******* (**** ** up ** ********'* ********), *** **** pricing *** *** ******* **** * month ** ******* ** ***** $* - $** *** ******. ****** **** storage ***** ** ** **** ******** higher. *** **** ******* **** ******** 6 ****** ** ******* *** ** less **** $** *** ****** *** month. ** *** ******* ******* ******, the ******* ***-**** *** ****** ***** to ** **-****/* ***** *.*** ***********. The ******** * ******* *** ** sold *** ************* $*** *** ** separate **** *** ******* *******.

******** ***** ******* ******* ******** *** does *** **** ****** ** *** users.

******** ** **** ******** *** ********, government *** ***** *********** ********** ********* complete ****-******* ****** ******** **** ******* privately ******** *******.


******-* ****** * ************ ********, ******* **** **** ******* **** (no *********) ** ** ** ** days ** ********* ****** *****. *** camera, *** *****, *** **** ** these ******** ***** **** $** *** (for **** ******* ****) ** $** USD. ******* *** *** ******* * local **-**** *** ****** ** $* per ***** (******** ** ***** $** USD *** ****** *******).

******-* ***** **** ******* ******** (**** as ******** *******, ***********, ******* *********, etc.). ******-* *** *** ***** ** partners. ******** ** **** * ****** the ******** **** *** ******-* ***** and ******-* ***** *** *** **** directly *** *** ******* ******* **** month. **** * ******** ****** **** the **** ** ******** *** **** an ******* ********** **** *** ******* revenue. ** ********, **** * ******** market *** ******* ***** ***** *** brand ("***** *******") *** **** *** customer ******** **** ***** *** *******.

**** * ******** **** * ******* contract **** ** * ****. ***** partners **** ** ******* ******** **** and *** *** ***** *** *****. A * ***** **** ** ******** for ********* ** ******* ** ******-*'* demo ******.

*** ******* **** ******** **** *******. Currently, ***** **** ******* *** *********** firmware **** ** *** ********* ** generally *********** **** *******. *******, ** the **** *** ******, *** **** cameras **** **** *** **** ******** pre-loaded, ******** *** **** ****** ** be **** ****** ******-* ** ***** AVHS ********.

*** ********* *******, *** ******* ********* supports *** ***** *** *** ******-*, By ** ****, **** **** ** support *** ******-*, ****, ****, *** Q1755. ***** *** ********* ***** ** 720/1080 ********* ******* (********* ** ***** 1 **/* *** ***** ** **** as * **/*), ********* ****** ********* use ** **-**** *** ******.

** ******** ** *******, *** ******* supports *** ******* [**** ** ****** available]. ***** *** ******* **** ***-****** with **** ********. *********, ******-* ****** a *** ** *** ****** **** MSRPs *** $*** ***. ******-* ******* that ************* **-**% ** ********* *** the ***** *** ******. **** **** report **** *** ******* **** ** the *** ****** ******* **** ******** in *** **** *** ****** ** 1TB.


********************** ** ******* **** *****-** ******* service ********* ** ** ********** ****. Starvedia ****** ******** **** ******* ********* cube, ******, *** *** ********. ***** devices *** ********* ***** ** *** party *************.

**** **** ***** ** ********** *** the ******* *******. *** ******* ******* 'plug * ****' **** ** ********** configuration ********.

*** ********** *********** ** *********, *** our********* **** ********** *** ******** ***** *****.


******* * *** ******* ** *** IP ***** ************ ******, ********* * hosted ***** ******** [**** ** ****** available] ********* ***** *** ***** ** camera **** *****-** ******* [**** ** longer *********] ******** ** *** ********/*** market. *** ******* *** ******** ** Demofall09, *** ** ******* ******'* ******* startup **********.

***** ***** *** **** ****** ***** offerings, * ******** ** ***** ******** stand ***:

  • ***** *** ********* ***** *** *.***/**/** camera. ** ********, **** ****** ********* use *** ***** ******* (**** *** obvious *** *********** ********* ****** ****). ********** ***** *** *******, ***** can ****** ***** *** ********** (*********** DDNS *** **** ********** *************, ***.)
  • ***** *** *****-** ***** ********* *** on-board ******* (***** * ****-** ****). They ****** ***** ** ******/****** ********* and *** *********** ***** ***** ******* and ******** ** **** **** (***** they ***** ** ** ********* ******* [link ** ****** *********]). **** ******* bandwidth ****** *** **** *** ****** storage.
  • ***** ** ********** * ******* ********** solution - ******* *** ******* ** well ** ********** *** ****** *** VMS. **** ** *** ******** ** the **** ******** ***** ** ** partner **** ****** ** ***** ***** service ********* (****** ******* **********). ** ********** ******** *** ******** quality *** ****** *****.