Vosker ($127 Million Funding) 4G Surveillance Camera Provider Profile

Published Jun 03, 2022 11:08 AM

While "trail cameras" have been a niche of a niche, a little-known Quebec company, Vosker, has raised a relatively massive $127 million USD and, with its newest V300 camera to bring AI and live streaming video to 4G solar surveillance.

IPVM Image

In this report, IPVM analyzes Vosker's business, based on a conversation with Marketing and Sales Director Maurice Vaillancourt.

Company **********

*********** ** **** ** * ****** company **********, ***** ***** ***** ******* *** began ******* ******** ******* ** ****. Vosker's ************ *** ** *************, ******, relatively *********** ******* ****** **** *** Montreal.

****** *** *** ***** ** *** employees, ************ ****. ****** ******** ** comment ** **** ********** ** *** employees *** ** *****, ***********, ** other *****, ****** **** *** "********* information."******** ***** *** ************ * ****** **** ** ***% over *** **** *** *****, ** the ******* ***** *****:

IPVM Image

Revenue **** $*** *******

*** ******* ******** ** ***** ******* revenue ** ******* ****** *******, **** commenting ********* ** ****** *** ****** over *** **** *** *****:

**** ** *** *** ** **** we ***** ** ****** ********, *** our ****** ******* ** **** ***** $100 *******. ** **'*, **'* **** than ****, **'* * **** ******.

*** ******* **** ** **** **** have ***** ***% **** * ****** of ***** *** *** *** **** precise ** ** *** *** ******* what ***** ****** ** ***** **** growth ***.

$50 ******* ****** *********** *****

****** ********* * ***** ** $*** *******, **** *** ****** ***** ******* $50 *******. *** ******* ******** ** comment ** *** ****** *********** ***** but *** *********** *** ********* ********** of**********'* **********, *** ******* ******** ******** security ******* **** **** **,*** ********* and ******* ** ******** *** **** Raton.

**** * *** **** *** ** that *** **** **** ** *** this ****, ** ****, ** **** we *** **** ******* **** ***** and ** **** *** **** ********** from **. [********]**é****[*** ** **********] *******.

*************, **'* *** * ****** **** having *** **** ** ***** ** a ***** ***********, ******* ** ***** background ** ********. ****'** **** *****, done ****, ****'** *****, *** **** know *** ********, *** **** **** a *** ** ************* ** *** industry.

***** ** * ***** ******** ** guard ******** *** *** * ***** provider ** ******** *******.

Camera *** ********* *******

******'* ******* ****** *** $*** ** $449, *** *** ******* ****** ******* service ***** *** ** ************ *** on-demand ********* ** $**, $**, *** $20 *** *****. ************ **********:

** **** *** *** * ******, you ******* **** *** *** ****. So ******* * ******* **** **** us, *** **** ****** ** *** the ****** ******** ** **** **** through *** ****** ***. *** ** you *********, *** *** **** **** access **** ****** *** ***'* *** a **** ** *** ***'* **** to ******* *** ***** ** **** cell *****, *** **** ********** ****** in *** ****** ****.

*** ******* ******** ** ******* ** percentage ** ******* **** ****** ***** and **** ********* ************ ****.

Consumer ** **********

************ **** ***** *** *** ********** of *********, ******** *** **** ** average ** ** ** ***** ******* and ********** *** **** ** ******* of **-** *******.

Newest ****** **** ********* ****

IPVM Image

**** ******* ** ***** ************ ***** is ***** ****** *****,*** ****, *** ***** ** ***** ******** that ******** **** ********* *****.

************, ***** *******, ********* ******'* ***, have ****** **** ***** *********, * major ********** *** *** ** * security ** *******-******* ******.

*******, ****** ** ******** ************* ****, on ** ******* *****, *** **** live ***** *********. ***** *** ***** package ** ***** *** **** *** alerts *** ***** *********, ****** ** charging $** *** "** ******* ** FULL ** **** *********" **** * footnote *********** **** "(** *** ** High ******* ****** ** *** ** Max *******)." ** ****, ******** **** video ***** ***** ****** ***** *********.

********, **** ***** ********* **** ********* impact ***** ***********.

Sales ********

* "**** ********"** ******'* ******** ** in ***** *******, ************ **** ******* stating * **********. *** *******'* ******* sales ******** ** *** ** *** Best ***, ****'*, **** *****, ***, and ***** *********, ** ******** ** an ******** ****** ***** ****.

