How ViTs/ChatGPT Can Automatically Alert On Protests Tested

Published Apr 29, 2024 12:12 PM

While traditional video analytics are improving for identifying people and vehicles (see IPVM's 2024 ranking / test results), accurately identifying complex events such as fighting or protests is far more difficult.

Now, vision transformers that provide context on images significantly improve such capabilities.

IPVM Image

Based on IPVM research and testing, we detail how ViTs can automatically alert specific events or objects and provide a proof-of-concept application using the ChatGPT API we implemented.

For more:

Executive *******

****** ************ *** ***** ********* ******* context-aware *****/***** ********** ************, ********* ** higher ******** *** *********** *** ********* custom ******* *** ****** **** *********** video *********. **** ******** ******** ******* and ****** ******* ****** ******** ** specialized *********.

**** ******* ***** **** **** *** classify ********* **********, ********** ************** ******* a ******* *** ***** ******. **** can **** ******** ******* ****** *** scene, ******** *** ******* **** ***** pose * ******. **** ***** ** concept ********** ****' ***** ******** ************, showcasing **** ** ** **** *** video ************.

** ********, *********** ***** ********* *** limited ** ********* * ****** *** of ******* **** ******, ********, *** specific ***** **** ** ********* ** weapons. ***** ******* ********* **** **** attempted ** ******* ***** ********* ** alert ** ******** ** ********, *** performance ** ***** ********** *** ******* (i.e.,***** ******** ********* *** ****** *********** Tested*** ***:********* ******** *** ****** ** ***** Gong, **********, ********,***** ******* ********* / ****** ******, Deletes ********).

*******, **** **** ******* ****** **** computational ********* **** *********** ***** *********. Currently, **** *** ********* **** ** API ***** ** * ***** ******** sending ******/***** ******** *** **********. ** these ****** *** ****** ********* *** "tiny" ******** ****** *********, **** **** be **** **** **-******* *******.

IPVM ***** ** ******* *** ******* ******

*********, ******* **** *** ******* ****** or ******* ******* ****** ****. *********** ****** ***** ******* ********** ******, ** ********* a ****** ****** *** ***** ***** clips (*** ** **** *******) *** used *** ********* ****** *** ******* alerts:

***** *** ****** **** * ***** that * **** ** ******. ****** reply **** '***** ** * *******' or '***** ** ** *******' ***** on *** *****.

**** * ***** **** * ******* was *********, *** ****** ************ ********* identified *** ********* ****, '***** ** a *******.'

**** ** **** * ***** **** a ****** *******, **** * ***** of ****** ** *** ****** ** motion, *** ****** *********** ********* ****, 'There ** ** *******.'

Higher ******** **** ****** **** ****** ******

**** ******* ***** **** ********* ********** frames **** * ***** ********* ******** in *********** ******/******. ******* **** ********* a ******* ***** **** * ****** frame ***** ******* "******* ** * situation," ********* ** ****** ********** ******:

** *********** *** ***** ** ****** cues ******* ** *** ***** ****** provided, *** ** * ******* ********** of * *****. *********** *** *********** of * ******-***** ******** *** ******* the ******* ** ****** ** ******** over ****, * ***** ******** * confidence ***** ** ************* **-**% *** each **********. **** ** *** ** the **** **** * ****** ***** might *** ******* *** *** ******* of * *********, *** **** **** indicating * ***** ** *** ******* of *** *** *** ** ******* or *** ** ************** ******* ********** context.

*******, ****** ****** *** ****** ***** to **,*** ******, ************* ~** ****** with *** ******, **** ***** ****** are ******* ** *** ******. *********, in *** **************, ** ******* ****** to * *** ******* ** ****** at ~* ** ~* ***.

FoV ***** ***********

*** ********* ***** **** **** ***** of ******* ** **** ******* ***** surveillance ******* ***** ***** **** ***** (100' **** ** *******) ***, ***** the ****** ** *** ****** *** we **** ****, ** ***** **** important ******* ******* ** *** ***** density *** ************ ** ***** ***** and ***** **** **********.

**** **** ******* **** **** *** with **** ****** *************** ******** *** video ************ ************.

Analyzing ******** ********

***** ******* ********* ********* **** ******* fighting ********* (***** ******** ********* *** ****** *********** Tested,******* ********* ******** ********** *********** *** Public ******, ***.), ****** ************ ******* ****** and ********** ** ****** *** ******** without ****** ********.

*** ****** ****** *** ********* *** following *****, ********* *** "***** ** a *****" *******, ********** *********** *** scene:

*******, **** ** ********* * ***** where ********* *** ****** * "***** battle," *** *** ********** ******** *** "There ** ** *****" *******:

Can ********* ***** ** ******* *** ** ***** ** ******

*** *** **** ********** ********** *** types ** ******* *** ******* ***** animals **** * ******. *******, ******** conditions, ***** ***********, ****** ****, *** other ******* ** ***-***** ****** ******** their *********** ** *********** *** ****** in * *****. ***** *** *** results:

"**** - ******":

"*** - ******":

"**** - ** ******":

"** ****** - ** ******":

OpenAI *** **************

** **** ****** ** ******* ****** and ******* **** ** * ****** image (****** ************** ** *** *****) for *** **********.

IPVM Image

** **** ******** *** ****** **** the ***** ** *** ****** ** images ** **** ******, ******** *** frames *** ~* ***. *** ****** and ****** *** **** ** ** API *******, *** *** ****** ** printed ** *** ********.

IPVM Image

*************/********* ********* *** ******* ******** **** process ** **************** ********* ****** *** sending **** ** *** ******** ** certain *********. *** ****** *** **** be ********* ** ***** ********* ****** from * ****, **** *** *** returning ****** (**** ** *****) ****** for **** *****.


***** ********** ****** ** ******* ********* through *** ***** ** ****** (~$** an **** ** ****), *** ***** implementation ** ****** ************ ***** *** potential *** ************ ****** ******. *** those *** **** ****** ******, * smaller *********** ********* *** ** **** to ****** ** ** **** ******, constraining ***** ***** ********* ****** ***** analytics.

** ****** *** ********'* ******** ** these ********** ** *** **** ******* years, **** ********* ******** ****** ****** on ***** *****.

Comments (2)
Undisclosed #1
Apr 29, 2024

*******, **** ** ********* * ***** where ********* *** ****** * "***** battle," *** *** ********** ******** *** "There ** ** *****" *******

***** **** *******, ** ********** *********** the *** ***** ** ******* *** be **** ** ****** *** ******** of:

"**** ** * *****" ** "**** is *** * *****".

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Apr 30, 2024

*******, ** **** ******* *** *** "served"