************ **** **** **** ****** *** seen *** ******* ****** ****** ** countries ***** ***** **** *** *** begun, **** ** ** ******.

**'** ****** *** ***** ******** ** North *******. **** ***** ****, **'** realized **** ******, **** **** ******** the ****** ** * *** ** countries. ******* **** ** **** ** the **********, **** ****** **'** *** started *** ** **** ***** ** other *********, **'** *** ********* ** more **** ** ********* [** **] today. *** * *** **** **** you **** *** **** ** ** develop *** ***** ***** *********. ** start **** **** **** ** ********* plan, ******* ********, ******* ********, ***** channels, ** ***** *********.

** ****, *** ******* **** ** plans ** ***** ***** ** ******-****** channels, **** ** ******.

*** **** * ****** ** ****** from ***, ** * **** *******, before *** *** ** *** ******** year, **'** ***** ** **** *** the ***** ******** *** *** ****, which ** ******, ******* ************, ******** sales. ** **** **** ******** ***** calling **** *********. ****'** ***** ** have ****** ** *** **** *** all *** ***** *********.


*** ******* ******** ** ******* ** plans *** ************ **** *****-***** *** or ***** ************ ********.

**'** *** ***********, *** *****'* ******* I *** ********.

Future *****

*** ******* **** **** **** **** put ** ***** * ****** ******** team *** *** ** **** "** an ** *********."

**** **'** *** ** ***** ** a ***** ****** ******** ** (******** experience) **** ** **** **** **** we ** ** ********* *******. ** go ***** ** ********** ***** *****, to **** ********* **** ****, *** to **** ****, *** ** **** sure **** *** *********** **** *** a **** **** ********* ** **** the ********* ****.


*** ***** ***** ** *********** ***** Vosker * **** *********** ** ****** a ***** ***** ************ ********, ********** advances ** **, **, *** *****. However, *** **** ****** **** ******* to ** ****.

Testing ********

** ****** *** * ****** ****** and **** ******* * **** ****** this ******.

Comments (6)
John Bazyk
Jun 03, 2022
Command Corporation • IPVMU Certified

**’** ****** ** **** ******* * few *****. ***** ******* ***** ** be ***** ****** *** **** ** is *** ***** ** * ***** offering *** **** ** *** *******. The *** ***** ****** * **** and *** ** ***’* ****** **** is **** ** *** **** * good ****** ******* **** ** ***** to ***** *** *** **** ******** advertise ****** ******* *** ***** ******** are ********* ******* ******* ****** ********. The ***** ***** ** **** ** there’s ** *********** **** *** ***** VMS.

** **** ** *** **** **** up **** * ******** ********* ** professionals **** ***** ***** ** ** advertise ******* ****** ** ******* **** the ************ ** *******.

Undisclosed End User #1
Jun 03, 2022


***** *******. * **** *** *********** would ** ******* *** **** ***. Work **** * ****** ** ****** sites **** ******* ***** ** ** modems ***** ** ****** *** ***********.

** **** ***** ********* **** *** the *** **** ***** *** *** software ******** ***** ** ************.

Michael Houx
Jun 06, 2022
IPVMU Certified

********* ** "***** *******" ***** ***********. Many ****** **** ** *** ** do *** ***** *** ********** ***** cameras *** *******.

• ***** * ***, ****, ***** sight (********* ************), **************-******** ***** ******, any ******* ******* ******** ******, *** device **** *** **** ********, ********** remotely, ** ************ **********, *** **** to **** ** ****** **** **** the *** ** * ****** ** video ******, *** ****** ** ***** sensory ****** **** *** **** ******** through ******** ************* ** *** *********.

Michael Votaw
Jun 06, 2022

* **** **** ******* ***** ******* for ***** *** *****. ** *****. I **** *** ****** **** ***** 20 ** **** ***. ** ****** above, ***** ** ** ****** ***** and **** ** ***** ****** ******* are * **** ******* ******. * won't ******** **** ******.

Larry Tracy
Jun 09, 2022

**** **** ***** ***** ***** ***, many **** ** ***** **********, **** not **** **** ***** ** **** IP ***** **** *********, ** *** like **** **** ****** ******* *** dealers ** ** *** **** *** product.

John Honovich
Jun 09, 2022

****** ***** **** ** *** ******* of ***:

IPVM Image

****, *** ******* ** ******* ***** to ***** ********.